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The Lord Baltimore Press 



The present series, entitled “ Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collec- 
tions,’ is intended to embrace all the octavo publications of the 
Institution, except the Annual Report. Its scope is not limited, and 
the volumes thus far issued relate to nearly every branch of science. 
Among these various subjects zoology, bibliography, geology, mineral- 
ogy, anthropology, and astrophysics have predominated. 

The Institution also publishes a quarto series entitled “ Smith- 
sonian Contributions to Knowledge.” It consists of memoirs based 
on extended original investigations, which have resulted in important 
additions to knowledge. 

C. G. ABgor, 
Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. 






. Coomaraswamy, ANANDA K. The darker side of dawn. 18 pp., 

Apr. ÂŁ7, 1035. (Publ. 3704.) 

. Emmart, Emity Watcorr. Concerning the Badianus manu- 

script, an Aztec herbal, “ Codex Barberini, Latin 241” (Vati- 
can Library). 14 pp., 4 pls., May 18, 1935. (Publ. 3329.) 

BucHanan, L. L. Thomas Lincoln Casey and the Casey collec- 
tion of Coleoptera. 15 pp., I pl., June 8, 1935. (Publ. 3330.) 

Roserts, Frank H. H., Jr. A Folsom complex: Preliminary 
report on investigations at the Lindenmeier site in northern 
Colorado. 35 pp., 16 pls., 3 figs., June 20, 1935. (Publ. 3333.) 

Frint, Lewis H., and McAtitster, E. D. Wave lengths of radia- 
tion in the visible spectrum inhibiting the germination of light- 
sensitive lettuce seed. 11 pp., 5 figs., June 24, 1935. (Publ. 

Snoperass, R. E. The abdominal mechanisms of a grasshopper. 
89 pp., 41 figs., Sept. 25, 1935. (Publ. 3335.) 

Witson, CHARLES BrancH. A new and important copepod 
habitat. 13 pp., 8 figs., Sept. 20, 1935. (Publ. 3336.) 

BUSHNELL, Davin I., Jr. The Manahoac tribes in Virginia, 1608. 
Soapueen pisscruitics.Oct..0,.1935. ( Publ.63337.) 

CHAPIN, Epwarp A. Review of the genus Chlaenobia Blanchard 
(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). 20 pp., 12 figs., Sept. 23, 1935. 
(Publ. 3338. ) 

Assot, C. G. Solar radiation and weather studies. 89 pp., 3 pls., 
28 ties. Aue? 15,1935. (Publ. 3330.) 

HroiiéKa, ALES. Melanesians and Australians and the peopling 
of America. 58 pp.,-Oct: 18, 1935. (Publ 3347.) 

. Apspsot, C. G. Mount St. Katherine, an excellent solar-radiation 

Slationue ir pp, 2 pis, © te., Oct. 5.1935. (Publ. 3342) 

. BLACKWELDER, RicHarp E. Morphology of the coleopterous 

family Staphylinidae. 102 pp., 30 figs., Mar. 2, 1936. (Publ. 

WALKER, Winstow M. A Caddo burial site at Natchitoches, 
Louisiana. 15 pp., 6 pls., 3 figs., Dec. 17, 1935. (Publ. 3345.) 

JoHnstTon, Eart S. Aerial fertilization of wheat plants with 
carbon-dioxide gas. 9 pp., 6 pls., Dec. 20, 1935. (Publ. 3346.) 

BucHANAN, L. L. The genus Panscopus Schoenherr (Coleop- 
tera: Curculionidae). 18 pp., 2 figs., Feb. 6. 1936. (Publ. 

Meter, FLorENcE E. Growth of a green alga in isolated wave- 
length regions. 12 pp., I pl., 1 fig., Feb. 21, 1936. (Publ. 3377.) 


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Fellow for Research in Indian, Persian and Muhammadan Art 

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 

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APRIL 17, 1935 

The Lord Baltimore Press 




Students of theology and mythology are well aware that the concept 
of deity presents itself to us under a double aspect ; on the one hand 
as gracious, on the other as awful. He evokes both love and fear. 
He is both a light and a darkness, a revelation and a mystery. In the 
latter and awful aspect, clouds and darkness are round about him. The 
Light is Life, the Darkness Death. The one corresponds to our concept 
of Good, the other to our concept of Evil, within the recognized defini- 
tions of good as “that which all creatures desire’’, and of evil as 
“that which all creatures would avoid.” A majority of religions in 
their exoteric formulation treat these contrasted aspects in outward 
operation as distinct and opposed forces, divine and satanic, celestial 
and chthonic. Satan is commonly thought of as a Serpent or Dragon 
and is often so represented, upon the stage or in art. Yet the Solar 
hero and the Dragon, at war on the open stage, are blood brothers 
in the green room. From the Christian point of view, the fallen Angels 
are “ fallen in grace, but not in nature”; and from the Islamic, Iblis 
is restored at the end of time; in other words Satan becomes again 
Lucifer. The same deity, Zeus for example in Greek mythology, may 
be worshipped and represented both in anthropomorphic and in snake 
forms. Serpent worship and its iconography, despite their outwardly 
“primitive ’’ appearance, have profound metaphysical foundations. 

Metaphysical religion envisages a “‘ Supreme Identity ” (in the Rg 
Veda tad ekam, ‘* That One”’) in which the outwardly opposing forces 
are one impartible principle; the lion and the lamb lying down to- 
gether. The contrasted powers are separated only by the very nature 
of reason, which sees things apart as subject and object, affirmation 
and negation, act and potentiality, Heaven and Earth. Contemplative 
practice alike in East and West seeks to approach divinity in both 
aspects, avoiding a one-sided vision of the Unity; willing to know 
Him both as being and non-being, life and death, God and Godhead. 
The contemplatio in caligine, for example, is directed to the dark side 
of deity; and corresponds to the Indian cult of Siva-Rudra, for the 



primordial Darkness remains in Him as Rudra (X, 129, 3 and Maitri 
Up N52): 

Evidence can be assembled from the Rg Veda and other sources to 
show that the deity in the darkness, unmanifested, in his ground, not 
proceeding, or as it is technically expressed, ab intra, is conceived of 
in forms that are not human-angelic, but theriomorphic ; and typically 
in that of a brooding serpent or fiery dragon, inhabiting a cave or 
lying on a mountain, where he guards a treasure against all comers, 
and above all restrains the Rivers of Life from flowing. The creative 
act involves a maiming, division, or transformation of the girdling 
serpent, often thought of as “ footless and headless”, that is with 
its tail in its mouth. The contraction and identification of this pri- 
mordial and impartite Unity is envisaged on the one hand as a volun- 
tary sacrifice, or on the other as affected by violence, exercised by the 
life-desirous Powers of Light. The celebration of the conquest of 
the Serpent by the Powers of Light is a basic theme of the Vedic 
hymns; an aspect of the Great Battle between the Devas and Asuras 
(“Angels ” and “ Titans ’’) for the possession of the worlds of light. 
It is the battle between St. George and the Dragon. At the same time 
there can be no question that the Powers of Light and Powers of Dark- 
ness are the same and only Power. Devas and Asuras are alike 
Prajapati’s or Tvastr’s children; the Serpents are the Suns. It 1s 
entirely a question of “orientation”. At the end of an Aeon the 
Powers of Darkness are in turn victorious. 

The Powers of Darkness are also at home as Water-snakes (Indian 
naga) or Merfolk in the Sea that represents the maternal possibility 
of being. The first assumption in Godhead, Death, is being. Life and 
Death, God and Godhead, Mitra and Varuna, apara and para Brahman, 
are related from this point of view as a progenitive pair (Indian 
mithuna). The determinative, paternal principle accomplishes in con- 
junction with the passive maternal principle “‘ the act of fecundation 
latent in eternity ” (Eckhart). The generation of the Son “is a vital 
operation from a conjoint principle . . . . that by which the Father 
begets is the divine nature ” (St. Thomas, Swmma Theologica, 1, q.27, 
a.2, and q.41, a.5). The Father is Intellect, the Mother Word, the 
Child Life (Brhadaranyaka Upanisad, I, 5, 7). Just as the Father 
works through the Son, so the human artist works “ by a word con- 
ceived in his intellect ’ (St. Thomas, loc. cit.,\ 1, q.45,)a.6)=) fo this 
way every ontological formulation affirms the duality of the Unity 
as well as the unity of the Duality. It will be evident that whatever 
holds for the masculine will hold also for the feminine aspect of the 
Unity ; in the following essay it is primarily the Vedic concept of the 
ab intra form of the feminine principle that is discussed. 


For many readers the ontological principles outlined above will be 
of interest and value, not so much by first intention as “ traces” of 
the Way, but rather and only as providing a logical explanation for 
certain typical forms of the creation myth that is a common property 
of all cultures. Regarded, however, even from this purely “ scientific ” 
point of view, the student of mythology, folklore, and fairy tale will 
find in these principles a valuable means of recognizing and corre- 
lating the varying forms that the world myth assumes. The story is 
not only of a time before history began, but was already told in a time 
before history was recorded. We may be sure that the pseudo-histor- 
ical aspects that the story has assumed, for example in the Volsunga 
Saga, in Beowulf, or the Mahabharata, are later developments and 
partial rationalizations. Fragments of the story will be recognized in 
the dogmatic life of every Messiah; in the miracles, for example, at- 
tributed to Cuchullain, Buddha, Moses, and Christ. Other fragments 
survive in fairy tales and even in nursery rhymes; in the story, for ex- 
ample of the human hero who crosses water or climbs a tree and thus 
returns to the magical otherworld, where he rescues or carries off 
the imprisoned daughter of a giant or magician; and in the stories 
of mermaids or Undines, who fall in love with a mortal, acquire a 
soul, and feet in place of their scaly tails. 

The author trusts that the foregoing remarks will serve to introduce, 
however inadequately, the theme of the Darker Side of Dawn, the 
real sense of which may not be immediately apparent to the general 
reader. For the professed student of the Rg Veda the actual evidences 
of the texts are assembled in the accustomed and more technical man- 
ner ; the thesis, although it might have been expanded at much greater 
length, may be taken to be complete in itself. 


In an article due to appear in the Journal of the American Oriental 
Society, but of which the publication has been delayed for lack of 
space, I have discussed the relation of the masculine Angels (deval) 
on the one hand with the Titans (asurah) and Serpents (sarpa/) 
on the other, showing that the former are to be regarded as sacrificial 
conversions or transformations of the latter. By way of introduction 
to what follows, and for the sake of the parallel wordings, the gen- 
eral nature of the evidence for the transformation of the Serpents 
in this sense may be indicated. The evidence is primarily Rg Vedic, 
but is conveniently resumed in Pajicaviiiisa Brahmana, XXV, 15, 
where the Serpents, by means of a sacrificial session, are enabled to 


cast their inveterated** skins (hitv@ jirnan tacam) and to glide 
forward (ati-srp), changing their forms, and thus “ the Serpents are 
the Adityas”’ (sarpyd va addityah) ; cf. Satapatha Brahmana, VII, 3, 
2, 14, where Agni is found upon the lotus leaf, having “crept up 
out of the Waters” (adbhya upĂ©dsrptam). The evidence for the 
identification of Agni ab extra with Ahi Budhnya ab intra need not 
be presented in detail, but it may be noted that in IV, 1, 11,’ Agni, 
“ footless and headless, hiding both his ends ” (apdd asirso guhamdano 
anta@) is clearly thought of as a coiled snake, perhaps with its tail 
in its mouth; and that in the same way the Sun is originally “ footless ”’, 
but is given feet by Varuna that he may proceed (apade pada prati 
dhatave, I, 24, 8) ; in other passages, Indra, Agni, Soma, and Varuna 
are similarly described as “‘ footed” (padavih, m.); cf. padavi (f.) 
as footprint, vestigium pedi, in I, 72, 2 and X, 71, 3, and similarly 
pada, passim. Apdd, on the other hand, is a natural kenning for 
“snake ’”’; in III, 30, 8, the demons Kunaru and Vrtra are handless 
and footless (ahastam, apadam), and Vrtra similarly in I, 32, 7. The 
Satapatha Brahmana, 1, 6, 3, 9, in connection with the transformation 
of Soma, is explicit “ In that he was rolling, he became Vrtra; in that 
he was footless, he became Ahi” (yad apat samabhavat tasmad als). 
In the following shorter discussion, complete in itself, there is as- 
sembled a part of the corresponding evidence on the side of the femi- 
nine principles. 

We now proceed to consider the case of Dawn (sas), whose lauds 
are so familiar to every student of the Rg Veda. It is well known 
that Night and Day or Dawn (naktosasa du. f.) are sisters, of like 
mind, who move successively upon a common path, Night ‘‘ when 
she hath conceived for Savitr’s quickening yielding the womb to 
Dawn” (I, 113, 1-3). “ Sister to mightier sister yields the womb ” 
(I, 124, 8; it is the younger sister that is victorious, the Devi re- 
placing the Asuri, cf. Mahabharata XII, 35, 25, “ The Asuras are 
the elder brothers, the Devas indeed the younger ’’). ‘ Successively 
they nurse the Yearling Calf ” (1, 95,1), i. e. Agni, who has thus two 
mothers (ubhe sa matror abhavat putra, III, 2, 2, and dvimata, pas- 
sim) ; “ One mother holds the Calf, the other rests (Rseti)..... We: 
variant pair, have made yourselves twin beauties (vapiiiisi), one that 
is black (krsnam) and one that shines” (III, 55, 4 and 11, cf. V, 2, 
2). In the same way the Bambino, whether Sun or Fire, has two 
aspects corresponding to those of the sister Dawns (usasd viriipe, V, 1, 
4), “with one of whom is he glaucous (hart), with the other bright 

* For Notes, see p. 12 f. 


(Sukra) and shining (suvarca)”, I, 95, 1; as Pisan he is of two dif- 
ferent aspects, like Day and Night, one bright, one dark (VI, 58, T) ; 
like the Dawns, he “ goes back and forth ”, I, 164, 38, “ now becometh 
sterile (starih), now begets (site, tantamount to savita bhavati, ‘ be- 
comes Savitr’), he shapes his aspect as he will”, VII, ror, 3; cf. 
Atharva Veda, VI, 72, 1, “As the black snake displays himself, as- 
suming such forms (vapiziisi) as he will, by titan magic ” ; “ Immortal, 
uterine-brother (sayonih) of the mortal, they move eternally con- 
versely, men mark the one and fail to mark the other”, I, 164. 38." 
When Night and Day (usasda, the “ sister dawns”) have carried him, 
Agni is born “ full strong and white, in the beginning of days”’ (V. 1, 
4) ;° the use of usasa (du. f.) here to mean Night and Day is paralleled 
by “ days of diverse hue” (visuriipe ahani, I, 123, 7 and VI, 58, 1), 
and “black day and white day ” (ahas ca krsnam ahar arjunami ca, 
VI, 9, 1).° These sister Dawns are not only thought of as mothers 
of the Sun or Agni, but are brides of the Sun, as in I, 123, 10 where 
Dawn is desired by the Sun to be his maiden (yos@), IV, 5, 13 where 
the Dawns (pl.) are called the consorts (patnih) of the immortal Sun, 
VII, 75, 5 where the generous Dawn (maghoni usa) is called the 
maiden of the Sun (s#ryasya yosa@) ; in VII, 69, 4, she is again the 
Sun-maiden (si#ryasya yosa), and in AV., VIII, 9, 12, the sister 
Dawns are called the Sun’s consorts (usasd .. . . 5 stirya-patni). The 
Dawn is also a sister of Bhaga and kinswoman (jamz) of Varuna 
(1, 123, 5); and is “ Heaven’s daughter ”, passim. In VII, 60, 4, 
she is the daughter of the Sun (yos@ ... . siiro duhita), involving 
the incest motif more familiar in connection with Prajapati, cf. also 
V, 55, 6, where Pitsan is called the second husband of his mother 
and the seducer of his sister (mdatur didisum ... . svasur jaral) ; 
“incest” being inevitable because of the kinship (jamitva) of all 
the manifested principles, ab intra. Pisan is Siirya’s lover in VI, 58, 3. 
The identity of Dawn (uwsas) with Surya is thus evident, as is also 
that of the sister Dawns (usasd) with Saranyi and her savarnda.' 
In Vajasaneyi Samhita, I11, 10, Night (ratri), and Dawn (usas) or 
Day (ahas) are Indra’s consorts (indravati), Indra representing the 

That Usas may thus denote as well the Night as Dawn or Day 
renders intelligible certain neglected passages of RV. in which the 
Dawn is referred to as a sinister power; sinister, that is, essentially, 
and not merely accidentally in that the passing days shorten the span 
of life (1, 92, 11) whence Usas is called jarayanti (VII, 75, 4) from 
ir, “to inveterate”.* In IV, 30, 8-11, Indra is praised as having 
“ struck down Heaven’s daughter, that ill-designing woman ” (striyarir 

yad durhanadyuvam... . duhitaraii dival),’ who is described as 
“flowing away”’ (sarat) from her ruined chariot; viz. that chariot 
that she, “the Daughter of Heaven, and Mistress of the Universe, 
yokes afar (parakat, i. e. ab intra) and straightway visits the Five 
Homes, to look upon the restless ways of the Kindreds”’ (VII, 75, 4): 
Similarly, in X, 138, 5, Usas is afraid of Indra’s bolt, and goes her 
way (akramat), abandoning her lovely chariot, cf. II, 15, 6. Agni 
is commonly called “ ravisher” or “spoiler” of Dawn (uso na 
jarah) ; this has usually been rendered as “lover of Dawn”, but 
jara, from jr “to inveterate”, even when it means “lover”, has 
always a somewhat sinister significance, and in the passages referred 
to, Yaska’s and Sayana’s equations of jdra with jarayitr are certainly 
correct, in this sense, that with the rising of the Sun, the Dawns 
are always thought of as retiring and departing, to join the former 
Dawns, e. g. in I, 113, 10. In VII, 6, 5, Agni, “driving off the 
Nights (nirudhya nahusah), makes the Dawns to be consorts of the 
Arya” (aryapatnir usasas cakara; Sayana equates arya with siirya).” 
In I, 123, 1, Daksina, synonymous with Usas in the same hymn, 
“rises from the dark night as herself an Arya” (krsndd ud asthat 
arya), where it is, of course, to be understood that she had been 
anarya; it may be noted that Daksina is Indra’s mother by Yajna 
in Taittiriya Samhita, VI, 1, 3, 6, and that Daksina is Vac, whose 
asura origin is notorious. 

Dawn precedes the actual day, and must not delay, lest the Sun 
scorch her like a thief or enemy (V, 79, 9). It is not until the 
thirty parts of the whole twenty-four hours have elapsed that she 
becomes again an auspicious power, meanwhile as in VI, 59, 6, b, 
“moving headless, with babbling tongue, she descends thirty grades ” 
(hitvi Siro jihvya vavadac carat trinisat pada ny akramit; hitvi siro 
combined with 7b., a, apad, cited below, giving us the analogy to Agni, 
apad asirso guhamano anté in IV, 1, 11); and similarly in I, 123, 8, 
where the sisters are said to “traverse thirty leagues (trimsSataiir 
yojanani), alternately ’—to reappear in due course, paritakmyayam, 
for the ‘ancient Dawn is born again and again (punah punar jaya- 
mana purani) decking herself with the selfsame hue” (samdanai 
varnam” abhi Sumbhamana, I, 92, 10). Meanwhile the Sun, through- 
out the thirty stations of her decline, rules supreme (triiisad dhama 
vi rajati, X, 189, 3). 

What is then the status of the Dawn ab intra, in the Night, as Night, 
and especially at the end of the Night’s course (paritakmyaydam), as 
in V, 30, 14, where “ Night at the end of her course shines-forth-as- 
Dawn (aucchat) at the coming of the Debt-collector * king of the Glit- 


tering-folk ”’, and in VII, 69, 4, where “at the end of her wandering, 
the Daughter of the Sun chooses his glory (sriyam) ”? The proces- 
sion of Usas is in fact described in terms exactly parallel to those 
of I, 24, 8 cited above with respect to the procession of the Sun: in 
I, 152, 3, “ The footless-maid proceeds as first of footed things ” 
(apad eti prathama padvatinam), and this is nearly identical with 
VI, 59, 6 “ This footless-maid came earliest forth to footed things ” 
(apdd ivan purva a agat padvatibhyah, apad in both passages repre- 
senting apadi). That is as much as to say that she, who had been a 
“serpent ’’, now assumes an angelic-human form. The same is im- 
plied when it is said that ‘“‘ Our Lady puts off her dark robe” (apa 
krsnan nirnijan devi avarityavah, 1, 113, 14, cf. VITI, 41, 10, where 
it is Varuna that ‘“‘ makes the black robes white ”, Svetan adhi nirnijas 
cakre krsnan); for this is the same as putting off desuetude and 
impotence (I, 140, 8 jaram pra muican, Pancaviiisa Brahmanan, 
XXV, 17, 3 jaram apahat, etc.), it is really the snake-skin, the 
old skin, jirndén tacam as in Paiicaviiisa Brahmana, XXV, 15, 
that is taken off. It is similarly that Urvasi and her sisters, in 
X, 95, 8-9, “ evade Puriruvas like snakes” (tarasanti na bhujyul), 
but when they yield “ display themselves as swans” (dtayo na tanval 
Sumbhata), or “ with swan-skins”’, for tanu is often tantamount to 
esloha gee 

In I, 185, where Day and Night (ahani) are if not absolutely 
identified with, at least very closely assimilated to Heaven and Earth 
(dyavaprthivi, or rodasi), it is said, in the second verse, that “ The 
twain (unspecified), though not proceeding (acaranti) and footless 
(apadi), yet support a mighty Germ (garbha=Agni) that proceeds 
and hath feet’ (carantam padvantam). This is closely related to X, 
22, 14, ‘‘ Thou smotest Susna to the right for sake of Universal-Life 
(visvayave, i. e. for Agni), that Earth (ksah) that had neither hands 
nor feet (ahasta yad apadi, ci. III, 30, 8, cited above) might wax ”’ 
(vardhata), and III, 55, 14 where “As having feet (padya) she 
standeth up erect (a#rddhva tasthau), adorned with many beauties ”’. 

We can now compare all of the foregoing matter with a part of the 
account of the marriage of Surya in X, 85, 28-30. Here, immediately 
before her actual wedding, Sirya is called Krtya,* and it is only 
when this krtyd nature that is like a clinging garment (dsakti) is 
put off that she comes to her husband: “ Krtya that clingeth close is 
taken off (vyajydte) . .. . this Krtya hath come to be with feet and 
consorts with her husband as a bride” (krtya esa padvati bhiitva 
jaya visate patim).” The text goes on to describe the inauspicious 
aspect of the Sun himself when united with this same Krtya, ab intra: 


“Inglorious (asrir@) becomes his form when it glitters in (rusati) 
this evil (papaya amuyad, as in X, 135, 2 with reference to the evil way 
of Yama), what time the husband wraps his body in the garment 
of his wife’, which is, of course, the “robe of Night” of I, 115, 4. 
Analogous to this is the allusion in I, 105, 2, where it is a part of 
Trita’s * complaint that “the wife holds fast her husband” (a jaya 
yuvate patim) ; it is in fact only ‘‘ when the parents that cohabit in 
the dark are separated that they pass over the Babe” (krsnaprutau 
vevije asya saksitau ubha tarete abhi matara sisum, I, 140, 3); “In 
the Angel’s mansion were the First, from their diremption rose the 
others” (krntatrad esam uparad udayan, X, 27, 23) ; it is when the 
sacrificer makes his Soma offering that mighty Father Heaven breaks 
from the embrace, I, 71, 6; and this separation of Heaven and Earth, 
effected by the sacrifice, is the essential act of creation, RV. passim 
(e. g., VII, 80, 1) for thereby there is made that “ space’, antariksa, 
in which the desirous principles are destined to find a home and 
prolong their line, as in a promised land. 

If the husband is inglorious when he wears the woman’s robe, that 
is in fact a snake-skin, she herself becomes glorious when she puts 
off the dark robe (I, 113, 4 cited above), and shines forth radiant in 
robes of light (Sukravasah, I, 113, 7), when as in I, 92, 11 “ She 
wakes, uncovers Heaven’s ends “ and drives her sister far away... . 
shines out in the bright-eye of her seducer ” (jarasya caksasa vi bhatt, 
cf. X, 189, 2, antas carati vocanasya), That is indeed her marriage 
when she becomes a woman clothed with the Sun, when as in VII, 
81, 2, “ The rising Sun, refulgent Star, pours out his beams in com- 
pany with hers; and then, O Dawn, may we partake together of thy 
shining and the Sun’s; and her death, for when he suspires then she 
expires” (asya prandd apdnati, X, 189, 2, called the hymn of the 
“ Serpent Queen ”’, Sarpavajni). 

Another version of the Dawn’s procession can be recognized in the 
story of Apala, whose name means “ unprotected ”’, i. e., husbandless 
and free woman. In VIII, 91, where Indra represents the Sun and is 
described in terms appropriate to the Sun, the maiden (kanya), 
who is at enmity with her (former) husband (patidvisah) ℱ reflects, 
‘““ What if we go and wed with Indra?” ¼ She gives him Soma, that is, 
virtually performs a sacrifice to him, and asks him to raise up hair 
upon her father’s (bald) head, his field, and upon her own body, “ here 
below the waist”, that is, to restore the fertility of the universe”; 
the reference to her own body indicating her extreme youth. Indra 
draws her through the three apertures (kha) * of his (solar) chariot, 
and so cleansing (pitvi) her makes for her a “ sunny skin” (sirya- 


itvacam). According to the quite intelligible legend cited by Sayana, 
Apala, daughter of Atri, had in fact suffered from a skin-disease, and 
the three skins that Indra removed from her became reptiles. In the 
Jaiminiya Brahmana version (1, 220) we are told that Apala desired 
to be rid of her “ evil colour” (papa varnam.) ; with the two first 
cleansings she becomes successively a lizard (godha) and a chameleon 
(krkalasa), with the third cleansing she becomes saiiisvistika (evi- 
dently ‘ whitened ”’; the Satapatha Brahmana version has sazirslistika, 
apparently “fit to be fondled”) and her form is called the ‘“ most 
beautiful of all forms’. In the nearly identical version of Pancavimsa 
Brahmana, 1X, 2, 14, the woman’s name is Aktupara (in literal sig- 
nificance identical with “Aditi’’, “ In-finite’’), she is an Angirasi 
(thus of Agni’s kin), and it is expressly stated that her “ skin was 
like a lizard’s”’ (godhd@), that is reptilian and scaly. In X, 85, 34, 
Surya’s cast off garment (samulyam, to be connected rather with 
samala, “ foul’, than any word implying ‘ woollen”) is significantly 
described as “ rasping, coarse, prickly, poisonous, and inedible’; the 
curious expression “inedible” (na... . attave) corresponding to 
Atharva Veda, 1, 11, 4, where the chorion or after-birth (jarayu, a 
term applied to the slough of a snake in 7b. I. 27, 1) is said to be “ for 
the dog to eat”’ (Sune ... . attave). In any case, it is clear that 
the old skins are removed, and a glorious skin revealed, making Apala 
fit to be Indra’s bride,” i. e., Siirya to be the Sun’s. With sirya- 
tvacam above cf. Atharva Veda, II, 2, 1, where the Gandharva Vis- 
wavasu (= Vera, the Sun, 70. Il, t) is himself “sun-skinned”~ .. . . 
(stirya-tvak) ; in Pancaviisa Brahmana, XXIII, 16, 5, where the 
sacrificers “make a skin for themselves” (tvacam eva kurute) a 
“sun-skin” is to be understood; like that of those who are sun- 
skinned ” in Vadjasaneyi Samhita, X, 4.* 

We have long suspected that Apala becomes in the Buddha legend 
Sujata, who in the Jataka (1, 69) is the daughter of a farmer, de- 
sires a husband, and brings an offering of milk to the Bodhisattva, 
seated beneath the Bodhi tree, on the eve of the Great Awakening. 
Sujata, in fact, becomes the consort of Indra. The fullest account 
occurs in Jataka No. 31, text I, p. 205. Here Sujata is the fourth 
of Indra’s handmaidens (pddaparicadrika) ; three having died are re- 
born in the same status, according to their virtue, but Sujata, “ be- 
cause she had performed no deed of virtue” (kusalakamassa akatattd, 
cf. “ akrtya” discussed in Note 13) is reborn as a crane. Indra seeks 
her, finds, and instructs her, and proves by a trial that she has ex- 
perienced a change of heart. She is next reborn in a potter’s family ; 
Indra seeks her out, and makes her a gift in acknowledgment of 


her virtue. She is reborn a third time as the daughter of the Asura 
Vepacittiya (it will not be overlooked that the three births correspond 
to the three cleansings of Apala),* and because of her virtue is 
very beautiful (abhiripa) ; her father (who corresponds to Tvastr 
in the Sarya versions) arrays her for marriage, and summons an 
assembly of Asuras so that she may choose a husband for herself. 
Indra assumes the “Asura colour, or appearance” (asuravannam= 
asurya-varnam, and this corresponds to X, 85, 30 quoted above) and 
takes his place in the assembly (really a svayaiivara) where Sujata 
chooses him to be her husband, and he makes her his chief queen. 
Indra in this story represents a previous incarnation of the Buddha. 
In the last incarnation where the Bodhisattva is no longer identified 
with Indra (in the sense of the Vedic dual Indragni) the require- 
ment of the narrative makes it impossible for Sujata to become 
the Buddha’s wife, and she remains Indra’s, though we may suspect 
that the Bodhisattva’s actual wife Yasodhara is really the alter ego 
of Sujata. 

Given the other parallels, it is worth noting that Usas is more than 
once in RV. addressed as ‘‘ well-born’’, or if we treat this as a name, 
aSerhoutata., (lo 12s), Busou ger a yes sujate; VII, 77, 6, divo 
duhitar ... . usah sujate); this merely confirmatory evidence was 
remarked only after the identification had already been in mind. for 
some years. Conversely, the designation of Usas as Maghoni in VII, 
75, 5, is already suggestive of Maghavan, i. e. Indra. We are also 
inclined to identify the kanya and sujata of our texts with the sukanya, 
daughter of Saryata, who becomes the wife of Cyavana in Satapatha 
Brahmana, lV, 1, 5; but as this involves a discussion of the identity of 
Cyavana, Atri, and others, the possibility must remain to be taken 
up on another occasion. It may, however, be pointed out that just as 
the Sun is inglorious when he wears the guise of Krtya, so in Sa- 
tapatha Brahmana, 1V, 1, 5, 1, the inveterated (jirnah) Cyavana is 
“of Krtya’s aspect ” (krtyd-riipah ) ; that jahe, “ he was left behind ”, 
corresponds to X, 53, 8, “ leave we there the impotent ” (atra jahama 

. aSevah) and X, 124, 4, “ I leave behind the Father ” (pitararir 
jahanu) ; and that the name Cyavana or Cyavana, “ fallen away ”, cor- 
responds to X, 124, 4 where “Agni, Varuna, and Soma fall away ”’ 
(cyavante). Cf. too the “ five-fold offering’? made by Sunrta to 
Brahmanaspati “ in RV. I, 40, 3. 

Atharva Veda 1, 27 offers unmistakably a condensed account of 
Indrani’s procession and marriage. Verse 1 opens, “On yonder shore 
(amih pare) are thrice seven adders (prdakvah) that have cast their 
skins “(mrjarayavah).“ All that the cast skins are good for is to 



blindfold the vicious beings that beset the paths, the highwaymen 
( paripanthinah ) who are inimical to the proceeding principles. Verses 
2 and 32 are apotropaic in the same sense. Verse 4 continues in a 
language which is now readily comprehensible, “ Let the two feet go 
forward, let them visibly proceed; bear (her) to the homes of Prna 
(vahatam prnatah grhan); let Indrani go forth foremost, uncon- 
quered, unrobbed, to the East”. Here vahataii grhan is a quite tech- 
nical expression implying “lead home the bride”. Prna is a designa- 
tion either of the Sun, cf. Satapatha Brahmana, VIII, 7, 2, 1 where 
the “ world-filling’”’ (lokaii-prna) brick represents the Sun, who 
“ fills the worlds ” (lokam pirayati) ; or of Indra as the Sun, cf. RV. 
IV, 19, 7, where Indra “ fills the waste-lands ”, aprnak dhanvani; or 
of Agni who “ fills the regions ” (a@ rajasi aprnat, III, 2, 7, prnaksi 
rodasi ubhe, X, 140, 2, and passim). 

In any case, the evidence assembled above suffices to show that the 
procession of the “ Serpents ” on the male side, who “ creep further ” 
(ati sarpante) and become Adityas, as related in the Pafcaviinsa 
Brahmana, XXV, 15, ample support for which can be cited from the 
Rg Veda, is paralleled on the female side. Apart from their ontologi- 
cal interest, the general conclusion provides a sound basis for the 
interpretation of many peculiarities of the later Indian iconography.” 



1. The Angels (devah) in RV., although from one point of view, that is to 
say throughout the duration of their aeviternity (amrtattva), incorruptible 
(ajara, ajurya, amrta, amartya), are subject nevertheless to inveteration at 
the end, and resurrection at the beginning, of every aeon (yuga) ; for example, 
Agni, the very principle of life (a@yus, visvayus, RV. passim) “ Being inveter- 
ated, is forthwith born youthful” (jrujurvan yo muhur @ yuva bhit, Il, 4, 5), 
and with respect to the aeviternity of his manifestation is also said to be “of 
unaging youth” (yuvd ajarah, V, 44, 3), and called “ Life-universal, deathless 
amongst them that die” (visvayur yo amrto martesu, VI, 4, 2). Similarly in 
X, 124, 4 “ Agni, Varuna, and Soma decline” (cyavante), in IV, 19, 2 the in- 
veterated deities are re-emanated (avdsrjanta jivrayo na devah), and in V, 74, 5, 
“From him that hath declined (cyavanadt) ye (ASvins) loosed the covering 
cloak, when ye made him young (yuwvd) again, and stirred the bride’s desire”. 

2. All references unspecified are to the Rg Veda Samhita. 

3. For the significance of the vestigium pedi in Vedic, Zen, and Christian 
tradition see my Elements of Buddhist iconography, 1935, p. 16 and Note 146. 

4. These two forms of his are the same as the two forms (dve riipe) of 
3rahman, “immortal, imageless’’ (amrta, amirta) and “ mortal, in a likeness” 
(martya, mirta) of Brhadaranyaka Up., Ul, 3, 1, ef. Maitri Up., VI, 3, 15, 
and 22. The immortal form is that of Varuna, Death, the para- and mnirguna- 
Brahman: the mortal that Martanda (= Vivasvan, Sirya) whom “Aditi bore 
hitherward unto repeated birth and death”, RV., X, 72, 9; Purtiravas “ when in 
altered aspect I kept with mortals”, X, 95, 16; Purusa, whom the Angels 
sacrificed, X, 9; Agni as the sacrifice, X, 88, 9; Brhaspati as the sacrifice, 
Yama “who gave up his own dear body”, X, 13, 4; Yama, “the sole mortal”, 
X, 10, 3; Vasistha of the “only birth”, VII, 33, 10; the “only son” (ekam 
putram) of Varuna, Mitra, and Aryaman, VIII, 1o1, 6; the apara- and 
saguna- Brahman of the Upanisads. “ Mitra is the Day and Varuna the Night”, 
Pancavimsa Brahmana, XXV, 10, 10. 

5. The Vedic hymns to Dawn are primarily concerned with her first appear- 
ance at the beginning of the aeon, and analogically with her constant reappear- 
ance, cf. I, 123, 9, where Dawn, coming forth day after day, “hath knowledge 
of the first day’s name”. In the same way the “ Days” are primarily periods of 
supernal time, and only analogically human days, cf. I, 164, 51 “‘ Day after Day 
the Waters rise and fall”, and II, 30, 1, “ Day after Day the sparkling of the 
Waters moves’. Another version of the hesitation before the battle occurs in the 
Kulavaka Jataka, No. 31, Jataka, text I, pp. 202-203, where Indra (Sakra) 
corresponds to Arjuna and Matali to Krsna; Indra’s words “ Let me not for 
the sake of empire (issaram = aisvaryam) destroy life, rather would I for their 
sake sacrifice my own life to the Asuras”’, very closely parallel those of Arjuna 
in the Bhagavad Gita, I, 33-35, though the detail of the motivation is brought 
out in a slightly different manner. 

6. The concatenation of krsna and arjuna here is by no means fortuitous, 
but corresponds to that of Krsna and Arjuna in the Mahabharata, where the 
Great Fight is nothing else but the Vedic conflict of Devas and Asuras. Krsna, 
whose name is significant of his descent, comes over from the other side to aid 


the Aryan Pandavas, just as does Vibhisana in the Ramayana, and Usanas 
Kavya, who is the priest of the Asuras but is won over to the side of the Devas, 
in Panicavimsa Brahmana, VII, 5, 20 Bandh. Sr. S., XVIII, 46, and Jaiminiya 
Brahmana, I, 125-126; cf. ViSvariipa, Vrtra’s brother, called “priest of the 
Devas” in Taittiriya Samhita, I, 5, 1 and Indra’s guru in Bhagavata Purana, 
VI, 7-13. It is because of the intimate relationships of the Devas and Asuras 
that Arjuna, in Bhagavad Gita, I, 28 ff., shrinks from the slaughter of “ kinsmen 
and teachers’; cf. Satapatha Brahmana, IV, 1, 4, 8, where Mitra (= “ Arjuna”) 
dislikes to take part in the slaying of Soma, while in the same way Taittiriya 
Brahmana, I, 7, 1, 7-8, where Namuci reproaches Indra as the “betrayer of a 
friend” (mitra-dhruk), and Paiicavinisa Brahmana, XII, 6, where Namuci 
reviles him as “ guilty hero-slayer of the guiltless” (virahann adruho druha), 
provide a literal prototype for Bhagavad Gita, I, 38, where Arjuna shrinks from 
the “sin of the betrayal of a friend” (dosam mitra-droheh). Arjuna, in fact, 
shrinks from taking upon himself what in RV. are Indra’s typical kilbisani. 
It is also very significant, though the implications are too many to be followed 
up here, that of the two original brothers of the lunar stock, Dhrtarastra is 
blind, while Pandu means the “son of a eunuch”, the former corresponding to 
the form of deity ab intra, the latter to his generated aspect ab extra, as son 
of him that had been impotent ab intra; “blindness” and “impotence” being 
typical of the interior operation (guhya vrata) in RV. passim, as may be seen 
by an analysis of those verses in which are found the words andha, and vadhri 
or stari (it may be noted in this connection also that froma, “halt”, generally 
coupled with andha, “blind” in the texts alluded to, corresponds to apdad, 
“footless ”, as cited in the present article). Can we not indeed identify Pandu 
with the “golden-handed son” (the Sun) whom the Asvins gave to her 
“whose consort was unmanned” (I, 117, 24)? The victory of the Pandavas 
corresponds to RV., X, 124, 4, where Agni, Varuna, and Soma decline (cya- 
vante) and the “kingdom is reversed” (pary dvart rastram). The Epic 
naturally concludes with the final return of the Pandavas to Heaven, their 
disappearance ab intra, accompanied by Draupadi, whose alter nomen “ Krsna” 
confesses her Asura origin, and who as the wife of the five Pandava brothers 
may be compared to Usas or Surya, successively the wife of Soma, Gandharva, 
Agni, and a “mortal” (sc. Vivasvan, Puriiravas, Yama), X, 85, 40, and 
elsewhere also referred to as the consort of the Asvins; or may be compared 
with Vac, as participated in by the Five Kindreds (parca jana). The corre- 
spondences outlined above could be followed up in great detail. 

7. For some of these equivalents see Bloomfield in Journ. Amer. Oriental Soc., 
XV, 172, ff. It should be added that the whole concept of the two wives and two 
mothers survives in the nativities of Buddha, Mahavira, and Krsna. Apart from 
the more obvious parallels, it will be remarked that Mayadevi, the Buddha’s 
mother who does not survive, derives by her name itself from the Asura side, 
while the co-wife Pajapati, called in the Buddhacarita, II, 19, her samaprabhava, 
tantamount to savarnd, lives; and that Devaki, the mother of Krsna, is the sister 
of the Asura Kathsa, in whose realm both parents are imprisoned, while the 
child is taken over water (the Yamuna, although in flood, becoming fordable 
for him, like the Sarasvati in RV. passim) to the human-angelic world where 
he is fostered by another mother. In the case of Mahavira, the circumstances 
of whose nativity are so exactly paralleled in RV., I, 113, 2 and I, 124, 8 
cited above, the choice of the Ksatriya womb (and similarly in Buddhism, the 


opposition of Ksatriya to Brahman) by no means necessarily reflects a con- 
temporary social conflict of values, but can be better understood in the light 
of the whole Vedic concept of the contrasted relations and functions of the 
spiritual (brahma) and temporal (ksatra) powers, the former being primarily 
those of Varuna= Brahman, the latter those of Indragni. Nor need we be 
confused by the fact that when the relation of Agni to Indra is considered 
per se, and ab extra, this is again that of the spiritual to the temporal power : 
for just as Agni delegates the temporal power to Indra (VIII, 100, 1-2, X, 

2, 5 and 124, 4, etc., cf. Satapatha Brahmana V, 4, 4, 15) though sometimes 
playing an active part, so the Buddha (who for the most part corresponds to 
Agni, “Gautama Buddha” for example reflecting Agni usar-budh) declines the 
temporal power and as an actual teacher plays the Brahman part, although in 
the conflicts with Mara (= Mrtyu= Vrtra, etc.) and the “Ahi-naga” (sic 
in Mahavagga, I, 15, 7) of the Jatila shrine, he takes that part which is played 
more often by Indra than by Agni or Brhaspati in person. 

8. “ Sinister” also in a literal sense: for the act of creation and procession 
is an extroversion, as appears in innumerable texts, e. g. X, 124, 4 “the kingdom 
was reversed” (pary dvart rastram), IV, 1, 2 “O Agni, turn thy brother 
Varuna round about” (bhratarait varunam agne & vavrtsva), cf. Aitareya 
Brahmana, IV, 5 where, the Angels and Titans being of equal heroism, “ there 
was a delay in turning back” (na vyavartanta) the latter; and this extroversion 
is a right hand or sunwise turn, as in III, 19, 2=IV, 6, 3, “ Agni, choosing 
rightwise the angelic office” (pradaksinit devatatim uranah), or X, 22, 14, 
“Thou (Indra) smotest Susna to the right (pradaksinit) for Vi$vayu” (i. e. 
Agni). Cf. Satapalha Brahmana, III, 2, 1, 13 and VII, 5, 1, 37. 

Remembering that Night and Dawn are the two wives of Indra (Vajasaneyi 
Samhita, III, 10, cited above) it is obvious that RV. X, 145—in application a 
spell directed against a co-wife (sapatnibadhanam)—is by first intention an 
imprecation launched by Indrani herself, to whom the hymn is attributed, against 
her rival sister Night; while X, 129, attributed to Saci Paulomi (Indrani) is 
her song of triumph (cf. X, 125, attributed to Vac). Atharva Veda I, 14, is 
apotropaic in the same sense as RV. X, 145. 

The application of these hymns illustrates very well the basic principle of 
magical incantation; the recital of what was done in the beginning is held to be 
effective in particular application here and now. In the same way, for example, 
RV. V, 78, the immediate reference of which is to Agni’s or the Sun’s nativity, 
is employed as a birth rune. The application is by analogy, and takes for 
granted the correspondence of macrocosm and microcosm. 

9. Night and Day (usasdnakta) are both favorably regarded ‘“ Daughters 
of Heaven” in X, 70, 6, but this is as being seated together at the altar 
(yonau), that is analogically ab intra, for yoni as altar corresponds to “ navel ” 
(nabhi) “where Aditi confirms our kinship” (jamitva) X, 64, 13, and it is at 
the “navel of Order” (rtasya na@bhau) that “I throughly purify” (sari 
pundmi, X, 13, 3). 

10. The word nahusah contrasts with usasah, both fem. pl. acc. Nahusa (m.), 
from a root nah implying “ bondage”, is a designation of Agni’s father in I, 31, 
11 and V, 12, 6; in fem. pl. it may therefore appropriately designate at the 
same time “nights”, (as rendered also by Fay in Journ. Amer. Oriental Soc., 
XXVII, p. 411, q. v.) and the recessive “false dawns” that have been Agni’s 
“first mothers” in his successive manifestations, but are set back yielding 



place to the true dawns that are the Suns’ brides and Agni’s “second mothers”. 
It is further noteworthy that in some later texts Nahusa is or becomes a 
serpent. In literal significance and as an essential rather than personal name, 
nahusa may be compared to varuna and vrtra, as derivates of ur. 

11. The samanani varnam daily put on is of course the G@ryan varnam of 
III, 34, 9 as distinguished from the asuryariu varnam of IX, 71, 2 (= papam 
varnam in Jaiminiya Brahmana, I, 220, with reference to Apala) ; and being 
in fact the “ cast(e)” of the Sun, the Dawns are described virtually as becoming 
every morning savarnd in Bloomfield’s second sense of “like (Vivasvant) in 
character or class” (Journ. Amer. Oriental Soc., XVI, p. 178). 

12. Rnajicaya, lit. “debt-collector”: either Brhaspati-Brahmanaspati, as in 
II, 23, 11 and 17 (rnaya, rnacid rnaya), or Indra himself (rnacid.... 
rnaya, IV, 23, 7), the toll being exacted in either case from the fiend (druh). 
Monier-Williams, for rnafcaya, has nothing better to offer than “name of a 
man”, and it is in this fashion that essential names have generally been 
treated by translators of the Vedas. How many needless obscurities and 
complications have been introduced into Vedic studies by a persistent neglect 
of the warning “Even as He seemeth, so is He called” (V, 44, 6) it would 
be hard to tell. Katha Up., IV, 14 can be pertinently cited: ‘He who sees 
the principles separately, pursues them separately ”. 

13: Heaven and Earth, as parents of Agni, “ The son within his parents’ 
lap, as being the Eternal Germ” (garbham .... mityanv na sunum pitror 
upasthe, ib.). This nityam, incidentally, recurs in Katha Up., V, 13, “ Eternal 
mid the transient” (nityo’ mtyadnam). 

14. Krtya as feminine personification of krtya, “that to be done”, is per- 
spicuous in the present context; where that which should be, but is not yet 
done, and merely in potentia, is as such evil. The putting off of krtya is 
procedure from potentiality to act, nonbeing to being, privation to abundance, 
death to life. For the conception, typical also in Christian Scholastic philosophy, 
there may be compared in connection with Indra’s procession “ Many a thing 
not yet done I have to do” (bahiini me akrta kartvani, IV, 18, 2, cf. “ Wot ye 
not that I must be about my Father’s business? ”, Luke II, 49); in connection 
with Usas, “ Delay not to go about thy labour” (mda ciram tanutha apah, V, 
79, 9); again in connection with Indra, “ Do what thou hast to do” (karisya 
krnuhi, I, 165, 9), who indeed “does what must be done” (cakrih yat karisyan, 
VII, 20, 1), i. e. in Christian formulation “ Those things which God must will 
of necessity ” (St. Thomas, Sum. Theol., I, q. 45, a. 2c), who is also described 
as being “ wholly in act”. The principle involved underlies Brhadaranyaka Up., 
Ill, 2, 13, “What they praised was Action (karma)”, and the doctrine re- 
garding karma yoga in the Bhagavad Gita. Cf. also kusalamassa akatatta 
(= kuSalasya akartatvat) in Jataka, text, I, 205; akarya as “sin” in Mrccha- 
katika, VIII, 22, 4; and akaranasamivaram as ‘‘sins of omission” in Sadha- 
namala No. 98 (Gaekwad’s Oriental Series, XXVI, p. 201). 

The following verse is apotropaic with respect to the “consumptions ” 
(yaksma) which may be transmitted from the bride’s stock (yanti janat anu), 
and which the Angels are besought to return to the place of their origin. 
Vaksma is, of course, a disease always thought of as proceeding from Varuna 
in his unfriendly aspect. Following words derived from RV., X, 17, I re- 
ferring to Tvastr’s gift of his daughter Sarya in marriage, the Atharva Veda, 
IIJ, 31, 5 similarly expresses the wish “ May I be separated from evil 


(papmand) and consumption (yaksmend) and united to life (adyusa)”, cf. 
RV. VII, 59, 2 ‘“ Release us from the bonds of death, not those of life” 
(bandhanat mrtyor muksiya na amrtat), that is in effect also “ May we pass 
over from Varuna, from Death, to Agni Vaisvanara, to Life”. 

16. I. e. Agni, ab intra, and eager (icchan, ete.) to proceed. 

17. Converse of guhamano anta in IV, 1, 11. The “ends” are either as here 
the halting places of the Sun, or as in Jaiminiya Up. Brahmana, 1, 35, Winter 
and Spring, the two ends of the Year; or, indeed, any pair of contrasted and 
limiting concepts which are united ab intra and divided ab extra. The dis- 
tinction of the limits is temporal and spatial; their indistinction eternal. 

18. The husband (pati) with whom she is at variance is no doubt the 
Gandharva, the jealous protector of unwedded maidens, cf. X, 85, 21-22, “ Rise 
up from hence, ViSvavasu; this maiden hath a husband .... Seek in her 
father’s home another willing maid”. Compare also X, 95, 2, where Urvasi 
(who corresponds to Usas, Strya, and Apala, as does Purtiravas to Strya 
and Indra) deserting Purtiravas says “like the first of Dawns I leave thee”. 
From the Brahmana and other versions of the legend (knowledge of which is 
taken for granted in X, 95) we know that Urvasi is in fact taken back into the 
Gandharva world (the “Assumption of the Virgin”), and that it is only when 
the sacrifices of the Year have been completed that Purtiravas himself recovers 
his Gandharva status and is reunited to his immortal bride. Purtiravas is 
“mortal”, not as man is mortal by contrast with the devas, but as the devas 
are mortal when contrasted with the aswras, as Mitra is mortal by contrast 
with Varuna (I, 164, 38 and X, 85, 17-18); he is the ‘dying god”, the Year, 
the father of “ Life” (dyus). 

19. Apala’s uninhibited procedure corresponds to the shamelessness of Dawn, 
RV. passim, where she is referred to as like a dancer, as unbaring her bosom, 
or unveiling her charms (I, 92, 4; I, 124, 3-4; VI, 64, 2), or described as 
rising as if from a bath (V, 80, 5-6; Apala’s meeting with Indra also taking 
place beside the river, where, as Sayana takes it, she has gone to take her 
morning bath). Urvasi and her sister apsarases are similarly described in X, 
95, 9. Cf. RV., VII, 80, 2 speaking of Dawn, “ Youthful and shameless she 
goeth forward, having come to know of Sun, and sacrifice, and Agni”, and 
also Jaiminiya Up. Brahmana, I, 56, “In the beginning, the woman went 
about in the flood, desirously seeking a husband (stri ... . sasitcaranti icchanti 
salile patim, perhaps a reflection of RV. V, 37, 3, vadhur iyam patint icchanti, 
“This woman desiring a husband”, whom Indra makes his chief queen). The 
woman’s boldness, of which the memory survives in the later rhetorical allusions 
to the inconstancy of Sri-Laksmi, is admirably illustrated in the early Indian 
representations of apsarases, best perhaps in the Mathura Museum example, J 2. 

20. Cf. Atharva Veda, III, 17, 5, ‘“‘ Tvastr made a marriage for his daughter, 
and all this universe went forth” (idam visvam bhuvanam vi yati), where in 
spite of Bloomfield, Journ. Amer. Oriental Soc., XVI, p. 183, I venture to 
think that vi ydti is intransitive and has wisvam bhuvanam as subject. It is in 
the same way that Urvasi “bestows upon her husband’s father wealth, when 
her lover (usa/i, m.) woos her from the nearby home” (X, 95, 4), 1. e. from 
the Gandharva world, from within, cf. the reference to the origin of Vac in 
“another’s house”, RV. X, 109, 4. 

21. Apala is drawn three times “through the opening of the chariot, the 
opening of the wain, the opening of the team” (khe rathasya, khe anasah, 


khe yugasya). In Jaiminiya Up. Brahmana, I, 3, the kha anasah and kha 
rathasya are identified with the divas chidra or “ hole in heaven”, which is “all 
covered over by rays”, and is the Sun through the midst of which the Com- 
prehensor “utterly escapes” (atimucyate); cf. Chandogya Up., VIII, 6, 6, 
where the Sun is called the “portal of the worlds” (Jokadvara) and RV. V, 
81, 2 where it is the Sun that “lets out the forms of all things” (wisva 
ripam prati muncate .... savitr). Obviously the way out and the way in are 
the same (cf. John, X, 9); to be dragged forward through the hole of the 
chariot is to be born into the worlds, to pass out through the hole is to die, 
whether temporarily or finally. With the description of the axle-hole as all 
covered over with rays”, cf. X, 132, 6, “Wash her (Aditi) with sun-rays ” 
(stro ninikta rasmibhih ). 

In all probability kha rathasya, kha anasah, kha yugasya are synonymous 
expressions, all equivalent to kha as “hole in the wheel through which the 
axle passes’, see my “ Kha and other words denoting ‘Zero’, in connection with 
the metaphysics of space”, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, VII, 
1934. But even if we hold with Sayana that three successively smaller openings 
in different parts of the chariot are intended (which seems improbable), it by 
no means follows that the three operations by which the “delivery” is made 
are to be understood as taking place upon one and the same occasion; we 
understand in any case that Indra drags Apala three times through the “hole 
of his chariot”, in other words makes her to be born thrice, as in the story of 
Sujata cited below; cf. khad-iva yoni-jatah in Buddha Carita, 1, 30. 

Since writing the above I find in Jaiminiya Brahmana, II, 410, yatha ratha- 
nabhau arah pratistha, “ when the spokes are affixed to the hub of the chariot ”’; 
and inasmuch as “ hub of the chariot ” can only mean “ hub of the chariot wheel”, 
so we may take it that “ aperture of the chariot”’, kha rathasya, means “ aperture 
of the chariot wheel ’”’, as the sense requires. 

There is an analogous ritual use of “ringstones”, which are regarded as 
yonis or female symbols of generation (see Marshall, Mohenjo-Daro, p. 62, 
and references there cited) ; those who are passed through such ringstones are, 
as it were, “ born again”. That such stones are really symbolic representations 
of the solar /oka-dvara through which one “escapes altogether” (atimucyate ) 
is clearly seen in the case of the well-known example at Satrufijaya, where the 
opening in the stone is called the “door of liberation” (mukti-dvara). 

For further references to the story of Apala see Oertel in Journ. Amer. 
Oriental Soc., XVIII, 26f. 

22. With all the purifications referred to above may be compared those 
performed by the Saman and Rk antecedent to the consummation of their 
veiled union on the night of the sabbath (upavasathiyam ratrim, sadast, 
Jaiminiya Up. Brahmana, I. 54). In this case (in many respects analogous 
to that of Yama and Yami, RV. X, 10, but with a “happy ending’’), that 
which Rk removes and casts forward (pratyauhat) becomes the “vision of 
living creatures” (dhir eva prajanam jivinadm eva), and the whole is once 
more a story of creation. 

23. Not an independent “ Person”, but an essential name of Agni, as ex- 
plicitly recognized in I, 38. 13. 

24. Amuh pare, i. e. “on the farther shore”, awaiting transportation over the 
flowing river, like. for example, Bhujyu, samudra @ rajasah para inkhitam, 
whom the ASvins bring across in their winged ships, X, 143, 5. The thrice 


seven adders or addancs are no doubt the twenty-one rivers of X, 5, 5, 64, 8, and 
75, 1, cf. X, 90, 4 where the young restless streams that Indra pours out 
hitherward are as yet “footless and carless”, and IX, 77, 3 where the Soma 
streams are referred to as “beautiful like snakes” (ahyo na caravo). If the 
latter comparison seems strange in view of what has been said so far, it must 
be remembered that the beauty of n@ginis becomes a cliché in later Indian 
literature, and that at least a beauté de diable must be attributed to Night, 
with whom the Sun is in love before her transformation takes place; just as in 
folk-lore the human hero is in love with the mermaid before she acquires a 
human form and soul. Nirjarayavah is literally “freed from the chorion”, the 
commentators supplying “ with skin sloughed from the body, chorionwise” and 
“as Devas, freed from the chorion”. Comparison may be made with RV. X, 
106, 6 “Do ye (AĂ©gvins) make my corrupted chorion to be incorruptible” 
(jarayv ajaram mardyu); X, 123, I, where the Sun is new risen from the 
chorion, or in a chorion of light (jyotir-jarayi) ; Atharva Veda, I, 12, 1 where 
the Sun is jarayu-ja; Satapatha Brahmana, V1, 6, 1, 24, where Agni is due to 
be born from the chorion (jardyuno jayamana) which is called “ putrid”, like 
Sarya’s cast off garment in X, 85, 34, cf. AV. I, 11, 4; and especially Jaiminiya 
Brahmana, I1, 438, where Sarama, “ splitting open the chorion of the Waters” 
sets them free to flow. The word jarayu itself derives from jr “to be inveter- 
ated’”’; such expressions as RV. I, 140, 8 jaram pra muncan, and Pancavimsa 
Brahmana, XXV, 17, 3, jaram apahat, “ put off eld”, and such expressions as 
jarayu-ja cited above, equally imply a birth and rejuvenation. In other words, 
the young unwedded streams are newly born; Indra’s bride is one of them, or one 
like them, just as Urvasi in X, 95, 6 is one of the “seven” Apsarases, in V, 42, 9, 
“ Urvasi of the streams”. “ Unrobbed” (amugsitd) has reference to the powers 
of darkness that lie in wait to steal away the “names” of those that proceed, 
as in V, 44, 4, where Krivi ndmani vane pravane musayatt. 

25. For example, in VIII, 17, 5, prdadku-sdnu is an epithet of Indra; the 
words appear to mean “serpent-shouldered” (sanu, primarily “high plain” 
or “table-land”, metaphorically the upper part of the back, as in RV. I, 32, 9). 
There is an image answering to this description in the Mathura Museum (see 
Vogel, Ars Asiatica, XV, Pl. XXXIX and p. 46). The female counterpart of 
this image (ib. Pl. XL) has long been known as the “Serpent Queen”. And 
Sarparajni, or “Serpent Queen” is a designation of Vac and of Earth in 
Satapatha Brahmana, IV, 6, 9, 16-17. The two images are then rightly to be 
called those of Indra and Indrani. 

The Sarparajfii hymn is also called the Manasa Stotra or “mental laud”, 
because its verses are “ recited mentally ” (manasa stuyante, Taittiriya Samhita, 
VII, 3, 1, 4, cf. Satapatha Brahmana, II, 2, 1, 30); hence the name of the well- 
known Bengali snake-goddess, Manasa Devi, who is at once Indrani and the 
Earth, and of whom the Mathura “ Serpent Queen” may be regarded as one of 
the earliest known representations. 

The Serpent Queen must also be recognized in Sasarpari “the daughter of 
the Sun” and “Lunar Maiden” (paksya; paksa, according to Sayana, is here 
the Sun, the usual sense of “ Moon”, as in Buddha Carita, II, 20, seems to be 
more acceptable, and would allude to Sasarpari’s dswrya origin), “who puts 
forth the New Life” (navyam ayur dadhana), RV. III, 53, 15-16; where Ayus 
is primarily Agni (see Bloomfield in Journ. Amer. Oriental Soc., XX, p. 181), 
“the one and only Life” (ekdyus, I, 31, 5), and “ Universal Life” (wsvayus, 
LOZ 5 MW 20;-23 V1.4; 2). 




(With Four PLares) 


The Johns Hopkins University 


MAY 18, 1935 


The Lord Battimore Press 



The present pamphlet is published to make known the discovery 
of the Badianus Manuscript in the Vatican Library and to give an 
idea of the value and interest of this unique Aztec herbal. It is believed 
to be the earliest herbal produced on this side of the Atlantic, and from 
this consideration alone it deserves all the notice that it will un- 
doubtedly receive. It is a matter of regret to the Smithsonian Insti- 
tution that funds are not available to publish a facsimile of the full 
manuscript with its 91 color sketches of plants. Such a publication, 
in the usual edition issued by the Institution and with g1 color plates, 
would involve a considerable sum, but the text with black and white 
illustrations and a few color plates could be published for a com- 
paratively moderate amount. If there are those who would be suf- 
ficiently interested to contribute toward the publication of this valuable 
manuscript as a whole or in such modified form, I should be glad to 
have them communicate with the Institution. 

Cy Ge Aeon; 

Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. 


The Johns Hopkins University 

(WitH Four Pirates) 

The Badianus manuscript is a sixteenth century Mexican Herbal 
composed in the year 1552 in the famous College of Santa Cruz at 
Tlaltelolco, Mexico City. This beautiful manuscript has long been in 
the possession of the Vatican Library, where its real identity has been 
obscured by the title ““ Codex Barberini, Latin 241”. Except for a 


few scholars,” it was practically unknown until 5 years ago, when, 
7 « i ’ b 

*In a personal communication (Mar. 16, 1930) to Dr. C. U. Clark, Mrs. Zelia 
Nuttall suggests that “ Codex Barberini, Latin 241” might be the “ small book” 
sent by Munoz Camargo to King Philip. It contained a “demonstraciĂ©n, pro 
pinturas y colores de sus formas y hechuras y propriedades” of the flowers 
esteemed by the Indians (Munoz Camargo, Historia de Tlazcala, edition issued 
in Tlazcala, Imprento de Gobierno, 1870). 

* Thorndyke, Lynn, Vatican Latin Manuscripts in the History of Science and 
Medicine. Isis, vol. 13, 1929-30. 

“This sixteenth century manuscript is a work on medicinal herbs of the 
Indias which an Indian physician of the College of Holy Cross composed, taught 
by no reasons, but by experience only, in the year 1552. 

“There is a dedication by Martin de la Cruz to Francisco de Mendoza, and 
the work closes with a letter of John Badianus, the Latin translator, to the 

“Barberini 241, paper, 63 fols., Libellus de Medicinalibus Indorum Herbis 
quem quidam Indus Collegii Sanctae Crucis medicus composuit, nullis rationibus 
doctus, sed solis experimentis edoctus Anne Domini Servatoris 1552.” 

In a personal communication from Dr. C. U. Clark, the author is informed 
that Dr. Gabrieli, of the Corsini Library in Rome, discovered a copy of the 
Badianus manuscript, in Italian hand, in the Royal Library at Windsor Castle. 

Gabrieli, G., Due codici iconografici di piante miniate nella Biblioteca Reale 
di Windsor. A proposito di Cimeli Lincei. Rend. Acc. Lincei, ser. 6, vol. 10, 
2 sem., fasc. 10, November 1920. 



through the generosity of Ambassador Charles G. Dawes, the Smith- 
sonian Institution sent Dr. Charles U. Clark to Europe in search of 
early Latin American texts. Through the courtesy of the Vatican 
Library, Dr. Clark was able to obtain photographs of the original 
manuscript, and it is from these that the present translation has been 
made. The manuscript is a complete herbal consisting of 63 folios 
approximately 6 by 84 inches in size, clearly written in Latin and 
Aztec. It is divided into 13 chapters, each representing an attempt 
to group maladies of either similar type or similar location of the 
body. The first eight chapters follow the latter arrangement, begin- 
ning with the head and continuing to the feet; in the last five chapters 
an attempt has been made to group them according to subject matter. 
The text is exquisitely illustrated with pictures of 204 herbs and 
trees, and these illustrations still today retain their brilliancy of color. 
Through the kindness of Dr. Charles G. Abbot, of the Smithsonian 
Institution, the original water-color sketches for the colored plates, 
made by Mrs. Missonnier, niece of Mgr. Eugene Tisserant, Pro- 
Prefect, Vatican Library, have been obtained, and it is hoped that it 
will be possible at a later time to publish the herbal in colored facsimile 
with a translation. 

The herbal is the work of two Aztecs who were educated at the 
College of Santa Cruz. It was first written in Aztec and then, with 
the exception of the names of the plants, stones, and animals, trans- 
lated into Latin within the same year. The exact title reads as follows: 

A book of Indian Medical Herbs composed by a certain Indian physician of 
the College of Santa Cruz, who is not theoretically learned, but is taught only 
by experience. In the year of our Lord Saviour 1552. [PIl. 1.] 

There seems little doubt that the principal author of the manu- 
script is one Martin de la Cruz, whose name appears in the first line 
of the dedication ; the second author is Juannes Badianus, the trans- 
lator, whose signature appears in the postscript at the end of the last 
chapter. Both of these men were natives taught in the first college 
erected for the Indians, the College of Santa Cruz. 

The manuscript is fittingly dedicated to Don Francisco de Mendoza, 
son of Don Antonio de Mendoza, the first viceroy to New Spain. 
Although the dedication is addressed to Don Francisco de Mendoza, 
it is none the less a tribute to the first viceroy. That it is not ad- 
dressed directly to the viceroy may be explained by the fact that 
Don Antonio de Mendoza had been transferred to Peru 2 years be- 
fore. Since history records his death on July 21, 1552, the day before 


the completion of the translation, it is certain that he was not aware 
of the well-deserved tribute which reads as follows: 

For the most eminent Don Francisco de Mendoza, most excellent son of 
Don Antonio de Mendoza, first viceroy of this India, his unworthy slave, Martin 
de la Cruz, prays for the greatest health and prosperity.’ 

Since in you the graces and adornments of every excellence, and the accom- 
plishments of the good, which are desired by everyone, shine forth O most 
magnificent Master, I do not know, indeed, what quality of yours to praise 
especially. Indeed, I do not see by what praises I may extol your remarkable 
love, by what words I may express gratitude for your unsurpassable kindness. 
For I cannot express in words how your father, a man at once most christian 
and most devoted, has been above all others my benefactor, for whatever I am, 
whatever I possess, and whatever renown I have, I owe to him. I can find 
nothing equal to, nothing worthy of his benefits. I can give great thanks, 
indeed, to my Maecenas, but little repayment. On that account, I offer, dedicate, 
and consecrate myself, whatever I am, to be your property. Not in truth to him 
alone, but also to you my most eminent master, as a most supplicant token and 
testimony of my singular devotion. 

The herbal was written at the request of Don Francisco de Mendoza 
and was intended as a gift to “ His Holy Caesarian Royal Catholic 
Majesty *—Charles V. It is evident that Don Francisco, who fol- 
lowed in his famous father’s footsteps in fostering the protection and 
education of the Indians, wished to commend the work of the Indians 
and to enlist His Majesty’s support of the College of Santa Cruz. 

The latter part of the dedication reads as follows: 

Indeed I suspect that you demand this little book of herbs and medicaments 
so strongly for no other reason than to commend us Indians, even though un- 
worthy, to his Holy Caesarian Catholic Royal Majesty. Would that we Indians 
could make a book worthy of the king’s sight, for this certainly is most un- 
worthy to come before the sight of so much majesty. But you will recollect 
that we poor unhappy Indians are inferior to all mortals, and for that reason 
our poverty and weakness implanted in us by nature merit your indulgence. Now 
accordingly, I beg that you will take this book, which by every-right I ought 
to inscribe with your name, most magnificent Master, in the spirit in which it 
is offered, or, what would not surprise me, that you cast it out whither it 
deserves. Farewell. Tlatilulci. In the year of our Lord Saviour 1552. 

Your Excellency’s most humble servant. 

*In the space between this item and the following appears “ Exlibris didaci 
Cortavila.’ The handwriting is entirely different from that of the manuscript, 
sO we can surmise that the book was once in the possession of someone by the 
name of Cortavila. 


Whether this beautiful little manuscript ever came into the hands 
of Charles V is not known, but Mendieta* records the fact that 
His Majesty contributed to the support of the College: 

His Majesty gave to the College of Santa Cruz, where they were taught Latin 
a thousand pesos for each year for certain years. To those who taught in the 
Chapel of Santa Jose to read, write and sing and play instruments of the 
church, three hundred ducats was given for some years. To illuminate the Holy 
Sacrament he commanded to give to each monastery six measures in each year, 
one half measure for each month. For celebration of mass in the monastery he 
commanded wine. 

and in addition we read— 

for the hospitals of St. Francis of Mexico and convent of Los Angeles 100 
pesos per year. And in order that the sick Indians should not remain untreated, 
he ordered to be built a royal hospital near Saint Francis of Mexico where 
they were cared for. 

Entirely apart from wishing to enlist His Majesty’s support of the 
college which, after the early prosperous period, was always in need 
of funds, Don Francisco undoubtedly had a keen interest in the herbs 
and medical knowledge of New Spain. Verification of Don Francisco’s 
personal interest in herbs is to be found in the quotation from the 
Frampton translation of Monardes: * 

Don Frauncis De Mendosa, Sonne unto the vise Roye, Don Antony de 
Mendosa did sowe in the new Spaine Cloaves, Pepper, Ginger, and other spices, 
of those whiche are brought from the Orientall Indias, and that whiche by hym 
was begonne was loste, by reason of his death, onely the Ginger did remain, for it 
did growe verie well in those partes, and so thei bryng it greene from newe 
Spain and other partes of our Indias, and some they bring drie, after the maner 
of that of the East India. 

Besides the personal interest of Don Francisco in herbs and his 
desire to foster the education of the Indians, a third and more force- 
ful influence gave impetus to the writing of this herbal; namely, the 
demand on the part of Europeans for herbs and medicaments. 

The expansion of the West had been stimulated by a desire to find 
a shorter trade route to the spice-producing countries of the Fast. 
The tales and accounts of voyages of Columbus (1492-1502), Vespucci 
(1499-1503), Balboa (1512-13) and Magellan (1519-22) and others 
had already awakened Europeans to the value of spices and herbs from 

*“Tcazbalceta, Joaquin Garcia, 1870. 

Mendieta, Fray Gerénimo de Mendieta-Historia Eclesiastica Indiana. Publ. 
Mexico, 1870. Antiqua Libreria, portal de Augustinos no. 3, 1870. 

° Frampton, John, 1577—Joyfull Newes of the Newe Founde Worlde .. . . tr. 
of Monardes, Nicholas, vol. 2, p. 5, Introduction by Stephen Gaselee, Constable 
and Co., Ltd. London, 1925. 


the New World. With the coming of Cortez and the fall of Tenoch- 
itlan in 1521, news of the medical knowledge of the Aztecs drifted back 
to Europe. In a letter to Charles V concerning the district of 
Tlaltelolco, the marketplace of Tenochitlan, Cortez mentions espe- 
cially a street of “ herb sellers where there are all manner of roots and 
medicinal plants that are found in the land. There are houses as it 
were of apothecaries where they sell medicines made from these herbs 
both for drinking and for use as ointments and salves.” * 

These letters, accounts of ship captains and explorers, even at this 
early date carried news to Europe of a knowledge of the use of herbs 
and medicaments which appeared: to rival that of the Old World. 
This interest is reflected in accounts of later historians and travelers, 
and in the works of some of the great European herbalists of the 
sixteenth century. 

Of the translator Juannes Badianus, we have brief but precise data 
in the last two pages of the volume (pl. 2), where he adds a word of 
explanation to the reader which is self explanatory : 


I beg again and again, most excellent reader, that you consider that I have well 
employed the labor that went into the translation, such as it is, of this little book 
of herbs. For my part, I preferred to have that labor go for nothing than to 
undergo your most exacting judgment. Further be sure that I put so many 
spare hours on this edition, not to show off my own talent, which is almost 
nothing, but only because of the obedience which I very rightly owe to the 
priest of this Monastery of St. Jacob, the apostle of the Spaniards and my most 
excellent patron, and very much to his superior the reverend Franciscan father, 
brother Jacobo de Grado, who laid this task upon my shoulders. Farewell in 
Christ the Saviour. At Tlatilulci in College of the Holy Cross, on the feast 
day of Saint Mary Magdalene during the Holy Holidays, A.D. 1552. 

End of the Book of Herbs, which Juannes Badianus by nation an Indian of the 
Xuchimilcanus country, reader of the same college, translated into Latin. 

Glory be ever to him by whose gift I translated this Book which you per- 
ceive, Good friend Reader. 

Badianus was apparently a native Indian from the district of 
Xochimilco, and he was undoubtedly among those first students who 
attended the college after it opened in 1535. It is most fitting that 
the translator was a native of the district of the floating gardens of 
Xochimilco, which had long been the gardens of the Aztec kings and 
princes. Centuries before the conquest the Aztecs had brought flowers 
and herbs from the lowlands and had developed a truly botanical gar- 

* Cortes, Hernando, Five letters, 1519-1526. Translated by F. Bayard Morris, 
Robert M. McBride & Co., New York, 1929. Second letter, p. 87. 


den of plants from many districts in Mexico. The historian Juan de 
Torquemada,’ who was for a time a member of the faculty of Santa 
Cruz, tells us that “ Montezuma kept a garden of medicinal herbs 
and that the court physicians experimented with them and attended 
the nobility. But the common people came rarely to these doctors for 
medical aid, not only because a fee was charged for their services, 
but also because the medicinal value of herbs was common knowl- 
edge and they could concoct remedies from their own gardens.” 
These gardens were undoubtedly flourishing in good condition at the 
time the manuscript was written, and even today they furnish all 
the fowers and vegetables for Mexico City. It is quite within reason 
that both Martinus de la Cruz and Juannes Badianus were familiar 
with the flora of this district from early childhood. 

Of “the Reverend Franciscan father, Brother Jacobo de Grado”, 
no other historical reference has as yet been found—a most singular 
fact since he held the position of superior at the convent at a time 
when both the historians Fray Bernardino de Sahagun and Fray 
Torquemada were in Mexico, the former Fray Bernardino de Sahagun 
being a member of the Governing Board of the Order of Franciscans 
at the time of the completion of this manuscript. 

As to the origin of the famous College of Santa Cruz of Tlaltelolco 
(Tlatilulci), both the modern writers Bourne* and Merriman” ac- 
credit its founding to Bishop Zumarraga in the year 1535. Bourne 
adds: “‘ Besides the elementary branches, instruction was offered in 
Latin, philosophy, music, Mexican medicine, and the native languages. 
Among the faculty were graduates of the University of Paris and 
such eminent scholars as Bernardino de Sahagun, the founder of 
American anthropology, and Juan de Torquemada, himself a product 
of Mexican education, whose Monarquia Indiana is a great storehouse 
of knowledge of Mexican antiquities and history. Many of the 
graduates of this college became alcaldes and governors in the Indian 

*Torquemada, Juan de, Monarg. Ind., lib. 14, chap. 14: “El emperador 
Moctezuma tenia jardines de yerbas medicinales, y mandaba a sus médicos que 
hiciesen experiencias con ellas, y curasen a los senores de su corte. La gente 
comun occurria rara vez a los medicos, por excusarse de pagarles, y porque era 
general el conocimiento de varios remedios, con los cuales se curaban, como 
podian, de sus enfermedades.” 

“Bourne, E. G., The American Nation—a history, vol. 3, p. 300, Harper & 
Brothers, New York, 1904. 

* Merriman, R. B., The rise of the Spanish Empire, vol. 3, p. 663, Macmillan 
Co., New York, 1925. 


If we return to the sixteenth century work of the historian Mendieta, 
who went to Mexico 19 years after the founding of the college, a 
more intimate picture may be obtained. Before the opening of the 
College of Santa Cruz in 1536,” the Indians were taught in the con- 
vent of S. Francisco of Mexico in the chapel of S. Jose. Here “ the 
good father and guide Fr. Pedro de Gante” instructed them in 
~ Christian doctrine and in allithe arts and exercises’: ~ Whe first 
teacher in grammar was Fr. Arnaldo de Bassacio, a Frenchman and a 
great linguist of Indian language, with whom they made such progress 
that the first viceroy Antonio de Mendoza, true father of the Indians, 
noting their progress gave the order that they should build a college 
in the principal suburb of Mexico a quarter of a league from S. Fran- 
cisco (where we, the lesser friars have a second convent of the name 
of the apostle Santiago, in the suburb which is called Tlaltelolco). [ Pl. 
4.] In order that the guardian of that convent should have in his 
charge the administration of the college, and that this work should not 
burden the brothers of the principal convent, the viceroy Don Antonio 
himself built the college at his own expense and gave certain estates 
and farms which he had, in order that the rent of them might sustain 
the Indian college.” 

The students at the tender age of 10 to 12 years were carefully 
selected from the “sons of gentlemen” of the principal towns and 
larger provinces of this New Spain. “ The priests of their native 
town selected only those who appeared most able, and thus were 
gathered together about a hundred children and young men.” The 
ceremonies of the dedication of the college were impressive. Among 
those present were the viceroy, Antonio de Mendoza, Bishop of 
Mexico, Don Fr. Juan Zumarraga, the Bishop of S. Domingo, D. Se- 
bastin Ramirez and “ with them all the city”. The ceremonies began 
with a sermon preached by Dr. Cervantes at the convent of S. Fran- 
cisco of Mexico. Then a great procession marched to the Convent of 
Santiago, where a second sermon was preached by Fr. Alonso de 
Herrera and a third and last by Fr. Pedro de Rivero in the refectory 
of the Friars of the Convent of Santiago—where, adds Mendieta, 
“ The gentlemen ate at the cost of the good Bishop Zumarraga.”’ 

Mendieta also gives us the names of the teachers who taught during 
those early prosperous years and who quite probably were the instruc- 
tors of the two authors of our herbal. Fr. Arnaldo de Bassacio, who 
first taught Latin, was followed by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagun and 

*“ Mendieta gives the year of the founding of the college one year later than 
that given by Bourne and Merriman. 


Fr. Andres de Olmos. All three of these were gifted scholars of the 
Aztec language, and undoubtedly gave instruction in the writing of 
Aztec. (The Nahuatl grammar of Olmos is still today the background 
for all recent studies of the language.) Fr. Juan de Gaona also taught 
rhetoric, logic, and philosophy. And in addition we read “ For a short 
time they taught also Medicine to the Indians, which they still use 
in their knowledge of herbs and roots and other things which they 
apply in their illnesses.” 

The fame of the college grew and flourished to such an extent 
that by the time of the second viceroy D. Luis de Velasco (1550-64), 
the rents of the college were not sufficient to sustain so many students. 
Through the intercession of the viceroy, the Emperor, Philip II, aided 
each year with two to three hundred ducats.” But after his death, 
the college lost favor with both the church and the governors. For 
a while the Indians themselves made an attempt to support the col- 
lege, and we read the following notes from Mendieta: “ The convent 
of Santiago of Tlalteloleo (in the borough of Mexico) has sustained 
itself very abundantly with the alms of the Indians, having continu- 
ously a gathering of Indian guests.” . . . . “ Indian butchers brought 
meat to the convent of Tlalteloleco on Saturday as their offerings.”’ 
But by the time Mendieta was completing this history, approximately 
in 1598, we find him writing: “ But this all is finished, and now the 
college serves for little more than to teach the Indian children who 
gather there, who are from the town of Tlaltelolco itself, good man- 
ners and to read and write.” 

Of all those who taught in the College of Santa Cruz, Friar Ber- 
nardino de Sahagun was the most eminent. Of his long life in Mexico 
(1529-1590), a large part was spent at Tlaltelolco. He was the first 
of the Europeans to gather together data on native materia medica. 
For the most part this was assembled in books 10 and 11 of his 
“Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva Espana”. In a note of 
especial interest attached to the end of book 6 (Codice Florentino, 
libro 6 lam. 17), he tells us that he obtained his knowledge of Aztec 
medicine from eight native physicians of the district of Tlaltelolco, 
Santiago, and includes their signatures as follows: Gaspar Mattias, 
Francisco Symon, Felipe Hernandez, Miguel Garcia, Pedro de San- 
tiago, Miguel Damian, Pedro de Raquena, and Miguel Motolinia. 
Book 6 was assembled in the year 1547, one year after the great 
plague, but the major part of all his writings on native medicine was 
not compiled until after 1557, when Fray Francisco Toral, Provincial 
of the Franciscan Order, commanded him to put his vast amount of 

 Tcazbalceta (tr. of Mendieta), p. 415. 


information into two volumes. To complete this work he was sent 
to the Pueblo of Tepeopulco, of the district of Texcoco, where with 
the assistance of 10 or 12 Indians who were former students, the 
work was completed in 1569.” 

A review of the known dates of his life shows that he was teacher 
of Latin at the College of Santa Cruz between 1536 and 1540. Be- 
tween 1540 and 1545 he was visiting commissioner to various Fran- 
ciscan convents. In 1545 he returned to the Tlaltelolco and was there 
until 1546, the year of the great plague. While nursing his beloved 
Indians he acquired the infection and was himself removed to the 
mother convent in Mexico City proper. The next year he returned 
to Tlaltelolco. Between the years 1547 and 1552 his residence is not 
known, but since in 1552, as a member of the governing board of the 
Order, we find his signature affixed to a letter to the Emperor, this 
would seem to indicate that he was in all probability in or near Mexico 
City at the time. It is possible that he was in residence at the Convent 
of Xochimilco, since we know that he was superior in that convent 
about this time. 

As might be expected, the medical writings of Sahagun and text 
of the Badianus manuscript are closely related in subject matter as 
well as in the etymology of the Aztec words. However, the former is 
written in the manner of a notebook while the latter is a completely 
organized treatise. Also the Badianus manuscript deals with many 
more plants than the Sahagun. The illustrations are superior to the 
Sahagun manuscript both in number and in anatomical detail. 

The use of Aztec symbols to assist in the identification of plants 
is to be found in both manuscripts. In the Badianus manuscript the 
Aztec water symbol is sometimes drawn under the roots of plants 
to indicate that it grows by flowing water. Where the water is not 
flowing the background around the roots of aquatic plants is painted 
blue. The use of the stone symbol, which is also found in the Sahagun 
manuscript, becomes a highly developed art in the Badianus manu- 
script, where it occurs with various modifications of form and color. 
In all cases it is found beneath the roots of plants. 

In attempting to identify the various infirmities under the Latin 
title it is necessary to keep in mind that the manuscript is a descrip- 
tion of diseases and ailments of natives of Mexico; and in addition that 
it deals with the materia medica of a people who lived in a tropical 
country at an altitude of approximately 9,000 feet. Although it was 
written within 31 years of the Conquest, the subject matter reaches 

ℱ Bandelier, F. R., Ancient Mexico. Fisk University Press, 1932. 


far back into pre-Conquest times. The Nahuatl or Aztec Empire 
drew from its conquered peoples, the Toltecs and the Mayas, for 
much of its cultural background. Of these two peoples only Mayan 
medical texts have come down to us. All of these were written long 
after the Spanish Conquest and are believed to post-date the writing 
of the present Aztec herbal. To gain an adequate idea of the signifi- 
cance of much of the data of this herbal it is necessary to reach back 
into Aztec times and at the same time turn to our most recent writings 
in the field of tropical medicine and botanical research. 

For the most part the materia medica deals with methods of treat- 
ment empirically derived. There are no incantations and only a few 
references to charms. The first chapter deals with head ailments, such 
as heat and cold in the head, abscess of the head, scales or mange, 
scabes, falling hair, and fractured head. The second chapter includes 
a treatment for sore eyes, fever, blood shot eyes, cataract, eversion 
of the eyelid, swelling of the eye, insomnia and a remedy to repel 
drowsiness. The third chapter deals with ear infection. 

As a typical example of the method of treatment of the text, 
chapter four, because of brevity, permits of publication here. It 
reads as follows: 

Fourth Chapter 

Concerning catarrh, medicine to be instilled in the nose, herb for the blood. 


Below this title are depicted two herbs, the Tzonpilihuizxihuitl and 
the Atochietl. An etymological analysis of the former name gives 
us the usage of the plant. Tzonpilihuiz-xihuitl is a compound word 
derived from the Aztec verb Tzompiliui (Simeon, p. 666) “ meaning 
“to have a cold in the head ” and the suffix, -xihuitl (Simeon, p. 699) 
meaning “ plant’; so we may refer to Tzonpilihuizxihuitl as “ cold 
in the head plant,” or briefly “ catarrh plant”. Jimenez” (book 1, 
chap. 3) refers also to the use of catarrh medicine (Tzompilihuitz- 
patli), and Hernandez“ (p. 29) refers to Tzimpalihuiz-patlin and 
gives the variant name Texaxapotla, which he identifies as Ptarmuica 
indica, but this does not agree with the picture in the Badianus manu- 
script. The extract of Tzonpilihuizxihuitl is also used as a vermifuge 
(Bad Ms: p51): 

2 Simeon, Reni, Dictionnaire de la Langue Nahuatl. Paris, Imprimerie Na- 
tionale, 1885. 
* Jimenez, F., Quatro Libros de la Naturaleza . . . . Mexico, 1615. 
“ Hernandez, Francisco, Rerum Medicarum Novae Hispaniae Thesaurus 
. 1651. 


For the Atochietl, the second plant shown on the same page, we have 
but a single reference in which it is described as an aromatic plant, 
the pennyroyal (Simeon, p. 37). 

The text for the treatment of catarrh reads as follows: 


Qui narium distillatione seu coriza infestatur herbas atochietl, et Tzompili- 
huizxihuitl olfaciet et ita gravedini subveniet. [Those troubled with a dripping 
nose or cold are to sniff the herbs Atochietl and Tzompilihuizxihuitl and help 
the cold thus.] 

A second remedy in the fourth chapter is entitled ‘ Medicine to 
be instilled into the nose.” The following remedy for a headache 
reads, “ The root of the herb Yztac pahtli [lit. “ white-medicine ” | 
is to be bruised in a little clear water and the liquor poured into the 
nostrils drop by drop for those suffering from a headache.” 

The herb depicted above the text is of the family Mimosaceae, be- 
longing to the genus Acacia farnesiana Willd.” An ointment made 
from the flowers is used today in Mexico as a remedy for headache. 
In addition an infusion of the flowers is used for dyspepsia. 

The chapter closes with a remedy to stop nose bleeding. The plant 
Atzitzicaztli, or water nettle, is used also for maladies of the neck 
(Simeon, p. 664). 

The remedy reads as follows: 

The juice of nettles ground with salt in urine and milk poured into the 
nostrils, stops bleeding. 

Two of the most interesting plants used as a cure for pain are the 
Tolohuaxihuitl and the Nexehuac (pl. 3). Both of these are Daturas 
(Solanaceae). The first of these, Tolohuaxihuitl or Tolohua plant, 
is referred to by Hernandez as D. stramonium. Sahagun” and 
Clavigero “ refer to it as Toloache. Both the white-flowered and pur- 
ple-flowered forms of this species occur in Mexico as well as in the 
United States; the purple forms are usually called D. tatula. The 
white-flowered forms may bear either smooth or prickly capsules, the 
smooth variety being called D. inermis.” The adjacent plant, called 

* Standley, P..C., Trees and shrubs of Mexico. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb., vol. 
23, pt. 2, p. 378, 1922. 

** Sahagun, Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva Espafia (1590). Publicase 
con fondes de la secretaria de instrucion publica y bellas artes de Mexico, por 
Francisco del Paso y Troncoso. Publ. Madrid Tototipia de Hauser y Menet, 

ℱ Clavigero, F. J., Historia Antigua de Mexico. London, 1826. 

* Safford, W. E., Narcotic Daturas of the Old and New World. Ann. Rep. 
Smithsonian Inst. 1920, Publ. 2644, 1922. 


Nexehuac (Nexeua—the rambler—Simeon, p. 307), is depicted as 
an erect, white-flowered form with purple, smooth-skinned fruit re- 
sembling this type. The flowers are drawn as erect, the fruits pendant, 

but since all the arborescent Daturas have unarmed fruits we may 
consider either the drawing or the etymological derivation misleading. 
Its smooth pods would probably place it as a variety of D. stramonium 
known as D. inermuis Jacq. 

Varieties of Datura have been used the world over for their nar- 
cotic properties, the effect being due to the presence of the drug 

Besides these remedies just discussed in detail, there are others 
for dysentery, skin disease, gout, pain in joints, various helminth 
infections, and afflictions such as burned body, cracks in soles of feet, 
and wounds of various types, and a number of other items. It is 
worthy to be noted that fear, fatigue, and feeblemindedness are looked 
upon as diseases and treated as such. 

In chapter 10 we find a reference to a charm for getting across the 
river safely ; chapter 11 is devoted to afflictions of women ; chapter 12 
refers to remedies for children; and the book closes very fittingly 
with two pages entitled “ Of certain signs of approaching death.” 

The identification of plants depends to a large extent upon the 
etymological analyses, which frequently give the usage, the place of 
habitat, or a description of the plant itself. A complete analysis of 
all the 313 Aztec or Nahuatl words has been made in the preparation 
of the text for publication of this manuscript.” About 40 percent of 
these are new words—that is, they do not occur in the early sources, 
Molina,” Sahagun, Hernandez, or in the standard Simeon Aztec- 
French dictionary. From Simeon however, the roots have been de- 
rived, so that it has been possible to give a translation based upon 
the etymological sources of the word. 

This system of the Aztecs of building up a descriptive compound 
noun results in the grouping of plants as to their color or form or 
as aquatic plants, eatable plants, sweet or bitter plants, fragrant, 
spinous, or medicinal. Examples of these when divided into their 
respective roots are as follows: A-caca-pac-quilitl (an-agreeable- 
eatable-water plant), Aca-mallo-tetl (water-plant captive (in) stone), 

“The writer acknowledges the assistance of Dr. John P. Harrington, eth- 
nologist, of the Bureau of American Ethnology, in verifying the etymologies of 
the Aztec plant names. 

* Molina, Fr. Alonso, Vocabulario de la Lengua Mexicana, compuesto porel 
P. Fr. Alonso de Molina. Publicado de nuevo por Julio Platzmann, Leipsig, 1880. 


Caca-matlalin (blue-colored herb), Chichic-xihuitl (bitter herb), Colo- 
mecatl (trailing cord), Hahuiyac-xihuitl (fragrant plant). 

The credit for this as a system of plant identification was first 
recognized by Francisco Flores," eminent Mexican medical historian, 
who mentioned it in his “ Historia de la Medicina en Mexico ” (1888), 
but he does not give such an analysis. Instead he groups Aztec plant 
names according to usage, such as tonics, antispasmodics, stimulants, 
etc. Until the translation of the present volume, as far as is known, 
no complete analysis of Aztec plant names has been undertaken. 

The recognition of the modern botanical classification is most dif- 
ficult. Without an analysis of the Aztec nouns, the usages of each 
plant and the colored-plate identification would be impossible. In 
addition it has been necessary to cross-reference every Aztec plant 
name with sixteenth century Aztec-Latin botanical texts. Again, 
without Standley’s important volumes on the trees and shrubs of 
Mexico and the flora of Yucatan, this would have been impossible. 

Of the sixteenth century Aztec-Latin sources, only two are of the 
greatest importance. The first, volumes 10 and 11 of the Sahagun 
manuscript, is the most important, since the work is both contempo- 
rary with, and deals with plants of the same district as, the Badianus 
manuscript. The second is the great Hernandez volume, which was 
written in the latter half of the sixteenth century, and although not 
published until 150 years later, was one of the greatest herbals of 
the sixteenth century. The excellent illustrations of the Hernandez 
volume have been invaluable in checking the more primitive Aztec 
drawings in the Badianus manuscript. 

Besides the use of plants, animals, stones, and various kinds of 
earth, salts and carbon were used in the concoction of Aztec medical 
formulas. Of the stones, pearls of various kinds, the eztetl (jasper), 
the tetlahuitl (precious ocre stone), and the tlahcalhuatzin are the 
most frequently used. Numerous references are found to the use of 
bezoar stones, which they obtained from 1o different species of birds. 
Earths of various kinds classified according to their color were used, 
as well as soda and salt. The latter was obtained in cakes from the 
salt lake of Texcoco and, in the Aztec Empire period, was one of the 
chief articles of trade. Animal charcoal was used then as it still is 
today—although in a purer form—in the preparation of bitter prin- 
ciples for infusions and tinctures. 

Of the animals used, the greater part were birds, although the stag, 
dog, fox, jaguar, monkey, and many other kinds were included. 

*t Flores, Francisco A., Historia de la Medicina en Mexico. Oficina Tip de la 
Secretaria de Fomento, vols. 1, 2, and 3, 1886. 


Medicaments were either taken internally or used as lotions and un- 
guents, and modes of treatments, intervals between dosages, and symp- 
toms are also included. In many respects the treatments compare 
favorably with those of Europe. That Aztec medical knowledge was 
considered superior is obvious from the fact that it was taught at the 
College of Santa Cruz in preference to European medicine. It is 
especially significant that Philip II sent Dr. Francisco Hernandez, 
under the title of Protomedico of Spain, to New Spain with the 
commission to gather together the knowledge of native plants and 
their usage. Parts of his great work were collected by Dr. Nardo 
Antonio Recchi and published in one great volume by the Lyncean 
Society in 1651. The interest of Europeans in Aztec medicine is also 
reflected in the writings of Dr. Nicholas Monardes, whose work on 
the medical knowledge of the Occidental Indies was published in 
1569 and translated into English in 1577 by John Frampton. The 
works of Carlos Clusius, Caesalpinus, and others all reflect the in- 
troduction of Aztec medical knowledge into Europe. The extent to 
which Aztec medical knowledge influenced the medical practices in 
Europe can only be judged by a careful examination of the later 
sixteenth and seventeenth century herbalists in whose work references 
to Mexican plants occur. 

All these latter works of European authors present a picture of 
Aztec medical learning as it appeared when viewed through the eyes 
of Europeans. The Sahagun manuscripts alone show a close kinship 
to the Badianus manuscript. This would be expected because of both 
the time of writing and the source of material. 

The Badianus manuscript holds the unique position of being the 
earliest written Aztec herbal as well as being the only one written by 
the Aztecs themselves. It marks the beginning of herbal literature 
on this side of the Atlantic. To the list of native Aztec students of 
the College of Santa Cruz who distinguished themselves in the field 
of letters, we add the names of Martin de la Cruz and Juannes 
Badianus. The volume is a lasting tribute to the teachings of Fr. Ber- 
nardino de Sahagun and the brothers of the Franciscan order who 
taught at Tlaltelolco during the first 50 years of its existence. 





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VOLES 947 INO 2) PE 3 


“Against pain in the side. The application of the herbs Tolohuaxihuitl and 
Nexehuac, ground in water takes away pains in the side.” 
Tolohuaxihuitl, Datura stramonium; Nexehuac, Datura mermis. 

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Chomas Lincoln Casey FFund 


(Wiru One Pirate) 


Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, 
U.S. Department of Agriculture 


JUNE 8, 1935 

The Lord Baltimore Press 



The Casey Collection of Coleoptera bequeathed to the United States 
National Museum by Thomas Lincoln Casey, basis of a lifetime of 
investigation on the part of one of the foremost coleopterists in 
America, rich in types, with carefully selected specimens of a high 
degree of perfection in preparation, contains material that is of con- 
stant and permanent value to other systematic workers in the multi- 
tude of families that Colonel Casey covered in his extended and pains- 
taking researches. It is the most important single gift that has come 
to the section to which it pertains in the Division of Insects. 

Few words are necessary to explain that a private collection used by 
one highly trained and careful individual may be kept and handled 
successfully under an arrangement that is impossible in a public insti- 
tution where material is consulted by many research workers. To 
conserve space Colonel Casey pinned his specimens as closely as pos- 
sible. To conserve time he used a method in labeling that, while safe 
and effective for his purposes, would certainly lead to disastrous con- 
fusion if placed’ in the hands of many. No one had fuller under- 
standing of these facts than Colonel Casey himself, and usually he 
handled his specimens personally when examining them with scientific 

The question of safeguarding this collection adequately became para- 
mount at once on its receipt in the National Museum. Dr. J. M. 
Aldrich, Associate Curator of the Division of Insects, with the ad- 
vice of S. A. Rohwer, Entomologist in Charge of Taxonomic Inves- 
tigations, Bureau of Entomology, on March 3, 1925, called a confer- 
ence of coleopterists and others interested to consider this matter. At 
this meeting Mr. Rohwer presented a set of resolutions, adopted after 
due discussion, that indicated the importance of the collection and the 
necessity of careful labeling and arrangement before the material was 
thrown open to general consultation and use. The necessary funds 
for effecting this were a matter for some consideration. The matter 
rested here until August 12, 1925, when I appointed a committee to 
consider recommendations for procedure, consisting of Dr. Aldrich 
as chairman, assisted by W. S. Fisher and H. S. Barber of the Bureau 
of Entomology, and Dr. E. A. Chapin of the Zoological Division of 
the Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Department of Agri- 
culture. After due and careful consideration this group rendered a 
report on September 15 which, with some slight modification, has 



served as the method for the handling and installation of the collec- 
tion. The details of this are described by Mr. Buchanan in the follow- 
ing report and need not be itemized here. 

A beginning in labeling and arrangement was made by H. S. Barber, 
but it was evident at once that definite assistance was required to carry 
the matter forward. Realizing this need and desiring in every way 
to hasten the arrangement of the material so that it might be made 
available as promptly as possible, Mrs. Laura Welsh Casey established 
a special fund carried in her name under the Smithsonian Institution 
and made available the necessary money to carry on the work. An 
agreement was made with the Bureau of Biological Survey, United 
States Department of Agriculture, whereby Mr. L. L. Buchanan was 
released for half time employment under this fund for work on the 
Casey Collection, and the arrangement began on April 1, 1926. This 
cooperative arrangement was continued later with the Bureau of 
Entomology following Mr. Buchanan’s transfer to that service. Cases 
for storage also were purchased. In addition to all this, Mrs. Casey, 
with the advice of Dr. W. M. Mann, supplied an excellent microscope 
of modern type, and arranged for binding many of the reference 
works in the special library that accompanied the collection. 

That the long task of arranging the collection went forward from 
this time without delay has been due entirely to the steady interest 
and encouragement of Mrs. Casey, to whom all thanks are due for 
furthering this monument to the memory of her distinguished husband. 

In addition to supplying funds for the arrangement of the collec- 
tion Mrs. Casey has by gift to the Smithsonian Institution established 
a permanent endowment known as the Thomas Lincoln Casey Fund, 
the income of which is to be used for maintenance of the Casey Col- 
lection and for the general promotion of research in Coleoptera. Under 
this fund there will be published from time to time in the Smithsonian 
Miscellaneous Collections papers dealing with the Casey Collection 
and with Coleoptera in general, the present account by Mr. Buchanan 
initiating this series. All publications appearing under these auspices 
will be designated as under the Thomas Lincoln Casey Fund. 

In closing it is fitting that I should express to Mr. L. L. Buchanan 
the thanks of the Smithsonian Institution for the careful and con- 
scientious manner in which he has carried forward to completion the 
exacting task of arranging the Casey Collection. The present installa- 
tion has aroused the admiration of all who have visited the Casey room 
since this work has been completed. 

Assistant Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. 

Thomas DLincoln Casev Fund 


Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, U. S. Department of Agriculture 

(With One Ptrate) 

Thomas Lincoln Casey was both soldier and man of science. Seldom 
does one lifetime present substantial and valued achievement in two 
fields as widely separated as were the two provinces of this coleopterist 
who was also an army engineer. 

Born in 1857 at West Point, he was the son of Brig.-Gen. Thomas 
Lincoln Casey, who as Chief of Engineers of the United States Army 
was to carry through the construction of the Congressional Library 
building, and of the upper part of the Washington Monument. One 
of his grandfathers was Maj.-Gen. Silas Casey, and the other was 
Robert W. Weir, for 50 years professor of drawing at the United 
States Military Academy. After a year in the Sheffield Scientific 
School of Yale University he entered the Military Academy at West 
Point. There he was a high-stand man through the four years of 
his course. Upon his graduation in 1879 his position in his class ad- 
mitted him to the Corps of Engineers, and by the time he retired from 
active duty in 1912 he had reached the rank of colonel. 

Astronomy was the field in which the young lieutenant did his 
earliest scientific work. His first military assignment took him to 
the Engineer and Submarine Mining School at Willet’s Point, now 
Fort Totten at one of the entrances to New York harbor; here he 
made a specialty of theoretical and applied astronomy, to such good 
effect that in 1882, when Prof. Simon Newcomb led an expedition to 
the Cape of Good Hope to observe the transit of Venus, Lieutenant 
Casey was a member of the party and acted as assistant astronomer. 
He was also a member of the Greer County Commission, which went 
to Texas in 1886 to mark the boundary lines between a portion of what 
was then the Indian Territory and the State of Texas. 

* The writer wishes to acknowledge his deep obligation to Clara Cutler Chapin, 
who prepared the biographical sketch, and made many helpful suggestions relating 
to other portions of the manuscript. 



In 1898 Captain Casey was married to Miss Laura Welsh, of Phila- 
delphia, and they made their first home in Virginia. Captain Casey 
had been in charge of construction work at Fort Monroe; upon the 
outbreak of the Spanish War he was made major and was entrusted 
with the submarine mine defenses of Hampton Roads. 

Early in the present century Major Casey was assigned to duty on 
the Mississippi River, and here began an interest in conchology which 
was to continue throughout his life. For 4 years he was a member of 
the Mississippi River Commission, stationed first at Vicksburg and 
later at St. Louis. It was at this time that he began to build up the 
notable collection of recent and fossil shells of the lower Mississippi 
which served as basis for studies carried on during the later years of 
his life. 

For 40 years Thomas Lincoln Casey was an eager and devoted 
student of Coleoptera. Half a dozen of his papers on North American 
beetles appeared in the year 1884, and from then on they were fre- 
quent. The 50 or more publications which came out before 1910 were 
confined to Coleoptera of North America, but with the ‘“ Memoirs 
on the Coleoptera ”’ (1910-1924) he enlarged his field to include Cen- 
tral and South American species as well. Every paper was the fruit 
of careful and accurate study. 

By field work and by extensive purchases, the young officer was 
carefully building up a collection of American Coleoptera and a library 
of the publications dealing with them, which were to excite the ad- 
miration of all who were privileged to examine them. The constant 
shifting of base which was involved in his army career enabled him 
to do field work and make additions to his collection in almost every 
section of our country, for he was stationed successively on Long 
Island, in Philadelphia, in California, in Texas, in Rhode Island, at 
New York, in Virginia, at Vicksburg, at St. Louis, and finally at 
Washington, D. C., where he continued to make his home after his 
retirement in IQ12. 

His studies were based on specimens in his possession, and were a 
regular feature of his early schedule. Two hours of the leisure left 
by his military duties were devoted to entomology. In this daily 
period he put his specimens under his binocular compound microscope 
and subjected them to an examination that was detailed and thorough 
to the last degree. Measurements, when taken, were painstakingly 
accurate, and every fine point of habitus and sculpture was covered 
in his notes. Many of his papers were privately printed and were 
distributed so as to put their findings at the disposal of all students 
to whom they would be of value. 


Colonel Casey died February 3, 1925, and the microscope he had 
used throughout his long entomological career was buried with him. 
His large and valuable entomological and conchological collections, 
each with its comprehensive library, were left to the United States 
National Museum. His other property was left to Mrs. Casey for 
life, the estate to be given eventually to three scientific societies, the 
National Academy of Sciences, the New York Academy of Sciences, 
and the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Mrs. Casey was named - 
sole executor. 

The Casey collection of Coleoptera was transported by automobile 
from the Casey apartment by H. S. Barber and E. A. Chapin and 
was stored for a short time in a tower room of the Old Museum 
building ; later it was transferred to a room in the Natural History 
building where it remains. Casey’s entomological library, consisting 
of about 900 volumes and many separates, accompanied the beetle 
collection, and the two items now form a compact and accessible unit 
for research on matters connected with Casey’s work. 

The collection as received was housed in about 260 boxes of the 
Schmitt type, contained in wooden cabinets. The specimens themselves 
were clean, well mounted, and in good condition. In general, the 
series of the different species were clearly segregated, the first speci- 
men bearing the name label, the others grouped after it in the con- 
ventional manner. Because of the uniformity of mounts, the unusually 
small locality labels, and the precise alignment of material, Casey was 
able to get an astonishingly large number of specimens in some of 
the boxes. His manual skill in handling material gave to parts of the 
collection a deceptive appearance of ample spacing, but the abnormal 
compression immediately became evident when attempts were made 
to remove or to replace individual specimens, and showed the im- 
practicability of allowing students the privilege of studying the collec- 
tion in the original boxes. 

The uniformity of mounts, so conspicuous a feature of the collection 
as a whole, is due to a practice Casey followed for a good many years; 
besides preparing the considerable quantities of material he himself 
collected, he remounted all specimens received from correspondents. 
In Memoir 7, page 35, 1916, he speaks of careful mounting as a 
“prime necessity’, even though such curatorial work “absorbs a 
very large proportion of all the time available for such [research] 
studies in the daily routine of life, which flows along and ebbs away 
with ever increasing speed’. Suggestions as to the proper mounting 


of small Staphylinidae are given in Memoir 2, page 2, 1911, while in 
Memoir I, page I, 1910, objections are made to the European method 
of mounting on cards. 

The collection contains considerable amounts of exotic material, 
both named and unnamed, in nearly all the groups monographically 
studied, especially in the families Scarabaeidae, Staphylinidae, Cur- 
culionidae, Tenebrionidae, and Cryptophagidae. The regions repre- 
sented are chiefly Europe, Mexico, and Central and South America. 
There is also a quantity of undetermined North American material, 
the bulk of it in those families not critically studied by Casey. 

Here and there throughout the collection stand specimens labeled 
simply “LL”. These are part of the old Levette cabinet, concerning 
which Casey says (Coleopterological Notices, 2, p. 501, 1890): The 
material is “from the Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, and Colorado, 
much of which was probably collected by Morrison”. In recording 
locality for those ‘‘L” specimens surmised to be from the eastern 
part of the United States, Casey generally suggests either “ Indiana ” 
or “ Indiana?’’; for those thought to be of western origin, he often 
gives Colorado. A good many of Casey’s specimens bearing label 
“Ari” or “Ariz” are probably Levette collection material. 

The abbreviation “typ.”, which frequently appears on the name 
labels of species of other authors, stands for “typical” (not “ type”) 
and shows that Casey regarded the specimen as a typical example be- 
cause of its agreement with the original description or with the actual 
type. Considerable reliance can be placed on such determinations, 
especially in the case of Leconte or Horn species, with the types of 
which Casey compared much of his material.’ 

Name labels reversed or folded generally indicate that Casey re- 
garded the specimen as incorrectly determined, or considered the spe- 
cies a synonym. In a few cases name labels were folded for no 
apparent reason other than to reduce their size. 

Compared to most modern collections, the Casey Collection contains 
a rather small average number of specimens per species, though this 
condition would naturally follow in the case of a private cabinet where 
species lines are closely drawn. However, Casey’s series were often 
ample, including from several up to 20 or more specimens, and more- 
over there is evidence, in the case of certain species, that he examined 
many more specimens than now appear in the collection. For example, 

2 In Coleopterological Notices, 5, p. 599, 1893, Casey says that Centrinus canus 
“is the only species not described from the original type or a specimen care- 
fully compared therewith”. There are many statements of similar purport in 
his writings. 


in Memoir 7, page 2, 1916, he refers to the study of 275 individuals of 
Saprinus lugens Erichson from Arizona, though at present there are 
but six Arizona specimens of this species in the collection. Again, 
among Casey’s 16 examples of Tyloderma foveolata Say is a pair 
from Indiana, the smaller of which bears a folded label in Casey’s 
handwriting, “ smallest of 65’, the larger a similar label, “ largest of 
65”. The greater convenience of small, selected lots for study pur- 
poses was no doubt Casey’s principal reason for restricting the size 
of his series, with insufficient storage space a contributory factor. It 
is not to be supposed that he discarded all the duplicates, as on more 
than one occasion consignments of. excess material were sent to the 
National Museum and possibly to other institutions or correspondents 
as well. 

Casey’s unusual scheme for indicating the locality of his specimens 
deserves special mention. The base of this system is a small State 
abbreviation label to which he added various marks or symbols—dots, 
dashes, and crosses—in black or red ink. The nature, number, ar- 
rangement, and color of these marks on the label gives the clue to the 
definite locality within the State and sometimes to additional informa- 
tion as to date and collector. For example Ari denotes Sabino Canyon, 
Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona, collected by J. F. Tucker. There 
are altogether about 160 different kinds of these cryptic labels repre- 
sented in the collection. A complete list of them, together with their 
more precise locality equivalents, arranged alphabetically by States, 
is kept on file in the Casey room with the collection, so that the exact 
locality of any specimen can be quickly ascertained. 

In adopting this unorthodox method of labeling, Casey’s purpose 
was to obtain a label which, while giving the essential data or clue 
to such data, at the same time was small enough to permit unobstructed 
examination of the ventral surface of the specimen. The short focal 
distance and high magnification attendant on the use of his old- 
fashioned binocular compound microscope made small labels a virtual 
necessity ; in the case of minute beetles, such labels had the further 
merit of conserving space, increasing the available pinning area in his 
boxes by one-third or more. Casey followed this scheme of labeling 
for many years, but finally gave it up, doubtless because the growth 
of his collection rendered the system too complicated for easy use. 
The conventional locality labels which were attached to later material 
were reduced to the desired smallness by folding, either once or twice, 
but always so as to leave the State name uppermost. 

Of the 9,400 species described by Casey, the type specimens of most 
have been located. The types of a few however, some Ig in number, 


appear to have disappeared from the collection. These are: Amara 
marylandica, Amercedes subulirostris, Bembidion militare, Celia fer- 
ruginea, Celia pallida, Epipocus punctipennis, Eumononycha opaca, 
Euplectus impressiceps, Lathropus pubescens, Laemophloeus flori- 
danus, L. horni, L. schwarzi, Phyllophaga subpruinosa, Ptilium sul- 
catum, Stenolophus gracilis, Stethobaris cicatricosa, Tachys occulator, 
Telephanus lecontei, Thesium laticolle. The disappearance of most of 
these types is referred to by Casey in Memoir 5, page 283, 1914, and in 
Memoir 8, page 291,1918. The types of two other species, Colon decoris 
and Trichopteryx fungina, which were at one time thought by Casey to 
have been lost (Memoir 5, p. 283, 1914, and Memoir 11, p. 155, 1924), 
were located during the progress of the curatorial work on the collec- 
tion, the former among a lot of small Sil/phidae, the latter in the set 
of Acratrichis parallela Mots. In addition to Casey’s own types, the 
collection contains type material of 100 or more species of various 
other authors. 

Shortly after the public announcement of Casey’s bequest of his 
collection to the National Museum, tentative plans were made looking 
toward the future care and upkeep of this notable accession. Details 
of the preliminary arrangements that led finally to my appointment as 
Specialist for the Casey Collection of Coleoptera under the Smith- 
sonian Institution are outlined in the foreword to this article. The 
main objective was to transfer the Casey material from the over- 
crowded original boxes to standard Museum insect drawers, with each 
species segregated in an individual cork-lined box or tray. Until this 
transfer of material could be accomplished, the collection remained 
sealed, as any attempt at unrestricted study of the specimens as they 
were left by Casey inevitably would have resulted in more or less 
breakage and confusion. The curatorial work was started by the 
writer on April 1, 1926, and was continued, half a day at a time, for 
a period of 5 years. 

The cardinal rule guiding the curatorial work was to preserve 
exactly Casey’s concept of each species. Regardless of occasional con- 
flict with accepted synonymy, Casey’s arrangement of specimens was 
strictly followed; furthermore, steps were taken to virtually guarantee 
the permanent preservation of this arrangement, so that students, both 
now and in the future, will have equal assurance that before them 
stand Casey’s actual original series of each species, and not a hodge- 
podge resulting from accidental misplacement of specimens or inter- 
~# A specimen of this species in the collection bears a label on the back of 
which appears this statement in Casey’s handwriting: “The type is in Carnegie 
Mus. Pittsburg.” 


polation of later and irrelevant material. Casey’s arrangement was in- 

dicated by attaching to each specimen a label giving the specific name 

Casey det., Casey det., 

of the species and its sequence in the series, as, yinwla g Sar ee 

Casey det. Fach species was then placed in a suitable-sized tray on 
which appears the full scientific name. No material is to be added 
to these trays, and none is to be transferred, except in a few special 

In addition to the ‘“‘ Casey det.’ and type labels, used of course 

only on identified material, a small pin label bearing legend benuest 

was attached to every specimen in the collection, named or unnamed. 
Also, a record of all the North American species in the collection 
was entered in a copy of Leng’s Catalog of Coleoptera. 

When the work of arrangement had been completed, a manuscript 
catalog of the entire collection was prepared by Miss Marie Siebrecht, 
working under my direction, that will serve as an historical record 
for future reference should any question arise as to any of this 
material. Data in this catalog are arranged systematically, the order 
of genera and families being essentially that of the Leng Catalog of 
North American Coleoptera. The list gives the total number of 
specimens for each species, with indication of types. A synopsis at 
the end serves as an index to the families and to the number of speci- 
mens that these include. The collection as thus recorded is found to 
contain 19,245 named forms, with a total of 116,738 specimens, and 
more than 9,200 holotypes. 

It is well known that Casey did not make a practice of marking the 
types in his collection. The various terms now in common use to 
distinguish different categories of type material were not uniformly 
applied by Casey in his writings * and very seldom used on the speci- 
mens themselves. However, Casey did make the verbal statement that 
the specimen bearing the name label was to be considered the true 
type, as shown in this extract from a letter of November 3, 1927, from 
J. C. Crawford to Dr. Alexander Wetmore, Assistant Secretary, 
Smithsonian Institution: 

About ten years ago Dr. Hopkins and I visited Colonel Casey at his request 
to see both his collection and the conditions under which he worked. At that 

time both Dr. Hopkins and I complained to Colonel Casey of the types in the 
Casey Collection not being labeled. Colonel Casey made the statement, which 

*Memoir 1, p. 20, 1910, “Sexual characters are not evident in the types”; 
ibid., p. 122, “ The types are females”; ibid., p. 136, ‘‘ The type is from San 
Diego” (four other localities mentioned) ; Memoir 2, p. 6, 1011, “minuta 
cotypes ” ; Memoir 6, p. 330, 1915, “ three cotypes ”. 


he said was to be regarded as official and for our information in case he should 
die without making a similar statement to other people, that the specimen bearing 
the name label was in all cases to be regarded as the true type. To this he 
added that the true type was the only specimen with which he was really con- 
cerned, and that therefore what we call paratypes were not indicated. 

(Signed) J. C. Crawrorp. 

Casey’s purpose is disclosed, though less definitely, as early as 1886, 
(Descriptive Notices, 1, p. 162) where he says, “ It will be observed 
that the descriptions refer in all cases to the single specimen assumed 
as the type’’, and “I have preferred, therefore, in the existing state 
of knowledge, to describe one definite type and give such general re- 
marks as may indicate the variation exhibited by the material at hand.” 

The type labeling has been carried out to respect this clearly stated 
intent on Casey’s part. A special U.S.N.M. type label was attached 
to the labeled or first specimen of each of Casey’s species—that is, 
where no discrepancies between specimen and description were no- 
ticed—whereas paratype labels were attached to those specimens evi- 
dently examined by Casey at the time of the original description. A 

query sign, preceding the name of the species on the paratype label, as 

Pruber 2 oe : 
Paratype USNM, indicates that the specimen, though doubtless a para- 
3 9 

type, had been set apart slightly by Casey as possibly distinct; while 
the query mark before the number, but not before the name, shows 
that the specimen, although clearly placed with the species by Casey, 
fails to meet the paratype requirements in one way or another. Where 
the true holotype could not be located with certainty, a neotype label 
was used. These neotype designations, of course, have no binding 
value unless published, but they permitted the assignment of a cata- 
log number, which in turn afforded a ready means of recording. 
The actual types of some of these “ neotype”’ species will certainly 
come to light sooner or later either in the Casey collection or in the 
cabinets of other workers or institutions. In the meantime, the neo- 
type label acts as a sufficient warning that this particular specimen 
probably is not the original type. 

Certain complications in the curatorial work resulted from the 
inexact citation of type locality in some of Casey’s original descrip- 
tions. In several places Casey cites a regional locality when the label 
on the specimen is definite, as, “ Southern Shore of Lake Michigan ” 
or “ Rocky Mountains’, when the labels themselves read “ Milw.Co. 
Wisc.” and “Garland Col.”, respectively. Again, we may have the 
exact locality of the second or following specimen of a series, when 
the type itself (that is, the specimen bearing the name label) carries 



only a general or State label. An illustration is found in the staphy- 
linid, Datomicra surgens Casey. The type locality of this species is 
given as Glenora, B. C.; the collection contains two specimens, the 
first of which, or type, bears the label “ Br.C.”, the second, or para- 
type, “ Glenora, B.C., Wickham”. In this case there can be no doubt 
that the first example formed the basis of Casey’s original description, 
represented in his eyes the true type, and by any reasonable interpreta- 
tion must receive the type label, even though the specimen, on visible 
evidence, does not come from the stated type locality. Any other 
plan for handling such cases (and it may be said that serious thought 
was given to other possibilities) leads only to endless and insoluble 
complications. Bearing directly on this matter are some remarks by 
Casey himself in regard to Acmaeops variipes Casey. In Memoir 4, 
page 239, 1913, he explains that “ The locality Sta. Cruz Co., given 
under the original description of variipes (Annals N. Y. Academy 
Sciences, vol. 6, p. 38) was taken from a specimen of the series bear- 
ing this definite label; others had simply ‘Cal’ as a label, one of 
which, the type, I find had a minute label concealed by the other and 
bearing the initials ‘S.D’.”’ In other words, Casey’s original set of 
varupes really included three different labels, “S.D,Cal”, “ Cal”, 
and “ Sta.Cruz Co.” The original description calls for Sta.Cruz Co. 
alone, but Casey 22 years later positively states that the real type, 
(doubtless the specimen on which his description is based) is from 
“S D (San Diego) Cal”. A considerable number of similar dis- 
crepancies were met with, but the Acmaeops sample happens to be one 
that Casey comments on in a definite enough way to give an insight 
into one of his rather free methods of locality citation. 

Another puzzling situation grew out of Casey’s occasional misin- 
terpretation of locality symbols. For instance, N Y, translated by 
Casey’s list of localities as “ Catskill Mts (Shokan) ”’, is more than 
once confused with N Y, given as “ New York City (Brooklyn) ” 
by the same list. 

Again, there are instances where Casey evidently had private in- 
formation as to the exact source of certain specimens that carry a 
State label only, and we may find “Ja” being published as “ Cedar 
Rapids, Iowa”. Also, Casey sometimes gives the locality of the same 
specimen with a different degree of definiteness in successive treat- 
ments; for example, “ Pa” in 1900 may be cited as “ Philadelphia, 
Pa.” in 1920. One of the more difficult of the curatorial problems 
resulted from the fact that Casey occasionally shifted the name label 
from the original type to some other specimen in the series. In all 
observed cases of such label transfer the specimen bearing the name 


label was of course not marked type. If the actual type could be 
located it was so labeled; if not, a neotype label was attached to the 
substitute, to serve until the holotype is recognized. 

Casey’s interpolation of later material among his original series 
sometimes prevented the assignment of paratype labels. For example, 
Euphoria nitens Casey, described from Io specimens from Texas, was 
represented in the Casey box by 14 examples, showing that four 
specimens were added later to the original lot. All the specimens 
except no. I and no. 3, which are unlabeled but which nevertheless 
are almost certainly part of the original series of 10, bear Texas labels, 
and all except one agree with the original description. That is, only 
one example of the present 14 can be eliminated as a possible para- 
type; consequently no paratype labels could be added. It may be ex- 
plained that Casey followed no consistent method of incorporating 
later specimens, sometimes placing them at the end, but oftener some- 
where in the middle, of his original series. 

The curatorial work made no pretense at a synonyrmical review of 
the field, but aimed simply at the necessary clearing of the ground that 
precedes critical study. Casey’s individualistic methods and volumi- 
nous writings have created many zoological and nomenclatural prob- 
lems that can be solved only by the patient investigations of future 
students. Many generations must pass before the final verdict is 
reached, but in the meantime it is hoped that the collection as it now 
stands, cleared in part of confusing factors, will lend itself more 
readily to a study of those problems in which Casey was so deeply 
interested, and concerning which he once said: “ These fields of 
scientific enquiry are all parts of one grand cosmos, and I cannot 
conceive one of them to be more soul-inspiring than another; they 
are all equally wonderful, equally beautiful, and equally beyond the 
ken of finite intellect.” 


Revision of the Cucujidae of America North of Mexico. Transactions of the 
American Entomological Society, vol. 11, Feb. 1884, pp. 69-112, plates 4-8. 

Monstrosity in Acmaeops. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Wash- 
ington, vol. 1, 1884, pp. 12-13. 

Notes on Coleoptera. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society, vol. 7, 
Aug. 1884, pp. 64-67. 

Revision of the Stenini of America North of Mexico, Insects of the Family 
Staphylinidae, Order Coleoptera. Philadelphia, Collins Printing House, 
Nov. 1884, pp. 1-206, 1 plate. 


Contributions to the Descriptive and Systematic Coleopterology of North 
America. Part I. Philadelphia, Collins Printing House, Aug. 1884, 
pp. I-60, plate 1. 

Contributions to the Descriptive and Systematic Coleopterology of North 
America. Part II. Philadelphia, Collins Printing House, Dec. 1884- 
Jan. 1885, pp. 61-108. 


Miscellaneous Notes. Entomologica Americana, vol. 1, 1885, pp. 56-57, 58-50. 
New Genera and Species of Californian Coleoptera. Bulletin of the California 
Academy of Sciences, vol. 1, Dec. 1885, pp. 283-336, 1 plate. 


Revision of the Californian Species of Lithocharis and Allied Genera. Bulletin 
of the California Academy of Sciences, vol. 2, Jan. 1886, pp. I-40. 
Descriptive Notices of North American Coleoptera I (all published). Bulletin 
of the California Academy of Sciences, vol. 2, Nov. 1886, pp. 157-264, 
plate 7. 
On Aglenus brunneus Gyll. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Wash- 
ington, vol. 1, 1886, p. 46. 


On Some New North American Pselaphidae. Bulletin of the California Academy 
of Sciences, vol. 2, Aug. 1887, pp. 455-482, plate 16. 

Notes on Stenus and Barinus. Entomologica Americana, vol. 3, 1887, p. 125. 

On a New Genus of South African Pselaphidae. Transactions of the Entomo- 
logical Society of London, Dec. 1887, Part 4, pp. 381-383, 1 text figure. 


On Some New North American Rhynchophora. Part I (all published). Annals 
of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 4, Aug. 1888, pp. 229-206. 

Thoroughness in Entomological Tables. Entomologica Americana, vol. 4, 1888, 
pp. 18-10. 

Letter to Editor (vs. Hamilton). Entomologica Americana, vol. 4, 1888, pp. 97-98. 


Notes on the Paederini. Entomologica Americana, vol. 5, 1889, pp. 182-184. 

A Preliminary Monograph of the North American Species of Trogophloeus. 
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 4, Mar. 1880, 
Pp. 322-383. 

A New Genus of Termitophilous Staphylinidae. Annals of the New York 
Academy of Sciences, vol. 4, Mar. 1889, pp. 384-387. 

Coleopterological Notices. I. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 
vol. 5, Dec. 1889-Feb. 1890, pp. 39-108, 1 text figure. 

Coleopterological Notices. II. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 
vol. 5, Nov. 1890, pp. 307-504, plate 4. 



Coleopterological Notices. III. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 
vol. 6, Nov. 1891, pp. 9-214. 


Coleopterological Notices. IV. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 
vol. 6, Aug. 1892, pp. 359-712. 


Coleopterological Notices. V. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 
vol. 7, Oct—Dec. 1893, pp. 281-606, plate I. 


Some Passing Comments. Entomological News, vol. 5, Sept. 1894, pp. 205-208. 


On Two New Species of Platycerus. Canadian Entomologist, vol. 27, June 1895, 
PP. 153-155. 

Coleopterological Notices. VI. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 
vol. 8, July—Nov. 1805, pp. 435-838. 


A Reply. Entomological News, vol. 8, June 1897, p. 132. 
Coleopterological Notices. VII. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 
vol. 9, Feb.-July 1897, pp. 285-684. 


Entomological Measurements. Entomological News, vol. 9, May 1808, pp. 116-117. 

Studies in the Ptinidae, Cioidae, and Sphindidae of America. Journal of the 
New York Entomological Society, vol. 6, June 1808, pp. 61-93. 

Studies in Cephaloidae. Entomological News, vol. 9, Oct. 1808, pp. 193-105. 


New Species of Pemphus and Tragosoma. Entomological News, vol. 10, Apr. 
1899, pp. 97-99. 

A Revision of the American Coccinellidae. Journal of the New York Entomo- 
logical Society, vol. 7, June 1890, pp. 71-160. 


Review of the American Corylophidae, Cryptophagidae, Tritomidae, and Der- 
mestidae, with Other Studies. Journal of the New York Entomological 
Society, vol. 8, June 1900, pp. 51-172. 



A Reply to Dr. Wasmann. Canadian Entomologist, vol. 33, Nov. 1901, pp. 

On the Probable Age of the Alabama White Limestone. Proceedings of the 
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 53, 1901, pp. 513-518. 


The Jackson Outcrops on Red River. Science, n. s., vol. 15, May 1902, pp. 716-717. 
A New Genus of Eocene Eulmidae. The Nautilus, vol. 16, June 1902, pp. 18-10, 
I text figure. 


Notes on the Conrad Collection of Vicksburg Fossils. Proceedings of the 
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 55, Feb. 10903, pp. 

A Few Last Words to Dr. Wasmann. Canadian Entomologist, vol. 35, April 1903, 
p. 108. 


Notes on the Pleurotomidae with Description of Some New Genera and Species. 
Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis, vol. 14, May 10, 1904, 
Pp. 123-170. 

On Some New Coleoptera, Including Five New Genera. Canadian Entomologist, 
vol. 36, Nov. 1904, pp. 312-323. 

Notes (with preceding), pp. 323-324. 


A Revision of the American Paederini. Transactions of the Academy of Science 
of St. Louis, vol. 15, April 1905, pp. 17-248. 

A New Carabus and Cychrus, with Miscellaneous Notes on Coleoptera. Cana- 
dian Entomologist, vol. 37, May 1905, pp. 160-164. 

The Mutation Theory. Science, n. s., vol. 22, Sept. 1905, pp. 307-300. 


Observations on the Staphylinid Groups Aleocharinae and Xantholinini, Chiefly 
of America. Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis, vol. 16, 
Novy. 1906, pp. 125-434. 

Variation vs. Mutation. Science, n. s., vol. 23, April 1906, p. 632. 


Notes on Chalcolepidius and the Zopherini. Canadian Entomologist, vol. 30, 
Feb. 1907, pp. 29-46. 

A Revision of the American Components of the Tenebrionid Subfamily Ten- 
tyriinae. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, vol. 9, 
Oct. 1907, pp. 275-522. 



A Revision of the Tenebrionid Subfamily Coniontinae. Proceedings of the 
Washington Academy of Sciences, vol. 10, Apr. 1908, pp. 51-166. 

On the W. Horn-Roeschke School. Entomological News, vol. 19, Jan. 1908, 
pp. 38-41. 

Remarks on Some New Pselaphidae. Canadian Entomologist, vol. 40, Aug. 1908, 
pp. 257-281. 

A New Genus of Byrrhidae. Canadian Entomologist, vol. 40, Aug. 1908, 
pp. 281-282. 

Notes on the Coccinellidae. Canadian Entomologist, vol. 40, Nov. 1908, 
Pp. 393-421. 


Studies in the American Buprestidae. Proceedings of the Washington Academy 
of Sciences, vol. 11, April 1900, pp. 47-178. 

Studies in the Caraboidea and Lamellicornia. Canadian Entomologist, vol. 41, 
Aug. 1900, pp. 253-284, 1 text figure. 


Memoirs on the Coleoptera. I. New Era Printing Company, Lancaster, Pa., 
IQIO, pp. 1-205. 
Synonymical and Other Notes on Coleoptera. Canadian Entomologist, vol. 42, 
Apr. I9I0, pp. 105-114. 
On Some New Species of Balaninini, Tychiini, and Related Tribes. Canadian 
Entomologist, vol. 42, Apr. 1910, pp. 114-144. 
Memoirs on the Coleoptera. IJ. Lancaster, Pa., 1911, pp. 1-250. 
Subsidence of Atlantic Shoreline. Science, n. s., vol. 34, July 1911, pp. 80-81. 

Memoirs on the Coleoptera. III. Lancaster, Pa., 1912, pp. 1-386. 


Memoirs on the Coleoptera. IV. Lancaster, Pa., 1913, pp. I-400. 
The Law of Priority. Science, n. s., vol. 38, Sept. 1913, pp. 442-443. 


Memoirs on the Coleoptera. V. Lancaster, Pa., 1914, pp. 1-387. 


Memoirs on the Coleoptera. VI. Lancaster, Pa., 1915, pp. 1-460. 




Memoirs on the Coleoptera. VII. Lancaster, Pa., 1916, pp. 1-300. 
A New Species of Baryodma. Canadian Entomologist, vol. 48, Feb. 1916, 

pp. 70-71. 
Memoirs on the Coleoptera. VIII. Lancaster, Pa., 1918, pp. 1-427. 
Reply to Professor Wilder, Science, n. s., vol. 47, June 1918, pp. 610-611. 

Memoirs on the Coleoptera. IX. Lancaster, Pa., 1920, pp. 1-520. 
Remark on Family Names. Science, n. s., vol. 52, Nov. 1920, pp. 491-402. 

Memoirs on the Coleoptera. X. Lancaster, Pa., 1922, pp. 1-520. 


Memoirs on the Coleoptera. XI. Lancaster, Pa., 1924, pp. 1-347. 








(WitTH 16 PLATEs) 


Archeologist, Bureau of American Ethnology 


JUNE 20, 1935 

The Lord Baltimore Press 



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Bablioe cap livewicn views nome Se resins Gace ea ese eaves one © we oy eran ey dome le jeueetepenay eleven ier 33 

1. General views ‘of the Lindenmeier site..................±. (Frontispiece ) 

2. 1. Ravine in which main deposit was found. 2. Deep pit at beginning 
OlmINVEStIP ALO MSiabarres qe ehuaiaes wie =o Che Ca aerator nese etoaisO woken ae tate 30 

3. I. Deposit in which materials were found. 2. Bones and “flint” in 
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10. End, side, and back views of “ snub-nosed” scrapers................-- 
TEAS IG Oe SCA MEL Stacker ey Ne ee YN eure ere aa naa AUNTIE RUAN ETS Laren elon areas eucie i 
12; INObMISIEIKS GOES sooncnoodocobuosanuaecoondoodncudo00doDo DO dbOE s 
W3 ey ChE OUSY thes cies phere Pay ty ae Te areas devas ete Odette CEL ME etree eNatS.  /eUeuereLche alerts aba fone: - 
A eNOS Hetlalcen Ket VeSi a a teient aeraicie sisi avsies cucleieve eiersrevesic epacieicne ole tote cheuete os 
iG IBIEVGISS, jrrorayas, TabiroeKeley, lintel (elaine sco ooanocaccaouacnbonoundD0eS - 
16. Sandstone objects and granite rubbing Stone...... 5.05... sees. ce % 


ie oketchimapnotuthes lindenmeternsitese cece ee eiciersieiaielsiereioiereis «1011s 12 
Py, AGS: Wein (ont tae [eller WOwtog oan congumnenoacueeodcoouenvonouoaa” 16 

3. Stages in removing channel flake, and three types of base on Folsom 
HOMME Gea od an 5 AOGUG Lun OU as SOOO RS roe LOO DIeT ROMS cero iocicr 20 



Archeologist, Bureau of American Ethnology 



Investigations at the site that yielded the first definite complex of 
stone implements attributable to so-called Folsom Man came as the 
culmination of an interesting series of events that began in May 1934. 
In that month D. I. Bushnell, Jr., collaborator in anthropology, United 
States National Museum, discovered in two collections gathered from 
various parts of Virginia examples of the type of projectile point which 
has been called Folsom. Announcement of this fact was made by the 
Smithsonian Institution in one of its press releases. The article, with 
photographs of the specimens, was printed in slightly revised form in 
the Literary Digest for June 9, 1934. This notice loosed a veritable 
flood of letters, and queries poured in from collectors all over the 
country. There was some confusion about what constituted a Folsom 
point, and the editors of the Digest felt that a second article, one 
describing its characteristics in detail, was advisable. In response to a 
request from them the writer prepared a statement which appeared in 
the issue for July 28. The latter brought letters from many parts of 
the United States from people who had examples of the Folsom type. 

Among the letters were several which were received indirectly. 
Maj. Roy G. Coffin, professor of geology at Colorado State College, 
Fort Collins, had on two occasions, prior to the Digest articles, written 
to Dr. John B. Reeside, Jr., geologist in charge, section of stratigraphy 
and paleontology, United States Geological Survey, concerning a site 
in northern Colorado. At that place he and a brother had found a 
considerable number of Folsom points, several other kinds of chipped 
tools, and indications that the implements had been made on the spot. 
Following the appearance of the second Digest article, Major Coffin 
again wrote to Dr. Reeside. The latter brought the correspondence to 


the attention of Henry B. Collins, Jr., division of anthropology, U. S 



National Museum, and he in turn transmitted the information to the 
Bureau of American Ethnology. Several letters were exchanged be- 
tween the writer and Major Coffin, and as a result of the correspon- 
dence it was decided that a first-hand inspection of the site was 
advisable. In September the writer was sent to Fort Collins. The 
owner of the land, William Lindenmeier, Jr., gave permission for a 
series of investigations, and preliminary prospecting was started. 

The site is north of Fort Collins, Colo., just south of the Wyoming 
line. It was first discovered in 1924 by Judge C. C. Coffin and his son 
A. L. Coffin. Since then they and Major Coffin, with various friends, 
have visited it from time to time and have collected numerous speci- 
mens. When the writer went to Fort Collins, they had gathered 83 
points or portions of points and about the same number of other 
artifacts. From the very beginning of their finds the Coffins were 
impressed with the fact that all of the points picked up at this location 
differed from the usual Indian arrowheads which are so abundant in 
that general region. Although they were convinced that the points 
constituted a distinct type, they were not aware of their true signifi- 
cance until informed by Dr. E. B. Renaud, of the University of 
Denver, that they were Folsom points. 

In the summer of 1930 Dr. Renaud and a number of his students, 
under a project sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution Cooperative 
Fund, the University of Denver, and the Colorado Museum of 
Natural History, were making a survey of local collections and of 
former village sites in Colorado and adjacent regions. Their purpose 
was to plot distribution maps for various types of implements, with 
the places where they were found. It was during these investigations 
that the Coffin series was noted.” In June 1931 Dr. Renaud visited 
the location from which the artifacts came, and he describes it briefly 
in one of his reports.” No digging was done, but portions of two 
Folsom points were picked up from the surface at that time. The 
Coffins continued their visits intermittently and added specimens to 
their collections. Most of the material was picked up from the surface, 
but a few pieces were scratched out of the soil. No extensive work 
was attempted until the autumn of 1934. 

The place where the points and other implements were found by the 
Coffins is a denuded area approximately 70 by 150 yards in extent. 
The bulk of the material came from a small section covering only 
about 30 square yards. The surface over a greater portion of this site 

* Renaud, 1931a, p. 17. 
* Renaud, 1932a, pp. 27-28. 


is the top of a hard, compact layer of grayish earth. The artifacts 
recovered from it had undoubtedly been in top-level material which 
was eroded away by wind and water. The implements, because of 
their weight, had remained until picked up. In some places, there re- 
mained portions of the sand, gravel, and nodule layer which had 
overlain the compact deposit, and a few objects were found on the 
contact line between the two. This part of the site did not offer any 
particular inducements for digging, especially if it was desired to find 
material in situ. At the close of the first day’s inspection the writer 
was not sanguine over the prospects for getting information beyond 
that already obtained by Judge Coffin and Major Coffin. 

On the second day, however, when the writer, with Judge Coffin 
and his son, was exploring the adjacent terrain, the Judge picked up 
a portion of a Folsom point along the bank of a ravine which cuts 
through the terrace some distance above the original site. Close in- 
spection of the precipitous bank in the vicinity of this find revealed an 
undisturbed and intact layer of midden material 14 feet below the 
present ground level and 12 feet above the bed of the gully. A brief 
investigation demonstrated that the deposit, which is a quarter of a 
mile away from the spot where the majority of the Coffin specimens 
was found, was a likely place for excavation. Work was started and 
continued through the month of October and into the first part of 
November. Some digging was done at other portions of the site, but 
the major activity was restricted to the deep pit in the gully bank 
where most of the specimens described in following pages were found. 

The type of point called Folsom has been known for a long time. 
Variations of the form have been found from the Rockies to the 
Atlantic, from southern Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. It is repre- 
sented in collections in numerous museums and in at least one case has 
been called by another name, the Seneca River point. Except for a 
few instances, it did not attract particular attention despite its peculiar 
characteristics. This was in part due to the fact that most of the 
examples were surface finds. Its true significance was established in 
1927, and the interest focused upon it brought to light many which 
had previously passed unnoticed. 

Because of a certain amount of confusion and misunderstanding 
concerning the original Folsom finds, a brief review of the subject is 
germane to the present discussion. In the summer of 1925 Fred J. 
Howarth and Carl Schwachheim of Raton, N. Mex., both now de- 

* Beauchamp, 1897, figs. 13, 14, p. 21. Brown, 1926, fig. 45, p. 138. Thruston, 
1890, fig. 139, pp. 231-232. 


ceased, notified Director J. D. Figgins of the Colorado Museum of 
Natural History, Denver, of a bone deposit which they had found in 
the bank of an arroyo on the upper sources of the Cimarron River 
near the town of Folsom in eastern New Mexico. Samples of bone 
sent to the museum indicated that the remains were those of an 
extinct species of bison and of a large deerlike member of the 
Cervidae. Prospects for fossil material were so promising that the 
Colorado Museum sent a party to the site in the summer of 1926. 
During the course of the excavations, carried on under the super- 
vision of Frank Figgins and Mr. Schwachheim, parts of two finely 
chipped projectile points were recovered from the loose dirt at the 
diggings. Near the place where one of them had been dislodged a 
small, triangular piece of “flint”? was found embedded in the clay 
surrounding an animal bone. This fragment was left in the block of 
earth, and when the latter was received in the laboratory at Denver, 
the dirt was carefully cleaned away from the bit of stone. It appeared 
to be from the same material as one of the points, and close examina- 
tion showed that it actually was a part of the point. This evidence 
seemed unquestionably to demonstrate that here was a definite asso- 
ciation between man-made objects and an extinct bison.’ 

Director Figgins was so impressed with the find and was so 
thoroughly convinced that it was of importance to students of Ameri- 
can archeology that he took the points with him that winter when he 
visited several of the large eastern museums on paleontologic busi- 
ness. In most places his announcement was courteously yet skeptically 
received. One authority on stone implements marveled at the quality 
of workmanship that the specimens exhibited and even remarked 
that they were reminiscent of the finest examples from Western 
Europe. He was doubtful, though, of the trustworthiness of the asso- 
ciation. He thought that it could perhaps be attributed to an accidental 
mixing of material. Others said that the points had no significance 
because they could be duplicated in existing collections. At a few 
museums, notably the American Museum of Natural History, Mr. 
Figgins was urged to continue the work in the hope that additional 
evidence could be obtained. 

The Colorado Museum again sent a party to Folsom in the summer 
of 1927 and had the good fortune to find additional points. One of 
these was noted before it was removed from the matrix, even before 
it was completely uncovered. Work was stopped immediately on that 
part of the excavation, and telegrams were dispatched to various 

* Cook, 1927. Figgins, 1927. 


museums and institutions inviting them to send representatives to view 
the point in situ. The writer at that time was attending the first South- 
western Archeological Conference at Pecos, N. Mex., and, upon re- 
ceiving notice of the find and travel instructions from Washington, 
proceeded to Folsom. Arriving at the fossil pit, on September 2, he 
found Director Figgins, several members of the Colorado Museum 
board, and Dr. Barnum Brown, of the American Museum of Natural 
History, New York, on the ground. The point, which became the 
pattern and furnished the name for the type, had just been uncovered 
by Dr. Brown. There was no question but that here was the evidence 
of an authentic association. The point was still embedded in the 
matrix between two of the ribs of the animal skeleton. In fact it has 
never been removed from the block, which is now on exhibit in the 
Colorado Museum at Denver. On returning to Raton, N. Mex., that 
evening, the writer telegraphed to Dr. A. V. Kidder at Pecos and 
urged that he visit the site. Dr. Kidder arrived 2 days later, and he 
and the writer drove out to the bison quarry. After the whole situa- 
tion had been carefully studied, it was agreed that the association could 
not be questioned. Furthermore, it was ascertained that the points 
were totally different from the ordinary types scattered over that por- 
tion of the Southwest. 

At the meeting of the American Anthropological Association held 
at Andover, Mass., in December of that year Dr. Barnum Brown and 
the writer reported on the Folsom finds. There was considerable dis- 
cussion of the subject, and although many agreed that the discoveries 
were important, there was still a general feeling of doubt. Numerous 
explanations were offered to show that the points might have gotten 
into such an association without actually being contemporaneous with 
the bison remains. Several mentioned that points of that type were 
numerous in collections from certain mound sites, from village sites in 
New York State, and elsewhere, and for that reason they could not 
be very old. Others insisted that, although they accepted the conclu- 
sions on the genuineness of the finds, there must be some mistake 
about the antiquity of the animal remains. 

The summer of 1928 saw the American Museum of Natural History 
and the Colorado Museum cooperating at the Folsom site. The expe- 
dition was under the leadership of Dr. Barnum Brown, who was 
assisted by several graduate students in anthropology. The latter were 
under the general supervision of Dr. Clark Wissler. Additional points 
and bison skeletons were found, and telegrams reporting the dis- 
coveries were sent to various institutions. This time numerous special- 


ists—archeologists, paleontologists, and geologists—rushed to see the 
evidence. The consensus of the informal conference held at the site 
was that this constituted the most important contribution yet made to 
American archeology. Some of the most skeptical critics of the year 
before became enthusiastic converts. The Folsom find was accepted 
as a reliable indication that man was present in the Southwest at an 
earlier period than was previously supposed. 

In subsequent years there has been considerable activity on the part 
of those interested in tracing the distribution of the type of point 
found there. Some have endeavored, without marked success, to find 
new locations where further evidence could be obtained in situ. 
Others have been content to make surveys showing the occurrence of 
the type. There have been a few significant discoveries, but most of 
the information thus far available concerns material found on the sur- 
face. The latter is of value from the standpoint of distributional 
studies, as an indication of likely spots for intensive work, and in 
showing local variations in the type. Yet, so far as chronological 
significance is concerned, it has added little to the knowledge gained at 
Folsom. The most important contributions have come from sites in 
New Mexico, where E. B. Howard, of the University of Pennsylvania 
Museum, has been engaged in a series of investigations. In a cave in 
the Guadalupe Mountains in the southeastern part of the State he 
found a Folsom point in conjunction with musk ox and an animal of 
the musk ox group.’ The musk ox is a cold-climate animal and when 
found as far south as New Mexico, is generally considered good 
evidence of an ice-age fauna. The association was of further signifi- 
cance because it occurred in a stratum underlying a level containing 
Basket Maker material. The latter belongs to the oldest definitely 
established horizon in the culture-pattern sequence in the Pueblo area 
of the Southwest. This is a good indication that the points antedate 
the Basket Makers. 

Near Clovis, N. Mex., Mr. Howard has been exploring a site where 
large numbers of chipped implements, including Folsom specimens,” 
and bones of extinct species of animals are found together. The chief 
difficulty at this location, however, is that the material occurs in what 
are known as “ blow-outs,” places where all of the top soil has been 
carried away by action of the wind. For that reason accurate indica- 
tions on associations are hard to obtain. The finds are in old lake beds, 
and the geologic evidence is of significance. At the time of the pres- 

° Howard, 1932. 
* Anonymous, 1932; 1933. Howard, 1933; 10934, fig. I. 


ent writing, official reports on the Clovis work have not been pub- 
lished ; hence, reference can be made only to the investigations. 
The exinct bison from the fossil pit at Folsom, Bison taylori* 
(Stelabison occidentalis taylori and Bison oliverhayi*), are considered 
to be Pleistocene forms, animals that were living in the glacial period. 
This fact, coupled with the finding of points in association with bones 
of the musk ox and of other extinct bison in additional localities, 
furnishes the basis for the conclusion that the Folsom points repre- 
sent considerable antiquity. This belief is substantiated by the fact 
that at a number of sites points bearing certain characteristics of the 
true Folsom type, yet not definitely assignable to that class, have been 
found with remains of extinct species of animals. One of the sites 
best illustrating this phase of the problem was that at Dent, Colo., 
where two points, one of which is decidedly Folsomoid, came from a 
deposit containing mammoth bones.’ Several pits in Nebraska and 
Kansas have yielded points, in some cases with mammoth bones and 
in others with bison bones.” Near Colorado, Tex., an articulated 
skeleton of an extinct bison and some chipped points were recovered 
from a reputedly Pleistocene deposit.” Although the majority of the 
blades in this group of finds are not primarily Folsom in type, the 
conditions under which they were discovered tend to substantiate the 
Folsom evidence for an early occupation of the New World. In the 
latter connection, though they have no bearing on the Folsom problem 
proper, might be mentioned an association of man-made objects and 
traces of the ground sloth in Nevada,” and human bones with sloth 
remains near Bishop’s Cap, N. Mex.” These occurrences are addi- 
tional contributions on the “antiquity of man” in the Southwest. 
Whether all of this evidence from the various places mentioned 
actually dates man in the closing days of the Pleistocene, indicates his 
presence at the beginning of the post-glacial period, or demonstrates 
a later survival of ice-age animals is a phase of the problem which 
the geologist and paleontologist must solve.“ Some insist that the 
evidence unequivocally proves that man was here in the Pleistocene, 
others that he came during the transition between the glacial and 

“Hay and Cook, 1930. 

* Figgins, 1933 b. 

* Figgins, 1933 a. 

* Bell and Van Royen, 1934. Schultz, 1932 (contains lengthy bibliography). 
“ Figgins, 1927. 

* Harrington, 1933. 

* Bryan, 1929. Thone, 1920. 

“For a discussion of this subject see Antevs, 1035. 


Recent periods, but was not actually here in the ice age. All agree 
that more data are essential. Archeologists generally concede that the 
points belong to the earliest phase of aboriginal culture yet discovered 
in America. 

Distributional studies have demonstrated several facts. The most 
significant of these is that there are two main classes of Folsom type 
points: the true Folsom, and a larger, more generalized form em- 
bodying most of its characteristics but not exhibiting the skilful work- 
manship or mastery of the stone-chipping technique apparent on the 
true example. Present evidence is that the true Folsom is restricted to 
the strip of terrain, known as the High Plains, extending along the 
eastern slopes of the Rockies. The other form not only occurs in the 
High Plains but is widely distributed across the eastern portion of the 
United States.” There are several places about which the latter seems 
to center, notably the Finger Lakes section in New York State, in 
Ohio, Tennessee, and southern Virginia. Sporadic examples have 
come to light in various localities in practically every State east of the 
Rockies and in portions of southern Canada. The problem of distribu- 
tion for the eastern area received considerable attention several years 
ago from Alfred Kidder, II, then a graduate student at Harvard Uni- 
versity. E. B. Howard began his studies at about the same time, and 
when Kidder’s interests were turned to other fields, his unpublished 
manuscript and all of his information were turned over to Howard. 
The latter is still actively engaged in the study. 

From the letters, photographs, and actual specimens sent to Mr. 
Bushnell and to the writer, following the publication of the Digest 
articles and press notices of the work in Colorado, much more infor- 
mation has been added to the data on the occurrence of the eastern 
type. This work is still being continued, and a tabulation of the 
results and a consideration of their significance will be incorporated in 
a larger and more comprehensive study of the subject. It is in this 
connection that investigators must face the problem of whether the 
generalized form indicates an earlier phase which reached its perfec- 
tion in the true Folsom or whether it represents a degenerate and later 
variation. Another aspect of this phase of the study is the diffusion 
of the type. There is the possibility that it traveled south along the 
cordillera, then swept east and north. On the other hand the two 
forms may represent off shoots from an original basic type which 
spread along two separate lines, one skirting the eastern slopes of the 
mountains, the other moving eastward and then south. 

* Howard, 1934, pp. 13-14. 


Studies of distribution in the area adjacent to the Rockies are 
being carried on by Dr. Renaud and several of his students. Others 
are interested in the problem but are not actively engaged in the work. 
In the course of his surveys Renaud noted a type of implement which, 
in some districts, apparently occurs in conjunction with the Folsom 
points. Because the largest and finest series of this other type to pass 
under his observation was in an extensive collection at Yuma, Colo., 
he named it the Yuma type.” Yuma and Folsom points are found 
together at many sites as surface material, and their association no 
doubt has some significance, although just what it may be is not now 
apparent. On the basis of typology Renaud considers the Yuma older 
than the Folsom.” Others, notably Mr. Figgins,“ do not agree. The 
age of the Yuma type has not been satisfactorily established, though 
one find of a debatable nature is frequently cited as proof of the 
antiquity of the form,” and another is still under discussion.” Since 
neither the Folsom pit nor the Lindenmeier site yielded Yuma points, 
further consideration and detailed descriptions of them are beyond 
the requirements of this paper. It was deemed advisable to mention 
them because the two names so frequently appear together. Persons 
interested in the Yuma types will find them described in Renaud’s 

The importance of the Lindenmeier site lies in the fact that for the 
first time traces of an occupation level which can be assigned to a 
group of Folsom men have been brought to light. Whereas prior to 
the work in northern Colorado the only indications of this presumably 
early hunting people were typically chipped stone points, there is now 
a definite complex of associated implements. The last few years have 
been marked by much loose talk and writing about the “ Folsom 
Race,” the “ Folsom Culture,” and “ Folsom Man,” when actually all 
that was known was the characteristic point. From a strict anthro- 
pological point of view it is still incorrect to speak of ‘‘ Folsom 
Culture ” because the remains so designated probably should be con- 
sidered only as one aspect of a basic, widespread early hunting pattern 
which may have extended across the eastern half of the continent. So 
far as Folsom Man himself is concerned, he is still persona incognita. 
No skeletal material that can properly be assigned to him has to date 
been discovered. Recent reports of a Folsom Man in Minnesota 

** Renaud, 1932 b, p. I. 

TWRenaids OQh ay ps 152) 1034 by spine: 

* Figgins, 1934. 

~ Cook, 1031. 

* Barbour and Schultz, 1932. Bell and Van Royen, 1934. Figgins, 1934. 


cannot, in the opinion of the writer, be accepted as evidence of such 
a find, because published illustrations of the points found with the 
human bones indicate that they are not Folsom, either of the true type 
or of the widely distributed generalized form. Nor are they Yuma, 
although identification of the skeleton as Folsom Man is based on the 
deduction that the points are Folsom in outline and Yuma in flaking, 
and hence intermediate in time and development between the two.” 
In view of the status of the Yuma, as discussed in a preceding para- 
graph, a form midway between it and the Folsom is not particularly 
significant. The Minnesota man may represent a local aspect of the 
general hunting culture of the period indicated by Folsom; he may 
even be older. That is beyond the question here at issue, namely, that 
present evidence does not show him to be Folsom Man. 

Not only has the Lindenmeier site furnished a variety of imple- 
ments for the Folsom horizon, but in addition there are numerous 
stone flakes,—typical workshop debris. These occur in the deposits 
with the tools and give mute but accurate evidence of much of the 
technique employed in the manufacture of the implements. Further- 
more, the numerous spalls, nodules, and large cores indicate that the 
stone working was done on the spot. Considerable raw material was 
available in the neighborhood, and this may have been one of the 
attractions which led to the occupation of the site. Other items influ- 
encing this choice probably were the presence of a large spring and 
an abundance of game animals. The midden deposit contained quanti- 
ties of cut and split bones. This material is very scrappy in its nature, 
but nevertheless it has been possible to identify some of the animals 
represented. Two of the species contribute support to the belief that 
the Folsom complex represents an appreciable antiquity. There is also 
the chance that better bone specimens will be obtained there and that 
more animals will be represented, thus increasing the information on 
that phase of the problem. The site holds possibilities from a geologic 
point of view, and it is hoped that careful studies by a number of 
specialists will give an accurate indication of the probable age of the 

Great credit is due Judge Coffin and his son for the discovery of 
this site and to the Judge and his brother, Major Coffin, for their 
efforts to protect it and bring it to the attention of the scientific world. 
Their whole-hearted cooperation during the investigations by the 
writer facilitated the work and made possible better results than would 
otherwise have been attained in so short a time. A. L. Coffin assisted 

** Anonymous, 1934a; 1934b. Jenks, 1934; 1935, pp. 7-II. 


in the digging throughout the period that the excavations were being 
made. The kindness of Mr. Lindenmeier in granting permission to 
work on his land is deeply appreciated. 


The Lindenmeier site, where the specimens described in the follow- 
ing pages were found, is 28 miles (45.062 km) north of Fort Collins, 
Colo., and 12 miles (2.816 km) south of the Wyoming line. Specifi- 
cally, it lies in sec. 27, T. 12 N., R. 69 W., sixth principal meridian. 
The site is on a terrace (pl. 1, frontispiece) above the valley of an 
intermittent tributary to a series of creeks which ultimately join the 
South Platte River. Whether this is a part of the old terrace system 
of the Platte, which is being extensively studied by geologists in the 
region farther east, is still to be determined. The formation is gener- 
ally called the White River. It consists of a bed of grayish clay 
covered with a conglomerate composed of sand, gravel, and occasional 
large boulders. The clay is a Tertiary deposit, Oligocene, with a 
possible admixture of some volcanic ash. The capping conglomerate 
is indeterminate in age. It may be rather old, or it may be compara- 
tively recent. | 

The Lindenmeier site presents an interesting geologic problem in 
the question of the wearing away and building up of the terrain. The 
man-made material and animal bones occur in a dark soil layer which 
rests on the clay bed and underlies the conglomerate. A tentative 
reconstruction of the topography at the site, based entirely upon the 
writer’s interpretation of conditions and not upon observations by a 
competent geologist, suggests that at one time there was a short, nar- 
row valley lying between a series of conglomerate-topped ridges, a 
situation comparable to that existing today at no great distance above 
the archeological location. (See pl. 2, fig. 1.) The valley bottom con- 
sisted of a soil layer, several inches in thickness, resting on the Oligo- 
cene deposit. Here and there were small ponds or marshy places, as 
indicated by the siltlike strata of dark soil in depressions in the clay 
bed. The human occupants of the valley lived on top of this soil layer. 
As a result of their continued presence, numerous objects associated 
with their daily round of life—charcoal and ashes from their fires, 
bones from the animals that supplied the meat for their meals, stone 
chips from the implements that they made, broken tools and other 
artifacts—were scattered over the surface. These in time became em- 
bedded in the rising soil level, were subsequently buried by additional 
soil layers after the people departed, and eventually were covered by 

VOL. 94 




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the present overburden when sand, gravel, and boulders were swept 
down into the valley from its, bordering hills. Later, water, coursing 
its way down the hillsides and along the valley, cut the gully in whose 
banks the midden deposit was revealed. 

The present ravine is only one of several channels which have from 
time to time been worn in that portion of. the terrain. Traces of other 
water courses which did not cut so deeply into the valley fill are 
apparent in the sides of the gully. One old channel passed directly 
over the top of a portion of the layer in which most of the stone and 
bone material was found. It did not wear its way down into the old 
soil line but stopped a few inches above it and then began to build up. 
It gradually became filled, until, so far as surface indications are con- 
cerned, it was completely obliterated. The direction of the old channel 
at this point had been almost at right angles to the now existing gully. 
In character the former suggests a meandering stream, one which 
probably continued to the lower end of the valley a mile or so east of 
the mouth of the channel of today. The filling of the stream bed may 
have resulted from damming by alluvial gravels washed in from one 
of the side canyons near its mouth. Considerable time is probably 
represented by all this action, although conditions in the West are 
such that channel cutting, filling, and shifting may occur in a relatively 
short period of years. Other factors indicate that the process here 
could not have been extremely rapid because ridges from which some 
of the valley fill was eroded have since completely disappeared, having 
been weathered away in the opposite direction. This is shown by the 
fact that the soil layer—the artifact-bearing stratum—topping the clay 
bed is still on the upslope, where it appears along the edge of the 
terrace above the broad valley to the south of the site. The complete 
erosion of the ridge transformed the level from a valley bottom to 
what may possibly be considered to be a terrace. 

One aspect of the problem which is of interest, although it bears 
only indirectly on the archeological factor, concerns the original scour- 
ing of the valley bottom and removal of material down to the Oligo- 
cene stratum. Whether this resulted from action by mountain glaciers, 
by water from them, or from some more recent agent is one of the 
many phases of the subject which geologic studies may explain. 
Should it be established that the Oligocene deposit was laid bare at the 
time of the great mountain glaciers, which are considered to have been 
contemporaneous with the Wisconsin ice sheet, a significant inference 
could be drawn, namely, that makers of the implements arrived on the 
scene not long after the retreat of the ice, since evidence of their 



presence occurs immediately above the eroded surface. This would 
place the occupation of the locality at the beginning of the present 
geologic period. Although speculation of this nature suggests inter- 
esting possibilities, it must be borne in mind that it is only conjecture 
and that careful examination of the deposits by specialists may result 
in entirely different conclusions. The chief purpose of this suppositi- 
tious reconstruction is to call attention to some of the questions raised 
by conditions at the site. 

Preliminary prospecting indicated that the main concentration of 
archeological material occurs in the strip of land lying between the 
present gully and the edge of the terrace (fig. 1). The area is approxi- 
mately 250 yards (228.6 m) long by 100 yards (91.44 m) wide. The 
artifact-bearing stratum varies in depth below the surface. Along the 
edge of the terrace its average depth approximates 2 feet (60.96 cm), 
increasing rapidly toward the bank of the gully, where it is 14 feet 
(4.267 m) below the present surface at the place where most of the 
digging was done. (See pl. 2, fig. 2.) It is 6 feet (1.828 m) down 
from the top at the mouth of the ravine. The difference in depth 
between the upper and lower ends along the bank is due not so much 
to variation in the old soil line level as to the slope of the present 
surface. Digging at a number of places, both along the edge of the 
terrace and in the sides of the ravine, yielded stone implements and 
broken animal bones. The specimens occurred in greatest numbers at 
the deepest point, however, and for that reason most of the preliminary 
work was restricted to that portion of the deposit. The material at 
this location suggested a midden or refuse layer, whereas that from 
other portions of the site was more of the nature of chance accumula- 
tions. The objects, bone and stone, were found for the most part just 
above the clay stratum in a layer 6 inches (15.24 cm) to I foot 
(30.48 cm) in thickness (pl. 3). Some were lying flat at the line of 
contact between the layers, others extended down into the top of the 
clay as intrusions. 

The deep level, where most of the work was done, seemingly con- 
stituted the peripheral vestiges of one of the depressions in the top of 
the clay bed, as mentioned in a preceding paragraph. It suggested that 
the material had been deposited along the edges of a shallow pond or 
a marshy spot. The main portion of the old depression was washed 
away when the present ravine was formed. A wedge-shaped excava- 
tion was driven into the bank following along the top of the clay bed. 
Because of the large amount of overburden to be removed, the neces- 
sity for extremely careful digging, and the short time available for 


the investigations, only a small area was uncovered. It measured 53 
feet (16.154 m) along the ravine, extended into the bank 38 feet 
(11.582 m) on one side and 26 feet 6 inches (8.077 m) on the other. 
In view of the small size of the excavation the number of specimens 
obtained was gratifying both as to quantity and variety. 

In the following descriptions of the various kinds of tools found at 
the Lindenmeier site, only the more general features will be con- 
sidered. A detailed typological study, discussions of the technique 
of manufacture, and comparisons of this material with similar objects 
from sites not necessarily Folsom in nature are not advisable at this 
time, since further excavations are planned. Additional and more 
comprehensive evidence will no doubt be available when the investiga- 
tions are completed. The various kinds of stone represented by the 
implements in the present group are: Chalcedony, jasper, chert, 
quartzite, petrified wood, moss agate, geyserite (rare), and white 
sandstone. The chipper’s debris—flakes, cores, and nodules—also ex- 
hibits the same variety. The most popular “ flints ’ were chalcedony 
and jasper. (The writer does not believe it necessary to go into the 
question of flint and flintlike materials in the present discussion. 
Where the term flint is used, it refers only to the implements, not to 
the particular stone involved.) The other kinds of material found in 
the region do not flake and chip as readily, nor do they permit as 
high a degree of workmanship. The recent Indians inhabiting the dis- 
trict made greater use of quartzite and geyserite.” The sandstone 
objects from the old horizon were not cutting or penetrating imple- 
ments, but rubbing and polishing stones. 


True Folsom points occur in two forms. The better known variety, 
based on the first example found actually in situ at the Folsom pit, 
is a thin, leaf-shaped blade. The tip is slightly rounded, and the 
broadest part of the blade tends to occur between the tip and a line 
across the center of the face (fig. 2, A, a, b). A typical feature is a 
longitudinal groove or channel extending along each face, C, about 
two-thirds of the length. These grooves produce lateral ridges par- 
alleling the edges of the blade. A cross-section of the object gives a 
biconcave appearance as shown in the diagram. The base is concave, 

* Major Coffin has studied extensively the tools made by the different Indian 
groups which inhabited the Fort Collins area at various times and has deter- 
mined most of the sources for the materials used. A summary of his findings 
appears in Renaud, 1931), p. 61. 


the concavity varying in outline on different specimens, and there are 
frequently long, sharp base points often called “ears.’’ Between the 
edges of the blade and the lateral ridges produced by the central 
grooves is a more or less fine marginal retouching, a secondary removal 
of small flakes. Points in this group tend to be somewhat stubby, as 
they are broad in proportion to the length. The second form, B, was 
present in the type site but is rarely mentioned in discussions because 
of the general lack of information on the subject. It is also a thin, 










Lateral R idges 

a b 

Fic. 2—Two forms of the Folsom type point. 

leaf-shaped blade with characteristic fluting on the faces. In contrast 
with the first form, however, it is long and slender in outline and has 
a tapering rather than a rounding tip. The type of base for this 
second form is not known from Folsom, as the specimens found there 
were broken, the butt ends being missing. Similar points from the 
Lindenmeier site have concave bases. Hence it is permissible to 
assume that the same was true for the specimens from the type site. 
It is quite possible that some of the broken bases from Folsom were 
from B form blades, although there is nothing to substantiate that 


The various features that characterize the Folsom points may be 
found singly or in different combinations on specimens originating in 
several sections of the country, but unless all are present on each 
individual artifact it cannot be considered as a true example of the 
type. Failure to observe this fact has led to some confusion and mis- 
understanding. Mere concavity of the base or leaflike shape does not 
constitute a Folsom point. The groove is an essential feature. Whether 
grooves on both faces should be insisted upon is a debatable question, 
because in at least one of the specimens from the original site it was 
present on only one face. This point, or rather portion of a point, was 
picked up by Mr. Howard from the dump at Folsom during the 
summer of 1934. Except for the absence of the fluting on one side, 
it is in all respects characteristic of the type. It is the only example 
from that location which was made from quartzite, and as that mate- 
rial is so difficult to work, it is possible that the groove was omitted 
for that reason. One example from the B group at Folsom, which 
has been pictured a number of times, seemingly has a groove on but 
one side.~ As a matter of fact the specimen in question shows that it 
did have a groove on each face, though one was unusually short and 
most of it was lost when the butt end was broken off. Just a trace of 
the upper end of the channel is to be observed. That so short a flake 
was removed was due, as the specimen clearly shows, to a flaw in the 
stone. This caused the flake to turn out rather close to the base instead 
of farther along the face. A number of fragmentary points from the 
Lindenmeier site have the channel on only one side. Most of these 
appear to be implements broken and discarded before completion, 
however, and for that reason are not a good criterion. In view of the 
evidence from Folsom, and despite the contradictory nature of such a 
statement, it may be said that a true Folsom point should be fluted on 
both sides, but an otherwise typical example may occasionally have 
the feature on only one side. 

The rarity of perfect specimens has been commented upon in 
various articles on the subject of Folsom points. A large majority con- 
sists of broken examples. There was only one complete blade in the 
group of 19 found at Folsom, and the proportion at other sites has 
been even smaller. This may be attributed, as has frequently been 
suggested, to the brittleness caused by the fluting. The removal of the 
longitudinal flakes so thinned the points that they became extremely 
fragile. The purpose of the grooves is not known. A number of 
explanations have been made, and any or all may apply. Perhaps the 

* Figgins, 1927, fig. 3. 


most logical is that they were to facilitate hafting the head to the shaft 
of the spear or arrow. Other interpretations are that they were to 
reduce the weight, to improve the penetrating qualities, to permit the 
point to break off in the animal, to allow the head to slip out of the 
fore-shaft, and to promote bleeding. It is possible that a number of 
such ideas were contributing factors in the perfection of the type. 

With the exception of two specimens, all the points or portions of 
points found at the Lindenmeier site are of one or the other forms of 
the true Folsom type. One variant is an extremely thin example which 
would not have permitted the removal of such flakes (pl. 5,7; 67). In 
its general outline and style of chipping it indicates a relationship to 
the group, but nevertheless, it cannot be considered a Folsom point. 
It probably represents a different type, because similar points have 
been found at Clovis and other sites. A single example is not sufficient 
for definite conclusions, but there may be some significance in the fact 
that this specimen was found on top of the old soil layer—not down in 
it as were most of the true forms. The other point that does not con- 
form was made from a scrap flake not primarily intended for such use, 
and hence was not properly shaped in the beginning (pl. 7, h; 8, h). 
This object came from the deep deposit and was in association with 
typical Folsom material. It is too indeterminate in character to be con- 
sidered other than’an aberrant form. Furthermore, since the base 
edge is chipped in a fashion suggestive of a scraper rather than a pro- 
jectile point, it is possible that it was one of the former. 

From the time that the Folsom type and its longitudinal grooves 
first attracted attention there has been considerable discussion about 
the technique employed in the removal of the long flakes. Some have 
insisted that they must have been dislodged before the blades were 
worked down to their characteristic shape. The writer has maintained 
from the beginning, as have several others, that the major part of the 
shaping constituted the initial stage, and that the long flakes were 
then removed.” The final touch was the secondary chipping between 
the lateral ridges and the edges.” This was suggested by the fact that 
the longitudinal channels cut through the smaller cross grooves left 
by the primary shaping process. Another indication was the “ hinge 
fracture’ on the ends of broken specimens. This resulted from a 
reverse action on the part of the flake. Instead of turning out, it 
turned in and went through the blade, breaking off the tip and leaving 
a smooth, rounded end on the butt. There are several examples of 

* Cook, 1928, p. 40. 
* Renaud, 1934b, p. 3. 

this in the present collection. In one instance both the tip and the butt 
were found (pl. 7, /; 8,7), and another specimen exhibiting the feature 
has already been described in print.” 

This proof was not sufficient to convince a number of the investi- 
gators; now, however, there is clear-cut evidence. The Lindenmeier 
site contributed portions of flakes which came from the longitudinal 
channels. The Coffins found a number of such flakes in their work, 
and several were obtained during the digging by the writer. Major 
Coffin expressed the belief that they were from the channels, and the 
additional specimens show this to be the case. In every instance the 
flakes are smooth on one side—the side that formed the groove in the 
blade—and flaked on the other (pl. 4). The latter surface was part of 
the face of a completely shaped point. Furthermore, fragments of 
blades broken in the process of manufacture and consequently dis- 
carded substantiate the conclusion. What may seem to be an excep- 
tion to this procedure (although actually it is not) is occasionally 
noted. Some specimens suggest that use was made of a random flake 
which already had a groove on one side. With such material, all that 
was required was the shaping and fluting of the other face. But the 
same method was followed for the single side as in the making of a 
complete point. Examples of this nature are not common, however, 

The technique of removing the long flake is not definitely known, 
but the scrap material from the midden gives some good clues. Both 
the fragments of the points and the pieces of channel flakes indicate 
that a hump was left in the center of the concavity when the base was 
chipped (fig. 3, a). This formed the “seat” for the implement used 
to eject the flake. That percussion, not mere pressure, was resorted to 
is evidenced by the definite bulbs of percussion on the flakes and by 
the reverse impressions in the bases of the points which had not been 
secondarily chipped. It would be extremely difficult to strike a nubbin 
as small as the “ seat ”’ with a hammerstone ; hence it seems logical to 
suppose that the blow must have been an indirect one. A tool of bone 
or antler probably served as a punch to transmit the impact required 
to flip out the flake. Indirect percussion was employed by certain 
recent Indian stone chippers in making some of their implements,” 
and it may well have been part of the ancient technique. When the 
groove had been obtained on one side, the nubbin was retouched, if 
necessary, and the process repeated on the other side. The rechipping 
of the “ seat” was no doubt partially responsible for the depth of the 

** Renaud, 1934), p. 4. 
ℱ Holmes, 1919, pp. 205-206. 

concavity and the length of the “ears.” There is nothing to show 
whether the work was entirely that of a single individual or whether 
two were needed. It is quite possible that one held the point with the 
punch firmly seated at the proper spot on the nubbin while another 
gave a quick, sharp tap on the flaking implement with a hammerstone. 
This unquestionably would require skill on the part of both but prob- 
ably would not be as difficult a task as though one person tried to do it 
alone. Present day experts in stone chipping may be able, through 
experimentation, to solve the problem of which would be the more 
efficient method. In a majority of cases a single, long flake was 
removed at a single blow. Occasionally the first attempt was not satis- 

Fic. 3—Stages in the removal of the channel flakes and three forms of base on 
Folsom points. 

factory and a second try was made. Major Coffin has two flakes in his 
collection which show this clearly. The first one was rather short 
and very thin, the second thicker and much longer. The first fits per- 
fectly into the groove in the second. 

After the fluting was accomplished, the edges and base of the point 
were refined by secondary chipping. This is evidenced by the fact that 
those broken in the grooving process, and consequently not completed, 
do not have the retouch. Occasional specimens show an additional 
treatment in that the base and the edges for about one-third of the 
length of the blade were smoothed. Whether this was intentional or 
accidental is not known. This smoothness may have resulted from the 
hafting of the stone in a wooden or bone handle, or, as one writer has 
suggested, it may be due to a deliberate dulling of the edges to pre- 


vent the cutting of the lashings used to fasten it to the shaft.” This 
feature is present on only a small proportion of the true Folsom points 
but is common on the generalized eastern forms. On an occasional 
specimen, one-third to one-half the length of the blade above the base, 
is a small notch in each edge. These probably were to facilitate the 
fastening of the point to a shaft. 

The extent to which the base was subjected to the final retouching 
process determined the contour of the concavity—whether it was 
curved, figure 3, d; wavy, figure 3, e; or squarish, figure 3, f. In most 
of the specimens from the Lindenmeier site it is wavy, because the 
bulk of the material was broken and discarded before completion, 
but there are some which show entire obliteration of all traces of the 
flaker “seat.’’ In his distributional and typological studies on Folsom 
points Renaud worked out the percentages of base types and found 
that the curved concavity predominated, although the squarish and 
wavy forms were a close second.” He describes the latter as separate 
base types, C-1 and C-2, but groups them together as C in his tables, 
so that it is not possible to determine the number of each. Since the 
squarish or C-1 form on the basis of typology is the. most highly 
developed and represents the ultimate stage in the perfection of the 
technique, percentages might be significant. A site with a predomi- 
nance of the C-1 forms could be regarded as representing a higher 
cultural level than one where the C-2 was the main form. 

Most of the point specimens from the Lindenmeier site are frag- 
mentary, and all but a few of the pieces are butt ends. The scarcity of 
tips was puzzling at first. Consideration of the problem led to the con- 
clusion that the prevalance of basal portions was due to one factor, 
the replacing of damaged points. Because of their brittleness, many 
were no doubt broken by hunters in the chase—snapped off in the 
killing of game. The shafts of the spears or arrows, unharmed and 
still serviceable, were carried back to camp and fitted with new points, 
the broken pieces being tossed into the midden. The fragment remain- 
ing in the shaft would naturally be the butt end; hence the numbers in 
the deposit material. It may be mentioned in passing that there is 
nothing to indicate whether the points were used in arrows or spears. 
Present thought is that the bow and arrow was a late development in 
the New World and that the older cultures employed a spear and 
spear thrower. Without evidence in the matter, archeologists con- 
cerned with the Folsom problem have gone on the assumption that the 
points were used in a shaft hurled from a spear thrower. 

* Renaud, 1934b, p. 3. 
*Âź Renaud, 1934b, pp. 8, 9. 


Measurements for the size range of points in the present collection 
are unsatisfactory because of their fragmentary nature. In his tabula- 
tions on specimens studied in numerous collections, including both the 
generalized and the true Folsom types, Renaud has compiled the 
following figures: Length, 17 to 115 mm; width, 14 to 36 mm; thick- 
ness, 3 to 14 mm.” For the true forms the range is not as great: 
length, 17 to 75 mm, with a 45.41 mm average; width, 14 to 32.5 mm, 
with a 21.94 mm average; thickness, 3 to 6 mm, with a 5.38 mm 


A large proportion of the specimens in the collection belongs to the 

scraper group. There are several varieties of this type of implement, 
and the tools exhibit different degrees of workmanship. Some have 

as minute and careful chipping as that to be seen on the finest projec- 
tile points, whereas others are extremely crude and rough, only the 
minimum of effort necessary to make a usable implement having been 
expended on them. Most of the scrapers belong to the curved-end 
type, the so-called “thumb-nail” or “snub-nosed” form (pl. 9). 
Next in order, from a numerical standpoint, are the side scrapers. 
In this group are tools with straight, convex, and concave scraping 
edges. There are some turtleback scrapers and a few implements 
difficult to classify because they combine several features. 

The “ snub-nosed ” type has a number of different subforms, “but 
all are characterized by one convex, carefully chipped end. The treat- 
ment of the other end and the edges, as well as of the lateral surfaces, 
varies. To make such an implement, a flake of stone roughly the shape 
of a trigonal pyramid was struck off from a larger core. For the 
simpler form of the tool this flake was chipped along the base to pro- 
duce the typical, thick, rounded end. The cutting edge then received 
an additional chipping which made it very sharp (pl. 10, a, b,c). The 
other end was left untouched, the bulb of percussion caused by the 
blow when the flake was detached furnishing a satisfactory tip. The 
side edges were not chipped, nor was anything done to the faces or 
lateral surfaces. This form is triangular in cross-section. A second 
subform was similar to the first except that the side edges were 
worked. A still more refined implement, the third subform, was made 
by removing the ridge or top edge so that the cross-section became 
pentagonal instead of triangular. Some additional minor retouching 
-on the lateral surfaces occasionally accompanied this feature. The 

” Renaud, 1934 b, pp. 9-10. 

two side edges were also chipped. The removal of several long flakes 
from the top produced a fourth subform, one with a quadrangular 
cross-section. The latter also resulted from the removal of a single, 
long, broad flake, which produced a fluting similar to that on the pro- 
jectile points. On practically all of the pentagonal and quadrangular 
forms the smaller end, as well as both edges, was modified by addi- 
tional chipping. Rarely was the ventral surface, the bottom of the 
tool and the side which came off the core, altered in any way. 

A very elaborate classification could be made for the subforms of 
this type of scraper by segregating the different specimens according 
to the various combinations of features. For the purposes of this paper 
that is not essential, but in a more detailed study such a subdivision 
would be advisable, especially when the subject of comparisons 1s 
considered. The “ snub-nosed’ scraper was not peculiar to this hori- 
zon or locality. Forms of it are found on recent Indian sites in the 
general High Plains area and elsewhere throughout the country. By 
means of an elaborate typological grouping it may be possible to point 
out distinctions, to determine criteria for identifying early and late 
forms. Such an attempt will be deferred, however, until a larger 
series from the Lindenmeier site is available. The “ snub-nosed ” 
scrapers from this site vary in length from 21 to 25 mm, in breadth 
at the cutting edge from 25 to 30 mm and in thickness from 4.5 
to II mm. 

The side scrapers exhibit considerable range in quality, degree of 
finish, and the types of flakes used in their manufacture. Some are 
light in weight and paperlike in their thinness. Others are thick and 
heavy. Certain examples display careful dressing of the faces of the 
blade as well as minute and precise chipping along the edges (pl. 11). 
There are other specimens that are little more than rough flakes with 
chipping along one edge or only on a portion of the edge (pl. 12). In 
some cases part of the siliceous crust or outer covering of the nodule 
from which the flake was struck is still present. The purposes for 
which the tool was intended no doubt governed the amount of work ex- 
pended in its shaping. As will be noted from the illustrations, several 
of the implements combine both the convex and concave blades on a 
single tool (pl. 11, g). Others have one straight edge and one convex 
(pl. 15, m), or a straight and concave combination. The carefully 
worked side scrapers range from 30 to 62 mm in length, 15 to 33 mm 
in width, and 2 to 4 mm in thickness. The rough-flake forms vary 
from 40 to 60 mm in length, 20 to 45 mm in width, and 7 to 12 mm in 


The turtleback is an interesting form of scraper (pl. 15,7, j). In 
the strict sense of the word these objects are not true turtlebacks, 
inasmuch as they are faceted on only one side, the other being flat or 
slightly concave. This feature can be attributed to the fact that they 
were made from large, thick flakes rather than from complete nodules ; 
consequently, it was necessary to shape them on only one side. The 
convex surface of such tools is characterized by large facets suggestive 
of the back of a turtle. The edges exhibit the fine retouch typical of 
most of the specimens of the entire complex. If it was not for the 
latter feature, many of the turtlebacks might be considered as dis- 
carded cores from which flakes had been removed to be used in making 
- small implements. Or they might even be classed as blanks waiting the 
specialization which would make them tools. Specimen 1, plate 15, has 
a length of 53.5\ mm, a width of 49 mm, and a thickness of 18 mm. 
The measurements for j, plate 15, are: length 57.5 mm, breadth 41.5 
mm, and thickness 14 mm. 

There is no definite knowledge about the uses to which the side 
scrapers and turtlebacks were put, but their functions were no doubt 
manifold. They could have served for dressing hides, for removing 
flesh from bones, for cutting bones, for smoothing spear and arrow 
shafts. In short, they combine in one implement the qualities of a 
knife, an adze, a gouge, and an abrading or finishing tool. The scraper 
in its various forms was indispensable in the daily life of the later 
Indians, and this was no doubt true for the dwellers at the Linden- 
meier site. The general character of the different kinds of scrapers is 
well illustrated by the examples shown in the photographs; hence, 
more detailed descriptions of their various peculiarities are not neces- 
sary at this time. 


The implements of the bevel-edged type are generally triangular in . 
outline with a small, rounded tip and two chipped edges. The base is 
smooth and the faces comparatively flat. These tools might well be 
considered as points, although not in the sense of projectile heads 
(pl. 11, b). Their characteristic feature is the beveled edges. In 
making such a tool the chipping was all done from one side so that the 
cutting edge slanted obliquely to the opposite face. The stone was 
then turned over and the operation repeated. This produced an imple- 
ment rhomboidal in cross-section, the faces constituting the width and 
the edges or short sides the thickness of the blade. When viewed with 
the point directed upward, the beveling is usually toward the left; 


only a rare, sporadic example shows the reverse, with the chipping 
sloping away to the right. Perhaps this constitutes a record of right- 
and left-handedness in the group which made and used them. A few 
specimens in the collection do not correspond to the general pointed 
type, but have broad, unworked ends. Their sides, however, are 
beveled in characteristic fashion. The beveled edge is not confined to 
tools of this type ; it occurs, singly, on some of the side scrapers. Per- 
haps the beveled points should only be considered as broken tips from 
knife blades. Yet basal portions have not come to light, and it would 
seem that the implements found represent the complete tool. They 
would serve well in the capacity of a knife, particularly in the skinning 
of an animal, where the cutting motion was toward the user. Those 
with the broad, unchipped ends would not do for such a purpose and 
must have been employed as a variety of scraper. The triangular 
examples could also be used as reamers in enlarging holes started with 
a small punch or borer. 

The bevel-edged tools in this collection are not unique for North 
America, but it is interesting to note that the form occurred in the 
Folsom horizon. Henry B. Collins, Jr., has examples that he found in 
Alaska.” Kidder obtained a number of knife blades in his work at 
Pecos which exhibit the feature.” There are examples from late 
Plains sites, and they are fairly numerous in certain districts in Ohio, 
Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia.” These forms are more definite 
in their shaping, however, and are presumably of a much later date. 

The triangular forms of the bevel-edged tool found at the Linden- 
meier site range from 25 to 30 mm in length, 26 to 32 mm in width, 
and 4 to 6 mm in thickness. The flat-ended forms are from 27 to 
40 mm in length, 29 to 33 mm in width, and from 6 to 8 mm in 


‘ b 

The tools given the designation “gravers”’ constitute one of the 
most interesting groups in the whole collection (pl. 13). This is due 
not so much to the actual nature of the specimens themselves as to 
their indication that some form of the engraver’s art was practiced 
by the makers of the Folsom points. No objects exhibiting such handi- 
work were found, but the character of the implements suggests that 
further work may uncover pieces of bone or other material, similarly 
resistant to the agents of decay, upon which designs were scratched. 

* Collins, 1931, 1932. 
” Kidder, 1932, pp. 30-34. 
* Fowke, 1806, pp. 160-161, 177-178. Wilson, 1899, pp. 931-934. 


The later Indian tribes employed the engraver’s art extensively, al- 
though it never reached a high degree of excellence north of Mexico, 
and it is not unreasonable to suppose that it was one of the cultural 
features in earlier periods. Other peoples in comparable stages of 
development are known to have responded to the creative urge by 
drawing with stone on bone, and it is not assuming too much to con- 
cede the ability for delineation to such skilled chippers of “ flint” as 
the Lindenmeier group, particularly since there was so abundant a 
supply of stone and bone ready at hand. 

The simplest and most numerous gravers consist of fortuitous flakes 
which were modified only to the extent of chipping a small, sharp 
point on one side or end (pl. 13, a-g). These short, needlelike points 
are superficially similar to those commonly classed as drills or borers. 
They differ, however, in that one face is flat, while the other has 
beveled edges and a chisellike tip. The usual drill] points are chipped 
on all sides. Furthermore, on several of the present examples small, 
almost microscopic, flakes have been broken away from the point. The 
appearance of this feature is such as to suggest that it was caused by 
a scratching or gouging movement of the implement rather than by a 
rotary twist such as is used in drilling. On only one of the tools in 
this group is the point long enough to have functioned as an awl. A 
hole could be punched through a thin hide with it, but its shape is not 
adapted to even the slight twisting motion ordinarily accompanying 
such a procedure. The gravers in this group are from 20 to 44 mm 
long, 18 to 28 mm wide, and 2.5: to 3 mm thick. The points are con- 
sistently from 1.5 to 2 mm long and 1 to 1.5' mm wide at the base. 

Some of the gravers are more definitely shaped than the scrap-flake 
series just described. (See pl. 13, h-j.) They were also made from 
flakes, but the points are broader, more elongated, have a definite 
bevel on the tip, and exhibit superior workmanship. The chipping is 
not confined to the actual point but extends along the edges. The 
finest specimen in this group is /, plate 13. The tool was made froma 
flake, but the entire stone was chipped to obtain the desired shape for 
the implement. Both faces, the lateral surfaces, and the ends received 
careful attention from the maker. In addition there is a fine marginal 
retouch along two edges and around the narrow end. The tip of the 
latter has a pronounced bevel. The entire object is suggestive of 
modern tools used in lathe work. Perhaps this particular implement 
should be classed as a chisel rather than a graver, yet it would have 
functioned well in the latter capacity. As a matter of fact, there is a 
certain over-lapping of meaning in the terms “ chisel” and “ graver,” 


and in the present preliminary classification fine distinctions are not 
essential. The more definitely shaped gravers are from 32 to 38 mm 
long, 16 to 29 mm wide, and 5 to g mm thick. The points are from 
g to 10 mm long. 

Several combination tools were found (pl. 13, k-m). These incor- 
porate the qualities of the scraper and the graver in a single imple- 
ment. One typical “snub-nosed” scraper (pl. 13, k) has a small 
sharp-tipped graver point at one end of the convex scraper edge. 
There is a second graver midway along one lateral edge. With these 
two points the implement could have functioned as an instrument for 
drawing parallel lines or for making circles. The point at the end of 
the tool could have been used for any purpose that the single, simple 
gravers served. The opposite lateral edge is a good concave side- 
scraper. With a tool of this type the artisan could perform a number 
of operations without changing implements. This specimen has a 
length of 38 mm, breadth of 28 mm, and a thickness of 6.5 mm. The 
graver points are 2 and 1 mm long and 2 and 1.5 mm broad at 
the base. 

The two specimens / and m, plate 13, are combination gravers and 
sidescrapers. The scraper features are concave and convex. One of 
the artifacts has two graver points, in this case on opposite sides, 
whereas the other has only one. The latter, however, is one of the 
most precisely chipped points in the entire collection. These imple- 
ments are 39 and 42 mm long, 22 and 22.5 mm wide, 3.5 and 4.5 mm 
thick. The single point on the one is 2.5 mm long and 1.5 mm broad 
at the base. The points on the other are 1.5 and 2 mm long and 1 mm 
wide at their bases. 


There are a number of specimens which may be classed under the 
heading of knives. The best examples are carefully chipped blades 
which exhibit typical Folsom characteristics in their fluted faces and 
the marginal retouch along the edges. Their ends, however, are 
rounded, and the sides tend to be parallel rather than bulging or 
tapering as in the case of the points (pl. 7, m,n). The complete speci- 
men is 51 mm long, 23 mm wide, and 4 mm thick. The broken one is 
25 mm wide and 3 mm thick. 

The channel flakes from typical Folsom points were not always 
discarded. Several examples show that they were used as knives. 
Close inspection of the edges reveals minute retouching, which per- 
fected the cutting qualities of the stone and made a serviceable tool 
from one of the by-products of the process of point manufacture. 


There is extreme variation in the length of these objects. This may be 
attributed to their thinness and liability to breakage. Specimens range 
from 23 to 46 mm in length, 13 to 17 mm in width, and 1.5 to 2 mm 
in thickness. 

A crude, yet efficient implement was the flakeknife (pl. 14, a-e). 
Tools of this type were made from large, ribbonlike fragments of 
stone modified only to the extent of chipping along the edges. On 
some of these implements the chipping is large and irregular. On 
others it is as minute and precise as could be desired. Both concave 
and convex edges are present in the series, occuring either singly or 
in combination on the same implement. Study of such flakes suggests 
that they were first employed as struck off the nodule, the razor-keen 
edge of the stone being ideal for cutting purposes. Then as the edge 
became nicked and dulled through use, it was touched up with the 
flaking tool until, eventually, the whole edge was chipped. Because of 
their rough, unfinished nature, implements of this type have received 
scant notice in American archeology and, if mentioned at all, have fre- 
quently been dismissed with the explanation that they were rejects, 
scrap “ flints”’ tossed aside because they were not good enough to 
work into finished tools. This certainly was not true of the present 
group, as the objects obviously are implements. They would readily 
function for cutting chunks of meat for the stew-pot or even for the 
skinning of an animal. The length of the specimens in this group 
varies from 49 mm to 88 mm, the breadth from 15 to 36 mm, and the 
thickness from 4.5 to Io mm. 

A second group of flakeknives consists of a border-line series of 
larger implements which could serve either as knives or scrapers and 
which could be included in one or the other category with equal 
justification (pl. 14, f-7). The main reason for listing them as knives 
is that most of them have a peculiar twist to the flake which makes 
them more adaptable for cutting purposes than for scraping. These 
implements, as mentioned also in the discussion of other types, no 
doubt served a variety of purposes, and a hard and fast classification 
of the form is out of the question. The group ranges in length from 
53 to 111 mm, in breadth from 38 to 74 mm, and in thickness from 
8 to 10mm. 


Included in the collection are leaf-shaped blades and several large 
points which appear to be ends broken from such blades (pl. 15, 
a-h, k). The blades are reminiscent of the so-called blanks which 
represent the intermediate stage between the original nodule and the 


completed implements. Ordinarily, among the later Indians, the 
specialization of the blanks was not undertaken at the quarry where 
they were roughed out. Instead they were taken home and then per- 
fected as time permitted. At the Lindenmeier site, however, the proc- 
ess was probably carried through from start to finish on the spot 
because the material was right at hand. The present specimens are 
not true blanks despite their close resemblance to those forms. They 
are actual implements. This is shown by the careful secondary chip- 
ping along the edges. Such blades may be considered as combination 
knives and scrapers. Whether the broken ends should simply be 
regarded as such or whether they should be classed as scrapers is a 
difficult question to answer. Primarily they are portions from larger 
blades, but they also served as implements in their present state. 
The smooth-fractured surfaces on the ends of several examples have 
minute facets, the result of chipping along their edges. In some cases 
this appears to be the result of use. On others the removal of the 
tiny flakes was unquestionably intentional. Points of this type, al- 
though only a portion of the original tool, would be serviceable as 
knives or scrapers. The ends are from 32.5 to 50 mm long, 39 to 
48 mm wide at the base, and 7.5 to 9 mm thick. The blades measure 
52 to 88 mm in length, 28 to 41 mm in width, and 7.5 to Io mm 
in thickness. 

The class of implements tentatively called choppers might well be 
considered variations of tools generally known as hand axes and rough 
celts (pl. 15, 7, m). Because they do not answer in many respects to 
the usual definitions of such tools and since they obviously were for 
the same purpose, despite their difference in form, it is thought less 
confusing to group them together under the designation of choppers. 
Such tools would have been efficient in splitting and hacking bones. 
That some such implement was employed is indicated by the bone 
fragments. One of the examples pictured (pl. 15, 7) was made from 
a chalcedony nodule and is one of the few true “core” specimens 
found at the site. It must have been made definitely for this purpose, 
as the flakes removed in shaping it were not large enough to have 
served in the manufacture of other tools. Although the main chipping 
is large, there is a fine retouch on portions of the edges. The broad 
end of the tool is well adapted for grasping, and the smooth, flat base 
would protect the palm of the hand from injury. This implement is 
86 mm long, 61 mm broad, and 15 mm thick. The second specimen 
(pl. 15, m) is a pseudo-core; it is the core of a large flake, not that 
of a complete nodule. In its general shape it strongly suggests the 



adze or celt of the later Indians. The workmanship is cruder, how- 
ever and although it may be an example of the prototype of such 
tools, it will be considered here as a chopper. Little effort was ex- 
pended on this implement. The chipping is confined to the one chisel- 
like end. The base is rough, some of the edges being sharp enough to 
cut the palm of the hand holding it. It would need to be wrapped in a 
piece of buckskin or a similar substance to prevent slipping and for 
the comfort of the user. The stone is 74 mm long, 40 mm broad, and 
21 mm thick. There are no marks on either of these specimens to 
indicate that they might have been hafted in some kind of handle. 


The pieces of sandstone in the collection cannot be assigned to any 
definite class of implements, yet all show signs of use. There is no 
material of this nature in the immediate neighborhood, and the stones 
must have been carried in for a particular purpose. Two of them, 
although irregular in form, have a slight groove along one side. The 
surface of the stone in the grooves is rubbed as though the objects 
might have served as shaft polishers (pl. 16, a, b). They are not 
typical of the implements generally called shaft polishers, however. 
One stone is flat, roughly oval in outline, and has a shallow concavity 
in one face (pl. 16, c). Traces of red pigment still adhering to the 
stone suggests that it functioned as a pigment bowl. It does not seem 
likely that this was a mortar for grinding paint, as it shows no effects 
of a pestle. It was merely a palette. One irregularly shaped stone has 
a smooth surface on one side, which indicates that it served as a 
rubbing stone (pl. 16, Âą). Another was shaped, but there is nothing 
to suggest what its purpose may have been (pl. 16, d). One example 
is flat with one curved edge. The specimen obviously is not complete, 
and it may be the remaining portion of a lid or cover for some con- 
tainer. The curved outer edge has a series of facets where flakes were 
knocked off in the shaping process (pl. 16, f). The material is soft 
and could easily have been ground into the desired form but, in accord 
with the prevailing technique of the horizon, the flaking process was 

A number of pieces of hematite were recovered from the deposits. 
The surfaces of all of them are smooth and striated from rubbing. 
This is a good indication that they supplied pigment material, a factor 
which correlates with the presence of the sandstone object suggestive 
of a pigment bowl. Hematite in its various forms was extensively 
used by the later Indians for making implements, ornaments, and 


small objects whose purpose is unknown. It also served as a source 
for paint, the compact red, earthy varieties known as red chalk and the 
pulverulent red ocher being especially popular for this purpose. Pow- 
dered hematite was mixed with grease or saliva and then applied to the 
object to be painted. It was used for facial decoration, for coloring 
skins and hides, for painting spears, arrows, shields, skin tents, and 
other objects which the Indian desired to embellish. The finding of 
the material at the Lindenmeier site is good evidence that the makers 
of the Folsom points were also users of red paint. None of the frag- 
ments indicate that they were shaped to serve as ornaments, nor are 
they of the problematical object type. 

Several nodules with battered ends were found, and there is one flat 
stone of granite, roughly circular in outline but with one flattened 
edge, which is broken away along one side as though from blows. 
These objects no doubt served as hammers. They could be employed 
in knocking flakes off large nodules, for cracking bones, and in other 
capacities where a striking implement would be required.: The flat 
granite specimen has one convex, smooth side, which suggests that it 
also may have served as a rubbing stone (pl. 16, g). 

There are a number of bones in the collection which, although they 
are only chance scraps, indicate that they could have served as tools. 
Each of these objects has a tapering, blunt-pointed end which shows 
some signs of wear. They may have functioned as punches or awls, 
but because they are not definitely prepared implements and do not 
exhibit pronounced signs of usage, they will be regarded only as for- 
tuitous tools at this time. When more evidence is available, it may 
develop that split bones with such ends actually should be classed as a 
type of implement. For the present, definite conclusions will be held 
in abeyance. 


Owing to the scrappy nature of most of the bone material recovered, 
it has not been possible to identify all of the animals represented. 
Some of the fragments are from small mammals, but most of them 
are bison. Part of the latter material, portions of jaws and a good 
series of teeth, was referred to Director J. D. Figgins, of the Colo- 
rado Museum of Natural History, who has made a specialty of the 
study of bison remains. He reports that the bison found at the original 
Folsom site, Stelabison occidentalis taylori and Bison oliverhayi,* are 

“ Figgins, 1933 b. 


represented in the material from the Lindenmeier site. In this con- 
nection he wrote: 

There was no trouble identifying the material not too badly damaged. We 
have the types of all the bison we have described, in addition to many jaws and 
separate teeth, so that it was merely a matter of comparison and measurement. 
You may be assured of the accuracy of the identifications, as your specimens 
check, in every respect, with our Folsom, New Mexico, types. I entertain no 
slightest doubt that your material is typical of the two Folsom races.ℱ 

The occurrence of the same species of bison at the two sites is of 
particular interest and serves to tie them to the same general horizon. 
The full significance of the material, however, is still to be determined. 
The bison with which the Folsom artifacts are associated were larger 
than the modern species and had more massive, less sharply curved 

Other bones, identified by Dr. Remington Kellogg, assistant cura- 
tor, division of mammals, United States National Museum, are from 
the fox (Vulpero velox), the wolf (Canis nubiltus), and the rabbit 
(Lepus townsendii companius). Unfortunately, none of these throws 
any light on the question of the age of the site, as it is not possible to 
differentiate between the Pleistocene and present-day forms. It is 
interesting, though, to have this addition to the fauna of the Folsom 


At the Lindenmeier site in northern Colorado is the first occupation 
level yet found which can be definitely correlated with the makers of 
the now well-known Folsom points. Distinct traces of a former camp- 
site and workshop are present at this location. Midden deposits have 
yielded a series of implements actually associated in situ with typical 
Folsom points. Similar tools have been found at various surface 
sites, but this is the first evidence to demonstrate that they belonged 
to the Folsom complex. In addition to the assortment of artifacts, 
there are flakes, spalls, and nodules, indicating that the implements 
were made on the spot. Furthermore, this chipper’s debris gives good 
clues to some of the methods used in shaping the tools. The artifacts 
in the collection show that the lithic component in the local culture 
pattern was primarily a flake industry, only a few implements of the 
core type being found. Cut, broken, and split animal bones from the 
deposits have been identified as being from bison, fox, wolf, and 
rabbit. The bison remains indicate that those animals belonged to the 
same extinct species as those found at the original Folsom quarry. 
This is a significant link between the two sites. 

** Letter from Mr. Figgins to the writer, Feb. 28, 1935. 

VoL. 94, No. 4 





On page 32, paragraph 3, lines 3 and 4 should read as follows: 

the fox (Vulpes velox), the wolf (Canis nubilus), and the rabbit 
(Lepus townsendii campanius). Unfortunately, none of these throws 

@ Wee) few 



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Nov. 25, Supplement, pp. 12-13. 
1933. Early Man in America. Science, n. s., vol. 78, Aug. 18, Supplement, 
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1934a. Bones and dart points date American 12,000 years old. Sci. News 
Lett., vol. 26, p. 147, Sept. 8. 
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1935. The spread of Aboriginal Man to North America. Geogr. Rev., 
vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 302-300, April. 
Bargour, E. H., and ScHuttz, C. B. 
1932. The Scottsbluff bison quarry and its artifacts. Nebraska State Mus., 
Bull. 34, vol. 1, December. 
BeaucHamp, W. M. 
1897. Aboriginal chipped stone implements of New York. Bull. New York 
State Mus., vol. 4, no. 16, October. 
Bett, E. H., and Van Royen, W. 
1934. An evaluation of recent Nebraska finds sometimes attributed to the 
Pleistocene. Wisconsin Archeol., n. s., vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 49-70, 
Brown, C. S. 
1926. Archeology of Mississippi; Mississippi Geological Survey. University 
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Bryan, W. A. 
1929. The recent bone-cavern find at Bishop’s Cap, New Mexico. Science, 
n. s., vol. 70, pp. 39-41, July 12. 
Gorrins) Hl. B:; Jr: 
1931. Ancient culture of St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Explorations and 
Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1930 (Publ. 3111), 
pp. 135-144. 
1932. Prehistoric Eskimo culture on St. Lawrence Island. Geogr. Reyv., 
vol. 22, no. I, pp. 107-119, January. 
1927. New geological and paleontological evidence bearing on the antiquity 
of Mankind. Nat. Hist., Journ. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 27, 
no. 3, pp. 240-247, May. 
1928. Glacial age Man in New Mexico. Sci. Amer., vol. 139, pp. 38-40, July. 
1931. More evidence of the “ Folsom-Culture”’ race. Sci. Amer., vol. 144, 
pp. 102-103, February. 
Ficeins, J. D. 
1927. The antiquity of Man in America. Nat. Hist., Journ. Amer. Mus. 
Nat. Hist., vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 229-2390, May. 
1931. An additional discovery of the association of a “ Folsom” artifact 
and fossil mammal remains. Proc. Colorado Mus. Nat. Hist., 
vol. 10, no. 4, Sept. 26. 
1933 a. A further contribution to the antiquity of Man in America. Proc. 

: Colorado Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 12, no. 2, August I. 


1933 b. The bison of the western area of the Mississippi Basin. Proc. 
Colorado Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 12, no. 4, Dec. 5. 

1934. Folsom and Yuma artifacts. Proc. Colorado Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 13, 
no. 2, Dec. 20. 


1896. Stone art. 13th Ann. Rep., Bur. Amer. Ethnol., pp. 47-178. 
HarrinctTon, M. R. 

1933. Gypsum Cave, Nevada. Southwest Mus. Pap., no. 8. Los Angeles. 
EAve © Pe ands Coo) Eee 

1930. Fossil vertebrates collected near or in association with human arti- 
facts at localities near Colorado, Texas; Frederick, Oklahoma; 
and Folsom, New Mexico. Proc. Colorado Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 9, 
no. 2, Oct. 20. 

Hoitmes, W. H. 

1919. Handbook of aboriginal American antiquities, pt. 1, Introductory, the 

lithic industries. Bull. 60, Bur. Amer. Ethnol. 
Howarp, E. B. 

1932. Caves along the slopes of the Guadalupe Mountains. Bull. Texas 
Archeol. and Paleont. Soc., no. 4, pp. 7-19. 

1933. Association of artifacts with mammoth and bison in eastern New 
Mexico. Science, n. s., vol. 78, p. 524, Dec. 8. 

1934. Grooved spearpoints. The Pennsylvania Archeologist, Bull. Soc. 
Pennsylvania Archeol., vol. 3, no. 6, January. 

Jenks, A. E. 

1934. The discovery of an ancient Minnesota maker of Yuma and Folsom 
flints. Science, n. s., vol. 80, p. 205, Aug. 31. 

1935. Recent discoveries in Minnesota prehistory. Minnesota History, a 
Quarterly Magazine, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1-21, March. 

Kipper, A. V. 

1932. The artifacts of Pecos. Papers of the Southwestern Expedition, No. 6. 
Robert S. Peabody Foundation for Archeology, Phillips Academy, 
Andover. Yale Press, New Haven. 


1928. L’antiquitĂ© de l’-homme dans L’Amerique du Nord. L’Anthropologie, 
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1931 a. Prehistoric flaked points from Colorado and neighboring districts. 
Proc. Colorado Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 10, no. 2, March 31. 

1931 b. Archeological survey of eastern Colorado. Univ. Denver Dep. 
Anthrop. June. 

1932 a. Archeological survey of eastern Colorado. (Second Report) Univ. 
Denver Dep. Anthrop. March. 

1932 b. Yuma and Folsom artifacts (new material). Proc. Colorado Mus. 
Nat. Hist., vol. 11, no. 2, November 19. 

1933. Archeological survey of eastern Colorado. (Third Report) Season 
1932. Univ. Denver Dep. Anthrop. March. (Chapter 5, pp. 39-40, 
for Yuma and Folsom points.) 

1934a. Archeological survey of western Nebraska. Summer 1933. Univ. 
Denver Dep. Anthrop. May. (Chapter 5, pp. 38-40, for Yuma 
and Folsom points.) 

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Scuut7z, C. B. 
1932. Association of artifacts and extinct mammals in Nebraska. Bull. 33, 

Nebraska State Mus., vol. 1, November. 

1935. The first Americans, Folsom Man—? New Mexico, the State Maga- 
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Witson, THOMAS. 

1899. Arrowpoints, spearheads, and knives of prehistoric times. Rep. 

U. S. Nat. Mus. 1807, pp. 811-988. 

‘ hed A } 

MS iy 





Man is standing on level where material was obtained. 


Bones are resting on top of Oligocene bed. A. L. Coffin at right of picture. 


Arrow points to implement. 



Actual size. 



Actual size. 



Actual size. 



Actual size. 



Actual size. 



Actual size. 



Actual size. 



Actual size. 


VOL. 94, NO. 4, PL. 


Actual size. 



Actual size. 


VOEM IA INO. 4. arLe 


One-half size. 



One-half size. 

VOED 9A NO 4. PE ad5 



One-half size. 





Division of Seed Investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry, 
U. S. Department of Agriculture 


Division of Radiation and Organisms, 
Smithsonian Institution 


JUNE 24, 1935 

ane | oa 

The Lord Battimore Press 



Division of Seed Investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry, 
U. S. Department of Agriculture 



Division of Radiation and Organisms, 
Smithsonian Institution 


In studies of the light-sensitivity of “ dormant ” lettuce seed previ- 
ously reported (3)* it was noted that radiation of the longer wave 
lengths of visible light, characterizing the colors yellow, orange, and 
red, promoted germination, whereas radiation of the shorter wave 
lengths of visible light, characterizing the colors violet, blue, and green, 
inhibited germination. The material appeared to be unusually well 
adapted to the study of response to radiation, and steps were taken 
to establish the relative effectiveness of radiation of various wave 
lengths with respect to the germination of the seed. 

While these studies were in progress, Johnston (6) at the Smith- 
sonian Institution reported the results of a careful series of measure- 
ments of phototropic response of the etiolated oat coleoptile, which 
emphasized the fact that the shorter wave lengths of visible light were 
responsible for such bending. He interpreted this activity as due to 
an inhibitory effect of the shorter wave lengths upon the cells exposed 
to such radiation. 

On account of the obvious analogy between the results obtained 
with the shorter wave lengths of light in respect to inhibition in 
germination and in phototropism the facilities of the two research 
divisions were combined in the furtherance of the germination study, 
the cooperative investigation leading to the results here presented. 

*Numbers in parentheses refer to list of literature cited, at the end of this 





With respect to light and germination three classes of seeds have 
been recognized for many years: (1) seeds germinating equally well 
in light or darkness, (2) seeds whose germination is hindered by light, 
and (3) seeds whose germination is favored by light. This classifica- 
tion has emphasized the variety of the responses that may occur and 
has proved satisfactorily descriptive for studies involving sunlight 
or other white light. 

In 1883 Cieslar (2) reported with respect to certain seeds that 
yellow light favored germination, whereas violet light retarded it and 
rendered them appreciably dormant. This varying response to differ- 
ent wave lengths of light made it evident that in sunlight or other 
white light certain components were acting to promote germination, 
while certain other components were acting to retard it. Upon the rela- 
tive effectiveness of these two groups of components, either through 
the radiant energies involved or through the particular sensitivity of 
the seed, one might presume to depend the gross effect of the white 
light with respect to germination. From the more technical standpoint, 
therefore, there were but two classes of seeds with respect to germina- 
tion: (1) those whose germination was not influenced by light, and 
(2) those whose germination was influenced by light. Seeds of the 
latter class were designated “ light-sensitive seeds,” as contrasted with 
the widely occurring seeds of the class which germinate equally well 
in light and in darkness. The present considerations are confined to 
light-sensitive seeds. 

Light-sensitivity as reported by Cieslar was limited for the most 
part to small seeds without reserve food materials. In the seeds of 
Poa nemoralis, Agrostis stolonifera, and Nicotiana macrophylla ger- 
mination was reported as favored by white light, whereas the germina- 
tion of seeds of Viscum album was reported as hindered by white 
light. In large measure the researches on light and germination by 
various workers in subsequent years have been concerned with the 
extension of these respective lists. In this respect it is to be noted 
that sensitivity to light is now generally recognized as a widely oc- 
curring characteristic of seeds. 

The early distinction between the effect of “yellow” light and 
“violet” light gained precision through subsequent researches, and 
one finds in Molisch (g) the statement that yellow to red light pro- 
motes germination, whereas violet, blue, or green light inhibits ger- 
mination. This information, however, has not been widely appreciated, 
and the more recent studies of light in relation to germination, such 


as those of Gardner (4), Lehmann (7), Maier (8), Nathammer (10) 
and Shuck (11), have concerned themselves for the most part with 
white light as a quantitative factor in germination. 

Wholly unaware of the foregoing background of researches by 
German workers in this field, the senior author discovered that so- 
called “ dormant ”’ lettuce seed would germinate readily in white light, 
and further, that yellow, orange, or red light promoted this germina- 
tion, whereas violet, blue, or green light inhibited it. It now appears 
that the germination response to radiation of specific wave lengths 
noted for dormant lettuce seed represents types of reactions of wide 
occurrence among seeds. This fact suggests that the further study 
of such responses may be warranted as promising results of both prac- 
tical and theoretical significance in relation to germination and pos- 
sibly also in relation to other aspects of growth. The results obtained 
by Flint (3) with green Wratten filters indicated that color alone was 
not a safe criterion to use in the interpretation of results obtained with 
filters, thus directing attention to their wave-length transmission. 


The principal line of attack in this investigation involved the use 
of a spectrum, and to a large extent the work comprised successive im- 
provements in the technique of utilizing the spectrum to the greatest 




Fic. 1—Schematic drawing of the apparatus used in the study of spectral light 
in relation to germination. 

advantage in relation to germination. The set-up as finally elaborated 
(see fig. 1) consisted of a fixed light source, a condenser lens con- 
centrating light upon an adjustable slit, an achromatic lens, a prism, 
and a silvered mirror. A light-proof house surrounded the set-up, 
with a partition at the slit (not shown in the figure). With this set-up, 
using a single filament 1,000 lumen 6.6 ampere Mazda street-lighting 
bulb as a light source, a spectrum was obtained which was about 1 foot 
long in the visible range. 


For exposures of the material in the spectrum special boxes 10 x 
4x 1inches were made of brass and provided with parallel center 
plates of monel metal about 4 x 1 inches, spaced at 0.4 inch. Two such 
boxes placed end to end thus more than filled the visible spectrum, and 
each of the 48 compartments was subjected to a band of radiation 
ranging in width from the order of 50 A in the low violet to that of 
200 A in the high red. The spectrum and boxes were provided with 
a secondary light-proof housing, in which, at an elevation of about 
1 foot, were installed two 20-inch milk-glass lumiline lights wrapped 
in red cellophane having no appreciable transmission for wave lengths 
shorter than 6000 A. These lights were so arranged that in conjunc- 
tion with end-mirrors no shadows were cast in any compartment of 
the boxes. The intensity of illumination was regulated by a rheostat. 

The focal plane of the spectrum obtained was located by inserting 
a plate of didymium glass between the condenser lens and the slit. 
The sharp absorption lines of didymium also provided a convenient 
means of establishing the wave lengths of all regions of the visible 
spectrum. Wave lengths in the near ultraviolet region were established 
by substituting a mercury arc as a light source and using uranium glass 
to pick up through fluorescence the lines characteristic of mercury. 
Wave lengths in the infrared region were established by following the 
absorption characteristics of water vapor with a thermopile. The 
radiation energies throughout the entire spectrum were established 
by means of a thermocouple. 

The procedure in each experiment was as follows. Two boxes 
were placed in the spectrum and half filled with tap water, which 
served as the medium of germination. Dormant or light-sensitive 
lettuce seeds were then scattered into the compartments, surface ten- 
sion bringing about a fairly uniform distribution of the seeds over 
the available water surface. About 100 seeds could be conveniently 
accommodated in each compartment. 

After 24 hours presoaking the seeds were given exposures of spec- 
tral light, of red lumiline light, or of both lights, depending upon the 
particular objective. The red lumiline light, by suitable modification 
of the duration or intensity of the exposure, was used for the most 
part to effect a 50 percent germination of the seeds independent of the 
spectral light—a feature ordinarily offering some difficulty, but en- 
tirely feasible with the material at hand, as had been attested by tables 
2 and 3 of Flint’s paper (3). Upon this base the nature and extent 
of any promoting or inhibiting influence of the spectral light was 
registered as a departure. After 24 hours the boxes were removed, 


and the seeds in each compartment were transferred immediately to 
numbered petri dishes, placed in a refrigerator at 3° C., and exposed 
to blue light (to prevent further germination), where they were kept 
until germination counts could be made. 

In plotting the germination percentages against radiation the wave 
length falling on the median line of each compartment was taken as 
the wave length for the seeds of that compartment. 

In plotting the inhibitory influence in the violet-blue-green region 
as corrected for energies involved, the curves were inverted to facili- 
tate subsequent comparison with other data. 

The transmission curves of the Wratten filters and of the ether 
extracts of lettuce seeds were made in the conventional manner with 
a double monochromator and a thermocouple. 


In the experiments of Flint (3) two green Wratten filters were 
found to transmit light that promoted germination, and Io green 
Wratten filters were found to transmit light that inhibited germina- 
tion. The spectral transmission of all the green Wratten filters was 
studied, and the energy transmission curves were obtained by mul- 
tiplying the percentage transmission by the energy radiated from a 
Mazda lamp at each wave length. The energy radiated by the lamp at 
each wave length was obtained from its known spectral energy curve. 
These energy values were used in conjunction with the inverse square 
law and the distances at which the respective filters (when used with 
the Mazda lamp) gave equal response with a Weston photronic cell. 
The energies transmitted by representative green Wratten filters are 
shown in figure 2. 

It is to be noted from the curves of figure 2 that the two green 
filters which had been found to transmit light promoting germination 
(64 and 67) transmitted more of the ultraviolet and less of the long 
visible red than the green filters which had been found to transmit 
light inhibiting germination (56 and 60). This fact suggested that 
the promotion was associated either with a promoting influence in the 
ultraviolet or with an inhibiting influence in the long red or near 

A substantial series of exposures of moist dormant lettuce seed 
to various wave lengths in the ultraviolet ranging from the lower 
limits of the visible spectrum to below the ultraviolet characterizing 
solar radiation gave uniformly negative results, whereupon attention 
was directed to the infrared regions. Earlier studies with a spectrum 

by the senior author had given an approximate range of 5200 to 
7000 A for the promoting effect, with a sharp falling off in germina- 
tion in the long red. No inhibitory effect had been suspected as as- 
sociated with this falling off, however, until the effort was made to 

lOO pee a | jm 
60! 64| |67 
- : 
SO ! 
laa | 
] + 
60 |— 4 et 
i € + 
/ 7 
eden | 
ra / 
if f) 
40 +— 
7 BNE 
+ / 
/ „ 
LL ee 
j / 
/ i 
20 ey 
+ eeu 
Ne af } 
he ! 
”, 4 
PSB eclienchpp——— —ti —H 
8000 3000 

6000 7O0O 

re) as O-D 
4000 5000 
Fic. 2—Energy transmission curves of green Wratten filters. The ordinates 

are relative energies transmitted at each wave length (indicated as abscissae). 

Numbers 56 and 60 are typical of the green filters transmitting light that in- 
hibits germination. Numbers 64 and 67 transmit light that promotes germination. 

explain the physical basis for the promoting effect of the light trans- 
mitted by the two aberrant green filters. The spectrum set-up previ- 
ously used by the senior author had been considerably modified in these 
cooperative studies to permit a more precise measurement of the wave 

lengths to which seeds were exposed. With the apparatus and pro- 
cedure described in the foregoing section such results as those given 
in figure 3 were obtained in the long red region. 

Such results as those presented in figure 3 established the presence 
of a strong inhibitory influence in the region of 7600 A. 

By applying the same methods to the violet, blue, and green regions 
of the spectrum, such results as those presented in figure 4 were 

In conjunction with the foregoing experiments a study of ether 
extracts of lettuce seed was carried. out. These extracts contained 
oil and pigments. Definite absorption in the region 4200 A to 5200 A 
was evidenced by the transmission curves. These remained bimodal, 
even after appreciable oxidation had taken place, and thus appeared 
suggestive in relation to the bimodal curve of inhibition given in 
figure 4. Definite absorption in the region 5200 A to 7000 A was also 
evidenced by the transmission curves, suggesting the presence of some 
precursors of chlorophyll and allied pigments. No appreciable ab- 
sorption in the region 7600 A was noted. 


The discovery of a strong inhibitory influence in the region of 
7600 A, although made in an effort to explain the difference in the 
response to the light transmitted by certain green Wratten filters, and 
quite incidental to the study of the precise nature of the curve of 
inhibition in the regions characterizing violet, blue, and green light, 
may well transcend in importance the original objective of the coopera- 
tive studies. Since this discovery appears to offer a clearer approach 
to biological problems involving light, it has been given precedence in 
these considerations. 

All the green Wratten filters used by Flint (3) were found to trans- 
mit in the 7600 A region, but the two filters transmitting light which 
promoted germination had such a low transmission in this region that 
the effects of the promoting regions—the yellow, orange, and red— 
predominated over the effects of the inhibiting regions—the long red, 
the violet, the blue, and the green. Since many blue and violet glass, 
liquid, or gelatin filters transmit in the region 7600 A, it follows that 
the newly discovered inhibitory band becomes a potential source of 
confusion as to the effectiveness of radiation in the more visible spec- 
trum with respect to the germination of light-sensitive lettuce seed. 
Moreover, since the same type of light-sensitivity has been recognized 
as characterizing other seeds, this factor may well be of some general 
significance with respect to light-sensitivity in seeds. 







6600 7000 7400 7800 8200 8600 9000 

Fic. 3.—Curve of inhibition in the 7600 A region. The ordinates are per- 
centage departures from expected germination values following exposure to 
promoting radiation, and are corrected for differences in the energy of the 
applied radiation indicated as abscissae. 

100 i 




4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200 5400 

Fic. 4.—Curve of inhibition in the violet-blue-green region. The ordinates 
are percentage departures from expected germination values following exposure 
to promoting radiation, and are corrected for differences in the energy of the 
applied radiation indicated as abscissae. The maximum inhibition was arbitrarily 
taken as 100. 


In connection with the later consideration of inhibitory influences 
associated with wave lengths characterizing violet, blue, and green 
light, it is to be noted that with both solar and Mazda radiation the 
energy at 7600 A is much greater than at the shorter wave lengths of 
the visible spectrum. In solar radiation there is a sharp absorption 
band in the 7600 A region interpreted as due to oxygen in the sun 
and water vapor in the earth’s atmosphere. Notwithstanding this ab- 
sorption, however, the energy of solar radiation at this wave length 
region is large. In consequence it would appear that under natural 
outdoor conditions and under customary indoor experimental con- 
ditions radiation of a wave length in the long red exerts a relatively 
powerful inhibitory influence upon the germination of dormant lettuce 
seed, although this influence is ordinarily more than counteracted by 
the promoting influence in the yellow-orange-red region. The extent 
to which the 7600 A region has an analogous effect upon other seeds 
and upon other phases of light-sensitivity is not known at this time, 
but because of the high energy and universal occurrence of the radia- 
tion, its potential significance becomes one of the most intriguing 
results of its discovery. Further studies of the possible effectiveness 
of this region in respect to the germination of other seeds and in 
respect to other phases of light-sensitivity are now in progress. 

An examination of the germination responses to light of the wave 
lengths indicated in figure 4 reveals that there are two maxima of 
inhibition in the violet-blue-green region—a major one at 4400 A, and 
a somewhat subordinate one at 4800 A. It may now be noted that 
Bachmann and Bergann (1) and Johnston (6), studying the etiolated 
coleoptiles of Avena sativa Culberson, obtained curves of phototropic 
sensitivity having two maxima at about these same regions. The two 
types of data, the one indicating an inhibitory influence of light on the 
germination of seeds, the other an influence of light on the direction 
- of growth of young etiolated shoots, have been brought together to 
facilitate comparison in figure 5. 

An examination of figure 5 reveals that within the range of experi- 
mental error the two types of plant response to light show identical 
critical wave lengths. Johnston (6, p. 14) and others interpret photo- 
tropic response as an index of growth retardation on the theory that 
the light on the exposed side of the shoot inhibits elongation, while 
on the opposite unexposed side elongation is relatively uninfluenced. 
The results here reported obviously tend to sustain the correctness of 
this interpretation. Both of the foregoing types of plant response to 
light involved etiolated structures, and further studies are in progress 
relating to the types of plant response characterizing green tissues. 


In résumé, the results obtained with the Wratten filters, taken in 
conjunction with the curve of violet-blue-green inhibition given by 
the spectral data and with the newly discovered inhibitory influence in 
the 7600 A region, make it more than ever obvious that the effects ob- 
tained through the use of any color filter may not safely be interpreted 
without an analysis of its spectral transmission. 

The results presented in this paper indicate the general relative 
effectiveness of radiation of various wave lengths in the visible spec- 
trum found to inhibit the germination of light-sensitive lettuce seed. 






3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 S000 5200 5400 

Fic. 5.—Curve of inhibition in the violet-blue-green region compared with 
the curve of phototropic response of oat coleoptiles obtained by Johnston. Heavy 
line represents the inhibition; dotted line the phototropic response. 

Further studies designed to yield quantitative results as to the relative 
effectiveness of both promoting and inhibiting radiation are now in 


Announcement is made of the discovery of a band in the region of 
7600 A which inhibits the germination of light-sensitive lettuce seed 
far more effectively at the energies characterizing both solar and 
Mazda radiation (in this region) than do similar inhibitory influences 
previously noted in the regions 4200 A to 5200 A. 

The relative effectiveness of radiation in the violet, blue, and green 
regions of the spectrum—at 4200 A to 5200 A—in inhibiting germina- 
tion in light-sensitive lettuce seed is found to be the same as its relative 



effectiveness in bringing about phototropic response in etiolated col- 
eoptiles of oats. Both phenomena may be represented by bimodal 
curves showing critical wave lengths in the regions 4400 A and 4800 A. 




1930. Uber die Werkigkeit von Strahlen verschiedener Wellenlange fur 
die phototropische Reizung yon Avena sativa. Planta, Arch. 
Wiss. Bot., vol. 10, pp. 744-755. 
1883. Untersuchungen tiber den Einfluss des Lichtes auf die Keimung 
der Samen. Pp. 270-205. 
Fuint, Lewis H. 
1934. Light in relation to dormancy and germination in lettuce seed. 
Science, vol. 80, pp. 38-40. 
1921. Effect of light on germination of light-sensitive seeds. Bot. Gaz., 
vol. 71, pp. 249-288. 

1915. Beitrage zur frage der Lichtkeimung. Zeitschr. Bot., vol. 7, 
pp. 609-661. 


1934. Phototropic sensitivity in relation to wave length. Smithsonian 
Misc. Coll., vol. 92, no. II, pp. I-17. 
1918. Uber die minimale Belichtungzeit welche die Keimung der Samen 
von Lythrum salicaria auslost. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges., vol. 
36, pp. 157-163. 
Mater, WILLI 
1933. Das keimungsphysiologische Verhalten von Phleum pratense, L., 
dem Timotheegras. Jahrb. Botanik, vol. 78, pt. 1, pp. 1-42. 
Mo.tscu, Hans 
1930. Pflanzenphysiologie als Theorie der Gartnerei. P. 323. 
1927. Keimungphysiologische Studien unter Hervorhebung des Licht- 
keimungsproblems. Biochem. Zeitschr., vol. 185, pp. 205-215. 
SHuckK, A. L. 
1935. Light as a factor influencing the dormancy of lettuce seeds. Plant 
Phys., vol. 10, pp. 193-196. 

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Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, 
U. S. Department of Agriculture 


SEPTEMBER 25, 1935 


The Lord Baltimore Press 



Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, U. S. Department of Agriculture 


TIkaniyeYahoveWkoy ole) ayes PAcacesen ioe acolo Siete ROCIO EO one Bio ROTC ERS Reo pace te I 
lem(Generalustriuctine olathe abdomen ma -niceiieciiesacieeiareiels aia 2 
Characteristic features of the abdomen of Acridoidea............ 3 
Relationvonthe abdomen tothe thonaxeessee paces seiceerier 8 
@hevabdomunmalecpicacl es saccsaers, certs s crass laiete ecco o's cleieleue here itt 
AUheucby MI DAnalMOl SANSE werner tkes cameras wrote er vecetete ee ahs clete-cks, carbo le.teuane 12 
ADL GV CEES es fo pane RC AERO ERAT CCR DORSET et ERR De ee ere Re 15 
ies bhiemabdomimalemusculatunesemmcase cacti reece eerie 16 
iMnisclesuotathesinsteseginente: pic acisisee il isloemianiciiciieieitcraee cre 16 
Musclesvotmthersecond seamentsncmeen ie ocriice serricneriemeen eer 18 
Mnrscleshotathe:tiirdsscome;ntamen se aernien core iceiicee 20 
Misclesnotithexetehthyseomentere- creer cacti eects ier: 2 
IMnsclestoÂź therninthesesmentascecareeen icine mace ee 26 
Musclesi of the tenth sesiment: 42522; cces aa oad ene es eee 2 
Muselestot the eleventh seoment 2s <i ire... s5 cc cc cleo ns seins 31 
SP MCMERATISVICLSCIAITITISCLES cccceeuarainte oecamuete aise ciel saherouee ie eeekey craic) one diisve sree 31 
ieee diaphragms, and the dorsal blood! vessel..0.7..- sc. - else oe isin 31 
NMED HG e: PEOCEOUACHITL vr ele ecye.s tea c eve icin ceete clayey ie ss cnic le lalhe wintw dlahete x! nets 34 
Nem ihe ova positor aAlG, ASSOCIALeG sSEPUICUULES «6 <2 ones. cle ws aisle © o's okies cieiee 37, 
Structuresot athe oVvipositoieasnroomeee ee coe cierto 37 
The female genital chamber and the spermathecal opening....... 45 
Developmetit oO the OVIPOSHOL ssn ase cise sre se clow see cele © tec. 48 
Oviposttionie semen cee tags icra he Rin epee shaven ne eed aan cays 54 
Wilmerlithexesxternalemalermenitaliats<ctyas em a <los ct stot ecini= ciaielcve/ oie oe a-terse ie ene 61 
General structure of the male genitalia of Acridoidea............. 61 
Copulation, and insemination of the female..................... 71 
Examples of the male genitalia of Acrididae.................... 73 
Abbreviations used on the figures...............eeeeeeeeeeeeeee Fe. 86 
RELEE In COST ta reps tceM Ae eres sis Ieee ete renencars ein cie Ne ie ieee ees 87 

This paper on the abdomen of Acridoidea is intended to follow 
sequentially an earlier paper in the same series entitled “ The Thoracic 
Mechanism of a Grasshopper’ (Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 82, 
no. 2, 1929). Hence it will be observed that the numerical designation 
of the abdominal muscles continues from that of the thorax. 




The primary object of the work here presented has been to arrive 
at an understanding of the mechanisms of copulation and oviposition 
in the Acrididae, which in this family present many peculiar features. 
Neither of these processes, the writer believes, has been fully under- 
stood or correctly described, though careful observations have been 
made on the processes of copulation and egg-laying among grass- 
hoppers. With the closer studies on the behavior of insects now found 
necessary for economic purposes, it is becoming obvious that we must 
understand more fully the structure and mechanics of the anatomical 
mechanisms on which depends so much of the insect’s activities. In 
addition to the functional phase of morphology, however, there is the 
no less important taxonomic aspect. Hence, in the following pages 
much attention is given to structures bearing on the relationships be- 
tween the Acrididae, Tetrigidae, and Tridactylidae, and a brief com- 
parative study of the anatomy of the external male genitalia is included, 
since these structures will undoubtedly be found to contain many 
characters of importance for the separation of species where other 
features are not sufficient for exact determinations. 

The writer follows Blatchley (1920), Walker (1922), Brues and 
Melander (1932), and others in regarding the grouse locusts as 
constituting a family (Tetrigidae, or Acrydidae) distinct from that 
of the typical grasshoppers (Acrididae). Aside from superficial differ- 
ences in such characters as the length of the pronotum, and in certain 
features of the tarsi, the grouse locusts are distinguished from the 
grasshoppers by the lack of the characteristic tympanal organs of the 
latter, and in the totally different nature of the external male geni- 
talia, which in the grasshoppers have a unique and highly standardized 
type of structure that distinguishes the Acrididae from all other 
Orthoptera. The tetrigids, of course, in many ways, particularly in 
the general structure of the abdomen and in the structure and mecha- 
nism of the female ovipositor, show their relationship with the Acridi- 
dae, but this relationship is much more distant than is that of the 
several acridid subfamilies with one another. Some orthopterists, 
furthermore, would link the Tridactylidae with the Tetrigidae and 
Acrididae, but to the writer a close association of the tridactylids with 
the acridoid families seems doubtful, notwithstanding the close simi- 
larity of the ovipositor in these two groups. 


The morphology of the adult insect abdomen is difficult to under- 
stand because of the complete suppression of the segmental appendages 
in the pregenital region, and the probable union of the appendage bases 


with the primitive sterna in the definitive sternal plates. The lateral 
tergo-sternal muscles of the abdomen appear to have no counterparts 
in the thorax, unless it is to be assumed that they represent the leg 
muscles that have retained their ventral connections with the coxal 
elements of the definitive sterna, but a study of larval insects seems to 
indicate that the limb muscles have been lost with the suppression of 
the appendages. The abdomen of the imago is so completely adapted 
to its principal mechanical functions of respiration, copulation, and 
oviposition that the generalized structure in this region of the body 
is almost entirely obscured by secondary modifications. The acridid 
abdomen is a good subject for anatomical study, but it throws no light 
on the general morphology of the insect abdomen. 


The acridid abdomen consists of 11 distinct segments (fig. 1). The 
enlarged first segment is firmly attached to the thorax by its dorsal 

PN; IT ow IT 

\ Ă© Cer 


S3 CxCz IS IS Vinstn 

Fic. 1—Abdomen and base of thorax of Dissosteira carolina, female. 

and ventral plates (JT, 1S), though these plates are widely separated 
from each other laterally by the hind coxal cavities (C~C;). On the 
sides of the first tergum are situated the tympanal organs (771) 
characteristic of the Acrididae, and the first spiracles (JSp) are located 
in the anterior parts of the tympanal depressions. The following 
seven segmental annuli (J/-V///) are simple secondary segments 
separated by ample conjunctivae that allow a considerable extension of 
the abdomen, as that of the female abdomen during oviposition. The 
tergal and sternal plates are united by inflected lateral membranes that 
permit the respiratory movements of vertical expansion and compres- 
sion. The spiracles of these segments are located in the lower margins 
of the terga. 

In the female the sternum of the eighth segment (fig. 1, VJ//Stn) 
is the last of the series of ventral segmental plates. It is prolonged 


beyond the tergum, and its posterior margin is reflected into the floor 
of the genital chamber beneath the base of the ovipositor. In the male 
(fig. 33 A) the abdomen terminates ventrally with the ninth sternum, 
which is much enlarged and subdivided into a proximal sternal plate 
(I1XS) anda distal sternal lobe (XSL). The terga of the ninth and 
tenth segments are narrow (figs. 1, 33 A) and are united with each 
other in both sexes. The tenth tergum of some species bears a pair 
of small median processes, known as the furculae, projecting backward 
from its posterior margin (figs. 38 A, B, 39, f). The ventral part of 
the ninth segment in the female is reduced to a narrow median space 
between the bases of the dorsal prongs of the ovipositor, and the venter 
of the tenth segment is a small membranous area above the base of 
the ovipositor. In the male the venter of the tenth segment is con- 
tained in the membranous dorsal wall of the genital chamber (fig. 24 A, 
X.V). The eleventh segment is the conical end piece of the body 
formed of a triangular dorsal plate, the epiproct (fig. 1, Eppt), and of 
two lateroventral plates, the paraprocts (Papt). Between the apices of 
these plates is the anus. The appendicular cerci (Cer) arise laterally 
on the base of the eleventh segment from membranous areas between 
the adjoining angles of the epiproct and paraprocts. The exposed 
part of the female ovipositor consists of four short, strongly sclero- 
tized prongs (Ovp) projecting backward from the ventral parts of 
the eighth and ninth segments. The complex copulatory apparatus of 
the male (fig. 33 B) is ordinarily concealed within a genital chamber 
between the terminal lobes of the eleventh segment and the upturned 
lobe of the ninth sternum (fig. 24 A). 

The abdomen of Tetrigidae is in general similar to that of the Acri- 
didae, though it differs from the latter in several respects. The tergum 
of the first segment (fig. 2 C, [T) is solidly joined to the thorax, but 
the sternum (D, /S) has a flexible connection. Tympanal organs are 
absent. The first spiracles (C) are contained in the first tergum, but 
the other spiracles lie in membranous lateral areas of the dorsum 
beneath the lower edges of the terga, though the last two on each side 
(fig. 18 A) are contained in weakly developed laterotergal sclerites. 
Between the spiracles and the sterna of segments JJ to VII there is on 
each side a series of small laterosternal, or “ pleural,” sclerites (fig. 
2 C, Ist) best developed anteriorly, where there are two sclerites in 
segments JJ to J’. The terminal segments of the tetrigid abdomen, 
in both the female (fig. 18 A) and the male (fig. 27 A), are essentially 
the same as those of Acrididae, and the female ovipositor (fig. 18) 
has little to distinguish it from the acridid ovipositor. The phallic 



organs of the male, however, are very simple in structure and in no 
way resemble those of Acrididae (fig. 27 D). 

The abdomen of Tridactylidae has certain features that are sug- 
gestive of the tetrigid abdomen, but in many respects it is quite differ- 

Fic. 2.—Relation of the abdomen to the thorax in Acrididae, Tetrigidae, and 

Pay B, Melanoplus mexicanus. C, D, Tettigidea lateralis. E, F, Rhipipteryx 

ent from the abdomen of either the Tetrigidae or the Acrididae. The 
base of the tridactylid abdomen (fig. 2 E, F) presents characters that 
are peculiar to the family, and will be described later. The first seven 
pairs of spiracles lie in the lateral membranous areas of the dorsum 
beneath the edges of the terga, where some of them may be contained 


in narrow laterotergal sclerites (E, /tg). The spiracles of the eighth 
segment lie in the lower parts of the tergum of this segment (fig. 
19 A). The median sternal plates of segments JJ to VI or VII are 
flanked by narrow laterosternites (fig. 2 E, /st) and the sterna overlap 
the edges of the terga, the laterosternites being inflected. In Tridacty- 
lus and Rhipipteryx a small internal vesicle opens by an external pore 
(E, y) on the laterosternite of the third segment. According to Car- 
pentier (personal communication) a similar anterior vesicle opens on 
the laterosternite of the second segment in Rhipipteryx carbonaria. 
The terminal segments of the tridactylid abdomen have many peculiar 
features, as will be shown in the description of the genital organs ; but 

ate aes AN3~ 
\ — 

Fic. 3.—Relation of the phragmata to the segmental plates of the dorsum. 
Dissosteira carolina. 

A, vertical section of dorsum of metathorax just to right of median plane, 
showing the antecostal sutures (acs) and phragmata (2Ph, 3Ph) marking the 
true intersegmental lines; the dorsum is occupied by a wing-bearing plate, the 
alinotum (AN;), and a postalar postnotum (PN;) equivalent to the acrotergite 
(atg) of the alinotum. B, posterior view of the first abdominal tergum, the 
lobes of the third phragma, and the right tympanal capsule. 

the well-developed ovipositor of Rhipipteryx (fig. 19 A, Ovp) is 
surprisingly similar to the ovipositor of Tetrigidae and Acrididae. 
The male organs, on the other hand, have no resemblance whatever 
to those of Acrididae or to those of Tetrigidae. 

The abdominal terga of the Acrididae, except the tergum of the 
first segment, are simple plates with no sutural divisions (fig. 1). 
The dorsal muscles arise on each tergum some distance behind the 
anterior margin (fig. to A), and the line of attachment here is marked, 
particularly in the male, by a short secondary tergal ridge (tr) on 
each side. True antecostae appear to be absent, since the muscles are 
inserted posteriorly on the weak anterior margins of the tergal plates. 
In the Tetrigidae, on the other hand, each tergum has a distinct margi- 
nal antecosta. Tergal apodemes are absent, except in the ninth segment, 
where, as in Dissosteira (fig. 14), there may be a pair of apodemal 


lobes (Ap) projecting forward from the anterior margin of the tergum 
for muscle attachments. 

The abdominal sterna of the Acrididae resemble the terga in that 
each is an undivided plate, but the sterna, as with pterygote insects 
generally, are presumably coxosternal plates in composition, though 
there are no styli on any of the abdominal segments. The first ab- 
dominal sternum (fig. 4, 7S) is closely united with the metasternum 
of the thorax by an anterior extension (ast), which appears to be 
the acrosternite ; otherwise it is a simple plate. The following sterna 
have each a pair of large apodemes on their anterior angles. The 
apodemes of the second and eighth sterna in the female (fig. 4), 
or of the second and ninth in the male (fig. 12), are simple anterior 
arms; but the intervening apodemes have lateral expansions that 
form distinct lateral apodemes in the more anterior segments of 
the female (fig. 4, J4p) and in all the segments of the male be- 
tween the second segment and the ninth (fig. 12). The lateral 
apodemes give attachment to the dilator muscles of the abdomen (fig. 
10 B, ile), which have their dorsal attachments ventrally on the lower 
edges of the terga. The intersegmental ventral muscles of the abdomen 
have their anterior attachments on the sterna some distance back of 
the anterior margins of the latter (figs. 8, 10 A), but they are attached 
posteriorly on the anterior margins of the sterna following. In the 
male the lines of origin of these muscles are strengthened in each 
segment by a well-developed transverse sternal ridge (fig. 12, s7) ; 
in the female the ridges are present only on the sterna of the more 
anterior segments (fig. 4). The musculature of the abdomen, and 
cuticular developments related to the muscles are in general weaker 
in the female than in the male. 

In the Tetrigidae the median sternal plates of the abdomen appear 
to correspond with the sternal plates of Acrididae since they bear the 
sternal apodemes on their anterior angles. The small laterosternites 
(fig. 2 C, D, Ist), therefore, are probably secondary developments in 
the membranes laterad of the sterna, and in a loose sense may be 
termed “ pleurites,” though there is nothing to suggest that they repre- 
sent remnants of limb bases. According to Ford (1923) there are 
no muscles attached on the laterosternites of Tetrigidae, but there are 
groups of small lateral muscles attached dorsally in the membrane be- 
fore and behind the spiracles and ventrally on the sterna. These mus- 
cles are evidently dorsosternal muscles, since the region of the spir- 
acles is to be regarded as a part of the dorsum. The principal lateral 
muscles in Tetrigidae, as in Acrididae, are tergosternal muscles. 




In both the Acrididae and the Tetrigidae the tergum of the first 
abdominal segment is firmly attached to the tergal and pleural sclero- 
tization of the metathorax, and in Acrididae the first abdominal ster- 
num is solidly joined to the metasternum. The movements of the,ab- 
domen as a whole take place between the first and second segments 
of the latter, and are produced by the longitudinal muscles of the first 
abdominal segment attached posteriorly on the second. In the female 
of Dissosteira there is one pair of very small oblique lateral muscles 
between the metathorax and the first abdominal segment (fig. 9, 140). 

The union of the first abdominal tergum with the metathorax in 
Acrididae and Tetrigidae is formed by the greatly expanded acro- 
tergite of the first abdominal tergum, which becomes a large post- 
notum in the dorsum of the metathorax (fig. 2A, C, PN3;). The 
postnotum is separated from the main part of the first abdominal 
tergum (JT) by a prominent transverse antecostal suture (acs), which 
extends across the back and downward on the sides. From this suture 
there depend internally the two lobes of the third phragma (fig. 3 A, 
B, 3Ph). In Dissosteira the inner margin of each phragmatal lobe is 
braced posteriorly on a secondary ridge (B, wv), which is marked 
externally by a short tergal suture on each side (fig. 1, v) behind 
the antecostal suture. The lobes of the third phragma give attachment 
to the posterior ends of the dorsal muscles of the metathorax (fig. 
3 A), and thus attest that the antecostal suture (acs) through their 
bases is the true (primary) intersegmental line of the dorsum be- 
tween the metathorax and the first abdominal segment. 

Anteriorly the postnotum is continuous (fig. 3 A, PN;) with the 
inflected scutellar margin of the alinotum of the metathorax (AN>3) ; 
its lateral extensions are united with the posterior (or dorsal) margins 
of the metathoracic epimera (figs. 1, 2A, C, Epms). By these con- 
nections of the postnotum with the dorsal and pleural sclerotic parts 
of the metathorax, the lobes of the third phragma are securely braced 
against the pull of the dorsal muscles attached on them (fig. 3 A). The 
force of the muscles, therefore, is expended on the alinotum of the 
metathorax (AN3;), which responds by an upward curvature that de- 
presses the wings on the pleural fulcra. In the usual intersegmental 
mechanism of secondary segmentation, in which the acrotergite is a 
mere flange on the anterior margin of the tergum following, and is 
separated by a conjunctival membrane from the preceding tergum, the 
contraction of the longitudinal muscles produces an approximation 
or overlapping of the consecutive segmental plates. The enlargement 


of the acrotergite of the first abdominal tergum, accompanied by an 
obliteration of the conjunctiva behind the wing-bearing plate of the 
metathorax, is clearly, therefore, a device to suppress intertergal move- 
ment at this intersegmental junction. 

Fic. 4.—Dorsal view of the inner surface of the skeletal plates of the meta- 
thorax and abdomen of Dissosteira carolina, female; ovipositor removed ex- 
posing the floor of the genital chamber, the gonopore (Gpr), and egg guide (eg). 

The ventral union of the abdomen with the thorax in Acrididae is 
even more complete than is the dorsal union. The sternum of the first 
abdominal segment (fig. 2B, JS) forms virtually a part of the ptero- 
thoracic plastron. Its acrosternite is either a broad lobe (fig. 4, ast), 
or a narrow tongue (fig. 2 B, ast), but in either case it is solidly fused 


with the metasternum in the notch between the sternellar lobes (S73). 
There are no ventral muscles that extend from the thorax into the 
abdomen in Acrididae, and the first ventral muscles of the abdomen 
take their origin on a transverse ridge of the first abdominal sternum 
at the base of the acrosternite (fig. 8, 143). This ridge, therefore, is 
evidently the antecosta of the first sternum, and corresponds with the 
phragma of the first tergum, that is, it marks the true intersegmental 
line of the venter between the thorax and the abdomen. In the Tetrigi- 
dae the sternum of the first abdominal segment (fig. 2D, 7S) has a 
rounded anterior edge inserted into a wide emargination of the meta- 
sternum, but it is attached to the latter by a narrow, flexible mem- 
branous suture, and, therefore, does not give the abdomen a firm 
ventral connection with the thorax as in Acrididae. There is no evi- 
dence, therefore, that the small median area between the bases of the 
metasternal apophyses (saz) in the Tetrigidae represents the acroster- 
nite of the first abdominal sternum; it appears rather to be the ster- 
nellum of the metathorax, which is suppressed medially in the 

When we turn to the Tridactylidae by way of comparison it is to 
be seen that there is little similarity, either in the thoracic sclerotiza- 
tion or in the basal structure of the abdomen, between this family and 
the Acrididae or Tetrigidae. The pleural sclerites of the pterothorax 
in the tridactylids are reduced and widely separated by membranous 
areas (fig. 2E). The sterna are simple segmental plates (F, S2, S3) 
entirely separated from each other. In the mesosternum the bases of 
the apophyses (sa) are far apart at opposite ends of a transverse 
sternacostal suture (k). The metathoracic apophyses are somewhat 
more approximated, and from each a suture extends forward in the 
basisternal region. These sutures in Rhipipteryx (fig. 2 F) are con- 
tinuous anteriorly in a transverse arc, but in Tridactylus they remain 
separate, as shown by Ander (1934). The sternellum of each ptero- 
thoracic sternum is a narrow margined area behind the sternacostal 
suture (k), and is not produced into lateral lobes as in Acrididae. The 
first abdominal sternum (/) is entirely distinct from the metasternum. 

In the relations of the base of the abdomen to the thorax the tri- 
dactylids present some very unusual features. The tergum of the 
first abdominal segment is much reduced and does not contain the first 
spiracles (fig. 2 E, JT) ; the posterior dorsal and lateral parts of the 
segment are membranous. The acrotergite (PN;) is a strongly de- 
veloped though narrow sclerite on the anterior margin of the first 
abdominal tergum, but it is widely separated dorsally from the wing- 
bearing plate of the metathorax (AN,) by a large membranous area 


(Mb). Laterally, however, it is connected on each side with the pos- 
terior angle of the metanotum (AN;), and by a strong postalar arm 
(Pa) with the lower end of the narrow metapleuron (P/;). The third 
phragma (3Ph) consists of a pair of long lobes projecting posteriorly 
from the antecostal suture of the first abdominal tergum through the 
first and second abdominal segments. The extraordinarily long dorsal 
muscles of the metathorax extending back to the third phragmatal 
lobes are plainly visible through the membrane separating the post- 
notum from the metathoracic alinotum. 


The spiracles of insects, the writer assumes, belong to the dorsum. 
In a generalized arthropod the limb bases lie between the dorsum and 
the venter, and there is no evidence that the insect spiracles are de- 
veloped on the bases of the limbs. The spiracles may be included in 
the tergal sclerotization of the dorsum, or they may lie free in a 
laterodorsal membrane, or again, they may be situated in small latero- 
dorsal sclerites. The abdominal spiracles of Acrididae are all con- 
tained in the lower parts of the tergal plates (figs. 1, 2 A); in the 
Tetrigidae all but the first lie in the laterodorsal membranes below the 
terga (fig. 2C); in the Tridactylidae the first two spiracles on each 
side are in the laterodorsal membranes of their segments (FE), the 
others are contained in small laterotergites (/tg), except the last, which 
lies in the lateral part of the eighth tergum (fig. 19 A). 

The abdominal spiracles of Acrididae are of the type of structure 
in which the closing apparatus is at the inner end of the atrium where 
the latter is joined by the spiracular trachea. They thus differ, as 
abdominal spiracles usually do, from the thoracic spiracles, which are 
closed by an approximation of the outer lips of the atrium. 

The large first abdominal spiracles of Dissosteira, as already ob- 
served, lie in the anterior walls of the tympanal capsules (figs. 1, 6 A, 
g A, ISp). Each of these spiracles presents externally an oval aper- 
ture, the long axis of which is somewhat oblique. The walls of the 
atrium are direct inflections of the body wall. The dorsal atrial wall is 
immovable and is firmly supported by a dense sclerotization of the body 
wall above it; the ventral atrial wall, on the other hand, is a freely 
movable plate, and a small area of the body wall below it is mem- 
branous. Viewed internally (fig. 5 A), it is seen that the movable 
ventral wall of the atrium (e) is produced posteriorly in a handle- 
like process, or manubrium (g), on which the spiracular muscles are 
inserted. The short occlusor muscle (748) takes its origin on the 


margin of the tympanal capsule just above the spiracle ; the long slender 
dilator muscle (247), together with the tensor of the tympanum (146), 
arises ventrally on an inflection of the membranous body wall (fig. 
g A) posterior and mesad of the hind coxa behind the small triangular 
lateral sclerite of the metasternum (fig. 1, t). The occlusor muscle 
closes the inner aperture of the atrium into the spiracular trachea by 
bringing the inner margin of the movable plate of the ventral atrial 
wall against the inner margin of the immovable dorsal wall. The 
antagonistic dilator muscle counteracts against the occlusor and opens 
the tracheal aperture. 

The other abdominal spiracles have essentially the same structure 
as the first spiracle, though they are successively smaller to the eighth, 

Fic. 5.—Structure of the abdominal spiracles. Dissosteia carolina. 

A, right spiracle of first segment in rim of tympanum, inner view, showing 
occlusor (148) and dilator (747) muscles. B, right spiracle of eighth segment 
with end of trachea, inner view, showing occlusa (osp) and dilator (disp) 
muscles. C, same, trachea removed, showing tracheal entrance (Âą) from atrium 
and movable anterior valve (e) with manubrium (g) on which muscles are 
which again is of larger size (fig. 1) ; also the obliquity of the aperture 
is more pronounced in these spiracles (fig. 5 B, C), so that the movable 
wall of the atrium (Âą) becomes anterior, with the manubrium (gq) 
directed downward, and the immovable wall (f) posterior. The short, 
fan-shaped occlusor muscle of each spiracle (osp) arises on the tergal 
wall behind the spiracle, and the long dilator muscle (disp) takes its 
origin ventrally on the anterior part of the lateral margin of the cor- 

responding segmental sternum. 

On the lower part of each lateral area of the first abdominal tergum 
just behind the spiracle is located the large tympanal organ of Acridi- 
dae (fig. 1, Tm). In Melanoplus the tympanum is contained in a 


simple oval depression of the tergum (fig. 2 A), the margin of which 
is interrupted ventrally, and the tympanum is thus continuous through 
a narrow cleft in its frame with the membranous body wall below the 
tergum. The same is true but less evident in Dissosteira (fig. 1). The 
development of the organ in the nymph shows clearly that the tym- 
panum is derived from a part of the laterodorsal membrane of the first 
abdominal segment enclosed in a notch in the lower margin of the 
tergum. In Dissosteira the tympanal depression is much deeper than 
in Melanoplus and forms a large capsule-like cavity expanded within 
the outer opening (fig. 6 A, «). The rear wall of the capsule is deeper 

Fic. 6.—Tympanal organ of the first abdominal segment. Dissostewa carolina. 

A, external view of left tympanal capsule and surrounding parts of body wall. 
B, inner view of right tympanum and associated structures. C, tympanal sense 
organ and its supports, inner view. 

a, sclerotic tubercle of tympanum with arms (b, c) supporting the sense 
organ; CpCls, cap cells of sense organ; d, pyriform sclerite of tympanum; e, 
muscle process of tympanal capsule; /.Sp, first abdominal spiracle; /7, tergum 
of first abdominal segment; Nv, nerve of sense organ; 3Ph, part of third 
phragma; PN3, lateral part of postnotum of metathorax; SCls, sense cells; 
Sco, sense rods, scolopes; SO, scolopophorous sense organ; Tm, tympanum ; 
u, subtympanal lobe of metathorax; x, tympanal capsule; 146, tensor muscle of 
tympanum; 147, dilator muscle of spiracle; 148, occlusor muscle of spiracle. 

than the front wall, and the plane of the tympanum is, therefore, 
oblique, its outer surface being directed outward and posteriorly. The 
first abdominal spiracle (JSp) is situated in the anterior wall of the 
tympanal capsule, and a lobe (#) at the lower end of the metathoracic 
epimeron (fig. 1) forms the lower lip of the outer opening of the cap- 
sule. In the Acridinae the tympanal capsule is much narrower than 
in Oedipodinae and Cyrtacanthacrinae. 

The tympanum is a thin membrane stretched tightly between the 
inner margins of the tympanal depression or capsule (fig. 6B). A 
small apodemal process (e) projects ventrally from the lower margin 
of the latter and gives insertion to a muscle (146) arising ventrally 
froma point in the membrane behind the base of the metacoxa laterad 


of the first abdominal sternum (fig. 9g A). The dilator muscle of the 
spiracle (147) takes its origin at the same point. The muscle of the 
tympanal frame appears to be a tensor of the tympanum. In the an- 
terior part of the tympanum are two small cuticular thickenings that 
support the sense organ on the inner surface (fig. 6 B, SO). The prin- 
cipal support is a wide-angled V-shaped sclerite with a narrow dorsal 
arm (B, C, >) and a broader ventral arm (c) diverging from an apical 
knob (a). The last is a pitlike invagination of the external surface 
of the tympanum, and the major part of the sense organ (B, C) is 
attached directly to its ventral surface. The other support is a much 
smaller pyriform sclerite (d) lying posterior to the angle of the V- 
shaped sclerite, to which is attached a small fusiform branch of the 
main sense organ (C). 

The tympanal sense organ (fig. 6 B, SO) is a small oval body com- 
posed mostly of a mass of sense cells (C, SCs), but in its upper part 
is a stratum of elongate parallel cells containing sense rods, or scolopes 
(Sco), beyond which is a layer of large cap cells (CpCls) by which 
the organ is attached to the knob (a) at the angle of the V-shaped sup- 
porting sclerite. A slender posterior branch of the main organ contains 
a second smaller set of scolopes, and is attached by a fascicle of slender 
cap cells to the pyriform sclerite (d). From the ventral end of the 
organ the sensory nerve (Nv) proceeds to the large composite ganglion 
of the ventral nerve cord lying in the metathorax. 

Between the tympana of the opposite sides of the body are two large 
air sacs given off from the lateral tracheal trunks in the base of the 
abdomen. The sacs completely occupy the cavity of the first abdominal 
segment above the alimentary canal, and their outer walls are pressed 
close against the tympana. The two sacs form such a large air-filled 
space in the base of the abdomen of Dissosteira that it is possible to 
look clear through the body of the insect, 7. ±., into one “ ear” and 
out of the other. 

The tympanal organ of the Acrididae is usually regarded as a sound 
receptor, though little or no evidence of hearing on the part of the 
grasshoppers has yet been produced. Few species are capable of mak- 
ing sounds, and an auditory “ sense ” would not seem to be one of great 
importance to a grasshopper, but the elaborate mechanical and sensory 
structure of the tympanal organs suggest that the latter must subserve 
some function of importance in the life of the insect. Perhaps we are 
too prone to conceive of insect “‘senses”’ as sensory perception of 
stimuli. An insect merely reacts through its motor mechanism to 
certain stimuli. The reaction to stimuli from a tympanal receptor 
organ, therefore, may be something quite different from a general 
sensitivity to sound in the audible sense. 



The cerci of Acrididae vary in form and size from simple peglike 
organs (fig. 33 A, Cer) to broader lobes of irregular shape (fig. 35 A), 
sometimes provided with accessory processes (fig. 36). The cerci of 
Dissosteira are of the simple type; they are longer in the male (fig. 
7B) than in the female (A), but they have the same structure 
in both sexes. The appendages arise from membranous areas behind 
the posterior margin of the tenth abdominal tergum between the 
bases of the epiproct and the paraprocts (B, Cer). The base of each 
cercus has a large irregular lobe (b) extending mesally beneath the 

Fic. 7——The cercus and its associated musculature. Dissosteira carolina. 

ZX, left cercus of female, dorsal view. B, same of male. C, left half of 
terminal part of male abdomen, dorsal view. D, inner view of base of right 
cercus and its muscles. 

edge of the epiproct, but it is not articulated to the surrounding scle- 
rites. The shaft of the organ is clothed with long and short setae, the 
short setae being more numerous on the apical part. Many of the 
larger hairs, especially on the proximal half of the cercus, arise from 
large, conspicuous, rosette-like alveoli with dark scalloped margins. 
Keach cercus is penetrated by a large nerve, and its setae apparently are 
tactile organs. 

Four muscles are intimately associated with each cercus, and are 
clearly concerned with its movements, though only two of them are 
inserted directly on the base of the cercus (fig. 7D). The cerci of the 
male are erected during copulation and grasp the base of the sub- 
genital plate of the female. The elevation of each appendage is pro- 
duced by the two muscles, a broad median muscle (288) and a smaller 



lateral muscle (2809), both arising on the anterior margin of the tenth 
tergum. The median muscle is inserted on a small sclerite in the 
membrane behind the tenth tergum before the mesal lobe of the base 
of the cercus (C, a) ; the lateral muscle is inserted in the same mem- 
brane very close to the outer angle of the base of the cercus. A’third 
muscle (D, 287) arises anteriorly on the tenth tergum just mesad 
of 288, and is inserted on the posterior margin of the basal lobe of 
the cercus. This muscle is evidently a depressor of the cercus. The 
fourth cercal muscle (D, 293) is an adductor. It arises mesally on 
the anterior part of the epiproct (fig. 14) and is inserted on the ex- 
tremity of the basal lobe of the cercus. Because of the oblique plane 
of the cercal base this muscle produces an adduction of the appendage. 
It is interesting to note that the cerci, which appear to be appendages 
of the eleventh segment, have only one pair of muscles (293) taking 
their origins in this segment, and that they have no muscular con- 
nections with the paraprocts. 


The body muscles are well developed in the abdomen of the grass- 
hopper, particularly in the male, and individual muscles are easily 
identified. The several groups of muscles in the pregenital segments 
conform with the classification of the abdominal muscles into dorsal 
muscles, ventral muscles, lateral muscles, transverse muscles, and 
spiracular muscles as given by the writer in an earlier paper (Ab- 
domen, Part I, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 85, no. 6, 1931). The 
plan of musculature in the pregenital segments, however, is lost in the 
genital and postgenital segments, and the muscles of these segments 
must be studied separately. The series of numerals designating the 
abdominal muscles follows that of the thorax of Dissosteira (Smith- 
sonian Misc. Coll., vol. 82, no. 2, 1929). The transverse muscles are 
omitted from the descriptions of the segmental musculature and are 
treated as a separate topic. 


The musculature of the first abdominal segment is simpler than that 
of the following segments because of the elimination of some of the 
dorsal muscles and most of the lateral muscles. 

140. Lateral oblique intersegmental muscle (figs. 5 A, 9 A).—A 
very slender muscle, observed only in the female, attached ventrally 
on the apex of the lateral arm of the metasternal apophysis, extending 
dorsally and posteriorly, mesad of the leg muscles, to the anterior 


margin of the tympanal capsule of the first abdominal segment, to 
which it is attached dorsal to the spiracle. This is the only thoracico- 
abdominal muscle in the grasshopper. 

141. Longitudinal dorsal muscles (fig. 8) —A broad sheet of mus- 
cles above the tympanal capsule, arising anteriorly on the first tergum 
somewhat behind the base of the phragma, inserted posteriorly on the 
anterior margin of the second tergum. 

142a, 142b. Lateral oblique dorsal muscles (fig. 9g A).—Two small 
muscles arising laterally on the first tergum external to the longitudi- 
nals, extending ventrally and posteriorly, close to the tympanal capsule, 

BS lee 14-9 


Ae NL OPN \ \ ! 
Ba das f49 19) 9154 166 172 187 202 204 
Fic. 8—Muscles of the right side of the first five abdominal segments of 

Dissosteira carolina, male, together with the dorsal muscles (712) of the meta- 
thorax. (See fig. 10 A for identification of muscles.) 

to their insertions behind the latter on the anterior margin of the 
second tergum. 

143. Median internal ventral muscle (fig. 8)—A wide band of 
intersternal fibers over the lateral half of the sternal surface, arising 
anteriorly on the antecosta of the first sternum, inserted posteriorly on 
the anterior margin of the second sternum. 

144. Lateral internal ventral muscle (fig. 8).—A cylindrical muscle 
arising laterally on the antecosta of the first sternum, inserted pos- 
teriorly on the anterior end of the apodeme of the second sternum. 

145. External ventral muscle (figs. 8, 9).—This muscle is a sternal 
protractor. It takes its origin laterally on the posterior part of the 


first sternum (fig. 9 B), and extends anteriorly and dorsally to its 
insertion on the under surface of the anterior apodeme of the second 
sternum. Its contraction separates the two sterna. 

146. Tensor of the tympanum (figs. 8, 9 A).—This muscle is the 
only representative of the lateral muscles in the first abdominal seg- 
ment of Dissosteira. It is a slender muscle arising laterad of the first 
sternum in the membrane behind the base of the hind coxal cavity, 
and extends dorsally to its insertion on the ventral process of the 
tympanal capsule. Its contraction evidently serves to stretch the 

147. Dilator muscle of the spiracle (figs. 5 A, 8, 9A).—A very 
slender muscle arising with 746 in the membrane laterad of the first 
abdominal sternum, extending dorsally to its insertion on the manu- 
brium of the ventral atrial plate of the first spiracle. 

148. Occlusor muscle of the spiracle (figs. 5A, 9 A).—A very 
short muscle arising on the anterior part of the tympanal capsule above 
the spiracle, inserted on the manubrium of the ventral atrial plate 
opposite the dilator. 


The musculature of the second abdominal segment conforms closely 
with that of the following segments except in the arrangement of the 
lateral muscles. 

149. Median internal dorsal muscles (fig. 8) —A flat band of four 
more or less distinct groups of longitudinal fibers against the upper 
part of the tergum within the pericardial cavity. Origins anteriorly 
on the submarginal ridge of the second tergum, insertions posteriorly 
on the anterior margin of the third tergum. 

150. Lateral internal dorsal muscle (figs. 8, 9 A).—A broad extra- 
pericardial muscle on the lateral part of the tergum above the upper 
ends of the posterior lateral muscles, inserted in line with the intra- 
pericardial dorsals on the anterior margin of the third tergum. 

151. Paradorsal muscle (fig. g)—This muscle lies against the side 
of the tergum below the extrapericardial dorsal muscle, external to 
the internal lateral muscle (759). It is inserted posteriorly on the 
anterior margin of the third tergum. 

152, 153. External dorsal muscles—VTwo small oblique or trans- 
verse muscles lying external to the internal dorsals in the posterior 
fold of the segment, where they arise on the posterior part of the 
second tergum. One extends dorsally, the other (fig. 9 B, 153) ven- 
trally to their insertions on the anterior margin of the third tergum. 


These muscles in the second segment are similar to those of the third 
segment (fig. 10 A, 170, 171). The external dorsals evidently pro- 
duce a torsion of the adjoining tergal plates on each other. 

154, 155, 156. Ventral muscles (fig. 8)—The ventral muscles of 
the second segment are the same as those of the first segment and of 
the segments following the second. They comprise median (154) and 
lateral (755) internal ventrals, which are sternal retractors, and an 
external muscle (756) on each side, which is a sternal protractor. 

157-164. Lateral muscles (fig. 9)—The lateral muscles of the 
second segment differ in many respects from those of the segments 
following. They comprise an outer and an inner series of tergosternal 

142a 142b IIT 
{ | 


Fic. 9—Lateral muscles of the first and second abdominal segments of 
Dissosteira carolina, right side, inner view, female. 

A, all muscles in place. B, external lateral muscles of second segment (160, 
162, 163, 164) exposed by cutting and partial removal of overlying muscles. 

muscles, a pair of tergopleural muscles, and a sternopleural muscle. 
The inner series of tergosternals includes three muscles. The first 
(fig. 9 A, 157) arises on the anterior lobe of the tergum and is 
inserted on the anterior apodeme (Ap) of the sternum; the second 
(758) arises on the tergum above the spiracle and has the same in- 
sertion as 157. The third (759) is a much larger muscle arising on 
the tergum beneath the edge of the lateral dorsal muscle (150) and 
inserting on the lateral margin of the sternum. The outer series of 
tergosternals includes a short muscle (fig. 9 B, 160) from the anterior 
ventral angle of the tergum to the anterior end of the sternal apodeme, 
and a broad posterior muscle (A, 261) arising external to the para- 
dorsal muscle (757) and inserted on the edge of the sternum behind 


159. The two tergopleural muscles (B, 762, 163) arise anteriorly and 
posteriorly on the lower part of the tergum external to 159 and 161, 
and converge upon a narrow linear sclerite in the membrane between 
the tergum and the sternum. In all the other segments the external 
lateral muscles are attached directly on the sternum. The sternopleural 
muscle of the second segment is a group of very short fibers (B, 164) 
connecting the pleural sclerite with the sternum. 

165, 166. Muscles of the spiracle (fig. 9 B).—The dilator of the 
spiracle (165) is a long slender muscle arising on the apodeme of 
the sternum, the occlusor (166) a short muscle arising on the tergum ; 
both are inserted on the manubrium of the movable valve of the spi- 
racular atrium. 


The musculature of the third segment presents the typical abdominal 
musculature of the grasshopper, since its pattern is repeated in seg- 
ments J/J to ]’II in both sexes, and its dorsal and ventral muscles 
are duplicated in the second segment. 

167. Median internal dorsal muscles (fig. 10 A).—These muscles 
of the third segment, as those of the second, consist of four flat groups 
of fibers (a, b, c, d) lying within the pericardial chamber, extending 
from the anterior tergal ridge (tv) to the anterior edge of the fol- 
lowing tergum. In the succeeding segments they become more oblique 
(figs. 8, 12, 182, 197, 227) with their posterior ends dorsal to their 
anterior ends. 

. 168. Lateral internal dorsal muscle (fig. 10 A).—The lateral dorsal 

muscle is separated from the median dorsals by the attachments of 
the transverse muscles of the dorsal diaphragm on the tergum (fd), 
and is, therefore, extrapericardial. In the following segments this 
muscle becomes conspicuously fan-shaped (figs. 8, 12, 183, 198, 228, 

169. Paradorsal muscle (fig. 10 A).—The paradorsal muscle is dis- 
tinguished from the other lateral dorsal muscle (167, 168) by the 
fact that it lies external to the internal lateral muscles (175, 170). 
It has the same relations in some other insects, though it is a muscle 
not generally present. In Dissosteira it is repeated in the segments / 
to VII of both sexes, and in segment VIII of the male (fig. 12, 244). 
The paradorsal muscle has been termed a “ pleural” muscle, but it 
lies well within the area of the dorsum. Since it occurs in some larval 
insects lacking tergal plates, the writer here discards the former name 
of “ paratergal ’’ muscle. (Snodgrass, 1931.) 


170, 171. External dorsal muscles (fig. 10 A).—External dorsal 
muscles occur in segments JJ to VII of both sexes, and also in seg- 
ment VIII of the male. They take their origins on the posterior parts 
of the terga within the intersegmental folds, and are inserted on the 
overlapped anterior margin of the tergum following in each case. The 
median external dorsal of segment /// (figs. 10 A, 11 B, 170) arises 

Fic. 10.—Muscles of the third abdominal segment of Dissosteira carolina. 

A, muscles of the right side, inner view. 167, median internal dorsals; 168, 
lateral internal dorsal; 169, paradorsal muscle; 170, median external dorsal ; 
171, lateral external dorsal; 172, median internal ventral; 173, lateral internal 
ventral; 274, external ventral; 175, 176, internal laterals; 177, 178, 179, external 
laterals; fd, attachment of dorsal transverse (diaphragm) muscles. 

B, position of the muscles in cross-section of third segment, diagrammatic. 
dil, lateral internal dorsals; dim, median internal dorsals; DS, dorsal sinus ; 
DV, dorsal blood vessel; /Ap, lateral apodeme of sternum; le, first ex- 
ternal lateral muscle; Ji, internal lateral muscle; p, paradorsal muscle; PvS, 
perivisceral sinus; td, dorsal transverse muscles (of dorsal diaphragm) ; tv, 
ventral transverse muscles (of ventral diaphragm) ; vil, lateral internal ventral 
muscle; vim, median. internal ventral muscle; / NC, ventral nerve cord; VS, 
ventral sinus. 


dorsal to the lateral muscle (771) ; the first proceeds dorsally to its 
insertion, the second ventrally. In the posterior segments the corre- 
sponding muscles become much longer ; the base of the median muscle 
has migrated ventrally, that of the lateral muscle dorsally, until the 
two muscles cross each other obliquely on the side of the tergum. 
The relations of the two muscles to each other and to the successive 
terga on which they are attached is best seen when the terga are pulled 
apart (fig. 11 C). The external dorsals in Acrididae, as already noted, 


are evidently torsion muscles, their transverse positions enabling them 
to give a movement of partial rotation to the terga on each other. 

In the generalized condition the external dorsal muscles are longi- 
tudinal in position and lie external to the internal dorsals, but they 
are commonly shorter than the latter ; and have a tendency to become 
restricted to the posterior part of the segment. In many of the higher 
insects they become completely reversed in position, since they take 
their origins on the posterior part of the tergum and extend forward 
in the intersegmental fold to their insertions on the invaginated an- 
terior margin of the following tergum. They thus become tergal pro- 
tractors. The position of the external dorsals of the grasshopper is 
seen to be intermediate between the more primitive condition and that 
of complete reversal. The external ventral muscles, on the other hand, 
are reversed and hence function as sternal protractors. 

172, 173, 174. The ventral muscles (fig. 10 A).—The ventral 
musculature of segment J/J is typical of that of all the pregenital 
segments (figs. 8, 12). The median internal ventrals (fig. 10 A, 172) 
are the principal sternal retractors; the short lateral internal ventral 
on each side (173) arises at the base of the anterior apodeme (aAp) 
just before the angle of the sternal ridge (sr), and is inserted on the 
anterior end of the corresponding apodeme of the following sternum. 
The lateral external ventral on each side (174) 1s a sternal protractor, 
being completely reversed in position, with its origin on the posterior 
part of the sternum and its insertion anterior on the under face of 
the anterior apodeme of the following sternum. 

The lateral musculature is alike in segments J// to V’I/, there being 
in each of these segments representatives of the following five muscles 
of segment ///, two of which are internal laterals, and three external 

175. Furst internal lateral muscle (fig. 10 A).—A slender muscle 
arising dorsally beneath the edge of the lateral dorsal (168), extending 
ventrally and anteriorly to its insertion on the base of the lateral 
apodeme of the sternum. 

176. Second internal lateral muscle (fig. 10 A).—A broad muscle 
arising on the side of the tergum just behind 175 and also beneath the 
edge of the lateral dorsal (16S), extending ventrally to its insertion 
on the lateral margin of the sternum. The internal laterals are the 
principal expiratory muscles, since their contraction lifts the sternum 
and contracts the abdomen in a vertical direction. 

177. First external lateral muscle (fig. 10 A).—This muscle arises 
ventrally on the anterior part of the ventral margin of the tergum, 


and goes dorsally to its insertion on the outer face of the lateral apo- 
deme of the sternum (fig. 10 B, zle). It is thus a dilator of the 
abdomen and an inspiratory muscle in respiration, since its contrac- 
tion separates the sternum from the tergum (fig. 11 F, G). 

178, 179. Second and third external lateral muscles (fig. 10 A).— 
These two muscles arise on the lateral part of the tergum below the 

Fic. 1t1.—Abdominal mechanisms of Acrididae. 

A, mechanism of tergosternal movements: tergum and sternum approximated 
by internal lateral muscles (7/1, 2/1), separated by first external lateral (rie), 
Saas on each other by oblique second and third external laterals 

ale, 3le). 

B, C, mechanism of torsion, or partial rotary movements of segments, by the 
transverse external dorsal muscles, best developed in posterior segments (C). 

D, mechanism of tergosternal and intersternal movements: dorsoventral dila- 
tion produced by first external lateral muscle (z/e) ; lengthwise sternal contrac- 
tion by internal ventrals (vim, vil); protraction by external ventral (vel). 

E, the sternal apodemes, right side, anterior view. 

F, G, mechanism of respiration: expiratory movement (F) produced by in- 
ternal lateral muscles (Ji, see A), inspiratory movement (G) by first external 
lateral (zle). 

paradorsal muscle (1269), and cross each other obliquely, the first 
going anteriorly, the second posteriorly, to their insertions on the op- 
posite ends of the lateral margin of the sternum (fig. 11 A, 2le, 3le). 
The muscles of this pair evidently serve to give forward and back- 
ward movements to the tergum and sternum on each other. 


180, 181. Muscles of the spiracles—The spiracular muscles are 
alike in segments JJ to VIII, and the description of those of the 
second spiracles (165, 166) will serve for each of the following 


The muscles of the eighth segment are quite different in the male 
and the female. The musculature of this segment in the male (fig. 12) 
conforms with that of the preceding segments except for the reduc- 
tion of the internal dorsals to a single broad band of fibers on each 
side (242), and in the absence of the first internal lateral. In the 

female most of the usual muscles are retained in modified form, but - 

there are several muscles pertaining to the ovipositor and the ovi- 
ducts that have no counterparts in the male. The muscles of the 
eighth segment of the female are as follows: 

242, 243. Internal dorsal muscles (fig. 14).—A transverse series 
of six longitudinal groups of fibers on each side of the eighth tergum 
(VIIIT), inserted posteriorly on the apodeme and anterior margin of 
the ninth tergum (JX7T). The lateral muscle on each side (243) 
is much larger than the others. 

244. Paradorsal muscle—Absent in the eighth segment of the 

245. Median external dorsal muscle (fig. 14).—A broad muscle 
arising on the posterior margin of the eighth tergum, the fibers con- 
verging anteriorly and mesally to their insertions on the anterior 
apodeme (Ap) of the ninth tergum. 

246. Lateral external dorsal muscle—Absent in the female. 

247. Median internal ventral muscle—A slender muscle arising 
anterolaterally on the eighth sternum (fig. 13), inserted posteriorly 
on the median apodemal process of the anterior intervalvula of the 
ovipositor (fig. 17 D). 

248. Lateral ventral muscle —This muscle arises at the base of the 
apodeme of the eighth sternum (fig. 13) as in the preceding seg- 
ments ; but it is attached posteriorly in Dissosteira on the anterior basal 
sclerite of the first valvula of the ovipositor (fig. 17 A, B, E), and in 
Melanoplus (fig. 20 C) on the lateral pocket of the genital chamber. 

249. External ventral muscle-——Absent in the female, unless repre- 
sented by the depressor of the first valvula (fig. 17 A, B, 272). 

250. Internal lateral muscle (figs. 13, 14).—-A very large triangular 
muscle arising laterally on the eighth tergum, its fibers spreading ven- 
trally to their insertions along the entire lateral margin of the eighth 
sternum (fig. 13). This muscle evidently corresponds with the second 

—————— eee EEE 


internal lateral of the preceding segments, the first being absent in 
the eighth segment both in the female and the male (fig. 12). 

251. First external lateral muscle (figs. 13, 14).—A thick muscle 
arising in the lower anterior angle of the eighth tergum, inserted an- 
teriorly on the outer face of the apodeme (A?) of the eighth sternum. 

252. Second external lateral muscle (figs. 13, 14.).—A small muscle 
arising on the lower part of the eighth tergum below the spiracle, 
inserted on the base of the apodeme of the eighth sternum. 

253. Third external lateral muscle——Absent in the female. 

254, 255. Muscles of the spiracle (figs. 13, 14).—Same as in the 
preceding segments. 

\ \ 
252 247 267 EXiS) (266 

Fic. 12.—Muscles of the seventh, eighth, and ninth segments of the male 
abdomen of Dissosteira carolina, right side, inner view. 

The following muscles of the eighth segment of the female have no 
representatives in the male. 

256. Short protractor of the ovipositor——A short muscle with a 
broad base arising on the side of the eighth tergum anterior to 250 
(figs. 13, 14), inserted anteriorly on the anterior end of the apodeme 
of the ovipositor (fig. 17 A, C). 

257. Anterior muscle of the median oviduct (fig. 13).—A slender 
muscle arising on the end of the apodeme of the eighth sternum, ex- 
tending mesally to its insertion on the anterior end of the median ovi- 
duct. This muscle is absent in Melanoplus. 

258. Posterior muscle of the median oviduct (fig. 13).—A long 
flat muscle arising on the end of the apodeme of the eighth sternum, 
extending mesally and posteriorly to the posterior end of the median 


259. The muscular sheath of the oviducts—The walls of the median 
oviduct and of the proximal parts of the lateral ducts have a muscular 
sheath of internal circular fibers and external longitudinal fibers. The 
longitudinal fibers are continued upon the walls of the calyces, but the 
circular fibers appear to be absent in these parts of the lateral ducts, 
and no muscles are present on the anterior glandular parts. 


The musculature of the ninth segment differs so much between the 
male and the female that few muscles can be identified with each other 
in the two sexes, or homologized with muscles of the pregenital seg- 
ments. Besides the segmental muscles there are in the female special 
muscles of the ovipositor, and in the male special muscles of the 
phallic organs. 

In the male grasshopper the following nine muscles take their origins 
on the segmental plates of the ninth segment. 

260. Internal dorsal muscle (fig. 12).—A small band of fibers 
arising near the mid-dorsal line on the anterior edge of the ninth 
tergum, the fibers spreading posteriorly and laterally to their insertions 
on the anterior margin of the tenth tergum. This small muscle is the 
only representative of the intertergal dorsals in the ninth segment of 
the male. 

261. Retractor of the phallus—A short, thick, conical muscle aris- 
ing by a wide base dorsolaterally on the ninth tergum (fig. 12), in- 
serted posteriorly and ventrally on a small oval sclerite in the wall of 
the genital chamber just laterad of the epiphallus (fig. 25 D). 

262, 203. Muscles of the female not represented in the male. 

264. Ventral dilator of the rectum —A fan-shaped muscle arising 
on the ninth sternum at the base of the sternal apodeme (fig. 12 
shows point of origin), the slender fibers spreading dorsally in a 
longitudinal plane to their insertions on the ventral wall of the rectum 
(fig. TOA): 

205. Ventral muscles (fig. 12).—A pair of straplike muscles on each 
side arising laterally on the ninth sternum at the base of the anterior 
apodeme, going posteriorly and dorsally to the membranous venter 
of the tenth segment just before the base of the paraproct. 

206. Retractor of the aedeagus ——A broad, thin sheet of fibers aris- 
ing from a median ridge of the ninth sternum (figs. 12, 25 A), at- 
tached dorsally to the wall of the genital chamber laterad of the base 
of the aedeagus (fig. 25 A). 

267. Protractor of the aedeagus——A large, triangular muscle aris- 
ing by a long base on the median ridge of the ninth sternum, mesad 


of 260 (figs. 12, 25 A), the fibers converging dorsally and anteriorly 
to their insertion on the lateral lobe of the epiphallus (fig. 25 A, D) ; 
its contraction probably elevates the distal part of the phallic apparatus. 

268, 269. Internal lateral muscles (fig. 12).—Two large oblique 
muscles on each side in the position of the second internal lateral of 
the pregenital segments. The first is inserted ventrally on the lateral 
margin of the ninth sternum; the second is inserted by a narrowed 
stalk at the edge of the ninth sternum between the basal and distal 
plates of the latter. 

270. External lateral muscle (fig. 12).—This muscle clearly cor- 
responds with the first external lateral of the pregenital segments. 
It arises on the anterior lateral area of the ninth tergum and is in- 
serted on the outer face of the apodeme of the ninth sternum. 

In the ninth segment of the female there are the following Io paired 
muscles or sets of muscles, including the segmental muscles and the 
muscles of the ovipositor. 

260. Internal dorsal muscles (fig. 14).—A transverse series of 
five small bands of longitudinal fibers on each side extending from the 
anterior margin of the ninth tergum to the anterior margin of the 
tenth tergum. 

261. Not represented in the female. 

262. Long protractor of the ovipositor—Origin laterally on the 
posterior margin of the ninth tergum (figs. 14, 17 C), extends for- 
ward to its insertion on the anterior end of the apodeme of the ovi- 
positor (fig. 17 C). 

263. Retractor of the ovipositor—Origin on the anterior margin 
of the ninth tergum (figs. 14, 17 C) ventrad of 262, extends pos- 
teriorly to its insertion laterally in the base of the dorsal valvula of 
the ovipositor (fig. 17 C). 

264. Ventral dilator of the rectum.—A fan-shaped group of slender 
fibers arising from the dorsal surface of the apodeme of the oviposi- 
tor (fig. 17 B), spreading to their insertions on the ventrolateral line 
of the rectum (fig. 16 A). If the ventral dilators of the rectum are 
identical in the male and female, their origins would seem to identify 
the apodemes of the ovipositor with the anterior apodemes of the 
ninth sternum in the male. 

265-270.—These muscles of the ninth segment present in the male 
(fig. 12) cannot be identified with any certainty in the female, though 
it is possible some of them are included in the following musculature 
of the ovipositor. 

271. Levator of the dorsal valvula (fig. 17 A, B, C).—A large thick 
muscle lying on the dorsal surface of the apodeme of the ovipositor, 


attached anteriorly on the latter, and posteriorly on the dorsal margin 
of the base of the dorsal valvula. 

272. Depressor of the ventral valvula (fig. 17 A, B)—A massive 
bundle of fibers arising on the ventral face of the apodeme of the 
ovipositor, inserted on the basal plates of the ventral valvula. This 
muscle possibly corresponds with the intersternal protractors, or 
external ventrals, of the pregenital segments. 

273. Adductors of the ventral valvulae (fig. 17 C, D).—A pair of 
flat muscles arising anteriorly on the proximal parts of the inner 
margins of the apodemes of the ovipositor, the two converging pos- 
teriorly to the median apodeme of the ventral intervalvula (f). The 
retraction of the intervalvula causes an adduction of the valvulae. 

Fic. 13.—Laterodorsal and ventral muscles of the seventh and eighth segments 
of the female abdomen of Dissosteira carolina, right side, inner view. 

274. Adductors of the dorsal valvulae (fig. 17 A, B, C).—Origin 
on the proximal part of the dorsal surface of the ovipositor apodemes, 
insertion posteriorly on the posterior intervalvula (B, C, piv). The 
contraction of the convergent muscles of this pair approximates th 
valvulae of opposite sides. 

275. Muscle of the second valvula (fig. 17 B, C).—A small muscle 
arising laterally on the dorsal surface of the anterior intervalvula, in- 
serted posteriorly in the distal end of the small second valvula. 

276. Dilator of the spermathecal aperture-—A very small muscle 
of a few delicate fibers arising on the lateral basal plate of the ventral 
valvula (fig. 17 E, a), inserted mesally on the side of the groove in the 
dorsal wall of the genital chamber containing the aperture of the 
spermathecal duct (fig. 20 D). 


277. Muscles of the spermathecal duct-——The entire length of the 
spermathecal duct is covered by a muscular sheath consisting of outer 
longitudinal fibers and inner circular fibers. 

The following muscles of the ninth segment of the male pertain 
entirely to the phallic organs and the ejaculatory duct. It is impossible 
to discover any identity between them and muscles of the female. 

278. Epiphallic muscle of the aedeagus (fig. 25 B, C)—A long 
muscle lying dorsally in the basal fold of the phallus, attached an- 
teriorly on the lateral lobe of the epiphallus (4), and posteriorly on 
the zygoma (2) of the aedeagal apodemes. 

279. Lateral muscle of the aedeagus (fig. 25 B).—A short muscle 
arising lateroventrally in the base of the aedeagus, inserted dorsally 
on the lower edge of the lateral plate (m) of the aedeagus. 

280. Muscle of the ventral lobe of the aedeagus (fig. 25 B)—A 
delicate muscle arising within the base of the aedeagus, inserted dis- 
tally near the apex of the ventral lobe of the latter. 

281. Lateral dilator of the endophallus (fig. 25 C, E).—A broad 
sheet of muscle arising dorsally on the aedeagal apodeme (C, Apa), 
the fibers extending ventrally and anteriorly to the endophallic apo- 
deme (C, E, w). 

282. Dorsal dilator of the endophallus (fig. 25 F).—A broad flat 
muscle on the dorsal surface of the endophallic bulb, arising laterally 
on the inner face of the aedeagal apodeme (Apa), inserted mesally on 
the dorsal edge (1) of the lateral plate of the endophallus. 

283. Compressor of the endophallus (fig. 25, E, F. G)—An un- 
paired transverse muscle uniting the endophallic apodemes (zw), the 
fibers covering the anterior and anteroventral walls of the endophallic 
bulb (G). This muscle approximates the endophallic plates and dilates 
the orifice of the ejaculatory sac. 

284. Compressor of the ejaculatory sac (fig. 25 C, E).—A broad 
sheet of muscle arising internal to 281 (C) on the lateral plate of the 
endophallus, the fibers converging ventrally to their insertions on the 
lateral wall of the ejaculatory sac (E, ejs). 

285. Muscles of the ejaculatory duct (fig. 25 E).—A thick sheath 
of circular fibers surrounds the ejaculatory duct from the entrance of 
the mucous glands to the beginning of the ejaculatory sac. 


The muscles of the tenth segment have no evident relation to the 
muscles of the preceding segments. They comprise muscles to the 
cerci, the epiproct and the paraprocts, dilators of the rectum, and in the 
female a transverse intrasegmental muscle. 


286. Dorsal dilator of the rectum.—A group of slender fibers aris- 
ing dorsally on the tenth tergum mesad of the other muscles (fig. 14), 
spreading fanwise ventrally to their insertions laterodorsally on the 
posterior part of the rectum (fig. 16 A). 

287. Depressor of the cercus (figs. 7 D, 14).—A narrow muscle 
arising anteriorly on the median part of the tenth tergum, inserted 
posteriorly on the posterior margin of the median basal lobe of the 

288. Median levator of the cercus (figs. 7 D, 14.).—A broad muscle 
arising anteriorly on the tenth tergum laterad of 287, inserted pos- 
teriorly on the small sclerite between the tenth tergum and the basal 

J] Papt Eppt | 

Fic. 14——Dorsal muscles of eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh abdominal seg- 
ments of female of Dissosteira carolina, ventral view. 
lobe of the cercus, some of the mesal fibers in some cases inserted on 
the basal angle of the epiproct. 

289. Lateral levator of the cercus (figs. 7 D, 14).—A slender mus- 
cle taking its origin on the tenth tergum immediately laterad of 288, 
inserted posteriorly in the membrane behind the tenth tergum close 
to the outer angle of the base of the cercus. 

290. Lateral dilator of the rectum—A fan of fibers arising an- 
teriorly on the lateral part of the tenth tergum (fig. 14, 290), spread- 
ing mesad in a horizontal plane to their insertions along the lateral 
line of the posterior part of the rectum (fig. 16 A). 

291. Ventral muscle of the paraproct (fig. 14).—A broad muscle 
arising on the anterior margin of the lateral part of the tenth tergum, 
inserted posteriorly on the base of the paraproct ventrally. 


292. Transverse muscle (fig. 14).—An unpaired, straplike trans- 
verse muscle, present only in the female, lying dorsal to the base of 
the ovipositor and attached laterally on the ends of the tenth tergum. 
(Only the ends of this muscle shown in the figure.) 


The musculature of the eleventh segment includes muscles from the 
epiproct to the cerci and paraprocts, and muscles from the epiproct and 
paraprocts to the circumanal membrane. 

293. Adductor of the cercus (figs. 7D, 14).—A slender muscle 
arising anteromedially on the epiproct, inserted on the inner extremity 
of the basal lobe of the cercus. 

294. Adductor of the paraproct (fig. 14).—A large muscle arising 
medially on the epiproct just behind 293 in the female, extending 
laterally and posteriorly to its insertion on the upper part of the para- 
proct behind the base of the cercus. In the male this muscle arises 
mesad of 293 and underlaps the base of the latter. 

295. Dorsal dilator of the anus——A median unpaired muscle arising 
centrally on the epiproct (fig. 14), its fibers spreading distally to their 
insertions on the dorsal part of the circumanal membrane (fig. 16 A). 

296. Lateral dilator of the anus —Origin on the paraproct near the 
base of the outer wall of the latter (fig. 14) ; extends dorsally, mesally, 
and posteriorly to its insertion ventrolaterally on the rectum just 
within the anus (fig. 16 A). 


The transverse muscles of the abdomen comprise dorsal transverse 
muscles (fig. 10 B, td) and ventral transverse muscles (tv). The 
former are always the muscles of the dorsal diaphragm; the ventral 
muscles may consist of segmentally individual bundles of transverse 
fibers, but in the Acrididae they form a continuous muscular sheet, or 
ventral diaphragm. The muscle uniting the opposite ends of the tenth 
tergum in the female of Dissosteira (fig. 14, 292) is literally a dorsal 
transverse muscle, but it evidently does not belong to the series of 
diaphragm muscles. 


The so-called diaphragms of insects are transverse dorsal and ven- 
tral partitions of the body cavity that separate from the axial pervis- 
ceral sinus (fig. 10 B, PvS) a dorsal sinus, or pericardial cavity (DS), 



and a ventral sinus, or perineural cavity (VS). Each of the dia- 
phragms differs much in the degree of its development in different 
insects. The dorsal diaphragm is almost always present in some form, 
but the ventral diaphragm is frequently absent; the first is confined 
principally to the abdomen, the second may extend into the thorax. 
Probably each diaphragm consists of a double peritoneal membrane, 
the layers of which are reflected from the walls of the body cavity ; but 
the membranes enclose between them the dorsal and ventral transverse 
muscles, and the muscles become the more important elements of the 


irae oa 3Ph = 
SS k 4X = aE es es 


a D 


5 Ars 

a= q 
IES He Tra 

Fic. 15.—The dorsal blood vessel and diaphragms of Dissosteira carolina. 

A, ventral view of anterior part of dorsal diaphragm extending to lobes of third 
phragma (3Ph), showing segmental groups of transverse muscles (td), and 
dorsal blood vessel along median line above the diaphragm. B, posterior part 
of dorsal diaphragm and dorsal blood vessel in segments V’///, /X, and X. C, 
dorsal view of part of ventral diaphragm, attached on lateral parts of sterna. 

diaphragms, which by the vibratory contractions of the muscles serve 
as important adjuncts to the heart in the circulation of the blood. 

The dorsal diaphragm of Acrididae extends from the anterior end 
of the first abdominal segment to the posterior part of the ninth seg- 
ment, and is continued into the metathorax as a narrow membranous 
fringe along each side of the aorta. In the first abdominal segment the 
broad anterior margin of the diaphragm is attached to the posterior 
faces of the lobes of the third phragma (fig. 15 A) ; the lateral edges 
in this segment are free and deeply emarginate. In the following seg- 
ments the limits of the dorsal diaphragm are difficult to define in a 
ventral dissection, except by the muscle attachments, for the lower 


diaphragm membrane appears to be everywhere continuous with a 
delicate peritoneal covering over the inner surfaces of the somatic 
muscles lying lateral of the pericardial cavity. The upper membrane 
of the diaphragm, however, being reflected upon the dorsal pericardial 
wall, more clearly marks the limits of the diaphragm itself. The two 
membranes of the diaphragm can be distinguished in whole prepara- 
tions under the microscope by the two layers of nuclei, one dorsal to 
the muscle fibers, the other ventral. It is apparent that the two mem- 
branes, however, are simply continuations of a peritoneal lining of the 
perivisceral cavity and of a similar lining of the pericardial cavity, 
with the transverse muscles between them. 

The muscles of the dorsal diaphragm in Dissosteira begin in the 
second segment of the abdomen (fig. 15 A) and end in the ninth 
segment (B). They consist of a double series of transverse fibers, 
separated into segmental groups, but for the most part approximately 
parallel. In all but the second and ninth segments the fibers are slightly 
divided into secondary anterior and posterior groups. This intra- 
segmental segregation of the fibers is more accentuated in Mclanoplus 
than in Dissosteira. The fibers arise laterally on the tergal plates be- 
tween the median and the lateral longitudinal dorsal muscles (figs. 
8, 10). Their median ends branch toward the ventral wall of the heart, 
on which they break up into fine fibrils, and the fibrils from opposite 
sides appear to unite in an intricate plexus. 

The dorsal blood vessel extends from beneath the brain into the 
tenth abdominal segment. Ostia and slight segmental enlargements of 
the tube are present in abdominal segments // to JX (fig. 15 A, B). 
Dorsal ampullar enlargements of the aorta occur in the mesothorax, 
metathorax, and first abdominal segment. Posteriorly the heart term- 
inates 1n a narrow tapering tube extending into the tenth abdominal 
segment. For most of its length the dorsal vessel is accompanied by 
strands of nephrocytes, and the aortic ampullae are capped by dense 
masses of nephrocytic cells. The pericardial cavity contains also loosely 
scattered fat cells, and is penetrated by loops of the Malpighian tubules. 
The dorsal longitudinal tracheal trunks (fig. 15 A, B) lie along the 
sides of the blood vessel and are connected with the lateral trunks by 
transverse tracheae in the posterior part of each abdominal segment. 
It would appear that the blood has entrance into the pericardial cavity 
only above the free lateral margins of the diaphragm in the first ab- 
dominal segment, and at the posterior end of the diaphragm in the 
eighth and ninth segments. 

The ventral diaphragm in Dissosteira extends from the head into 
the seventh (female) or eighth (male) abdominal segment. In the 


anterior part of the thorax this diaphragm is merely a very delicate 
membrane attached laterally on the salivary glands and on masses of 
fat tissue. Between the widely spreading bases of the metasternal 
apophyses, however, there begins in the membrane a series of trans- 
verse muscle fibers, which continues to the posterior end as the prin- 
cipal tissue of the diaphragm. The fibers are attached in the meta- 
thorax to the metasternal apophyses, and in the abdomen on the lateral 
parts of the sternal plates (fig. 15 C). Most of the fibers go continu- 
ously across from one side to the other, but in each segment the 
anterior and posterior fibers spread somewhat forward and backward 
to bridge the spaces between the consecutive sternal plates. Posteriorly 
the ventral diaphragm ends abruptly in a free transverse margin, which 
in the female crosses the anterior part of the seventh abdominal seg- 
ment, but in the male is in the anterior part of the eighth segment. In 
the female the last two ganglia of the ventral nerve cord lie beyond 
the diaphragm and are dorsal to the spermatheca, the anterior end of 
which may extend into the ventral sinus. In the male only the last 
ganglion is not covered by the diaphragm. 


The proctodaeum of the grasshopper is a tube of fairly uniform 
diameter composed of anterior and posterior sections separated by a 
narrower and usually bent middle section (fig. 16 A), but the relative 
size of the parts varies much in different specimens according to the 
distension, or according to the state of contraction of the muscles. 
The anterior end of the proctodaeum is marked externally by the 
origins of the Malpighian tubules (Mal), which are disposed in 12 
groups of about 10 tubules each, arranged in a circle immediately be- 
hind the ventriculus (Vent). There is no clear anatomical division of 
the proctodaeum into an anterior intestine and posterior intestine, 
and there are no specifically developed internal valves, but four fairly 
well-marked proctodaeal regions may be distinguished by external and 
internal characters. The first is a short pylorus (Py) into which the 
Malpighian tubules open, the second is a long saclike ileum (J/), the 
third a narrower and usually bent colon (Cin), and the fourth is the 
large rectum (Rect) comprising a wide anterior rectal sac and a 
narrow terminal part extending to the anus. 

The muscularis of the proctodaeum consists of external longitudinal 
fibers and internal circular fibers, the relation of the two sets of 
muscles on the proctodaeum being thus the same as that of the ven- 
tricular muscles (fig. 16 A), though the muscle fibers of these two 
parts of the alimentary canal are not continuous with each other. 


The circular muscles of the proctodaeum begin just behind the bases 
of the Malpighian tubules, forming here a pyloric sphincter of large 
fibers (A, B, c), and continue (d) uninterruptedly over the entire 
length of the rest of the stomodaeal tube. They are particularly strong 
on the colon. The longitudinal muscles arise as distinct fibers on the 
anterior end of the proctodaeum in the neighborhood of the Malpighian 
tubules, but the fibers immediately converge over the pyloric sphincter 
into six equally spaced muscle bands (e) on the wall of the ileum, 

= : 



Fic. 16.—The proctodaeum of Dissosteira carolina. 

A, general view of the proctodaeum, showing its subdivisions, its muscles, 
and groups of Malpighian tubules given off from anterior end. B, internal view 
of pyloric region between ventriculus and ileum, with pockets from which the 
Malpighian tubules arise. C, anterior ends of rectal “ glands,’ inner view of 
rectal wall. 

a, b, circular and longitudinal muscles of ventriculus; c, pyloric sphincter ; 
Cln, colon; d, circular muscles of proctodaeum; e, bands of longitudinal procto- 
daeal muscles; Eppt, epiproct; f, fold marking terminus of ventricular wall; 
g, Malpighian pockets; h, i, internal folds of wall of ileum; J//, ileum; 7, rectal 
pads; Mal Malpighian tubules; Py, pylorus; Rect, rectum; Vent, ventriculus ; 
264, 286, 290, ventral, dorsal, and lateral dilator muscles of posterior part of 
rectum ; 295, 296, epiproctial and paraproctial dilators of the anus (see fig. 14). 

and continue thus to the posterior end of the latter. Here each band 
breaks up into a group of fibers branching on the colon, some of which 
appear to go beneath the circular fibers to attach on the intima of the 
proctodaeal wall. On the posterior part of the colon the longitudinal 
fibers reassemble in six bands that traverse the outer wall of the rectal 
sac, and then again branch and appear to go beneath the circular mus- 
cles to be inserted on the wall of the terminal part of the rectum. 
Finally the longitudinal fibers appear once more as six short external 
bands on the terminal part of the rectum, and end with attachments on 


the lips of the anus. The colon is the most strongly musculated part 
of the intestine, and, when in a state of contraction, it often appears 
as a very short connective between the distended ileal and rectal sacs. 

The posterior part of the rectum is provided with fan-shaped dorsal, 
lateral, and ventral dilator muscles arising on the body wall and in- 
serted on the proctodaeum in line with the longitudinal muscle bands 
of the latter (fig. 16A). The dorsal dilators (286) arise medially 
on the tergum of the tenth abdominal segment (fig. 14), and their 
spreading fibers are inserted on the rectum along the lines of the latero- 
dorsal longitudinal muscles. The lateral dilators (fig. 16 A, 200) arise 
laterally on the tenth tergum (fig. 14), and are inserted in line with 
the lateral longitudinal muscles of the rectum. The ventral dilators 
(fig. 16 A, 264) arise in the male at the bases of the anterior apodemes 
of the ninth abdominal sternum (fig. 12), in the female on the 
apodemes of the ovipositor (fig. 17 B), and are inserted in line with 
the lateroventral longitudinal muscles of the rectum. 

The structure of the inner wall of the proctodaeum of Dissosteira 
carolina has been described and figured by Tietz (1923), who shows 
that the several parts of the intestinal tube present characteristic his- 
tological differences. Viewed internally, it is seen that the Malpighian 
tubules open into 12 pockets of the pyloric region (fig. 16 B, g), and 
that the pockets are somewhat overlapped anteriorly by a circular fold 
of the enteric wall (f). The proctodaeal intima lines the Malpighian 
pockets and is reflected to the edge of the overhanging fold. It is 
clear, therefore, that the crest of this fold (f) is the true line of 
separation between the mesenteron and the proctodaeum, and that 
the Malpighian tubules arise from the proctodaeum. Between the 
Malpighian pockets the wall of the proctodaeal pylorus forms 12 broad, 
padlike thickenings (/1), which are crossed externally by the sphincter 
muscle (c), and which, therefore, may constitute collectively a pyloric 
closing apparatus between the stomach and the colon. Posteriorly the 
pyloric pads are narrowed and are either continued as well-marked 
folds on the wall of the ileum (7), or they are broken up into numer- 
ous small folds, according to the degree of tension in the ileal wall. 
The external longitudinal muscle bands of the ileum (e) lie between 
each alternate pair of internal folds. When the folds are accentuated 
by contraction of the proctodaeal muscles, they extend posteriorly 
through the colon to the rectum. According to Tietz (1923) the proc- 
todaeal intima has a thickness of .oo8 mm in the ileum, and of .o12 mm 
in the colon. 

The inner wall of the rectal sac presents six long, flat, parallel thick- 
enings lying between the external bands of longitudinal muscles, each 


tapering or rounded at the ends, and having sharply defined margins 
formed by the covering cuticula (fig. 16 C, 7). These structures are 
the so-called “ rectal glands.” In the grasshopper there is nothing to 
suggest that they have a secretory function, the surface cuticula being 
relatively thick, and the epithelium, as shown by Tietz (1923), con- 
sisting of simple columnar cells. For the same reasons, also, it does 
not seem probable that the rectal pads are organs for the absorption 
of water from the faeces (see Wigglesworth, 1932); in fact, any 
other part of the rectum would appear to be better adapted to an 
absorptive function. On the other hand, the hard flat surfaces of the 
pads, forming six plaques in strong relief on the inner wall of the 
rectum, suggest that, by contraction of the surrounding circular mus- 
cles, the structures may serve to compress the contents of the rectal 
sac and thus extract water from the faeces. 


The ovipositor of the Acrididae is primarily a digging organ that 
works by a forcible separation of the short recurved valvulae. It thus 
differs radically in its action from the usual egg-laying organ of other 
insects, in which the valvulae are interlocked and move lengthwise 
on one another. The acridid ovipositor, therefore, has quite a differ- 
ent mechanism from that of the sliding type of ovipositor. Though 
the prongs of the grasshopper’s ovipositor, as shown by their develop- 
ment, are without doubt homologues of the valvulae of other insects, 
it is apparent that the usual supporting basal plates, or valvifers, are 
absent, and that the musculature of the acridid organ has little relation 
to that of an ovipositor in which the muscles of the valvifers are the 
principal motor elements. A second important function of the acridid 
Ovipositor, however, is that of manipulating the eggs, as the latter 
issue from the oviducal opening, in such a manner that they may be 
placed appropriately in the egg cavity for the exit of the young 


The exposed part of the grasshopper’s ovipositor consists of a lower 
and an upper pair of strong, sclerotic, pronglike processes with curved 
tips turned ventrally and dorsally (fig. 1, Ovp). These processes 
are respectively the first and third valvulae (fig. 17 A, IVI, 3V1). 
The second valvulae (2V/) are small, and are ordinarily concealed 
between the others, but they are not rudimentary in the sense of being 
functionless structures. The ovipositor projects posteriorly at the 


Ap 274 2 
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Fic. 17—The ovipositor and its muscles. Dissosteira carolina. 

A, ovipositor and muscles, left side. B, median section of ovipositor showing 
mesal view of right valvulae and muscles. C, dorsal view of ovipositor and 
muscles. D, ventral view of second and third valvulae, with apodemes, and 
muscles of anterior intervalvula. E, ventral view of ventral valvulae, dorsal wall 
of genital chamber with spermathecal aperture, and spermatheca. 

a, lateral basivalvular sclerite; aiv, anterior intervalvula; Ap, apodeme of 
ovipositor; b, c, first and second ventral basivalvular sclerites; e, f, apodeme 
and apodemal sclerite of anterior intervalvula; g, base of third valvula; h, 
ventral lip of apodemal invagination; 7, articular process on ramus of third 
valvula; /XT, lateral parts of ninth tergum; piv, posterior intervalvula; ra, 
ramus of third valvula; Spr, spermathecal aperture; Spt, spermatheca; SptD, 
spermathecal duct; rV/, 2V1, 3V1, first, second, and third valvulae. 


end of the abdomen (fig. 1) beyond the eighth sternum (VJI/Stn) 
from beneath the lobes of the eleventh segment (Eppt, Papt), and 
thus might appear to belong to the ninth and tenth segments ; the first 
valvulae, however, are developed in the nymph from the eighth seg- 
ment, immediately behind the eighth sternum (fig. 22 A, C, 1VI), 
and the second and third valvulae from the ninth segment (A, C, D). 
In the adult several basivalvular sclerites are differentiated from the 
bases of the first valvulae (figs. 1, 17 A, a, b, c), which, though par- 
tially overlapped by the eighth sternum, are entirely separated from 
the latter by an inflection of the poststernal membrane that forms the 
female genital chamber. Between the bases of the dorsal valvulae are 
anterior and posterior intervalvular sclerites (fig. 17 B, aiv, piv) ; and 
a pair of large apodemes projects forward in the body cavity from 
the angles between the bases of the dorsal and ventral valvulae (A, B, 
D, Ap). An important accessory of the acridid ovipositor is the egg 
guide, a median process of the eighth sternum (fig. 20 A, eg). 

The first, or ventral, valvulae of Dissosteira carolina (fig. 17 A, 
B, E, 1V1) are somewhat elongate lobes, flattened from side to side, 
ending each in a decurved point. Proximally they are united by the 
membranous integument between their bases, and their ventral walls 
are continued into the dorsal wall of the genital chamber (fig. 20 A). 
Each first valvula is differentiated into a strongly sclerotic terminal 
lobe (fig. 17 A, rV’1), and into a basal part containing a large lateral 
basivalvular sclerite (a) and two narrow ventral sclerites (b, c). The 
upper surface of the terminal lobe (B) is produced proximally as an 
elongate plate, or ramus, at the end of which is a wide transverse de- 
pression that fits closely upon a prominent abutment from the under 
surface of the basal ramus of the corresponding third valvula (D, 7). 
Proximal to this articulation the dorsal wall of the ventral valvula 
is membranous and shortly ends at the ventral lip of the hollow base 
of the lateral apodeme (Ap). The lateral basivalvular sclerite of the 
first valvula (A, a) is a prominent plate exposed on the side of the 
abdomen behind the eighth sternum (fig. 1). The posterior ventral 
sclerite (fig. 17 A, B, b) is ordinarily partly exposed behind the 
eighth sternum, but the anterior ventral sclerite (c) is concealed in 
the dorsal wall of the genital chamber (fig. 20 A), where it flanks a 
median channel containing the spermathecal aperture (fig. 17 E). 

The third, or dorsal, valvulae of Dissosteira (fig. 17 A, B, 3V1) 
resemble the ventral valvulae in general form, except that their points 
are turned upward, but they are larger and stronger than the ventral 
valvulae, and they have no basivalvular sclerites. Their dorsal surfaces 
proximal to the upcurved points are broad and flat. The under surface 


of each dorsal valvula is prolonged anteriorly in a strong ventral ramus 
(D, ra), the expanded base of which (g) is firmly hinged to the dorsal 
lip of the exposed base (i) of the lateral apodeme of the same side. 
The apodemal bases, therefore, are the fulcral points for the move- 
ments of the dorsal valvulae. The ventral valvulae, on the other hand, 
have their fulcra of movement on the strongly protruding articular 
ridges (7) on the bases of the dorsal valvulae. The dorsal valvulae 
are united between their bases by a membranous integument containing 
the anterior intervalvula (D, aiv), the bases of the second valvulae 
(2V1), and the posterior intervalvula (B, C, piv). 

The second, or intermediate, valvulae (fig. 17 A, B, D, 2V/) are 
short lobes projecting from the membrane between the ventral rami 
of the dorsal valvulae. The two are adnate mesally for most of their 
length, but their sclerotic lateral and terminal parts form free lobes en- 
closing a trough-like depression between them (D). The united bases 
of the second valvulae are supported on a median process of the an- 
terior intervalvula (aiv). 

The intervalvulae are small sclerites lying between the bases of the 
dorsal valvulae, where, because of the position of the latter, they 
become dorsal and ventral relative to each other. The ventral anterior 
intervalvula (fig. 17 D, aiv) is a transverse sclerite bridging the space 
between the anterior ends of the ventral rami of the third valvulae, 
and giving support by a median process to the united bases of the 
second valvulae. Just before the transverse sclerite is a small, oval, 
median sclerite (f) bearing a short slender apodeme (e) on which are 
attached the muscles of the anterior intervalvula. The posterior inter- 
valvula is a small hexagonal plate lying dorsally between the bases of 
the third valvulae (B, C, piv). 

A characteristic feature of the acridid ovipositor is the presence of 
the pair of long, flat, lateral apodemes (fig. 17D, Ap) extending 
forward from the angles between the bases of the dorsal and ventral 
valvulae. These apodemes are well developed also in Tetrigidae and 
Tridactylidae, but they have no apparent homologues in the ovipositor 
of other insects. They give attachment to the levator and depressor 
muscles of the valvulae, to the muscles of the posterior intervalvulae, 
and to the ventral dilators of the rectum, while the proctractor muscles 
of the ovipositor are inserted on their anterior ends. 

The stalk of each apodeme is hollow, and its base appears as the 
strongly sclerotic lips of a transverse cleft in the angle between the 
bases of the dorsal and ventral valvulae, where, as already observed, 
the ventral ramus of the dorsal valvula is hinged to the dorsal lip of 
the apodemal invagination. It might be supposed, therefore, that the 


apodemes of the acridid ovipositor represent anterior apodemal proc- 
esses of the second valvifers in other insects, but it is quite impossible 
to reconcile the musculature of the acridid apodemes with that per- 
taining to the second valvifers in the usual type of ovipositor. Accord- 
ing to Walker (1919) the ovipositor apodemes of Melanoplus are 
formed in the nymph as invaginations at the angles between the bases 
of the valvulae. It is perhaps possible that they are highly developed 
anterior apodemes of the ninth sternum (the latter being represented 
by the intervalvulae), since the space between the bases of the dorsal 
valvulae is bridged by the anterior intervalvula. It is significant that 
the ventral dilators of the rectum, which in the male arise anteriorly 
on the ninth sternum, take their origins in the female on the ovipositor 
apodemes (fig. 17 B, 267). 

The muscles of the acridid ovipositor function as protractors and 
retractors of the entire organ, as levators and depressors of the first 
and third valvulae, as abductors and adductors of the same valvulae, 
and as motors of the second valvulae; but it appears that some of 
them may act in more than one capacity. As above noted, it will be 
fruitless to attempt to trace any homologies between these muscles 
and the usual muscles of the ovipositor in other insects. It should be 
observed, however, that with the absence of valvifers in the acridid 
ovipositor there is correlated an absence of dorsal muscles correspond- 
ing with those ordinarily inserted on the valvifers. 

The exsertion of the ovipositor evidently is brought about by two 
pairs of muscles inserted on the anterior ends of the lateral apodemes 
(fig. 17 A, C, 256, 262). Of these muscles those of the first pair are 
the short protractors (256) arising by wide bases on the anterior 
lateral parts of the eighth abdominal tergum (fig. 13). The others 
are the long protractors (fig. 17 C, 262) arising laterally on the pos- 
terior margin of the ninth tergum (/X7T). Retraction of the ovi- 
positor is accomplished apparently by a pair of ventral muscles of 
the first valvulae, by lateral muscles of the third valvulae, and by 
muscles of the anterior intervalvula. The retractors of the first val- 
vulae arise anteriorly on the eighth sternum (fig. 13, 248) and in 
Dissosteira are inserted on the anterior ventral basivalvular sclerites 
(fig. 17 E, 248). In Melanoplus, however, these muscles are inserted 
on anterior pockets of the genital chamber (fig. 20 C, 248). The re- 
tractors of the third valvulae are lateral muscles arising anteriorly 
on the ninth tergum (fig. 17 C, 263) and inserted posteriorly on the 
lateral margins of the bases of the third valvulae. These muscles would 
appear to act also as abductors of the valvulae. The retractors of the 


anterior intervalvula (C, D, 247) are a pair of slender muscles aris- 
ing anteriorly on the eighth sternum (fig. 13) ; they probably assist 
also in the adduction of the valvulae. 

The muscles that open the valvulae dorsoventrally consist of the 
four huge bundles of fibers arising on the lateral apodemes, one pair 
dorsally (fig. 17 A, B, 277), the other pair ventrally (272). The 
dorsal muscles, which are the levators of the third valvulae, are in- 
serted dorsally in the bases of these valvulae; the ventral muscles, or 
depressors of the first valvulae, are inserted within the bases of the 
first valvulae on the lateral basivalvular sclerites and on the posterior 
ventral sclerites (A, E, a, b). These four powerful muscles of the 
Ovipositor produce the movements of the valvulae by which the earth 
is compressed peripherally in the digging of the egg chamber in the 

The closing of the valvulae evidently is produced by muscles of 
the anterior intervalvula, there being no muscles inserted on the 
valvulae that directly oppose the opening muscles. The muscles of 
the anterior intervalvula include the slender retractor muscles (fig. 
17 C, D, 247) arising anteriorly on the eighth sternum (fig. 13), and 
a pair of short, broad muscles (fig. 17 C, D, 273) arising on the ovi- 
positor apodemes. Since the anterior intervalvula lies between the 
bases of the dorsal and ventral valvulae, a pull on its muscles brings 
the valvulae together. These same muscles also effect an adduction 
of the valvulae of opposite sides. 

Transverse movements of the valvulae, 7. e., movements of abduc- 
tion and adduction, are not as pronounced as the dorsal and ventral 
movements, but it can be shown experimentally on a dead specimen 
that some of the muscles of the ovipositor separate or approximate the 
valvulae of opposite sides. The only muscles that may serve as ab- 
ductors of the valvulae are the retractor muscles inserted on the lateral 
basal margins of the third valvulae (fig. 17 C, 263), which arise 
laterally on the ninth tergum. The adductors are muscles of the inter- 
valvulae ; a forward pressure on these sclerites brings the valvulae of 
opposite sides together. The anterior intervalvular muscles comprise 
the median pair of slender muscles (fig. 17 C, D, 247) arising an- 
teriorly on the ninth sternum (fig. 13), and the lateral pair of wide 
muscles (273) arising on the inner margins of the basal parts of the 
lateral apodemes ; both pairs converge to their insertions on the small 
median apodeme of the anterior intervalvula. The posterior inter- 
valvular muscles consist of a single pair of muscles (B, C, 274) 
arising on the bases of the lateral apodemes, and converging pos- 
teriorly to their insertions on the posterior intervalvula (piv). There 


are no tergal muscles in Acrididae corresponding with those inserted 
on the intervalvulae in Gryllidae. (See Abdomen, Part II, Smith- 
somian Misc. Coll., vol. 89, no. 8, fig. 17 E, H, 5, &.) 

The second valvulae are provided with a pair of short muscles aris- 
ing anteriorly on the anterior intervalvula (fig. 17 B, C, 275), and 
inserted distally in the free ends of the second valvulae. These small 
intermediate valvulae evidently are functional in guiding the eggs 
properly between the other valvulae in their passage through the 

An important accessory of the acridid ovipositor is the egg guide. 
This organ is a small, tapering median process arising from the re- 

Fic. 18.—End of abdomen and ovipositor of Tettigidea lateralis. 

A, terminal segments of abdomen, with ovipositor. B, left valvulae and 
apodeme of ovipositor. C, ventral view of second and third valvulae, inter- 
valvulae, and apodemes of ovipositor. 

flected distal end of the eighth sternum (figs. 4, 13, eg) directly in 
line with the opening of the oviduct (Gpr) in the floor of the genital 
chamber. The egg guide normally projects between the bases of the 
ventral valvulae, and serves to direct the eggs issuing from the gono- 
pore upward and into the intervalvular space of the ovipositor. It is 
an immovable process developed in the nymph as a median outgrowth 
from the posterior margin of the eighth sternum. 

The ovipositor of Tetrigidae, as illustrated by Tettigidea lateralis 
(fig. 18), is of the acridid type of structure in that it is composed of 
the first and third valvulae (B), and has a pair of lateral intervalvu- 
lar apodemes (B, C, Ap) with muscles for opening the valvulae. The 


second valvulae are small (C, 21) as in Acrididae and are supported 
by the anterior intervalvula (aiv). The first and third valvulae, how- 
ever, are longer and slenderer than in the typical acridid ovipositor, 
and the apodemes are relatively short. Basivalvular sclerites are ab- 
sent in Tettigidea, but Walker (1919) describes and figures basivalvu- 
lar sclerites associated with the first valvulae in Acrydium ornatum, 
and Chopard (1920) shows a lateral sclerite (pileolus) at the base 
of the first valvula in Paramastax laeta. Walker describes also in 
Acrydium a sclerite interposed between the base of the third valvula 
and the lower edge of the ninth tergum, which he regards as a valvifer. 

The ovipositor of the tridactylid genus Rhipipteryx, as Walker 
(1919) observes, ‘is remarkably similar to that of the Acridoidea.”’ 
The female abdomen of RF. biolleyi is elongate and slender. The last 
unmodified segment is the seventh (fig. 19 A, VIZ). The eighth seg- 
ment, which is partly concealed within the seventh, has its tergum di- 
vided into two lateral plates by a median membranous area of the 
dorsum (A, B, V/IIT). The spiracles of this segment lie in the lower 
parts of the tergal plates. The tergum of the ninth segment (A, 1X T) 
consists of two widely separated lateral plates (E, JX T), the anterior 
dorsal angles of which (C, E) are produced into a pair of slender 
arms invaginated beneath the dorsal membrane of the eighth segment. 
The tergum of the tenth segment (F, X7)) is broken up into two large 
lateral tergites and a group of three small dorsal tergites. The lateral 
tergites extend forward between the arms of the ninth tergal plates, 
where they are united with each other anteriorly. The eleventh seg- 
ment 1s represented by a shield-shaped epiproct (F, Eppt), and two 
large projecting paraprocts (Papt) bearing each a terminal lobe 
(paptl). The cerci (Cer) arise laterad of the epiproct at the bases of 
the paraprocts. 

The exposed part of the ovipositor of Rhipipteryx biolleyi consists 
of four elongate conical processes (fig. 19 A, Ovp), which, as in 
Acrididae and Tetrigidae, are the first and third valvulae. Each ventral 
first valvula (C, 7V7) has an accessory tooth on its outer surface and 
a large lateral basivalvular sclerite (a) at its base. The latter appears 
on the side of the abdomen as a prominent plate behind the eighth 
sternum (A, a). The dorsal third valvulae (C, 3/1) are somewhat 
longer than the ventral valvulae, and each is supported on the distal 
margin of the lateral tergite of the ninth segment (JXT), to which 
it is articulated ventrally (E) by a condyle of the latter. Below and 
between the bases of the dorsal valvulae are two small intermediate 
second valvulae (E, 2/1), united at their bases by the anterior inter- 



valvula (aiv). Both anterior and posterior intervalvulae (E, aiv, piv) 
are present in Rhipipteryx as in Acrididae and Tetrigidae, and a small 
median sclerite (f) before the anterior intervalvula gives attachment 
to a pair of convergent muscles (5). 

The lateral apodemes of the ovipositor of Rhipipteryx are long 
spatulate plates arising between the bases of the valvulae, but each is 
more specifically connected with the corresponding ventral valvula 
(fig. 19 D, Ap), rather than with the dorsal valvula as in Acrididae. 
Walker describes the ovipositor apodemes of R. forcipata as shelflike 
extensions of the lower edges of the ninth tergum, having the same 

Frc. 19—Abdomen and ovipositor of Rhipipteryx biolleyi. 

A, terminal half of abdomen with ovipositor. B, lateral view of eighth seg- 
ment removed from seventh. C, left view of ninth segment and ovipositor. D, 
mesal view of right ventral valvula, with right apodeme and muscles. E, ven- 
tral view of ninth tergum supporting second and third valvulae. F, dorsal view 
of tenth and eleventh segments, showing lobes (papt!) of paraprocts. (Letter- 
ing as on fig. 17.) 
relation to the valvulae as the free apodemes of Acrididae. The writer, 
however, finds no tergal connections of the apodemes in R. biolleyi, 
in which the structures appear to be identical with the intervalvular 
apodemes of Acrididae. They give attachment to muscles very nearly 
the same as those of the Acrididae in their distribution to the basival- 
vulae (fig. 19 C, D, 1), the ventral valvulae (2), the ninth tergum 
(C, 3), and the dorsal valvulae (C, E, 4). 

The genital chamber, or copulatory pouch, of the female grass- 

hopper is a flat horizontal invagination of the integument beneath the 
bases of the ventral valvulae and above the posterior margin of the 


eighth abdominal sternum (fig. 20 A, GC). The anterior basivalvular 
sclerites of the first valvulae extend into its dorsal wall (figs. 17 E, 
20 A, C, c), and in a depression between them is situated the aperture 
of the spermatheca (Spr). The opening of the median oviduct, or 
gonopore, lies anteriorly in the floor of the genital chamber (fig. 20 A, 
Gpr). A short distance before the spermathecal and oviducal aper- 
tures the genital chamber ends as a blind pouch. Here, in Dissosteira, 
a pair of muscles from the eighth sternum have their insertions on the 
ends of the anterior basivalvular sclerites (fig. 17 E, 248). In Mela- 
noplus the anterior end of the genital chamber is provided with two 
large lateral pockets (fig. 20 C, 7), and the muscles (248), inserted on 
the basivalvular sclerites (c) in Dissosteira, are attached in Melano- 
plus on the walls of the lateral pockets. Similar pockets of the genital 
chamber in Anacridium aegyptium are described as “ vĂ©sicules ovi- 
ductaires”’ by VardĂ© (1929), who shows from a study of their his- 
tology that the pouches are glandular structures in this species. 

The female genital chamber of insects generally is usually said to 
be an invagination between the eighth and ninth abdominal sterna. 
In the Acrididae, however, it is quite clearly an ingrowth between 
the eighth sternum and the bases of the first gonopods, which are 
located behind the sternum. This fact is noted by Nel (1929), who 
observes that the genital chamber in the female of Colemania and 
Locustana is ‘‘ formed at the hind margin of the eighth sternum by 
the sternum overgrowing the bases of the anterior ovipositor lobes.” 
The basal sclerites of the first valvulae thus come to lie in the dorsal 
wall of the genital chamber. 

The female gonopore of adult Acrididae, as above noted, is situated 
on the floor of the genital chamber above the reflected posterior end 
of the eighth abdominal sternum. It is an elongate median aperture 
(figs. 4, 13, Gpr) between membranous folds that converge and unite 
posteriorly on the dorsal surface of the base of the egg guide. The 
oviductus communis (figs. 13, 20A, Odc) extends forward to the 
seventh segment where it receives the lateral oviducts. The definitive 
position of the female gonopore in Acrididae, it is claimed by Nel 
(1929), is not the site of the primary invagination that gives rise to 
the median oviduct. In late embryos of Locustana, Nel says, the 
common oviduct first appears as an invagination of the conjunctival 
membrane between the seventh and eighth segments (fig. 20 B, Odc’), 
the aperture of which runs out as a groove on the venter of the eighth 
segment. In this respect, therefore, the acridid appears to recapitulate 
a more primitive condition permanently retained in Dermaptera. Dur- 
ing the first nymphal stage of the grasshopper, as described by Nel, 



the gonopore undergoes a posterior transposition that gives it its defi- 
nite location behind the eighth sternum. In the early part of the first 
instar, Nel says, the oviduct opens on the extreme anterior part of the 
eighth sternum in the groove extending posteriorly from its aperture. 
During this instar the lips of the groove unite ventrally, the union pro- 
ceeding from in front backward; the oviduct is thus extended pos- 

y Le 
Ode VIIStn G 

Rect ae 
Odl--\, Papt 

3 \ \ \ x EN G. \ 
B vis vis xs v1 uy , ha 

Fic. 20.—Structure and development of the female copulatory apparatus. 

A, vertical section of end of abdomen of Dissosteira carolina just to left of 
median plane, showing genital chamber (GC) invaginated between bases of 
ventral valvulae and eighth sternum, with gonopore (Gpr) in its ventral wall 
and spermathecal aperture (Spr) in its dorsal wall, the eighth sternum termi- 
nating in the egg guide (eg). B, diagrammatic section of end of abdomen of 
first instar nymph of Locustana (from Nel, 1929), showing origin of median 
oviduct (Odc’) behind seventh sternum, and spermathecal invagination (Spt) 
at end of eighth sternum. C, ventral view of first valvulae and dorsal wall of 
genital chamber of Melanoplus femur-rubrum. D, spermathecal aperture of 
Dissosteira carolina. E, same of Melanoplus mexicanus (structure variable in 
this species). 

teriorly, and its opening, the gonopore, migrates in the same direction, 
until finally, in the second instar, it takes its definitive position in the 
newly forming genital chamber behind the eighth sternum. 

The typical acridid spermatheca is a long tubular organ extending 
forward in the ventral sinus of the body cavity beneath the ventral 
diaphragm (figs. 17 E, 20 A, Spt). The middle part is variously coiled, 
and the tube ends in an enlarged bifid terminal section. The sperma- 
theca of the grasshopper is formed as a median invagination:in a 



groove of the body wall between the bases of the first valvulae (fig. 
20 B, Spt), and, therefore, belongs to the eighth abdominal segment. 
The usual bifid structure of the adult organ in insects suggests that 
the spermatheca may have been paired in its origin, but one branch 
is generally the sperm storage chamber, and the other a glandular 

The opening of the spermatheca in the dorsal wall of the genital 
chamber in adult grasshoppers lies in a median channel of the mem- 
branous space between the anterior basivalvular sclerites of the first 
valvulae (figs. 17 E, 20 C, Spr). In Dissosteira carolina the aperture 
is transverse above the posterior margin of a weakly sclerotic heart- 
shaped sclerite (fig. 20 D, 7). Structural details associated with the 
spermathecal opening, however, may be quite different in different 
acridid species. In Melanoplus femur-rubrum, for example, the 
spermatheca opens through a crescentic longitudinal slit in an oval 
area or sclerite contained in a median pocket of the genital chamber 
wall (fig. 20 C, Spr). Behind it are two small triangular sclerites (k) 
in the wall of the pocket. In MW. mexicanus (FE) the aperture is a cleft 
between two lateral lips of a thick oval body (m) projecting from a 
depression in the wall of the genital chamber. It is possible that struc- 
tural differences in the female spermathecal opening may be found to 
be correlated with differences in the male intromittent organ, since 
coition is effected by way of the spermathecal duct. 

Accessory genital glands of the ninth abdominal segment are usually 
not developed in the Acrididae. According to Nel (1929), however, a 
small median invagination is formed between the ovipositor lobes of 
the ninth segment in young nymphs of Locustana and Colemania 
(fig. 20 B, AcG/), which becomes a short tube, but remains vestigial 
even in the adult. The function of the usual female accessory glands 
is assumed in Acrididae by a long tubular diverticulum of each lateral 
oviduct, or more strictly of the oviducal calyx, in which is secreted 
the frothy material of which the egg pod is formed. 


It is commonly assumed that the ovipositor of pterygote insects 1s 
formed from the limb appendages of the eighth and ninth abdominal 
segments, that the valvulae are processes of the appendage bases, and 
that the usual supporting plates, or valvifers, are derived from the limb 
bases themselves. There is no doubt that the organ is formed from 
ventral outgrowths and sclerites of the two genital segments, but it 
is quite a different matter to prove that these parts represent true 

a a a 


segmental appendages. Even the fact that the first rudiments of the 
valvulae appear in some insects on the embryo in line with vestigial 
appendages on the pregenital segments is not necessarily evidence that 
they are homodynamous with the latter, since secondary structures 
arising in the same relative positions as the true limbs would be very 
likely to assume the same form in early stages of growth. The best 
evidence of the origin of the ovipositor from limb structures is fur- 
nished by the Thysanura, in which the valvulae are outgrowths of 
lateroventral plates of the genital segments that are clearly equivalent 
to the stylus-bearing plates present in some forms on the preceding 
segments, which plates, there seems little reason to doubt, represent 
the bases of true abdominal limbs. The ovipositor of Thysanura, there- 
fore, appears to be formed of mesal processes (gonapophyses) of the 
coxopodites of the appendages of the eighth and ninth abdominal seg- 
ments, and the fundamental similarity of the ovipositor in Thysanura 
and Pterygota leads us to conclude that the organ is an homologous 
structure in all insects in which it occurs. 

The facts of the development of the ovipositor in Orthoptera are 
easy to ascertain and are in general well known. In a young nympth 
of the cricket Nemobius (fig. 21 A) two small conical processes (V1) 
project from the membranous ventral part of the eighth segment 
behind the eighth sternum (VJ// Stn), entirely free from the latter. 
These processes are the rudiments of the first valvulae. The valvulae 
of the ninth segment are not yet in evidence ; the sternal region of this 
segment (JXS) shows no differentiation except two slight rounded 
swellings of its posterior margin. At a somewhat later stage (B, C), 
however, a pair of valvular processes is present on each genital seg- 
ment. Those of the eighth segment (B, V1) still arise from the mem- 
brane behind the reduced eighth sternum (V/J//Stn). The processes 
of the ninth segment (C, 3/1), on the other hand, which become the 
third valvulae of the adult, arise directly from a median sclerotization 
of the ventral wall of the segment, at the sides of which is a pair of 
small but conspicuous oval lateral sclerites (4). There is thus no ster- 
nal plate in the ninth segment distinct from the bases of the valvulae. 

The two primary pairs of valvular processes increase in length with 
successive instars (fig. 21 EF), and the rudimentary second valvulae 
appear ventrally between the bases of the third valvulae (F, 2V/), 
but the relations of the valvulae to their respective segmental areas 
remain unaltered. Up to a late stage there is no evidence of the pres- 
ence of valvifers, except for the small lateral sclerites (+) of the ninth 
segment, which increase in size and become more dorsal in posi- 
tion (F). 


In the last nymphal stage of the cricket, as illustrated in Gryllus 
(fig. 21 G), the valvifers appear as weak sclerotizations in the areas 
previously membranous laterad of the bases of the valvulae. The 

Fic. 21.—Development of the ovipositor of Gryllidae and Tettigoniidae. 

A, ventral view of end of abdomen of very young nymph of Nemobius. B, 
seventh and eighth sterna of Nemobius at later stage. C, ninth and postgenital 
segments of same. D, end of abdomen and ovipositor of young nymph of 
Neoconocephalus. E, late instar nymph of Nemobius. F, same, lower part of 
ninth segment and valvulae. G, lower parts of genital segments with base of 
Ovipositor of last nymphal instar of Gryllus, showing origin of first valvifer in 
podial area of eighth segment. H, base of ovipositor of adult Gryllus assimilis. 
I, same of Orocharis saltator. J, same of Neoxabia bipunctata. K, same of 
Cyrtoxipha columbiana. 

first valvifer (1V Jf) lies in the ample membrane of the eighth seg- 
ment behind the small eighth sternum. Ventrally it is connected with 
the base of the first valvula (1V7), and posteriorly it is prolonged as 
a prominent lobe (y) inserted between the base of the third valvula 
and the lateral sclerite (1) of the ninth segment, which latter is now 


closely associated with the lower margin of the ninth tergum. The 
second valvifer (2V/f) is clearly differentiated in the ninth segment, 
and has essentially the adult form (H, 2V/f). Between the bases of 
the second and third valvulae of opposite sides are formed the small 
median sclerites that become the intervalvulae of the ninth segment in 
the adult. 

Throughout the development of the gryllid ovipositor, it is to be 
observed, there is a significant difference in the position of the parts 
derived from the two genital segments. The first valvulae and the 
first valvifers are developed from the ventral membrane of the 
eighth segment entirely behind the eighth sternum. The sternal plate 
of the eighth segment, therefore, does not contain the limb bases of 
this segment. The valvifers and valvulae of the ninth segment, on 
the other hand, arise from the entire ventral region of this segment, 
except for a small median part from which are formed the inter- 
valvulae. We may presume, therefore, that the apparent sternal region 
of the ninth segment has a coxosternal composition, as have the usual 
definitive sternal plates of the abdomen. The median sternal part 
forms the intervalvulae ; the lateral coxal areas give rise to the valvulae 
and valvifers. In each genital segment the dorsal muscles of the re- 
spective valvifers arise on the tergum. 

From the above it is evident that the facts of the development of 
the ovipositor need “ interpretation’ to make them fit with the the- 
oretical origin of the ovipositor from segmental limbs, but, it should 
be observed, they are at least not inconsistent with this theory. It is 
important to note, furthermore, that the first valvulae are the gona- 
pophyses of the first gonopods, while the first formed processes of 
the ninth segment are the third valvulae, which are elongations of the 
coxopodites ; the second valvulae, or true gonapophyses of the ninth 
segment, are of later development. This same order of development 
of the ninth segment processes recurs in most insects with three valvu- 
lar components in the ovipositor. In Gryllidae, as in Acrididae, the 
second valvulae remain rudimentary. 

The primitive segmental relations of the valvifers in Gryllidae are 
somewhat confused in the final development of the basal mechanism of 
the ovipositor. Each first valvifer, as we have seen, in the last nymphal 
stage of Gryllus (fig. 21 G) has a posterior lobe (y) interposed be- 
tween the base of the third valvula (3/7) and the small lateral sclerite 
of the ninth segment (*), which latter has become closely associated 
with the lower edge of the ninth tergum (JXT). In the adult cricket 
(7) the sclerite x is solidly fused with the lobe y and thus becomes 

virtually a part of the definitive first valvifer, by which the latter 
articulates with the ninth tergum; but the sclerite acquires also a 
flexible union with the second valvifer (2V/f), which gives the two 
valvifers on the same side a point of motion on each other. This 
same structure and mechanism occurs in other members of the same 
family (1, J, K). In the Gryllidae, therefore, the definitive first valvi- 
fer is a composite plate formed of the true first valvifer and of a small 
dorsal sclerite derived from the coxopodite region of the ninth seg- 
ment, and thus acquires its secondary articulations with the ninth 
tergum and with the second valvifer. In the Tettigoniidae the valvifers 
have a simpler structure, and in the nymph (fig. 21 D) each is a small 
plate (1V lf, 2VIf) in its respective segment; those of the first pair 
are entirely separated from the small eighth sternum (VJ//Stn). 

It will now be of interest to study the development of the ovipositor 
in a member of the Acrididae in order to discover 1f possible the nature 
of the disparity, so evident in the adult structure, between the acridid 
type of ovipositor and that characteristic of other insects. In a very 
young nymph of Melanoplus (fig. 22 A) the ventral plates of both 
genital segments are well developed and of approximately equal size. 
Rudiments of the first valvulae are evident as a pair of flattened lobes 
(1V1) slightly protruding from behind the sternum of the eighth 
segment ; but the third valvulae (3/’/) already have the form of small 
conical processes arising from the posterior part of the ninth sternum. 
Here, then, we encounter again the same differences in the relations 
of the valvulae to the sternal plates as was observed in Gryllidae and 
Tettigoniidae, namely, the origin of the first valvulae behind the 
sternum of their segment, and that of the third valvulae directly from 
the sternal plate. At a later stage in the growth of Melanoplus (B, C) 
the first valvulae have become conical processes, and the small second 
valvulae (C, 2V1) have appeared between the bases of the third val- 
vulae. From this stage to that of the adult but few external changes 
take place in the ovipositor. The intervalvular sclerites are developed 
medially before and behind the bases of the valvulae of the ninth 
segment, the ninth sternal region becomes otherwise reduced, while 
the eighth sternum increases its length and acquires a small median 
process on its posterior border, which is to be the egg guide. The 
valvulae take on the form characteristic of the adult, and those of 
the first and third pairs become densely sclerotic in the mature insect. 

The acridid ovipositor is thus seen to be an organ formed entirely 
of the valvulae, there being no differentiation of valvifers in the cox- 
opodite areas of either genital segment. In the eighth segment the 
coxopodite areas must lie in the membrane behind the eighth sternum 


(fig. 22 A), but they are never apparent as specific structures. The 
coxopodites of the ninth segment, on the other hand, are evidently 
contained in the posterolateral parts of the apparent ninth sternum 
of the very young nymph (A, /XS) ; later they appear as distinct 
membranous lateral areas (C, 1X Capd) from which the third valvulae 
(3V1) project as direct continuations, and from which the small sec- 
ond valvulae (2V1) arise medially as endite lobes. The coxopodite 
areas remain membranous in the adult. The true sternal region of 



Fic. 22.—Development of the ovipositor of Acrididae. 

A, ventral view of end of abdomen of first instar nymph of Melanoplus, show- 
ing first valvulae as small lobes arising between eighth and ninth sterna, and 
third valvulae as processes of ninth sternal plate. B, later stage of same, lateral 
view. CC, same as last, ventral view, showing intermediate second valvulae. 
D, valvulae of ninth segment seen as processes of the coxopodite areas, in which 
valvifers are not formed in Acrididae. 

the ninth segment becomes reduced to a narrow median band between 
the bases of the valvulae, which includes the areas (D, aiv, piv) 
in which finally will be formed the intervalvular sclerites. 

From the above it seems clear that the peculiar feature of the acri- 
did ovipositor is the lack of valvifer sclerites, a conclusion which 
might be deduced also from the absence of dorsal muscles correspond- 
ing with the tergovalvifer muscles of other insects. A different view 
of the matter, however, has been taken by Nel (1929), who contends 
that the manner and place of origin of the two first-formed pairs of 
ovipositor processes leave no doubt that the latter are serially ho- 


mologous, while the absence of median lobes between the processes of 
the eighth segment shows that true gonapophyses are not developed 
on the gonopods of this segment. Nel concludes, therefore, that the 
first and third valvulae are developments of the gonocoxae, and that 
the second valvulae have no morphological equivalents on the eighth 
segment. As we have seen, however, the valvular processes of the 
eighth and ninth segments do not have a similar place of origin rela- 
tive to the sternal regions or plates of their segments, and that a com- 
parison of the development of the ovipositor of Acrididae with that 
of Gryllidae and Tettigoniidae shows clearly that the elements of the 
usual ovipositor that are absent in the acridid organ are the valvifers, 
which are the true representatives of the coxopodites. It may still 
be difficult to prove that the first valvulae are gonapophyses homo- 
dynamous with the second valvulae, and not coxal processes corre- 
sponding with the third valvulae; but the identical relations of the 
first and second valvulae to their respective valvifers in most insects, 
and the fact that these valvulae constitute the usual blades in the shaft 
of the ovipositor, to which the third valvulae are mere ensheathing 
lobes, leaves little basis for questioning the apparent and generally 
accepted homologies of the ovipositor components. There can be no 

doubt, at least, that the prongs of the acridid ovipositor correspond ° 

with the valvulae of the ovipositor of other insects. 


The females of Acrididae lay their eggs in holes made by the ovi- 
positor ; most species dig the egg cavity in the ground, a few bore into 
decayed wood or into the stems of living plants. The ovipositor, there- 
fore, is both an excavating and an egg-laying instrument. In pene- 
trating an even soil the abdomen usually extends downward in a 
slanting direction from the insect and then turns more or less parallel 
with the surface of the ground (fig. 23 F) ; the curvature of the ex- 
tended abdomen is perhaps attributable to the fact that the protractor 
muscles of the abdominal sterna (fig. 8, 145-204) have no dorsal op- 
position, since the external muscles of the back are transverse in posi- 
tion and give a lateral twist to the segments on one another. The shape 

of the burrow, however, is subject to much irregularity, especially | 

where ovipositing insects are crowded on a small area, or where 
obstacles are encountered in the soil. When the abdomen is fully 
extended it may reach a length two or three times that of its usual 
retracted condition. The great extension of the abdomen is made pos- 
sible by the size of the conjunctival membranes ordinarily inflected 
between the sclerotic parts of the segments (fig. 23 A, E). 


The excavation of the egg cavity in the ground and the deposition 
of the eggs therein have frequently been described in a general way, 
but the process has been closely studied in the case of Anacridium 
aegyptium by Fedorov (1927), who confined females of this species 
in cages each having a narrow, glass-walled extension of the floor, 
7mm wide, filled with earth. The diameter of the female’s abdomen 
being 7 mm, the procedure of digging and oviposition could be ob- 
served and photographed. 

The female grasshopper, according to Fedorov’s account, at the be- 
ginning of excavation arches her abdomen upward and directs the tip 
of the ovipositor downward against the soil. The valves of the ovi- 
positor now begin opening and closing, making a hole in the earth, 
and the ovipositor gradually enters deeper and deeper, while the ab- 
domen extends. The lengthening of the abdomen is accompanied by 
an unfolding of the conjunctival membranes principally between seg- 
ments IV and V, V and VI, and VI and VII, and to a lesser degree 
of those between segments J// and JV, and VII and VIII. The seg- 
ments beyond the eighth do not extend, but are even more closely 
drawn together than usual. The entire extended abdomen may reach 
a length of 9 or 10 cm, its ordinary length being about 3$ cm. While 
digging, the part of the abdomen beyond the sixth segment twists 
through an angle of go°, now to one side, now to the other. The 
entire process of excavating the cavity in suitable earth without special 
obstacles takes from 1 to 14 hours. “ The whole complex work of 
digging,’ Fedorov says, “ may be analyzed as consisting of the follow- 
ing simple movements: (1) putting the valves of the ovipositor to- 
gether, (2) a jerk downward, and (3) opening the valves; apart 
from that the ovipositor is turned by muscles now to the left, now to 
the right.” 

Most observers of ovipositing grasshoppers have been much puzzled 
to understand the mechanism of the digging apparatus, or particularly 
the means by which the abdomen is extended to such a great length 
and apparently with sufficient force to penetrate the earth. Kunckel 
d’Herculais (1894) noted that the fully extended abdomen of Schisto- 
cerca peregrina has a length of 8 cm, while the retracted abdomen, 
though filled with eggs, is only 5 cm long. On dissecting specimens 
with the abdomen protruded at maximum length he found the ali- 
mentary canal to contain air; by letting out the air the abdomen could 
be restored to its ordinary size. Hence he concluded that the digging 
insects swallow air into the alimentary tract in order to give the 
abdomen the necessary extension, the surrounding blood serving to 
regulate the pressure. Contrary to the opinion of most writers, 


Kunckel d’Herculais says, the muscles play only a secondary role in 
the expansion of the abdomen. It has been suggested also that the 
abdomen is distended by blood pressure created by a contraction of 
the thorax, but Grasse (1922) observes that there is no external evi- 
dence of any such contraction. A contraction of the tergosternal 
abdominal muscles might be supposed to extend the abdomen length- 
wise, but these muscles could not produce the extreme elongation 

Fic. 23.—Oviposition of Acrididae. 

A, Schistocerca peregrina, showing extent to which the female abdomen can 
be pulled out without tearing the conjunctival membranes (from Vosseler, 1905). 
B, C, two attitudes of Chrysochraon dispar ovipositing in cut ends of raspberry 
stems (from photographs by Ramme, 1927). D, E, diagrams showing relative 
lengths of retracted and extended abdomen of Chrysochraon dispar (from Ramme, 
1927). F, grasshopper ovipositing in the ground, showing usual position of ab- 
domen (from Walton, 1916). 

attained during the digging process. Grasse maintained that the ex- 
planation of Kiinckel d’Herculais is correct, since he was able to 
demonstrate the extension of the abdomen by gently inflating the ali- 
mentary canal with a pipette inserted into the mouth of the insect and 
ligatured in the oesophagus through a hole at the back of the head. 
However, a different explanation of the abdominal extension has been 
proposed by Fedorov (1927), who says: ‘* When the abdomen is fully 
extended it becomes obvious that the expansion is due to the air-sacs ; 



one can see that the rhythmical movements of the abdomen, which ap- 
parently facilitate the work of the spiracles, result in the filling of the 
sacs with air, in their expansion and in the expansion of the abdomen.” 
In his summary Fedorov definitely states: ‘“ Inflation of the air-sacs is 
the cause of the expansion of the abdomen.” 

Without having made more than casual observations on egg-laying 
female grasshoppers, the writer, after studying carefully the mechan- 
ism of the ovipositor, has no hesitation in saying that the above ex- 
planations of the extension of the abdomen during the digging process 
are not only highly improbable, but are quite unnecessary. It is true 
that the muscles of the abdomen are entirely inadequate to distend the 
telescopic abdominal tube to the length observed, and, as we have 
seen, the protractor muscles that are present are limited to the sternal 
region. Furthermore, the writer has frequently observed that females 
of Dissosteira carolina taken in late summer and fall have all the mus- 
cles of the visceral part of the abdomen in a very lax and apparently 
' semidegenerate condition, contrary to what is found in the male. There 
is no reason to doubt the observations of Kiinckel d’Herculais that 
the alimentary canal contains air during the digging process, or that 
of Grasse that an inflation of the food tract will distend the abdomen : 
nor is there any reason to question the statement of Fedorov that the 
air sacs become expanded as the abdomen lengthens. It is, however, 
quite too much to believe that the observed inflation of the alimentary 
canal or of the air sacs could be the means by which the abdomen is 
thrust out with sufficient pressure against the ovipositor to drive the 
latter into the ground. Insects can and do swallow air in sufficient 
amount to distend the body, as in moulting, but there is no demon- 
strated mechanism by which they can pump air into the air sacs and 
distend these delicate vesicles against any considerable opposing 

An examination of the mechanism of the grasshopper’s ovipositor 
shows that the latter is an organ fully competent to dig its own way 
into the ground; it is a boring machine, which, once set in motion 
with its prongs against the soil, must automatically bury itself, and 
in so doing it will stretch the easily extended abdomen to its full 
capacity, so long as the insect maintains its hold on the surface of 
the ground. There is thus no question of the abdomen forcing the 
ovipositor into the earth; the ovipositor digs the hole and pulls the 
abdomen in after it. The extension of the abdomen undoubtedly in- 
volves a distention of the air sacs, and is probably facilitated by an 
active swallowing of air on the part of the insect; in fact, if the ab- 
domen is actually increased in bulk by the drawing apart of its seg- 


ments, it becomes a matter of necessity that there should be a com- 
pensation from some source, and the expansion of the air sac would 
take place automatically as in the inspiratory phase of breathing. The 
observed filling of the stomach and air sacs with air, therefore, is 
certainly not the active cause of the elongation of the abdomen; it 
seems much more probable that the inflation of these organs, fol- 
lowed by a closure of the mouth and spiracles, serves to maintain 
the extension of the abdomen when the valvulae of the ovipositor are 
closed, since the latter has then no means of holding its position in 
the earth. 

If we consider the several digging movements of the ovipositor con- 
cisely enumerated by Fedorov, we can readily correlate them with mus- 
cles in the motor apparatus. The preliminary closing of the valvulae is 
effected by the muscles of the anterior intervalvula (fig. 17 D, C, 247, 
273); the downward thrust must be produced by the protractors 
inserted on the ends of the lateral apodemes (C, 256, 262) ; the open- 
ing of the valvulae is the work of the powerful levators and depressors 
(A, B, 271, 272) ; the twisting movements of the abdomen are ac- 
complished by the transverse outer dorsal muscles between the suc- 
cessive tergal plates (fig. 11 B, C). In addition to these muscles there 
are the lateral retractors of the dorsal valvulae (fig. 17 C, 263), evi- 
dently capable of pulling the ovipositor back into the genital segments. 
The muscular equipment of the ovipositor, therefore, is such that there 
is no need to invoke any other mechanism to account for the operation 
of the digging apparatus and the stretching of the abdomen than that 
of the ovipositor itself. 

Species of Acrididae known to oviposit in dead wood or in the stems 
of plants include Chloealtis conspersa Harris of North America, and 
Chrysochraon dispar Germ. of Europe. Females of Dissosteira caro- 
lina are often to be seen along railroad tracks with the end of the 
abdomen inserted into a decayed part of a tie, though, so far as 
the writer knows, there is no record of their eggs being deposited in 
such places. 

Chloealtis conspersa is said by Scudder (1874) to select for ovi- 
position short sticks of decaying, charred, or pithy wood, but never 
to choose upright pieces of timber. ‘‘ The holes,’’ Scudder says, “ are 
pierced at a slight angle to the perpendicular, away from the insect ; 
they are straight for about a quarter of an inch, then turn abruptly and 
run horizontally along the grain for about an inch. The eggs (from 10 
to 14 in number) are almost always laid in the horizontal portion of 
the nest.’ Blatchley (1920) also records observations on the wood- 
excavating habits of the same species. One female he discovered in 


the act of boring a hole in the upper edge of the topmost board of a 
six-plank fence. ‘ The abdomen,” he says “ was curved downward, 
and the toothed forcipate valves of the ovipositor used as pincers with 
which small pieces of wood were broken off.” Within a distance of 
30 feet on the top boards of the same fence, which were perfectly 
sound pine, he found 15 other holes, but none of them contained eggs, 
the wood apparently being too hard for the proper completion of 
the borings. Cavities made in stumps and logs, however, were found 
to have eggs in the horizontal part of each. 

The oviposition habits of Chrysochraon dispar have been recorded 
by Ramme (1927), who says that all nests found in the neighborhood 
of Berlin except one were in stems of raspberry bushes, though other 
observers report finding them in rotten poplar stumps and in broken 
stems of Angelica sylvestris. Ramme studied the insects in cages, 
where they were supplied with short pieces of raspberry stems stuck 
into moist sand. A female about to oviposit, he says, crawls up a 
stem; reaching the cut top she examines the pith with her antennae, 
and then climbs over the top and down the opposite side a short dis- 
tance. As soon as the ovipositor touches the pith it begins digging into 
the latter, and soon forms a hole in which the end of the abdomen dis- 
appears (fig. 23 B); deeper and deeper it sinks until after a half 
hour or an hour the cavity is completed (C). Woody as well as fresh 
stems are accepted. When the boring is finished, the abdomen is 
buried to the fourth or at least to the middle of the fifth segment (I). 
The length of the abdomen beyond this point is ordinarily only 1 or 
ti cm (D), but during the digging process it may be stretched to a 
length of 4 cm. In cages Ramme found that the insects were unable 
to penetrate the stems unless they had access to the cut tops of the 
latter, from which he concludes that in nature they must use injured 
or broken canes. In each nest 12 to 30 eggs are deposited, placed 
obliquely one above the other. 

The action of the ovipositor in manipulating the eggs issuing from 
the oviduct has not received as much attention from students of 
acridian behavior as have the processes of digging and oviposition. 
Judging from the anatomical relation of the gonopore to the egg guide 
and the ovipositor (fig. 20 A), it is clear that an issuing egg must be 
conducted by the egg guide posteriorly and upward between the bases 
of the free parts of the ventral valvulae. The eggs are normally so 
oriented in the oviduct that the anterior pole (the head end of the 
future embryo) is anterior ; the protruding egg, therefore, has its pos- 
terior pole directed posteriorly and upward. Riley (1878) says the 

- 66 


newly emerging egg is received between the closed valvulae, and he 
figures it as being extruded upward and posteriorly from between the 
dorsal valvulae; at least, he assures us, this is what we should see 
if we could manage to watch a female” during oviposition. If the 
female grasshopper habitually curves the end of her abdomen forward, 
as shown in Riley’s familiar illustration, the eggs extruded in this 
way would naturally take the proper position in the nest with their 
anterior ends upward and sloped toward the exit. Most studies of 
the egg cavity, however, show that the burrow, when unobstructed, 
extends obliquely downward and backward from the insect. In this 
case the eggs must be tilted in a direction opposite that of their first 
position, namely, with the anterior pole upward and forward, if the 
young grasshopper is to have an easy escape from the nest. 

Observations by Giardina (1901) on the extrusion of the eggs by 
females of Pamphagus marmoratus, which oviposited on the bottoms 
of cardboard boxes in which they were confined, seem to show that 
each egg is revolved through an angle of 45° as it leaves the ovipositor. 
Giardina observes that each egg issuing from the oviduct is conducted 
by the egg guide posteriorly and upward into the ovipositor, where 
it is at first received and held in this position between the ventral 
valvulae ; but at this time the upper and lower valvulae are wide open, 
and the prongs of the lower valvulae are somewhat separated. Now, 
however, the valves suddenly close, and the egg is thrust between the 
dorsal valvulae, where it remains suspended until the arrival of the 
next egg, which causes the first to take a horizontal position with the 
posterior pole directed backward. Finally, with the advent of a third 
egg, the first, already liberated from the ovipositor, receives another 
push, which tilts it into a third position in which the anterior pole is 
directed upward and forward, 7. e., obliquely toward the upper wall 
and the exit of the nest (fig. 23 F). 

The issuing eggs are always accompanied by a large amount of 
viscous frothy material, which soon hardens and forms the much- 
vacuolated mass enclosing the eggs, known as the “ egg pod.” The 
foamy nature of the egg covering is said to be imparted to the liquid 
fresh substance by movements of the valvulae. The female Acrididae 
lack the usual accessory glands of the genital apparatus that ordinarily 
form whatever adhesive or covering material is extruded with the 
eggs ; the substance of the acridid egg pods is produced in long glandu- 
lar diverticula of the anterior ends of the large calyces of the lateral 
oviducts, and is discharged with the eggs through the gonopore. 



The external genital structures of the male are so different in the 
grasshoppers from these organs in other Orthoptera that little attempt 
will be made here to establish homologies between the acridid organs 
and the various types of genital structures found in the other orthop- 
teroid families. Walker (1922) has presented a plausible though 
theoretical scheme for tracing the evolution of the male organs in 
the Orthoptera, and his ideas will be discussed in a future, more 
general paper. The acridid genitalia have been but little studied from 
a comparative standpoint, and only one writer (Hubbell, 1932) has 
attempted to make use of their characters for taxonomic purposes. 
The basic structure of the organs is surprisingly alike throughout the 
family, but there can be no doubt that distinctive specific variations 
are well marked in many cases. 


The terminal part of the adult male abdomen in both Acrididae and 
Tetrigidae is characterized by a great enlargement of the ninth ster- 
num, and by a partial or complete separation of the latter into a 
proximal part and a distal part that are more or less movable on 
eachpotner (fies. 27 A; 32-A. 35 A. 26°58, 30,4, EXS, IXSi)e athe 
proximal sternal plate (J/X.S) may be designated the ninth sternum 
proper; the distal lobe (XSL) is the male subgenital plate. Styli 
are absent in all Acridoidea, but if they were present on the ninth 
abdominal segment they undoubtedly would be carried by the genital 
lobe of the sternum, and for this reason the lobe is sometimes re- 
garded as representing the united coxopodites of the ninth segment. 
Since, however, in the young male nymph there is no suggestion of 
the later division of the ninth sternum, it seems probable that the 
two sternal plates of the adult are the result of a secondary subdivision 
of the usual coxosternum of the ninth segment without reference to 
its more primitive composition. 

The subgenital lobe of the ninth sternum is usually turned upward 
on the end of the proximal plate, and its dorsal margin may be tightly 
closed against the lobes of the eleventh segment (figs. 29 A, 30 A, 
34 A). More generally, however, there is continued forward from 
the free margin of the subgenital plate a thick membrane, the pallium 
(fig. 33 A, Pal), which presents a rounded or hoodlike dorsal surface 
closing the space between the upper end of the genital plate and the 
eleventh segment. Behind the latter the pallium is always deeply 
inflected to form the posterior wall of the genital chamber (fig. 24 A, 


Pal’). In the Tetrigidae the exposed dorsal part of the pallium forms 
a long valvelike flap containing two elongate plates (fig. 27 A, B, 
Pil’lv). In Tettigidea the plates are separated by a median mem- 
branous line (B), but in Acrydium and Paratettix, according to 
Walker (1922), the pallial valve is armed between the plates with a 
pair of bars terminating anteriorly in upcurved hooks. 

The male genital chamber of the Acrididae (fig. 24 A, GC) has 
the usual relations of the male genital pouch to the ninth and tenth 

ae Pine 
Lene Papt An Pal 
| uy i 

Fic. 24—Diagrams showing the general structure of the male genitalia of 

A, vertical longitudinal section of end of male abdomen somewhat to left of 
median plane, showing the organs contained in the genital chamber (GC), and 
the endophallus (Enph) projecting into the body cavity. B, the aedeagus and 
its basal apodemes. C, the aedeagus and endophallus. 

Aed, aedeagus; An, anus; Apa, aedeagal apodeme; bf, basal fold; Dey, ductus 
ejaculatorius; dl, dorsal lobe of aedeagus; ejs, ejaculatory sac; Enph, endophal- 
lus; Epph, epiphallus; Eppt, epiproct; GC, genital chamber; /XS', sternum of 
ninth abdominal segment; /X. SL, genital lobe of ninth sternum; Pal, pallium; 
Pal', inner fold of pallium; Papt, paraproct; Phtr, pallotreme (external opening 
of endophallus) ; Rect, rectum; sps, spermatophore sac of endophallus ; v/, ventral 
lobe of aedeagus; XT, tergum of tenth abdominal segment, X./”, venter of tenth 
segment. (For alphabetical lettering see fig. 25.) 

abdominal segments—that is, it is an invagination cavity between 
the end of the ninth sternum and the venter of the tenth segment. 
Owing to the vertical position of the subgenital plate, however, and 
the forward extension of the pallium from the latter, the opening of 
the cavity is dorsal between the eleventh segment and the inflected 
margin of the pallium. The anterior part of the genital chamber is 
covered by the ventral walls of the tenth and eleventh segments, the 
posterior part by the hood of the pallium. The floor of the chamber 
usually slopes downward posteriorly from the venter of the tenth 
segment (X./’) to the base of the inner pallial fold (Pal’). 


The phallic organs of the Acrididae consist of a complex of struc- 
tures arising from the floor of the genital chamber (fig. 24 A), and 
ordinarily they are entirely enclosed within the genital chamber. 
Posteriorly is the intromittent organ, or aedeagus (Aed), which has 
an upright position and is lodged in the pocket beneath the pallial 
hood. In front of the aedeagus is a broad sloping area of the genital 
chamber floor, often rounded and elevated, which rises posteriorly 
in a prominent transverse basal fold (bf) that more or less conceals 
the proximal part of the aedeagus. In the anterior pocket of the 
genital chamber, seated transversely on the floor of the latter beneath 
the venter of the tenth abdominal segment, is the epiphallus (Epph), 
a large irregular sclerite characteristic of the Acrididae. 

The aedeagus (fig. 24 A, Aed) is a complex organ, somewhat 
variable in the relative size and shape of its parts in different genera, 
but having a constant basic structure that can be recognized in all 
cases without difficulty. It consists essentially of an irregular dorsal 
lobe (dl), and of a simple ventral lobe (vl). Because of the vertical 
position of the organ the dorsal lobe is anterior and the ventral lobe 
posterior. These two principal parts of the acridid aedeagus are 
apparently to be identified with corresponding lobes of the intromit- 
tent organ in Tettigoniidae; the ventral lobe is the most constant 
structural feature of the diverse copulatory apparatus of Blattidae, 
Mantidae, Tettigoniidae, and Gryllidae, since it always has the form 
of a soft or partly sclerotized flap projecting below the external 
genital opening. In the Acrididae the outer genital aperture, or phallo- 
treme, is a vertical cleft in the entire length of the ventral (posterior ) 
surface of the dorsal lobe of the aedeagus (figs. 24 C, 37C, Phtr), 
but the ventral lobe (vl) projects beneath its proximal part, and thus 
has the same relation to the genital opening as has the corresponding 
lobe in the families above mentioned. 

The dorsal lobe of the aedeagus is divided typically into a broad 
proximal part (fig. 24 B, m), and a smaller, usually cylindrical distal 
part (r), from the end of which there project two pairs of apical 
processes (n, ~). In some forms, however, the distal part of the 
aedeagus is small or absent, and in such cases the apical processes are 
generally relatively large (fig. 31 C) and are carried directly by the 
proximal part (7). The distal part of the dorsal lobe is best developed 
in the Cyrtacanthacrinae (fig. 37 A). Both the distal and the proximal 
parts of the dorsal lobe are deeply cleft posteriorly by the phallotreme 
(figs. 24 C, 37 C, Phtr), which invades the extremity of the organ 
between the apical processes, and extends proximally to the base of 
the ventral lobe. 



The lateral walls of the proximal part of the dorsal aedeagal lobe 
(fig. 24 B, m) are usually strongly sclerotized and are often produced 
dorsally in a pair of rounded lobes. The lateral sclerotizations are 
continued anteriorly into a pair of large aedeagal apodemes (Apa) 
invaginated in deep lateral pockets beneath the basal fold (A, B, bf) 
that arches over the base of the aedeagus. Within the dorsal part of 
this fold, in the wall of its ventral lamella, the bases of the apodemes 
are solidly united with each other by a strong, transverse sclerotic 
bridge, or sygoma (B, 2). The aedeagal apodemes are the “ enda- 
pophyses”’ of Walker (1922), and the zygoma the “arch of the 
endapophyses.” The aedeagal apodemes give attachment to muscles 
inserted on the walls of the endophallus. 

The ventral lobe of the aedeagus has the form of a broad trough- 
like fold (fig. 24 A, vl), usually membranous though sometimes more 
or less sclerotized, extending upward from the floor of the genital 
chamber at the base of the inner fold of the pallium (Pal’), and 
closely embracing the base of the dorsal lobe of the aedeagus. It thus 
conceals the lower part of the phallotreme. The ventral aedeagal lobe 
is termed the “ subventral lobe” by Walker (1922). 

The most highly developed and characteristic feature of the acridid 
phallic apparatus is a large endophallic structure deeply invaginated 
from the phallotreme into the ventral part of the ninth abdominal 
segment (fig. 24 A, C, Enph). The walls of the endophallus are 
covered by broad plaques of muscle fibers, which give the structure 
the appearance of a strong muscular bulb (fig. 25 C, E, F). It is 
necessary to remove these muscles in order to study the skeletal details 
of the endophallus as presented in the following descriptions. 

The long, vertical, slitlike phallotreme opens directly into a laterally 
compressed cavity of the dorsal lobe of the aedeagus. At the base 
of the latter this open cleft passes into a short tubular meatus, which 
leads into a large inner chamber of the endophallus. In each lateral 
wall of the phallotreme cleft are two elongate parallel sclerites (fig. 
24C, 0, q), from the outer ends of which project the external apical 
processes (7, p). The dorsal (anterior) sclerites (0) end proximally 
in the meatus, where they are connected with each other by a strong 
transverse arch (ft) in the dorsal wall of the passage. The ventral 
(posterior) sclerites (q) extend proximally beyond the dorsal sclerites 
a short distance, where they become much narrowed, and then each 
makes an abrupt sigmoid flexure (s) dorsally in the lateral wall of 
the meatus, beyond which it expands anteriorly as a large plate (w) 
in the lateral wall of the endophallic chamber. The anterior end of 
each lateral endophallic plate is produced beyond the lumen of the. 

Fic. 25——Male genitalia of Dissosteira carolina. 

A, the phallic organs exposed by removal of tenth and eleventh segments and 
dorsal and lateral parts of ninth segment. B, lateral view of epiphallus and 
aedeagus with supporting floor of genital chamber. C, lateral view of phallic 
organs after removal of muscles 266 and 267 (A), showing muscles of endo- 
phallic bulb. D, dorsal view of phallic organs and floor of genital chamber. 
FE, aedeagus and endophallic bulb, ventral view. F, same, dorsal view. G, 
median section of aedeagus and endophallus, with terminus of ejaculatory duct. 
H, lateral view of endophallus, distal part of aedeagus, and terminus of ejacu- 
latory duct, muscles removed. 

For abbreviations, see fig. 24. g, sclerites giving insertion to retractor muscles 
(261); h, lateral lobe of epiphallus; i, bridge of epiphallus; 7, anterior 
process of epiphallus; k, posterior process of epiphallus; m, proximal part of 
dorsal lobe of aedeagus; n, anterior (dorsal) apical process of aedeagus; 0, 
anterior (dorsal) lateral sclerite of phallotreme cleft; p, posterior (ventral ) 
apical process of aedeagus; q, posterior (ventral) lateral sclerite of phallotreme 
cleft; 7, distal part of dorsal lobe of aedeagus; s, arm of posterior phallotreme 
sclerite (q) continuous with endophallic plate («); t, bridge of anterior phallo- 
treme sclerites (0); wu, lateral plate of endophallus; w, anterior apodeme of 
endophallic plate; x, dorsal edge of endophallic plate; vy, gonopore process of 
endophallic plate; s, zvgoma of aedeagal apodemes. 



endophallus as a broad apodeme (zw) for muscle attachments. The 
endophallic plates are the “ endoparameres ”’ of Walker (1922), who 
believes that they are representatives of external or variously invagi- 
nated plates or processes (“‘ parameres’’) of other Orthoptera. By 
comparison with Tettigoniidae it does appear probable that the endo- 
phallus of Acrididae is produced as an invagination of the posterior 
surface of the dorsal lobe of the aedeagus. 

The cavity of the endophallus is mostly a narrow vertical space 
between the lateral endophallic plates, but its posterior membranous 
part, somewhat expanded behind the oblique posterior margins of 
the lateral plates, forms a distinct section of the lumen, and may be 
designated the spermatophore sac (fig. 24C, sps). The ejaculatory 
duct (Dej) opens into the ventral part of the spermatophore sac 
through a terminal ejaculatory sac (ejs). The aperture between the 
two sacs is the true gonopore. Dorsally the spermatophore sac com- 
municates with the phallotreme cleft in the dorsal lobe of the aedeagus 
through the meatus at the base of the latter. From the lower anterior 
angle of each lateral endophallic plate a long process (y) projects 
backward in the membranous connecting wall between the spermato- 
phore sac and the ejaculatory sac. The two processes thus closely 
embrace the gonopore (fig. 29 E, F, fig. 33 C), and, as will be shown 
later, by the action of the endophallic muscles they regulate the open- 
ing and closing of the gonopore. Lateral vesicles of the ejaculatory 
sac, such as are present in most other Orthoptera, are absent in the 

The curious sclerite known as the epiphallus is a very prominent 
feature of the acridid genitalia. It is situated on the floor of the 
anterior pocket of the genital chamber beneath the venter of the 
tenth and eleventh segments (fig. 24 A, Epph), and is separated from 
the aedeagus by the sloping surface that culminates posteriorly in the 
hoodlike fold (bf) covering the base of the aedeagus. The morpho- 
logical nature of the epiphallus is doubtful, since the sclerite cannot 
be satisfactorily identified with any part of the phallic structure 
in other insects. The plate is termed the “ pseudosternite” by 
Walker (1922) and by Ford (1923). It has muscular connections 
both with the ninth sternum and with the zygoma of the aedeagal 
apodemes. In form the epiphallus is an irregular transverse sclerite 
(fig. 31 B) consisting of two expanded lateral lobes (h, h) connected 
by a narrow median bridge (i). Anteriorly the lateral lobes bear a 
pair of hooklike processes (7) directed forward, and posteriorly each 
is produced upward in a large thick irregular transverse process (F). 
Closely associated with the epiphallus laterally are two small oval 


sclerites (g) in the floor of the genital chamber (figs. 25 D, 33 B, 
35 B), on which are inserted strong muscles (261) from the lateral 
parts of the ninth abdominal tergum. 

The aedeagus is ordinarily entirely concealed within the posterior 
part of the genital chamber beneath the hood of the pallium (fig. 
24 A). In the protracted condition, however, the organ is exposed 
by a retraction of its coverings (fig. 33 B). The genital lobe of the 
ninth sternum (/XSL) is now depressed, and the pallium is turned 
inside-out, appearing in this condition as a large posterior fold (Pal) 
around the base of the aedeagus, while the basal fold of the genital 
chamber floor (bf) correspondingly embraces the aedeagus anteriorly ; 
the epiphallus (Epph) has emerged from its pocket beneath the 
eleventh segment, and stands boldly exposed on the projected floor 
of the genital chamber anterior to the ensheathing folds of the 

The exsertion of the phallic organs would appear to be accomplished 
by pressure resulting from a contraction of the pregenital part of the 
abdomen, since there are no muscles connected with the genital organs 
capable of producing the protracted condition of the latter (fig. 33 B). 
The aedeagus apparently is held in the position of retraction by a 
broad sheet of muscles on each side (fig. 25 A, 260) arising medially 
on the ninth abdominal sternum and attached dorsally on the lateral 
margins of the genital chamber floor. To be exserted, the aedeagus 
must first be drawn forward from the pocket of the pallium; its 
release from the latter evidently is effected by the contraction of the 
strong muscles (D, 261) inserted on the small sclerites (g) at the 
sides of the epiphallus, which take their origins on the lateral parts 
of the ninth tergum. The epiphallus itself is provided with a pair of 
large muscles (A, 267) arising medially on the ninth sternum, which 
curve upward around the anterior end of the endophallic bulb and 
insert on the lateral lobes (i) of the epiphallus. It is probable that 
a contraction of these muscles brings about an elevation of the distal 
parts of the phallic apparatus, and that pressure from within the 
abdomen then protrudes the aedeagus. A second pair of epiphallic 
muscles (B, 278) arises posteriorly on the zygoma of the aedeagal 
apodemes and extends anteriorly to the lateral lobes of the epiphallus. 
The action of these muscles is not clear, but the muscles undoubtedly 
play some part in the function of the epiphallus in copulation. 

The following description of the musculature of the aedeagus and 
endophallus is based on a study of Dissosteira carolina, but a cursory 
examination of the other species suggests that the musculature and 
mechanism of the acridid male organs are the same throughout the 


Two pairs of small muscles lie within the aedeagus, both arising 
within the base of the latter (fig. 25 B); those of one pair (279) 
extend dorsally to the lateral plate (mm) in the proximal part of the 
dorsal lobe, those of the other pair (280) are attached distally on 
the ventral lobe. The other muscles of the aedeagus include the epi- 
phallic muscles (275) already mentioned, which arise on the zygoma 
of the apodemes, and muscles that functionally pertain to the 

The endophallus is mostly ensheathed in broad muscle plaques, 
which make of the organ a strong muscular bulb, into which opens 
the ejaculatory duct. The endophallic musculature comprises dilator 

Daa) EG Eppt Papi 
We ae oe 

/ / | \ 

De}j 267 IXS_ ejs 

Fic. 26.—Median vertical section of the end of the male abdomen of Dissosteira 
carolina showing the retracted position of the phallic organs. 

and compressor muscles of the endophallus, and compressors of the 
ejaculatory sac. The dilators of the endophallus include a pair of lat- 
eral muscles (fig. 25 C, E, 28r) anda pair of dorsal muscles (F, 282). 
The lateral dilators are wide sheets of muscle fibers arising dorsally 
on the aedeagal apodemes (C, Apa), and extending ventrally and 
anteriorly to the outer surfaces of the anterior apodemes of the lateral 
endophallic plates (C, E, w). The dorsal dilators, which likewise are 
broad sheets of fibers (F, 282), arise laterally on the inner margins 
of the aedeagal apodemes and are inserted mesally on the dorsal 
margins (4) of the endophallic plates. The single compressor muscle 
of the endophallus consists of a thick mass of fibers stretched trans- 
versely over the anterior end of the endophallic bulb (EF, F, G, 283) 

between the inner faces of the anterior apodemes of the lateral plates. 
The compressors of the ejaculatory sac are broad plaques of fibers 
closely applied to the lateral walls of the endophallus (C, E, 284) ; 
each arises on the entire outer wall of the lateral endophallic plate, 
and its fibers converge ventrally to their insertions on the lateral wall 
of the ejaculatory sac. In some cases a distinct branch of this muscle 
takes its origin on the endophallic apodeme (fig. 29 C, 284a). The 
ejaculatory duct has a strong sheath of circular fibers (fig. 25 E, 285) 
extending to the membranous terminal sac. 

The function of the endophallic muscles is to regulate the gonopore, 
i.e., the aperture of the ejaculatory sac into the spermatophore sac, 
and to drive the spermatophores through the gonopore, through the 
spermatophore sac of the endophallus, and through the phallotreme 
cleft of the aedeagus. If the endophallic cavity is opened from above 
by cutting its dorsal wall, and the lateral plates are spread apart (fig. 
33 C), the slitlike gonopore (Gpr) is to be seen in the floor of the 
spermatophore sac between the posterior ends of the convergent 
gonopore processes (y) of the lateral plates. The gonopore processes 
are hinged to each other by points of contact just before the anterior 
end of the gonopore; as a consequence, an approximation of the 
endophallic plates, produced naturally by a contraction of the muscle 
between their anterior apodemes (fig. 25 E, F, 283), results in an 
opening of the gonopore. 

The endophallic mechanism is well illustrated in Mermiria maculi- 
pennis (fig. 29 E, F). When the lateral plates are separated, as in the 
ordinary state (E), the gonopore (Gpr) is closed to a narrow slit ; 
but when the plates are brought together (F) the gonopore becomes 
a widely open aperture. Immediately beneath the gonopore is the 
membranous ejaculatory sac (fig. 25 G, H, ejs), which is a terminal 
enlargement ot the ejaculatory duct. The compressor muscles inserted 
on the lateral walls of the ejaculatory sac (C, E, 284) probably 
contract in unison with the compressor muscle of the endophallic 
plates, and force the spermatophore from the ejaculatory sac through 
the open gonopore into the spermatophore sac. The passage of the 
spermatophore through the spermatophore sac is not so easily ex- 
plained, in the absence of direct observations on the action of the endo- 
phallic apparatus, and it seems probable that the endophallic muscles 
must produce movements of the endophallic walls other than those con- 
cerned with the opening and closing of the gonopore and the com- 
pression of the ejaculatory sac described above. 

The male genitalia of the Tetrigidae, by comparison with the 
acridid organs, are not only very simple in structure, but, as observed 


by Walker (1922), they “are surprisingly unlike those of the Acridi- 
dae.” The phallus of Tettigidea lateralis (fig. 27D) consists of a 
low ovate elevation on the floor of the genital chamber beneath the 
pallial valve (C). Sclerites in the lateral walls of the organ converge 
and unite anteriorly in a median process armed with small spines. 
Between the lateral plates is a large, widely open, membranous cavity, 
into the bottom of which the ejaculatory duct opens anteriorly (D, 
Gpr). The posterior wall of the cavity is directly continuous with 
the inner membranous fold of the pallium (Pal’). The ejaculatory 



Fic. 27—Abdomen and male genitalia of Tettigidea lateralis (Tetrigidae). 

A, terminal part of abdomen. B, dorsal view of pallial valve (PIVIv) and 
anterior process of phallic organ. C, lateral view of ninth sternum and pallial 
valve, with phallic organ exposed beneath the latter. D, the phallic organ, dorsal 
view, with base of inner pallial fold. 

duct has strongly muscular walls, and groups of muscle fibers arising 
on the phallic sclerites are inserted on its terminal part. Coition is 
probably effected by evagination of the endophallic sac. According 
to Walker the external phallic plates of the tetrigid organ represent 
the epiphallus (‘‘ pseudosternite””) of the Acrididae; but the attach- 
ment of the ejaculatory muscles upon them would make it seem more 
probable that they are external representatives of the invaginated 
endophallic plates of the Acrididae. These plates, Walker himself 
contends, are derived from external plates or processes (“ para- 
meres’) of other Orthoptera. 


It is thus rather curious to find that, while the external parts of 
the male tetrigid abdomen (fig. 27 A) present the typical acridian 
characters, the structure of the phallic organs should have so little 
in common with these organs in the Acrididae. The male organs of 
Tridactylidae, furthermore, are entirely different from those either 
of the Tetrigidae or the Acrididae, which fact again is surprising 
considering the close resemblance of the female ovipositor in all three 
of these families. The lack of uniformity in the male organs, as 
compared with the female organs, suggests that the common basic 
structure of the phallus is something less fundamental than is that 
of the ovipositor. 


Preliminary to copulation the male grasshopper places himself well 
forward on the back of the female. With his fore legs he clasps the 
pronotum of the female, the claws holding at the notch in the anterior 
margin of the prothorax between the pronotum and the small exposed 
part of the episternum; the intermediate legs clasp the middle of 
the female’s body; the hind legs are held in various positions and 
take little part in the copulatory act. The male then lowers his ab- 
domen along the side of the female’s abdomen (in pictures almost 
invariably on the left side, but Boldyrev says, sometimes on the left, 
sometimes on the right). The genital lobe of the ninth segment of 
the male is now depressed and the phallic organs protruded, the dorsal 
lobe of the aedeagus being turned upward and forward. In order to 
expose the spermathecal aperture of the female, which receives the end 
of the male organ in copulation, the male, as described by Boldyrev 
(1929) for Locusta migratoria, depresses the subgenital plate of the 
female with the anterior hooks of the epiphallus. The penis is then 
introduced into the genital chamber between and beneath the ventral 
valves of the ovipositor and is inserted into the spermathecal canal. 
In Locusta migratoria, according to Boldyrev, the separation of the 
lower valves of the ovipositor by the organ of the male stretches the 
dorsal wall of the genital chamber and pulls back the folds that 
ordinarily conceal the spermathecal opening ; the latter is now “ opened 
wide and the penis is plunged into it right up to its base.’ The penis, 
or dorsal lobe of the aedeagus, in Locusta migratoria is long, slender, 
and tapering (fig. 32 B); in forms in which the terminal part is 
short and thick, as in Melanoplus (figs. 37, 38, 40), it seems hardly 
possible that the entire organ can be inserted ; probably in such cases 
only the apical processes enter the spermathecal orifice. During copu- 
iation the cerci of the male are said to grasp the base of the subgenital 

plate of the female, while the distal part of the plate is held down 
by the epiphallus. 

Paired grasshoppers remain thus together for a number of hours, 
or for a day or more, in some cases for more than two days, the 
duration of copulation apparently being determined by the length of 
time necessary for the formation of the spermatophore, or spermato- 
phores, and the transference of the latter to the female, or by the 
number of spermatophores produced. Individuals of each sex may 
have several successive matings. 

It is now well established for the Acrididae that during copulation 
the spermatozoa are transferred from the male to the female in true 
spermatophores, which, as defined by Cholodkowsky (1910), are 
sperm-containing capsules formed in the genital passage of the male. 
In some cases only a single spermatophore is produced at each mating, 
which, with one end remaining in the genital passage of the male 
and the other inserted well into the spermathecal duct of the female, 
forms a conduit from one individual to the other through which the 
sperm are discharged by the action of the endophallic apparatus of 
the male; in other cases a number of small spermatophores are in- 
jected into the female. The spermatozoa, as in Tettigoniidae and 
Gryllidae, are united by their head ends in bundles, or spermato- 

The spermatophores of Locusta nugratoria and their formation 
have been studied by Iwanowa (1926), Sokolow (1926), and Bol- 
dyrev (1929). It appears that normally only one spermatophore is 
produced by this species at a single mating. Iwanowa reports finding 
sometimes three or four spermatophores in the receptaculum of the 
female, but Boldyrev gives evidence that insemination is accomplished 
properly with one spermatophore, and that if the male attempts to 
insert a second into the spermathecal orifice the process is not natural 
and cannot result in the discharge of the spermatozoa. 

A spermatophore of Locusta migratoria, as described and figured 
by Boldyrev (fig. 32D), is an elongate structure with transparent 
walls, consisting of a proximal sac constricted into two bladderlike 
compartments, and of a long slender distal tube. The length of the 
entire spermatophore is usually 25 to 27 mm, but it may reach 29 or 
30 mm. The spermatophore thus greatly exceeds the length of the 
intromittent organ (fig. 32 B), since the latter measures not more 
than 5 or 6 mm from the gonopore at the bottom of the spermato- 
phore sac of the endophallus (sps) to the tips of the apical processes 
of the aedeagus. Only the distal tubular part of the spermatophore 
is introduced into the spermathecal canal. The extrusion of the tube, 


Boldyrev says, requires an hour or more, and the discharge of the 
sperm is not completed until 5$ to 18 hours after copulation begins, 
the time apparently being dependent on the temperature. On opening 
the genital organs of males killed during copulation, Boldyrev found 
that the first bladder of the spermatophore is held in the ejaculatory 
sac (fig. 32 B, ejs), while the second lies in the membranous part of 
the endophallic cavity here termed the spermatophore sac (sps). The 
long spermatophore tube extends through the phallotreme cleft and 
protrudes forward from the distal end of the aedeagus between the 
bases of the anterior apical processes (C) ; in copulation it is deeply 
inserted into the spermathecal duct. During mating the two sexes 
are thus united by a tubular conduit through which the sperm are 
driven by the action of the endophallic apparatus from the male into 
the female. At the end of copulation the spermatophore tube is not 
drawn out of the female, but is broken off near its base. The detached 
tube is retained a long time in the spermathecal canal; the basal part 
of the spermatophore is soon rejected from the male. 

With Anacridium aegyptium, as shown by Fedorov (1927), in- 
semination of the female is accomplished by the introduction of from 
6 to 30 spermatophores into the spermatheca, the usual number being 
from 12 to 18. In this species, however, the spermatophores are of 
relatively small size, about 1 mm in length. Each capsule is a hyaline 
body, broader at the anterior end, which.bears a small appendage easily 
broken off. The spermatophores are formed in the beginning of 
the ejaculatory duct, but they do not attain their final shape until they 
reach the terminal part of the aedeagus. Fedorov believes that the 
spermatophores are all prepared during copulation, and that this 
accounts for the length of the copulatory period—r14 or 2 hours 
being necessary for the completion of one capsule and its transference 
to the female. He finds thus that 6 to 12 spermatophores correspond 
with 18 to 24 hours of copulation, 18 to 24 with 36 hours, and 30 
with 60 hours. In about 4 to 6 hours after the beginning of copula- 
tion, Fedorov says, a milky-white jellylike mass containing the empty 
spermatophores that have been ejected from the spermatheca collects 
between the lower valves of the ovipositor where it becomes brittle 
and yellow as it dries, and after a few hours is lost, leaving no evi- 
dence of the insemination that has taken place. 


The following descriptions of the male genitalia of representative 
species of the several acridid subfamilies will serve to illustrate the 
nature of specific variations in the form of the organs, and will show 
the fundamental unity of structure throughout the family. 


Chorthippus bicolor Charp.—The Acridinae (Tryxalinae) have the 
typical acridid structure of the male genital organs, except that the 
distal part of the dorsal lobe of the aedeagus is suppressed, and the 
apical processes, which have the form of four long, closely appressed 
prongs, arise directly from the proximal part (figs. 28 E, 29 C). 

The structure of the male genital organs of Chorthippus bicolor 
is shown in figure 28. The aedeagus (E, Aed) includes a dorsal lobe 
(dl) and a ventral lobe (vl), but the former consists principally of 
the usual proximal part of the dorsal lobe (a), which bears directly 


Fic. 28.—Male genitalia of Chorthippus bicolor (Acridinae). 

A, end of abdomen. B, dorsal lobe of aedeagus and lateral apodeme, left side. 
C, aedeagal apodemes, dorsal view. D, epiphallus, dorsal view. E, phallic or- 
gans and floor of genital chamber, lateral view. FF, endophallus and distal 
part of aedeagus. 

the four large apical processes above noted (B, n, p). The aedeagal 
apodemes are well developed as long tapering arms extending forward 
from the base of the aedeagus (B, Apa) in deep invaginations be- 
neath the basal fold (E) ; their proximal parts are united by a strong 
zygoma (C, 2) in the under surface of the basal fold (B). From each 
of the apical processes of the aedeagus (F, 1, p) a sclerite extends 
proximally in the inner wall of the endophallic meatus (0, q). Here 
the extremities of the dorsal pair of sclerites are united by a wide 
dorsal bridge (Âą), while the tapering ends of the ventral sclerites are 
sharply bent upward (s) and then gradually expanded anteriorly to 


form the large lateral plates (w) of the endophalic walls. The ejacu- 
latory sac (ejs) opens ventrally into the spermatophore sac of the 
endophallus (sps) between the gonopore processes (y) of the lateral 
plates, and the spermatophore sac discharges through the wide meatus 
and the phallotreme. 

The epiphallus is a large sclerite of the usual type of structure 
(fig. 28 D) seated on the floor of the genital chamber (E, Epph) at 
the anterior end of the surface that forms the fold (bf) overlapping 
the base of the aedeagus. 


ith; SS 
284a 284 Ss 
Fic. 29.—Male genitalia of Mermiria maculipennis (Acridinae). 

A, end of abdomen. B, epiphallus. C, phallic organs with floor of genital 
chamber and muscles of endophallic bulb. D, endophallus and distal part of 
aedeagus. E, regulator mechanism of the gonopore, ventral view, closed. F, 
same, gonopore open. 

Mernuria maculipennis Bruner—The only differences in the male 
genitalia between this species and the last are in details of form and 
relative size of the parts (fig. 29). The epiphallus (B, C, Epph) has 
the usual shape ; the basal fold (C, bf) forms a large hoodlike cover- 
ing over the base of the aedeagus. The four large apical processes 
of the aedeagus, in the retracted condition, project dorsally from the 
supporting proximal part (m) of the dorsal lobe; the ventral lobe 
(vl) projects like a trough beneath the latter. The endophallus is 
large (D), but its lateral plates (w) with their apodemes (zw) and 
gonopore processes () are of typical form. The closing and opening 
mechanism of the gonopore is easily studied in this species (FE, F). 


Camnula pellucida (Scudder).—There is little in the structure of 
the male genitalia to distinguish this oedipodine species (figs. 30, 31) 
from the acridine species just described, though there are many 
differences to be noted in details of form and relative sizes of the 

Fic. 30—End of the male abdomen of Camnula pellucida (Oedipodinae). 
A, lateral view. B, dorsal view. 

Fic. 31.—Male genitalia of Camnula pellucida (Oedipodinae). 

A, the phallic organs situated on floor of genital chamber, and muscles of 
endophallic bulb. B, epiphallus, dorsal view, and associated retractor muscles. 
C, dorsal lobe of aedeagus and lateral apodeme, left side. D, endophallus and 
apical processes of aedeagus. 

parts. The epiphallus is large and strongly developed (fig. 31 A, 
Epph, B). The basal fold (A, bf) covers the base of the aedeagus 
in the usual manner. The dorsal lobe of the aedeagus consists of a 
small proximal part (C, m) bearing two strong apodemal arms 
(Apa), and of four long curved apical processes (7, P). The ventral 


lobe (A, vl) is unusually large and ensheaths much of the dorsal lobe. 
The endophallus has the typical form (D, Enph), with well-developed 
apodemes (z) and gonopore processes (/). 

Locusta migratoria L.—The aedeagus of Locusta migratoria is 
quite different in shape from that of the other species here described, 
but its peculiarities may be seen as an exaggeration of the structure in 
Camnula, The ventral lobe is very large and, in the retracted position 

Fic. 32—Male genitalia of Locusta migratoria (Oedipodinae), and acridid 

A, phallic organs on floor of genital chamber, with endophallus and ejaculatory 
sac beneath the latter. B, dorsal lobe of aedeagus, with aedeagal apodemes and 
endophallus exposed by removal of floor of genital chamber and ventral lobe 
of aedeagus. C, aedeagus in protracted position, with protruding spermatophore 
(Sphr). D, spermatophore of Locusta migratoria. E, spermatophore of Cal- 
liptamus italicus. (C, D, E from Boldyrev, 1929.) 

of the phallic organs (fig. 32 A), completely conceals all but the 
terminal parts of the dorsal lobe. Its upturned lateral walls contain 
each a large quadrate plate (vl) lying in a vertical plane at the side 
of the base of the dorsal lobe; ventrally the two plates are united by 
a median membranous area of the lobe. When the ventral lobe 1s 
removed (B) the dorsal lobe of the aedeagus (d/) is seen to have the 
form of a long, tapering tube, curved upward and ending in four 
slender apical processes. The organ, however, is not literally tubular, 
since the posterior wall is deeply cleft to its base: the opening is the 


phallotreme, and in its inner walls are the usual phallotreme scleritcs 
ending distally in the apical processes (, p). The proximal part 
of the dorsal lobe (B, m) is small, but is quite distinct from the 
cylindrical distal part (7) and bears the two aedeagal apodemes (Apa). 
The phallotreme cleft leads through the meatus in the neck of the 
endophallus into the endophallic cavity. The spermatophore sac of the 
latter is small (sps), but the ejaculatory sac (ejs) is unusually large ; 
the two communicate by the gonopore, which lies between the gono- 
pore processes („y) of the lateral endophallic plates. 

VI IX x Eppt Cer Papt Aa 


Fic. 33—Male genitalia of Dissosteira carolina (Oedipodinae). 

A, end of abdomen with phallic organs concealed in genital chamber. B, 
same, with phallic organs protracted. C, endophallic chamber opened from above, 
showing gonopore situated in its floor. D, proximal lobes of aedeagus (m) 
and aedeagal apodemes with basal zygoma, dorsal view. 



In the position of protraction (fig. 32 C), as shown by Boldyrev 
(1929), the ventral lobe of the aedeagus is depressed and the dorsal 
lobe is projected upward with its apical processes turned forward. 
The spermatophore (Sphr) issues anteriorly from the upper end of 
the phallotreme cleft between the bases of the anterior processes. 

Dissosteira carolina (Linn.).—The end of the male abdomen of 
Dissosteira is obtusely pointed (fig. 33 A) because of the conical form 
of the genital lobe of the ninth sternum (JXSL). The lobe is movable 
on the anterior sternal plate (JXS) by a wide membranous area sepa- 
rating the two. From its dorsal margin the pallium (Pal) is continued 


forward as a hoodlike fold that meets the lobes of the eleventh seg- 
ment, and is then reflected inward to form the posterior wall of the 
genital chamber (fig. 26). The genital chamber and the contained 
phallic organs are thus ordinarily entirely concealed beneath the tenth 
and eleventh segments in front, and the pallial hood behind. If the 
pallium is pulled back from the eleventh segment it is to be seen that 
the epiphallus occupies an anterior pocket of the genital chamber 
beneath the venter of the tenth segment, and that the aedeagus is con- 
tained in a posterior pouch lined by the inflected fold of the pallium 
(Pal’), which latter extends inward and ventrally to the base of the 
ventral lobe of the aedeagus (vl). The floor of the genital chamber 
laterally slopes downward from in front (fig. 25 A), where the epi- 
phallus is seated upon it, to the base of the inner fold of the pallium, 
but medially, between the epiphallus and the aedeagus, it presents a 
broad, smooth, rounded surface (D), the posterior margin of which 
forms the basal fold (A, D, bf) overlapping the proximal part of the 
aedeagus. The epiphallus is a large irregular sclerite, consisting of 
two lateral lobes (D, h, h) connected by an arched bridge (7), and 
provided with the usual hooked anterior processes (j) and broad, 
strong posterior processes (k) having a vertical position. Just laterad 
of the epiphallus, in the wall of the genital chamber, are to be seen 
the small oval sclerites (g) that give insertion to the large retractor 
muscles (261) from the lateral parts of the ninth abdominal tergum. 

The structure of the aedeagus is well shown in the protracted con- 
dition (fig. 33 B), in which the organ projects dorsally from a basal 
sheath formed of the everted pallium (Pal) and the basal fold (bf) 
of the genital chamber floor. The two parts of the dorsal lobe of the 
aedeagus (7, m) are quite distinct, the narrow distal part (7), ending 
in the small apical processes (n, p), being exserted from between the 
lobate lateral walls of the proximal part (m). The ventral aedeagal 
lobe (vl) embraces the dorsal lobe posteriorly, and between the two 
is a deep cavity into which opens the vertical slitlike phallotreme in 
the posterior wall of the dorsal lobe. The aedeagal apodemes (D, 
Apa) project downward and forward from the base of the dorsal 
lobe beneath the basal fold (B, bf), and their proximal parts are united 
by a wide zygoma (D, z) in the under side of the fold (B, 2). 

The phallotreme is a deep cleft in the dorsal lobe of the aedeagus ; 
in its lateral walls are the usual two pairs of sclerites (fig. 25 H, 0, @). 
The sclerites of the dorsal (anterior) pair end in the meatus, where 
they are united with each other by a transverse bridge (tf) in the dorsal 
wall of the latter ; the ventral (posterior) sclerites are continuous by 
narrow upcurved arms (s) with the lateral plates (w) of the en- 



dophallic bulb. The posterior angle of each endophallic plate is armed 
internally by a free spinelike process (G), below which the margin 
of the plate extends obliquely downward and forward to the base of 
the gonopore process (7). Between the gonopore processes, as already 
shown, lies the gonopore, or true genital aperture (fig. 33 C, Gpr), 
by which the ejaculatory sac (fig. 25 G, H, e7s) communicates with 
the spermatophore sac (sps) of the endophallus. 

Romalea microptera (Beauvois).—The distal lobe of the ninth ster- 
num in this species shuts close against the epiproct and paraprocts, 
so that the pallium is not exposed and the end of the abdomen has a 

Fic. 34.—Male genitalia of Romalea microptera (Cyrtacanthacrinae). 

A, end of abdomen. B, epiphallus, dorsal view. C, epiphallus and aedeagus on 
floor of genital chamber, lateral view. D, aedeagus and endophallus, lateral 
view. E, same, dorsal view. 

truncate form (fig. 34 A). The epiphallus is deeply sunken in the 
anterior end of the genital chamber, and the basal fold rises steeply 
against the anterior surface of the aedeagus (C), concealing most of 
the basal parts of the latter. The dorsal lobe of the aedeagus has a 
well-developed cylindrical distal part (D, 7) from which project two 
pairs of apical processes (1, p). The proximal part (m) bears a pair 
of short but very wide lateral apodemes (D, E, Apa). The endophal- 
lus is relatively small, but the anterior apodemes (zw) of its lateral 
plates are large and widely divergent (E). 

Schistocerca americana (Drury ).—The elongate subgenital plate of 
the ninth abdominal sternum of this species has a broad, deeply emargi- 


nate extension projecting far beyond the origin of the pallium from its 
dorsal lamella (fig. 35 A, B, IXSL). The exposed part of the pallium 
(Pal) forms a thick, transversely corrugated fold against the para- 
procts. When the tenth and eleventh segments are removed (B) the 
genital chamber is exposed from above, and there are to be seen on 
its floor the phallic structures lying anterior to the aedeagus, the latter 
being still concealed beneath the pallial hood. The epiphallus consists 
of large lateral lobes (i, 1) connected by a narrow median bridge ; 
anterior processes are absent, but the posterior processes are present 

Fic. 35.—Male genitalia of Schistocerca americana (Cyrtacanthacrinae). 

A, end of abdomen. B, dorsal view of genital lobe of ninth sternum, pallium, 
and anterior part of genital chamber, exposed by removal of tenth and eleventh 
segments. C, phallic organs, posterior view. D, same, lateral view. E, aedeagus 
with apodeme, endophallus, and ejaculatory sac. F, endophallus and apex of 

in the form of large triangular plates (k, k). Between the bases of 
the latter the floor of the genital chamber presents a deep transverse 
groove, the part behind the groove terminating in the basal fold (bf). 
The aedeagus is small (C, D, Aed), but its ventral lobe (v/) is rela- 
tively large. The principal part of the dorsal lobe is formed of the 
usual proximal subdivision (D, E, m), the distal part (E, 7) being 
much reduced and ending in a small spoutlike terminal lobe without 
apical processes. The aedeagal apodemes (FE, Apa) are short but 
broad at their bases. The endophallus (F) has the usual structure, 
but has characteristic features. The phallotreme sclerites (0, q) are 


very slender; those of the dorsal pair are united by an arched bridge 
(Âą) in the dorsal wall of the meatus; each sclerite of the ventral pair 
bears a large, thin, oval plate (v) in the lateral wall of the phallotreme 
cleft. The ejaculatory sac (ejs) is relatively large and is separated 
from the spermatophore sac (sps) by strong gonopore processes 
(y) of the lateral endophalic plates. 

Melanoplus ditferentialis (Thomas).—The ninth sternal lobe is 
short in this species (fig. 36, 7X SL), and from its dorsal margin the 
exposed part of the pallium (B, Pal) rises like a dome behind the 
eleventh segment. The phallic organs (fig. 37 A) are somewhat 
crowded in the rather small genital chamber. The epiphallus (Epph) 
is large but weakly sclerotized, and is deeply sunken into the folded 

Fic. 36.—Male abdomen of Melanoflus differentialis (Cyrtacanthacrinae). 

A, entire abdomen. B, end of abdomen, lateral view. C, same, dorsal view. 

floor of the genital chamber. The basal fold (bf) is bilobed. The 
dorsal lobe of the aedeagus is distinctly divided into a proximal part 
(A, B, m) bearing the aedeagal apodemes (B, Apa), and a large cylin- 
drical distal part (7). The ventral lobe (A, vl) is relatively small. 
From the distal end of the aedeagus there projects only one pair of 
apical processes (A, B, C, D, 7), which are the usual anterior dorsal 
processes continuous from the dorsal sclerites of the phallotreme cleft 
(D, 0). The ventral processes are present, but they are concealed 
within the phallotreme cleft (C, ~), since they arise deeply from the 
walls of the latter and do not project from the apex of the aedeagus. 
The endophallus (D) has the usual structure, though the sperma- 
tophore sac (sps) is much reduced, and the ejaculatory sac (ejs) is 
turned upward against its posterior wall. 

Fic. 37.—Male genitalia of Melanoplus differentialis (Cyrtacanthacrinae). 

A, the external phallic organs on floor of genital chamber. B, aedeagus and 
endophallus. C, dorsal lobe of aedeagus, posterior view, showing phallotreme 
(Phir) and apical processes (1, p). D, endophallus with apex of aedeagus, 
and ejaculatory duct. 

Fic. 38.—Male abdomen and genitalia of Melanoplus mexicanus (Cyrta- 
canthacrinae ). 
A, end of abdomen, lateral view. B, same, dorsal view. C, right half of 

epiphallus. D, external and internal phallic organs, with floor of genital chamber. 
E, aedeagus and apodeme, right side. 


Melanoplus mexicanus (Sauss.).—The general features of this 
species are sufficiently shown in figure 38. The distal part of the 
dorsal lobe of the aedeagus is unusually long (D, E, r) and is pro- 
duced into two terminal lobes laterad of the phallotreme cleft. The 
dorsal apical processes (1) thus come to project anteriorly below the 
summit of the terminal lobes. With the base of each of these processes 
there is connected a soft padlike lobe (EF, /). The ventral apical proc- 
esses are concealed within the phallotreme cleft as in the last species. 

Melanoplus femur-rubrum (Degeer).—The exposed characters of 
the male abdomen of this species are shown in figure 39. The phallic 
organs are entirely concealed in the usual manner within the genital 
chamber (fig. 40B). The epiphallus (A, B, Epph) is very large, 
especially as to its lateral lobes. Behind the epiphallus the genital 

IX X fF Bppe 


Fic. 39—End of the male abdomen of Melanoplus femur-rubrum (Cyrta- 
canthacrinae ). 

A, lateral view. B, dorsal view. 

chamber floor is elevated in a large cushionlike structure, the anterior 
part of which rests against the posterior epiphallic lobes, while the 
deeply cleft posterior part forms a thick bilobed basal fold (bf) cover- 
ing the basal part of the aedeagus. The aedeagus (B, Aed) consists 
of an irregular dorsal lobe, and of a simple relatively small ventral 
lobe (vl). The dorsal lobe shows the usual subdivision into a proximal 
part (m) and a distal part (7), the latter bearing a single pair of 
large apical processes (7), which, as in other species of Melanoflus, 
are the usual anterior dorsal processes. Connected with the base of 
each of these processes is a soft, flat accessory lobe (C, J) lying on 
the dorsal surface of the base of the aedeagus. The ventral processes, 
as appears to be characteristic of Melanoplus, arise deeply within 
the phallotreme cleft (fig. 41 B, p) and only their tips appear ex- 
ternally before the bases of the dorsal processes (A, p). The phallo- 


Fic. 40. Male genitalia of Melanoplus femur-rubrum (Cyrtacanthacrinae). 

A, the external phallic organs, dorsal view. B, same, lateral view, with part 
of genital chamber wall. C, aedeagus and apodeme, left side. D, aedeagus with 
apodemes, and endophallus, dorsal view. 

Fic. 41.—Male genitalia of Melanoplus femur-rubrum (Cyrtacanthacrinae ). 

A, endophallus and apical part of aedeagus. B, diagrammatic median section 
of distal part of aedeagus, exposing right inner wall of phallotreme cleft and 
meatus of endophallus, showing accessory lobe (/) of dorsal apical process (7), 
and internal origin of ventral apical process (/). 

treme sclerites (B, 0, q) extend forward in the walls of the phallo- 
treme cleft from the bases of their respective processes (n, p). 
Anterior to the phallotreme a tubular meatus (A) leads into the cavity 
of the endophallus, and the ejaculatory sac (ejs) opens between large 
gonopore processes (1) into the small spermatophore sac (sps). The 
phallotreme cleft in the proximal part of the dorsal lobe of the aedeagus 
has its lateral walls strengthened by a pair of thin oval plates (fig. 
AT AG sch) 
The foregoing studies of three species of Melanoplus suggest that 
the phallic structures will be found to be more variable and more spe- 
cialized among the Melanopli than in the other acridid groups. 


aAp, anterior sternal apodeme. 
Aed, aedeagus. 

AcGIl, accessory genital gland. 
acs, antecostal suture. 

aiv, anterior intervalvula. 

AN, alinotum. 

An, anus. 

Ap, apodeme. 

Apa, apodeme of aedeagus. 

ast, acrosternite (precostal lip of 
atg, acrotergite (precostal lip of 

bf, basal phallic fold. 
Bs, basisternum. 

Cer, cercus. 

Cln, colon. 

CpCls, cap cells of sense organ. 
CaC, coxal cavity. 

Cxpd, coxopodite (limb basis). 
Dej, ductus ejaculatorius. 

dil, lateral internal dorsal muscles. 
dim, median internal dorsal muscles. 
dl, dorsal lobe of aedeagus. 

DMcl, longitudinal dorsal muscles. 
DS, dorsal sinus. 

DV, dorsal blood vessel. 

eg, egg guide. 

ejs, ejaculatory sac. 
Enph, endophallus. 
Epm, epimeron. 

Epph, epiphallus. 
Eppt, epiproct. 
Eps, episternum. 

GC, genital chamber. 
Gpr, gonopore. 

Tl, ileum. 

IXSL, genital lobe of ninth abdominal 

lAp, lateral sternal apodeme. 

le, external lateral muscles. 

li, internal lateral muscles. 

lst, lalterosternite. 

ltg, laterotergite. 

Nv, nerve. 

Odc, oviductus communis. 
Odl, oviductus lateralis. 
Ovp, ovipositor. 

Pa, postalar arm of postnotum. 
Pal, pallium. 

Pal’, inner fold of pallium. 
Papt, paraproct. 

paptl, lobe of paraproct. 
Ph, phragma. 

Phil, phallus. 

Phtr, phallotreme. 

piv, posterior intervalvula. 
PI, pleuron. 

PIS, pleural suture. 

PIV lv, pallial valve. 

PN, postnotum. 

NO. 6 

Prex, precoxal pleural sclerite. 
PvS, perivisceral sinus. 
Py, pylorus. 

Rect, rectum. 

S, definitive sternum. 

sa, external pit of sternal apophysis. 
SCls, sense cells. 

Sco, scolops (sense rod). 

ST, sternellum. 

SO, sense organ. 

Sp, spiracle. 

Sphr, spermatophore. 

spn, external pit of sternal spina. 
Spr, spermathecal aperture. 

sps, spermatophore sac of endophallus. 
Spt, spermatheca. 

SptD, spermathecal duct. 


sr, sternal ridge. 
Stn, primitive sternum. 

T, tergum. 

td, dorsal transverse muscles. 
Tm, tympanum. 

tr, tergal ridge. 

tv, ventral transverse muscles. 

Vent, ventriculus. 

vil, lateral internal ventral muscles. 
vim, median internal ventral muscles. 
V1, valvula. 

vl, ventral lobe of aedeagus. 

Vif, valvifer. 

VNC, ventral nerve cord. 

VS, ventral sinus. 

WP, pleural wing process. 



1934. Uber die Gattung Cylindracheta und ihre systematische Stellung. 
Archiv Zool. K. Svenska Vetenskapsakad., vol. 26 A, no. 21, 16 pp., 

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torno alle ooteche degli Acridii. Giorn. Sci. Nat. Econ. Palermo, 

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1922. Etude biologique sur le criquet Egyptien, Orthacanthacris aegyptia 

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plus, with remarks on the taxonomic value of the concealed male 
genitalia in the Cyrtacanthacrinae. Univ. Michigan Mus, Zool., 
Misc. Pubs., no. 23, 64 pp., 4 pls. 

Iwanow,, S. A. 

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(Locusta migratoria L.). Zool. Anz., vol. 65, pp. 75-86, Io figs. 
KUNCKEL D’HeErcuLats, J. 

1894. MĂ©canisme physiologique de la ponte chez les insectes orthop- 
teres de la famille des Acridides——Role de l’air comme agent 
mĂ©canique et fonctions multiples de l’armure gĂ©nitale. C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, vol. 119, pp. 244-247. 

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1929. Studies on the development of the genitalia and the genital ducts in 
insects. I. Female of Orthoptera and Dermaptera. Quart. Journ. 
Micr. Sci., vol. 73, pp. 25-85, pls. 2-4. 


1927. Die Eiablage von Chrysochraon dispar. Zeitschr. Morph. Okol. Tiere, 

vol. 7, pp. 127-133, 8 figs. 

1878. The Rocky Mountain locust. First Ann. Rep. U. S. Ent. Comm. 

(Oviposition, pp. 223-225.) 
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1874. The distribution of insects in New Hampshire. Geol. New Hampshire 

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1929. The thoracic mechanism of a grasshopper. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 
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1931. Morphology of the insect abdomen. Part I. General structure of the 
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Soxotow, A. J. ° 

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1916. Grasshopper control in relation to cereal and forage crops. U. S. 
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State Teachers College, Westfield, Mass. 


SEPTEMBER 20, 1935 

TEE ener (oe 

The Lord Baltimore Press 



State Teachers College, Westfield, Mass. 

In addition to forming an integral portion of the plankton of both 
fresh and salt water, copepods have also been found in several unique 
situations. Some species inhabit damp moss in the Black Forest of 
Germany and other European woodlands long distances from any 
body of water. Other species live within the branchial chambers of 
land crabs, which enter the ocean only during their spawning season, 
once a year. Copepods have also been found in the rain water which 
accumulates inside the cup formed by the tightly sheathed leaves of 
certain epiphytic Bromeliads saddled on the limbs of tropical trees 
far away from the water. But these are simply distribution freaks, 
likely to occur in any animal or plant group, and confined to so few 
species as to be worthy only of passing notice. 

There has recently been discovered, however, a new copepod habitat 
of vastly more importance and claiming as its tenants a sufficient num- 
ber of genera and species to constitute an important group. According 
to their habits and mode of life, copepods have hitherto been divided 
into three well-known groups: free-swimmers, commensals, and para- 
sites. The dwellers in this new environment will constitute a fourth 
group, which may be designated as terraqueous copepods because they 
actually live in both water and sand or mud. Brief mention has already 
been made’ of this group, and the name benthenic was suggested for 
them. But that term has already come into general use to designate 
the fauna and flora of the sea bottom as opposed to the plankton. 
Certain of the free-swimming copepods live close to the bottom and 
move about in the water or among the vegetation above the bottom. 
They are the forms which should be designated as benthonic, whereas 
these terraqueous copepods actually penetrate the sand or mud, and 
hence can never be captured by towing. They are not free-swimmers, 
therefore, and are neither commensal nor parasitic in their habits, 
but must form a new group. 

The discovery of these sand and mud dwellers was first made by 
the late Dr. N. A. Cobb, government specialist on nematodes. While 

*U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 158, p. 6, 1932. 



washing out some of his nematodes from the sand of the bathing 
beach at Woods Hole, he found copepods among them. Further ex- 
amination revealed that the sand of that beach and other beaches along 
Cape Cod and on the neighboring islands was fairly teeming with 
copepods. Many more could be washed out of the sand than could 
be obtained by towing along the shore. 

During the following summer the same was found to be true of the 
sand beaches around Mount Desert Island on the Maine coast. And 
since every sand beach yielded its quota of copepods, the search was 
extended to the mud flats, the mussel beds, and the tide pools—in 
fact, to all kinds of localities where the beach was not composed of 
solid rock. Let it be remembered that the exceptional tides (12 to 16 
feet) of the region lay bare immense areas of shore at low water. 
Every locality examined yielded at least one or more copepod species, 
usually more, and a few localities as many as 20 or 25. In the mussel 
beds they were found in the sand or mud beneath the upper layer of 
living mussels; in areas covered with seaweed they were in the soil 
beneath the plants; in the tide pools they were washed out of the 
sand or mud covering the bottom of the pool. 

These copepods not only live in the sand and mud while it is covered 
by the tide, but remain there after the tide has ebbed and left the 
beach uncovered. As some of them are found as far up on the beach 
as the average high water mark, the time during which their habitat 
is covered by the ocean water is very much shorter than the interval 
during which it is left uncovered. And yet such conditions do not 
seem to be at all disadvantageous, to say nothing of being inimical. 
Sand that had remained uncovered at least 10 hours and had become 
rather warm in the hot sunlight, yielded living and active copepods 
when washed out in the laboratory. 

Nor are the copepods confined to the beach between tide marks, 
but are found everywhere in the sand and mud constantly beneath the 
water down to moderate depths. Portions of the sea bottom brought 
up on the flukes of anchors or in a dredge usually yield some copepods 
on being washed out and strained. Many such species have been 
obtained in dredging and have been described and figured by various 
authors without the knowledge that they were really sand dwellers. 
It is of course impossible to tell whether a dredged specimen comes 
from above or beneath the surface of the ocean bottom. The descrip- 
tions and figures, however, show just such modifications in size, shape, 
and structure as appear in these sand dwellers. 

Upon reflection it will appear that two conditions are requisite in 
order to induce the copepods to penetrate the sand or mud and remain 


there for any length of time. There must be plenty of food and the en- 
vironment must be such as to allow the copepods more or less freedom 
of locomotion. The former is readily explained by the presence in the 
sand or mud of such organisms, especially diatoms, as ordinarily serve 
for copepod food. This would constitute a sort of cold storage supply 
amongst which the copepods could browse with much less danger from 
outside interference. But can the copepods move about in the sand or 
mud with anything like freedom of locomotion? Consider the sand 
first. ; 

What is commonly designated as sand may be derived from several 
sources, and its constituent grains may vary greatly in size, with con- 
siderable resultant differences in the sand itself. If derived from the 
geologic weathering and erosion of crystalline rocks, the sand is made 
up very largely of rounded grains of quartz. Such is the sand of 
Cape Cod and the Maine coast, and it cannot be compressed sufficiently 
to obliterate or even greatly diminish the interstices between the grains. 
These open spaces make an ideal forage ground for copepods small 
enough to move about within them, and there is little danger of being 
crushed. Such sand always contains copepods even on exposed beaches 
like those of the south shore of Marthas Vineyard, where a heavy 
surf breaks almost continuously. Such sand also frequently collects 
in the tide pools along the Maine coast and often contains a good 
assortment of copepods. One pool at Sea Wall on Mount Desert 
Island, about the size of a small room, yielded more than 20 copepod 
species, including calanids, harpactids, and cyclopids. 

If the sand is largely made up of broken shells, as it often is in 
the Tropics, its grains are not spherical but more or less flattened, and 
when the flattened surfaces come together, which is the usual tendency, 
the interstices are entirely obliterated. Any minute organism that 
tried to live in such sand would be in constant danger of being crushed. 
This kind of a sand beach never contains copepods, and the bathing 
beach on the eastern shore of Mount Desert Island just south of Bar 
Harbor is an excellent example. Two-thirds of the sand of that beach 
is broken shells, and it is the only sand beach examined on the island 
that yielded no copepods. 

A third source of sand is coral disintegration, and this is the preva- 
lent kind of sand beach everywhere in the Tropics. The coral rock 
is so soft that the resultant grains tend to become extremely small and 
to vary considerably in size. Here again the interstices between the 
grains can be practically obliterated by pressure, and if any are left 
they become so small and irregular as to be uninhabitable. Only rarely 


and in exceptional localities would any copepods be found in this sort 
of sand. 

In view of these considerations the final answer to the question 
whether copepods can move about freely in sand is in the affirmative if 
it is quartz sand, and in the negative if it is shell or coral sand. The fact 
also that both the shell and the coral sand are calcareous may have 
some influence upon the copepods. 

As to the mud, its composition is also the most important factor 
in determining whether it is to be inhabited or not. If it is dense clay 
there will be no chance of finding copepods within it, and on the 
other hand if it be sandy the probability of its being inhabited by 
copepods will become greater as the percentage of sand it contains 
increases. The upper layers of ordinary mud are more or less floccu- 
lent, that is they are made up of small flattened flakes or floccules. 
These are to a certain extent buoyant in water and are so irregular 
in form that they do not pack together closely but leave sufficient open 
spaces for the copepods to move about freely. Many of the floccules 
are also so small and light that they can be easily pushed aside by the 
copepods during their progress, and so soft that contact with them is 
not likely to be at all harmful. Consequently, in the mud there is not 
the same restriction in size that prevails in the sand, and the larger 
copepods can move about as freely as the smaller ones, possibly with 
even greater facility. 

Such a life as this, moving about all the time within the confines 
of the sand and mud, is just as different from that of the typical free- 
swimming forms that frequent the open water as are the lives of the 
commensal and parasitic copepods. The investigations carried on in 
these last two groups have already revealed numerous modifications 
resulting from their habits and mode of life. It is reasonable to sup- 
pose that these terraqueous copepods would also exhibit modifications 
similar in their interpretation but differing in their details, and such we 
find to be the case. 

The first of these modifications is shown in the restricted size of 
the fully developed adult. In the other groups we find great variations 
in size up to 200 mm in a few parasitic forms. Here there is great 
uniformity in size, from a minimum of a quarter of a millimeter to 
a maximum of half a millimeter in the sand dwellers, and a maximum 
of slightly more than a millimeter in the mud dwellers. 

A second modification is one of shape; it is evident that a linear 
form will have greater freedom of motion under the restrictions of 
the sand and mud than a rotund or corpulent form. The terraqueous 
copepods all exhibit a more or less pronounced slenderness, the length 


being many times the width of the body. The accompanying figures of 
four different genera of sand-dwelling copepods show their typical 
linear form, which is admirably suited to their mode of life (figs. 1 
and 2). 

Fic. 1—a, dorsal view of a female Nitocra chelifer, a sand 
dweller; b, dorsal view of a male Arenosetella spinicauda, a sand 

A third modification results in increased flexibility ; mere slender- 
ness of body would contribute but little to freedom of motion unless 
accompanied by flexibility. In the jointed body of the ordinary cope- 
pod only one of the articulations is really movable, all the others being 
more or less rigid and incapable of motion. In these copepods there 


is much freedom of motion in every one of the articulations, and the 
body can be flexed considerably upward or downward, to the right 
or to the left, as may be necessary. This increased flexibility enables 
the copepod to realize fully all the advantages of its modified size 
and shape. If one of these copepods is put in an aquarium with sand 

FG. 2.—a, dorsal view of a female Paraleptastacus brevicauda- 
tus, a sand dweller; b, dorsal view of a male Emertonia gracilis, 
a sand dweller. 

at the bottom, it quickly buries itself in the sand, and during the process 
gives abundant evidence of its great flexibility. 

Another useful modification is an increase in tactile equipment and 
sensibility. These terraqueous copepods are compelled to move about 
more or less in the dark, where their eyesight can be of little use for 
guidance. At the same time the space within which they move is so 


restricted that the demand for some sort of guidance is greatly en- 
hanced and becomes imperative. This demand is met by a greatly in- 
creased tactile sensibility in the first antennae, which here become 
“ feelers ” in the fullest sense of the term. The normal copepod usu- 

Fic. 3.—a, first antenna of a male Arenosetella spinicauda, with 
two large aesthetasks; 0, first antenna of a male Nitocra chelifer, 
with a single long and stout aesthetask; c, first antenna of a male 
Emertonia gracilis, with a single enlarged aesthetask. 

Fic. 4.—First antenna of Arenocalanus tumidus, female, a new 
genus of sand-dwelling calanids, showing an exceptional increase 
in the number of aesthetasks. 

ally carries a single sensory club or aesthetask on each of the first 
antennae. In these terraqueous copepods the size and length of the 
aesthetasks may be considerably increased, as happens more often 
in the males (fig. 3). In the females either the number of aesthetasks 
is multiplied as in figure 4, or they are supplemented by thick finger- 


like processes, carrying along one or both sides a row of coarse spines 
as in figure 5. There are sometimes six or eight such processes on each 
antenna, projecting in all directions and giving the appendage a de- 
cidely bizarre appearance. Nothing of this sort has ever been reported 
upon free-swimming copepods, and hence it may be regarded as a . 
special modification for a special mode of life. Furthermore, the first 
antennae are short and curve around the front of the head in such a 
way as to offer least resistance to forward progress. At the same time 

Fic. 5.—c, first antenna of a female Rathbunula curticauda, a 
sand dweller; d, first antenna of a female Echinocornus pectinatus, 
a sand dweller. 

the frontal margin is thereby furnished with a highly sensitive arma- 
ture admirably suited for guidance. 

Of course these copepods cannot indulge in free-swimming, since 
there is no room for it within the sand and mud, and the copepods 
come out into the open water very seldom, if at all. We therefore 
find, as would be expected considerable modification of the swimming 
legs in some of the species. The long plumose setae, so useful in 
swimming, partially or wholly disappear and are replaced by stout 
spines. In figure 6 all the first four pairs of legs are modified in this 
way, and it is quite evident that they are thus made more serviceable 


for crawling about in sand and mud. There is also sometimes a re- 
duction in the number and size of the endopod segments until in a 
few species the entire endopod is reduced to a mere knob, of no use 
except to show that the leg is still biramose. 

Another modification is concerned with the external ovisacs, which 
in the free-swimming copepods hang loosely from the genital segment 
and often diverge considerably from the body. The eggs themselves 
are of moderate size and fairly numerous, and may be carried in one 
or two ovisacs, or even extruded singly into the water without being 
carried at all. In the parasitic copepods a large number of eggs seems 
to be the primal requisite. When the eggs are arranged in a single 


Fic. 6.—f_ to 1, first, second, third and fourth leg of Emertonia 
gracilis, showing substitution of spines fer plumose setae. 

row, as in the Caligidae, the increase in number is obtained by length- 
ening the ovisacs, which sometimes become several times as long as 
the entire body. When the eggs are multiseriate, the diameter of the 
ovisac is increased and the size of the egg is at the same time dimin- 
ished. As a result, the number of eggs in some copepods parasitic upon 
deep-sea fish may reach 10,000 or more in each ovisac. In the com- 
mensal copepods there are often no ovisacs, the eggs being gathered 
into a brood sack situated in the dorsal portion of the thorax. 

In contrast with these three groups, the ovisacs of the terraqueous 
copepods are nearly always flattened and closely appressed to the 
surface of the genital segment and abdomen. Sometimes the fifth 
legs are enlarged and modified to cover the anterior ends of the ovisacs 
and thus partially protect them. The number of eggs is reduced, and 


at the same time the size is increased, so that each ovisac contains 
very few eggs, in some instances only two as shown in figure 7, an 
harpactid, or a few more as in figure 8, a cyclopid. 

In addition to the modifications in structure exhibited by these sand 
and mud dwellers, there are also such differences in habits and mode 
of life as would be expected from their habitat. Free-swimming cope- 
pods maintain nearly perpetual motion ; as they are heavier than water, 

Fic. 7.—Dorsal view of female Goffinella stylifer, a sand dweller, 
showing the peculiar ovisacs and large eggs. 

this is necessary to keep them suspended and prevent their sinking 
to the bottom. When they wish to rest, some species are able to 
suspend themselves from the surface film of the water, but all the 
others must find some support. For those that live near the bottom, 
the vegetation and the debris that collects on the bottom afford the 
requisite support, but it is quite different with those that live in the 
open ocean. For them, unless there happens to be something floating 
to which they can cling, it becomes the simple problem of sink or swim. 


A great deal of motion and very little rest therefore constitutes the 
essential mode of life of a free-swimmer. 

The great majority of the parasitic copepods, when once they are 
securely fastened to their hosts, do not move at all but may be, and 
usually are, carried long distances by their hosts. In early life all 
these parasitic forms are free-swimmers during their nauplius, met- 
anauplius, and often their copepodid stages. And of course during 
those periods they must maintain a great deal of motion and enjoy but 

Fic. 8—Dorsal view of female Cyclopina agilis, a dweller in sandy 
mud, with large eggs closely appressed to the body. 

little rest. But in adult life this is exactly reversed even for such species 
as continue to practice more or less the free-swimming of early life. 
They may leave their hosts and move about freely in the water, but this 
is not continued for any length of time, and they quickly return to 
their hosts. 

The commensal copepods spend their entire lives inside the body of 
their hosts, and hence they never swim freely except in so far as it 
is possible within such narrow confines. A great deal of rest and 
very little motion, therefore, are the characteristics of their mode of 


These terraqueous copepods form a new group intermediate between 
the others and differing from them in many ways. There is no neces- 
sity for swimming in order to prevent them from sinking, and wher- 
ever they may stop when moving about will provide a convenient 
resting place. Their chief concern is to obtain an adequate food supply, 
and in doing this they scurry about freely in the sand or mud. They 
have much more freedom of motion than the commensal forms but 
not nearly as much as the free-swimmers; they may well be called 
free-movers but scarcely free-swimmers. In all probability their time 
is much more evenly divided between motion and rest than it is in 
the other groups. 

Again, the free-swimmers, in consequence of their protracted move- 
ments, cover a considerable area and may even be carried long dis- 
tances by currents or drifts. In this way they are widely distributed, 
and it is not uncommon to find some of the species in nearly every 
ocean on the globe. The same thing is true of the parasitic copepods, 
for here the females, and often both sexes, are carried about by the 
hosts, and if the latter are fish or other animals capable of extended 
migration, the parasites are thereby widely scattered. 

On the contrary, most commensal copepods live within ascidians, 
holothurians, tunicates, and similar animals, which move about but 
little if at all. And since the movements of the copepod adults are 
also restricted, the species have only a limited distribution. Their 
chance for dissemination lies in the escape of the larvae from their 
host and the ability to swim about during their development stages. 

Similarly, in these terraqueous copepods the distance covered by the 
locomotion of the adults is so limited that the distribution of the 
species is seriously handicapped. The presence of a given species in 
the sand or mud of one beach is no indication that it will be found in 
neighboring beaches. We may go farther and say that the component 
parts of the same beach are very likely to yield different species of 
copepods. In short, isolation is as much an accompaniment of dwelling 
in the sand or mud as is wide distribution a result of swimming freely 
in the open ocean. 

A final consideration is concerned with reproduction and is also 
intimately associated with distribution. Among the free-swimmers the 
female carries her eggs about with her in external ovisacs or extrudes 
them singly at intervals into the water. In the former case the eggs 
are kept together until they hatch, in the latter case they are widely 
scattered, since the female is constantly moving about while extruding 
them. Similarly, when the eggs in the ovisac hatch, the nauplii do not 
all emerge at the same time, but there is a considerable interval between 


the bursting of the first and the last egg shell. Here also the female 
copepod is moving about constantly while the nauplii are emerging, 
so that the latter are just as widely separated as when the eggs were 
deposited singly. Such a scattering of the larvae must contribute 
greatly to a wide distribution of the species, but we are chiefly con- 
cerned here with the separation of parent and offspring. It is quite 
evident that among these free-swimmers no inference of relation- 
ship can be drawn from a mere association of adults and larvae. 

In the commensal copepods, on the contrary, every step in the 
process of reproduction from the preliminary mating to the final 
moult into the adult form takes place within the body of the host. 
If there were a single male and female at the outset it would be fairly 
certain that all the larvae were their offspring, and we would have a 
genuine copepod family from a genetical point of view. Relationship 
can be argued here from association of adults and larvae and might 
possibly continue through more than one generation. 

The terraqueous copepods appear to occupy an intermediate posi- 
tion between the two extremes just noted. Compared with the free- 
swimmers they move about very little, compared with the commensals 
they have greater freedom of locomotion. It is highly probable, how- 
ever, that the area covered by a female during the hatching of her 
eggs is very limited. As a result the emerging nauplii are not far 
removed from their parent and may be more or less closely associated 
with one another. The relationship of adults and larvae found together 
is not at all impossible, but neither is it as probable as among the 
commensal copepods. 

The considerations here discussed show very clearly that these 
terraqueous copepods constitute a fourth group fully as well defined 
as either of the three already accepted. And they open up to the 
investigator an entirely new field of research along several interesting 
lines. Not only will a comparatively large number of the specimens 
obtained in the sand and mud prove to be new species and genera, 
but also they will exhibit some remarkable adaptations to their en- 
vironment. The habitat is entirely new and one of the last to be 
suspected as a resort for copepods, and the mode of life is unique and 
entirely unlike that of other copepods. Such a combination ought 
to prove genuinely attractive and, supplemented by the abundant sup- 
ply of working material, ought to yield important results. 


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The two crosses indicate the farthest points reached by the colonists when 
they ascended the Rappahannock in August 1608. The large island is just 
below Mahaskahod. An aerial photograph of the island as it now appears is 
reproduced in plate 2. 


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OCTOBER 9, 1935 

The Lord Wattimore Prees 



TEE OCUGHIO trom seater te SEN aeRO Se ieee ctetocel to ssicboreiennis one wits tele eto cmonneiee I 
Arrival of the English at the falls of the Rappahannock, August 1608. . 2 
SIbtteme\ ania hOaCy sates Pu er tewoisy sees tee es creo Sec a eaves DO eee noe 4 
Manahoac sites’ andicatedion the 1624 map....--...-.-..--e.+--+-+-seme 7 
IMiahiaskahodiespenra waneeriret ae eae ere ace oe hae See ee 8 
NeL'ey SSULLU rely MPA Cavey tea hacer oe at voce esa vac eisseiev densi rote ate sone vemneioen Gacke ences 8 
TieipeaheNe) cs ucowemoedn cde adad Ss SoM OOo aceon an omm an enous onnoe 9 
Sine eevearahiel. Sen anes ao Or GD e Or ee amen ae re err eran manor olsiaa ey 9 
SEC UTA Meats oe TG a eich ec seen Nere a Slob mce gu coe crcuans eee ialls. easier roveenete euseretaes 9 
Dispersing of the native tribes from the Rapidan-Rappahannock area...... 10 
EvidencemOilelndianmoccupancy emer teen cerita ctie niet kneiciae 15 
sihetisland! and vicinity aes ras se tase cnes oss 8 eee Ao eeees pee erereeiels 160 
Wai Cinity «Of oMiottsia Rete terersrra teres teres eee erarreyaie pais 3 crnerote ks ore 20 
IBIORES ts Ekalll FSitielse cessichey ete eeratererebeera ore orale aiers aus aile-eor er eusheyei els enerevecetaeniale 22 
Right bank of the Rappahannock from the mouth of the Rapidan to 
RCH and Se EOL yy erect ware ee rs dm cre ey ecevhe ee eutatae co ep sctoterenaperceete 24 
parry Workshop gcc ice sae racia ciate arene etre sass i x15) slaalong Sehetecietey ee 27, 
BRODER SpE ORG seu teternce sierseeneees ese syauste at omer eP gts crasltcis ene yerer aa Noted ger eT aNG 28 
SitematlNe lily cM OG ween c.ctacucne tice tensa ere ral syed ber apee taetohaye chaltcneueyies 31 
ictetay.Se Lulats erie rier eters ees aotake ct = Momraotyetetn Ohcayeis lars/onsvatetorasicueder 33 
Ey SE OT Lee seeps tee vee ee wevevs oe DSP ee ao eal otars ovcdev icy aiovinns besitos case eeMeR cee 35 Arya tae ct sree Gis ntie Cusine a oe ceneimrnci 36 
Boxy Neckerandevicinityinudar sae oc reese. cee Chee s seine alee seiesoi a & 40 
Mhemivapidantealb ove mbox Necker eretelerscierstie ol erie iciel eer ckere heroism 2 
Comparative study of material from the Rapidan-Rappahannock area...... 44 
INS CS ee es eet ts EL os Te ef TR CEES CIEE REE ric eC ae 45 
Projectile) points) and othen small faked) objects... .. 4.4. -- 2-4." 40 
POET CG VEN eee evar RUS OR ease MEGNAUEeE Sra a yen eves eyoie ohare. layers sede sees 49 
COC Se re ee ete ds, seman ay oer spe mi cpamei ete 54 

(GONG 1S 1 OTN eT A Pee sean emai Ronis ols crenata ere. Ns 55 


L ol 




Section of the Smith map, 1624 (Frontispiece ) 
Looking up the Rappahannock over the island and falls.......... setsiose 
Specimens fromypopposite the 1slande. mc. as. sc os eeilsleceieeeiieie ie oe 
Specimens tron the vicinity, of NMiotts) Ritnsn..scucese saeeeeeaeeec ers 
Looking down the Rappahannock from over the mouth of the Rapidan. . 
Specimensminomiethestionresteblalliisitessnm sense areerieereiieemeicie orice 
Fragments of pottery and objects of stone from the Forest Hall site... 
Looking up the valley of the Rappahannock, showing the mouth of the 
Rapidanmwathechanrdsstordyhey ond emmremarcececetenacececeees 
1. Richards Ford on the Rappahannock. 2. Fragments of pottery from 
Mea tegtMe sO Ube terera stele ens thee terete. evecetn sich aces cpersverele Sie rar alex on creaenmeters 
Hracments otepottenya thom ROgeES HOndeee asses 
Looking up the valley of the Rappahannock from Kellys Ford........ 
1. Down the Rappahannock from Kellys Ford. 2. Pottery from the 
SitevatWielllivs Orcieee mre eis ore cucvsscvsi sitters el a euepe eras, alenaye ore neiecie, shes 
1. Fragments of pottery from Jerrys Flats. 2. Pentagonal point from 
north of Elys Ford. Two Folsom type points................... 
Moolkinesup theskapidanrate okinkernse Onde ee nec cieiael teenie: 
1. Site at Skinkers Ford. 2. Down the Rapidan showing position of 
LOWE THEMIS lem tT ap ceoeeernen torneo peserotceers fetes er joke vor hrodl tel = telomere oe 
Stonerobyectsmnomusiteat Skainixerss Honda eee sence 
Rottenyathomes kinkensmHondusitesnariaeceie cieeiden: imeciooe einer: 
ISG bic: IN RECS caais tetvio clo DCRe nT rie EEO oats cho Hii PCIe Nene eaRom IGG Cancer 
1. Looking down the Rapidan with part of Fox Neck on left. 2. Ma- 
{eta PiLOMmOppPOSsiLem Moxa N(CCKueme ereerie aenecmierenicni icra 
Specimens from left bank of Rapidan near Potato Run............... 
WOWAEE) WINES ooconscovcd- et PRA Rs aS ERM St are ree ate oe a eee 


Sectionsotthemleederer mapy 1O7Oneee cece acess acl ees serie ce ee 
Map) ot the Rapidan-Rappahannock aneas..casess4essc- ise eeee see: 
iRrovectilespointinometie slander ccc cee e teeters vie 
iPesroratedatablep tonndenca tm Mottsmiume tee seer eile ie eieisiet errs 
Specimens mnomthessornest tall sitesmriy sm aeiieteeis ire cieniers eres eieentele 
eats, mesnoyeaal, wins MGielaeneals IRC Gaochaboesceougca5 bo souudcedd 
Materialia trometherquantyewObnkshopsemee cess cee cilities) 
Conicalebasevoranlanee vessel Rogers ondmeeese sees oe ence ola. 
Fragments’ of pottery showing use of coils. .........0...06 28 ess eee ees 
Eragment) of pottery, with) incised decoration.......+..--+.++--+-.--- 
Rianomlowerish thaprates kinket, suitor serie minis alee tere rire 


(WitH 21 PLATEs) 

At the beginning of the seventeenth century the greater part of 
the piedmont section of Virginia was occupied by Siouan tribes. The 
villages of the Monacan were then standing on the banks of the James 
and Rivanna Rivers and dominated the surrounding country.’ North- 
ward, along the course of the Rappahannock and of the tributary 
Rapidan, were the scattered settlements of the various tribes that 
formed the Manahoac confederacy. The restricted area between the 
eastern boundary of the lands then claimed by the Manahoac tribes, 
which extended to the vicinity of the falls of the Rappahannock, and 
the right * bank of the Potomac was occupied by Algonquian groups, 
some of whom belonged to the Powhatan confederacy, others being 
in alliance with tribes then living on the opposite side of the Potomac, 
a region soon to become part of the “ Province of Mary-land”’. 

For many years after the establishment of Jamestown the Mana- 
hoac tribes constituted one of the most important groups in the colony. 
But between the English settlements and the land claimed and occu- 
pied by the Manahoac were the many Algonquian villages, dominated 
first by Powhatan and later by Opechancanough, hostile to the English 
and ever enemies of their Siouan neighbors. These served as a barrier 
and prevented intercourse between the colonists and the tribes then 
living beyond the falls of the Rappahannock. 

Although the English encountered many of the Manahoac for a 
single day during the summer of the year following the settlement 
of the colony, there is no known record of a European having visited 
a village of the confederacy or of having had other contact with the 
tribes in the region they had occupied in 1608. Evidently the English 
did not enter the country west of the falls until after the native 

* Bushnell, David I., Jr., The Five Monacan towns in Virginia, 1607. Smith- 
sonian Misc. Coll., vol. 82, no. 12, 1930. 

* When using the terms “right bank” and “left bank”, the observer is con- 
sidered to be facing downstream. 




villages had been abandoned and the people dispersed ; consequently, 
very little is known of the manners, customs, and beliefs of this 
ancient Siouan group. 

The region now to be considered, part of the ancient country of 
the Manahoac, extends westward from the falls of the Rappahannock 
at Fredericksburg, up the valley of the Rappahannock to Kellys Ford, 
and along the Rapidan from its mouth to near Mortons Ford. 

The description of the various camp and village sites and of the 
material found scattered over the surface of many of them, which 
is presented in the following pages, is based on data gathered during 
short visits to the different localities. It was not planned to conduct 
a thorough examination of the region, but rather to make a reconnais- 
sance in the endeavor to locate sites that might have been occupied 
by the Manahoac in 1608, and to discover, if possible, additional evi- 
dence of an earlier period of occupation. 

At this time I desire to express my appreciation to Capt. H. K. 
Baisley, Army Air Corps, stationed at Bolling Field, D. C., by whom 
the aerial photographs (except pl. 2) were made; to H. B. Collins, Jr., 
my companion on many trips; and to F. M. Aldridge, of Fredericks- 
burg, and G. G. Harris, of Stevensburg, for assistance in locating sites 
and material. 


During the summer of 1608 colonists from Jamestown, led by 
Capt. John Smith, made two successful exploring trips to the islands 
and shores of Chesapeake Bay in the endeavor to learn more about 
the nature of the country in which their new home had been estab- 
lished. They entered many streams, up which they went as far as 
possible, and discovered Indian villages never before visited by Euro- 
peans, in turn being the first white men to be seen by the majority 
of the native inhabitants. Both trips proved to be of the greatest 
interest and importance, and brief accounts of them have been pre- 
served, but only that portion of the narratives will now be considered 
that treats of the exploration of the Rappahannock which brought the 
English into contact with the Manahoac tribes.’ 

* Quotations are from the narratives of ‘“‘ What happened the second Voyage 
in discovering the Bay . . . . Written by Anthony Bagnall, Nathanaell Powell, 
and Anas Todkill”, in The Generall Historie of Virginia, by Capt. John Smith, 
1624. All references to Smith’s writings are taken from the English Scholar’s 
Library edition, edited by Edward Arber, Birmingham, 1884. 


The information concerning the Manahoac gathered during the brief 
stay of Smith and his party in the vicinity of that people constitutes 
the major part of our knowledge of the manners, customs, and beliefs 
of members of that group of tribes, and its importance cannot be over- 
estimated. The names of four native settlements, two on the banks 
of the Rapidan and two on the Rappahannock, were told at that time 
by Amoroleck, a Manahoac Indian from Hassininga, who had been 
wounded and taken captive by the English. 

The second expedition left Jamestown July 24, 1608, and returned 
early in September. Late in August, after having explored much of 
the bay to the northward, they reached the mouth of the Rappahannock 
and continued up the river to the village of Moraughtacund. This 
was shown on the 1624 map as being on the left bank of the river, 
and is thought to have occupied a site near a small creek, about 13 
miles above the mouth of Corrotoman River, in the present Lancaster 
County, Virginia. Here a few years ago, scattered over an area of 
some 60 acres, were vast quantities of oyster shells, the deposits hav- 
ing a maximum depth of about 4 feet. A greater amount of frag- 
mentary pottery and a larger number of chipped boulders and pebbles, 
chips of stone, crudely made axes, and other objects of native origin 
are said to have been found here than on any other site yet dis- 
covered on the banks of the Rappahannock, indicating the location 
of a large native settlement. 

At Moraughtacund the colonists met their “old friend Mosco, a 
lusty Salvage of Wighcocomoco upon the river of Patawomek ”, who 
was destined to serve them as guide and interpreter during their trip 
up the river. Continuing up the stream, the English had a serious 
encounter with the Rapahanocks, whose village, designated at T’oppa- 
hannock, is shown on the 1624 map on the left bank of the river. 
It may have occupied a site on the bank of the Rappahannock in the 
present Richmond County, immediately opposite the town of Tappa- 
hannock, which stands on the right bank of the river in [Essex County. 

Thus far, only Algonquian tribes had been encountered. 

The day following the skirmish with the Indians the English con- 
tinued up the stream as far as their boat could be taken, where the 
channel became obstructed by the rocks below the large island. Here 
they went ashore to explore the country. They did not go far from 
the boat but, as indicated by the position of the small cross on the 
map, appear to have ascended the high ground on the right bank of 
the river opposite the upper end of the island, beyond which lay the 
country of the Manahoac. 



Soon after the English had landed in the vicinity of the falls of 
the Rappahannock they were attacked by Indians. The fight lasted 
about half an hour, when the latter ‘ vanished as suddenly as they 
approached. Mosco followed them so farre as he could see us, till 
they were out of sight.” One of the Indians was found severely 
wounded and was taken to the boat, where Mosco attempted to attack 
him. “ In the meane time we contented Mosco in helping him to gather 
up their arrowes, which were an armefull; whereof he gloried not a 

The wounded Manahoac soon recovered from the shock (p. 427) : 

he looked somewhat chearefully, and did eate and speake. ... . Then we desired 
Mosco to know what he was, and what Countries were beyond the mountaines ; 
the poore Salvage mildly answered, he and all with him were of Hassininga, 
where there are three Kings more, like unto them, namely the King of Stegora, 
the King of Tauruntania, and the King of Shakahonea, that were come to Mo- 
haskahod, which is onely a hunting Towne, and the bounds betwixt the Kingdome 
of the Mannahocks and the Nandtaughtacunds, but hard by where we were. 

We demanded why they came in that manner to betray us, that came to 
them in peace, and to seeke their loves; he answered, they heard we were a 
people come from under the world, to take their world from them. 

We asked him how many worlds he did know, he replyed, he knew no more 
but that which was under the skie that covered him, which were the Powhatans, 
with the Monacans, and the Massawomeks that were higher up in the mountaines. 

Then we asked him what was beyond the mountaines, he answered the Sunne: 
but of any thing els he knew nothing; because the woods were not burnt. 

These and many such questions wee demanded, concerning the Massawomeks, 
the Monacans, their owne Country, and where were the Kings of Stegora, 
Tauxsintania, and the rest. The Monacans he sayd where their neighbours and 
friends, and did dwell as they in the hilly Countries by small rivers, living upon 
roots and fruits, but chiefly by hunting. The Massawomeks did dwell upon 
a great water, and had many boats, and so many men that they made warre 
with all the world. For their Kings, they were gone every one a severall way 
with their men on hunting. But those with him came thither a fishing till they 
saw us, notwithstanding they would be all together at night at Mahaskahod. 

For his relation we gave him many toyes, with perswasions to goe with us: 
and he as earnestly desired us to stay the comming of those Kings that for his 
good usage should be friends with us, for he was brother to Hassininga. But 
Mosco advised us presently to be gone, for they were all naught; yet we told 
him we would not till it was night. All things we made ready to entertain 
what came, and Mosco was as diligent in trimming his arrowes. 

The night being come we all imbarked; for the river was so narrow, had it 
beene light the land on the one side was so high, they might have done us 
exceeding much mischiefe. All this while the King of Hassininga was seeking 
the rest, and had consultation a good time what to doe. But by their espies 
seeing we were gone, it was not long before we heard their arrowes dropping 
on every side the Boat; we caused our Salvages to call unto them, but such 


a yelling and hallowing they made that they heard nothing, but now and then 
we shot off a peece, ayming so neare as we could where we heard the most 
voyces. More than 12 myles they followed us in this manner; then the day 
appearing, we found our selves in a broad Bay, out of danger of their shot, 
where wee came to an anchor, and fell to breakfast. Not so much as speaking 
to them till the Sunne was risen. 

Being well refreshed, we untyed our Targets that covered us as a Deck, 
and all shewed our selves with those shields on our armes, and swords in our 
hands, and also our prisoner Amoroleck. A long discourse there was betwixt 
his Countrimen and him, how good wee were, how well wee used him, how wee 
had a Patawomek with us, who loved us as his life, that would have slaine him 
had wee not preserved him, and that he should have his libertie would they be 
but friends; and to doe us any hurt was impossible. 

Upon this they all hung their Bowes and Quivers upon the trees, and one came 
swimming aboord us with a Bow tyed on his head, and another with a Quiver 
of Arrowes, which they delivered our Captaine as a present: the Captaine 
having used them so kindly as he could, told them the other three Kings should 
doe the like, and then the great King of our world should be their friend; whose 
men we were. It was no sooner demanded but performed, so upon a low 
Moorish poynt of land we went to the shore, where those foure Kings came and 
received Amoroleck: nothing they had but Bowes, Arrowes, Tobacco-bags, and 
Pipes: what we desired, none refused to give us, wondering at every thing 
we had, and heard we had done: our Pistols they tooke for pipes, which they 
much desired, but we did content them with other Commodities. And so we 
left foure or five hundred of our merry J/annahocks, singing, dauncing, and 
making merry, and set sayle for Moraughtacund. 

Thus ended the first intercourse between the English and chiefs 
of several Manahoac tribes. Other colonists may have entered the 
country above the falls of the Rappahannock, but not until after the 
native villages had been abandoned and the Indians had left the 
valleys are explorers and settlers known to have traversed the ancient 
territory of the Manahoac and to have left records of their journeys 
into the wilderness, now the piedmont section of Virginia. 

In “ The Description of Virginia”, 1612, Captain Smith* wrote: 
“ The third navigable river is called Toppahanock. (This is navigable 
some 130 myles.) At the top of it inhabit the people called Manna- 
hoackes amongst the mountaines, but they are above the place we 
describe.” It will be remembered that Smith and his party did not 
enter the Manahoac country, and that all their knowledge of the posi- 
tion of the different tribes whose villages then stood in the valleys 
of the Rapidan and Rappahannock was evidently obtained from the 
wounded Manahoac Indian, Amoroleck, through the Algonquian in- 
terpreter, Mosco. Many of the native settlements were indicated on 
the map of Virginia, issued in 1624, and their apparent accuracy is 

*Op. cit., Arber edition, p. 52. 


very remarkable. Smith, in describing the map, wrote: “In which 
Mappe observe this, that as far as you see the little Crosses on 
rivers, mountaines, or other places, have been discovered; the rest 
was had by information of the Savages, and are set downe according 
to their instructions.”” Two such crosses appear near the falls of 
the Rappahannock, one on the left bank below the island, the second 
on the right bank just above the island. These indicate the most 
distant points reached by the English in August 1608. 

When referring to the several tribes Smith wrote (p. 71): 

Upon the head of the river of Toppahanock is a people called Mannahoacks. 
To these are contributers the Taursnitanias, the Shackaconias, the Outponcas. 
the Tegoneaes, the Whonkentyaes, the Stegarakes, the Hassinnungas, and diverse 
others: all confederats with the Monacans, though many different in language, 
and be very barbarous, living for most part of wild beasts and fruits. 

A paragraph very similar to the preceding, written by Smith, oc- 
curs in the Strachey manuscripts,’ but the spelling of the names 
differs, and there are other variations. Strachey” wrote (p. 104) : 

Beyond the springs of the river Tappahanock (the second from Powhatan’s ) 
is a people called Mannahoaks ; to these are contributory the Tanxsnitanians, the 
Shackaconias, the Outpankas, the Tegoneas, the Whonkentias, the Stogaras, 
the Hassinugas, and divers others, all confederates with the Monacans, though 
many of them different in language and very barbarous, living for the most part 
upon wild beasts and fruicts, and have likewise assisted the Monacans, in 
tymes past, against Powhatan, and maie also by us be dealt withall and taken 
into friendship, as opportunity and meanes shall affourd. 

In describing the country, Strachey had previously written (p. 37): 
‘the third navigable river by the Naturalls of old was called Opis- 

° Strachey, William, The historie of travaile into Virginia Britannia. Hakluyt 
Society, London, 1840. 

Âź William Strachey was the first Secretary of the Colony and remained in 
Virginia several years, but very little is known of his life and career. He does 
not appear to have visited the country of the Manahoac and may have had 
very little intercourse with the Indians. The statements by Smith and Strachey 
are so similar that it is evident one was quoted from the other, and on the 
assumption that Smith’s work was prepared before the compilation of the two 
Strachey manuscripts, it should be considered the source of much of Strachey’s 

It is the belief of the writer that the William Strachey who resided in Vir- 
ginia, the first Secretary of the Colony, did not actually prepare the two manu- 
scripts now preserved in London and Oxford, but that he probably sent notes 
to England, where they were combined with ample quotations from the writings 
of Smith to form the manuscripts, which were thus prepared by another. More 
than one William Strachey, possibly related to the Virginia adventurer, lived 
in England during the early years of the seventeenth century. Brief references 
to the Strachey family of that period are to be found in the introduction to 
the Hakluyt Society publication. 


catumeck, of late Toppahanock, and we the Queen’s River; this is 
navigable some one hundred and thirty miles. At the top of yt in- 
habite the people called Mannahoacks, amongst the mountaynes, but 
they are above the place described in Captain Smithe’s mappe.”” This 
was the present Rappahannock, the old Indian name of which was 

Although it is to be regretted that more information about the 
manners and ways of life of the Manahoac tribes is not available, 
it is gratifying to realize how much was gathered and preserved 
as a result of the brief contact of colonists and Indians in August 
1608. But for the willingness of one wounded native, even that would 
not have been recorded. 


As previously mentioned, only five Manahoac sites are indicated 
on the 1624 map, one being that of the “ hunting Towne”, a tem- 
porary camp, the other four probably being the names of the chiefs 
whom the English met during the morning after the encounter near 
the falls. In addition to these, three others were mentioned in the 
text but not shown on the map ; these were Outponcas, Tegoneaes, and 
Whonkentyaes. There is nothing to suggest where they may have 
been situated—whether on the Rappahannock or the Rapidan. 

Concerning the true significance of the eight names, it is not known 
whether they were place names that would have been applied to 
settlements through a long period of years or the names of chiefs, 
who in 1608 were recognized and acknowledged by others and whose 
people dominated a region that corresponded with the position of the 
name on the map. Amoroleck, the Manahoac Indian, once referred 
to himself as ‘brother to Hassininga’”’ who was later mentioned 
as “the King of Hassininga”’. Evidently Amoroleck was a brother 
of a chief named Hassininga, whose village then stood on the banks 
of the Rappahannock just above its junction with the Rapidan. If 
this hypothesis is correct, it should be assumed that the eight names 
were primarily those of individuals rather than of places. The names 
may have been provided by the four chiefs themselves, who at the 
same time would probably have indicated the relative positions of 
their villages as later recorded on the map. 

The five sites will be considered separately in the endeavor to de- 
termine where they may have stood in the year 1608. However, there 
is no record of any of the native villages having been visited by a 
European, their actual existence and approximate position having 


been revealed to the English by the Indians after the encounter below 
the falls. The names were undoubtedly recorded by the English as 
given them by their Algonquian guide and interpreter, Mosco. 

As yet it has not been possible to translate the names as given by 
Smith or Strachey. They were undoubtedly in some Siouan dialect 
and were told to the English by an Algonquian Indian. The latter 
appears to have attempted to translate the Siouan word into his own 
language, and this resulted in the names as recorded by the English 
being a combination of Siouan and Algonquian, making it difficult, 
if not impossible, ever to learn their true meaning. 

Traces of many native settlements have been discovered on the 
banks of the Rapidan and the Rappahannock above the falls, some of 
which were undoubtedly occupied in 1608, but it will probably never 
be possible to determine the exact position of any one of the eight 
villages that were mentioned in the early narratives. 


Mahaskahod was the name applied to a camp, possibly of a tem- 
porary nature as distinguished from a permanent settlement. It was 
described as “a hunting Towne”, where several hundred Indians 
from four or more distant villages of the Manahoac were gathered 
in August 1608. 

This large encampment, if it really existed as described at the time 
of the first visit of the English to the region, must have stood on the 
banks of the Rappahannock some distance above the upper end of 
the large island. The colonists, as suggested by the position of the 
small cross placed at that point on the 1624 map, reached a locality 
on the right bank of the river opposite the island. They probably 
ascended the cliff that rises from the river bank at the end of the 
dam just above the island, from which they would have had a view 
up the valley. This point is clearly shown in plate 2. But the narra- 
tive did not mention an Indian encampment in the vicinity, nor did 
the English encounter any natives at that time. 


The position of Hassuiuga can be identified with a greater degree 
of certainty than any other site on either the Rapidan or the Rappa- 
hannock. It evidently occupied the banks of the Rappahannock a 
short distance above the mouth of the Rapidan, at a crossing of the 
river now known as Richards Ford, where traces of a native village 
occur, and where, according to local tradition, an Indian town once 
stood. This corresponds with the position of the name on the 1624 



This name appears on the 1624 map far up the stream that corre- 
sponds to the present Rappahannock River. The region so vaguely 
indicated on the map was settled during the early years of the eight- 
eenth century. “Ina grant of 1717, relating to lands above the mouth 
of Great Run, there is mention of a ‘ poison field where an Indian 
town had formerly stood.’ This was doubtless the Manahoac town 
laid down on Capt. John Smith’s map as Tanxsnitania.”’* The “ poison 
fields” were identified as the area adjoining the Fauquier White Sul- 
phur Springs. The site would be between 2 and 3 miles above the 
mouth of Great Run, which joins the Rappahannock on the left bank ; 
Great Run is some 5 miles above the mouth of Hazel River. 


As indicated on the 1624 map, Shackaconia was the first settlement 
on the Rapidan above its mouth. The exact position may never be 
known, but the village probably occupied one of the sites later to 
be described. 


Stegara may have stood on the banks of the Rapidan in Orange 
County, a mile or more east of the Greene County line. However, 
that would have been a long distance from the falls, near which the 
“ King of Stegora’’ was met by the English in August 1608. Such 
long journeys, however, were often undertaken by an entire village, 
and, as will be told later, dugout canoes were used by Indians on the 
Rapidan as late as 1682, when they went from the foothills of the Blue 
Ridge to visit the English outpost at the falls of the Rappahannock. 

One of the most extensive level tracts in the valley of the Rapidan 
borders the right bank of the river at the locality mentioned, and when 
partly covered with timber, as it probably was until cleared for culti- 
vation, would have been a beautiful site for a native settlement. 

Part of a large burial mound that belonged to the village is still 
standing on the immediate bank of the stream. The mound was par- . 
tially examined by Fowke’ and found to contain many burials. Quanti- 
ties of arrowpoints, axes, and other objects of native origin have been 
discovered scattered over the surface in the vicinity of the mound, 

* Harrison, Fairfax, Landmarks of Old Prince William, vol. 1, p. 202. Privately 
printed, Richmond, 1924. 

*Fowke, Gerard, Archeologic investigations in James and Potomac Valleys. 
Bull. 23, Bur. Amer. Ethnol., 1894. 


and in many respects the entire site resembles that of the ancient 
Saponi village, Monasukapanough, on the banks of the Rivanna some 
15 miles away. 


The English reached the falls of the Rappahannock in August 1608 
and there came in contact with the Manahoac tribes whose lands lay 
to the westward, but the first journey into the country beyond the 
falls, of which a record is known to have been preserved, was not 
made until the year 1670. Great changes had taken place, however, 
during the interval between 1608 and 1670, and although there had 
been a relatively large population living in camps and villages along 
the courses of the streams at the beginning of the century, by the year 
1670 the country was practically deserted. 

During the summer of 1670 the German traveler, John Lederer, 
of whom so little is known, traversed the wilderness as far as the 
Blue Ridge. Earlier in the year he had visited several Monacan 
villages in the valley of the James, and in the brief account of his 
“Third and last expedition. From the Falls of Rappahanock River 
in Virginia, due west to the top of the Apalatean Mountains ”’, referred 
to his journey through the region that had so short a time before been 
the home of the scattered Manahoac tribes. Small groups of Indians 
may have remained in the vicinity, but they were not mentioned and 
may not have been encountered. Describing this last expedition 
Lederer wrote in part:’ 

On the twentieth of August 1670, Col. Catlet of Virginia and my self, with 
nine English horse, and five Indians on foot, departed from the house of one 
Robert Talifer, and that night reached the falls of Rappahanock river, in Indian 

The next day we passed it over where it divides into two branches north 
and south, keeping the main branch north of us. 

The three and twentieth we found it so shallow, that it onely wet our horses 

The four and twentieth we travelled thorow the Savanae amongst vast herds 
of red and fallow deer which stood gazing at us; and a little after, we came 
to the Promontories or spurs of the Apalataean-mountains. 

A crudely drawn map of the region accompanies the narrative, a 
section of which is reproduced in figure 1. This shows the Rappa- 
hannock and the Rapidan uniting some miles above the falls, and 

* Lederer, John, The discoveries of. .... Begun in March 1669, and ended 
in September 1670. London, 1672. Reprint 1002. 



| O 
be YY , 

“2 e .“e/2e° 

Fic. 1.—Section of the Lederer map, 1670. The stream on 
the right is the Rappahannock. The broken line indicates the 

trail followed by Lederer, “from the house of one Robert 


a broken line indicates the route of the party westward. They un- 
doubtedly followed an Indian trail, which may have been about the 
course of the road that leads west from Falmouth, on the left bank 
of the Rappahannock at the falls, and crosses the river at Richards 
Ford, about 1 mile above the mouth of the Rapidan.” 

The name Manahoac was not used by Lederer when referring to 
the native tribes, although it had been employed in the earlier records, 
but it is believed the names Mahoc and Mahock of his narrative were 
other forms of the word that were used at the later day. 

As so often told in history, sometime before the spring of 1656 
a large number of Indians, probably an entire village with all of their 
possessions, ‘‘ sett downe neer the falls of James river, to the number 
of six or seaven hundred ”’.“ They had come as friends to seek a 
new home, not as enemies, and desired peace, not war. Later they 
were attacked by the colonists in the endeavor to expel them from 
the colony. The English had as allies Totopotomi and his Pamunkey 
warriors. In the encounter that ensued the English suffered great 
losses and their allies were routed and driven back.” The Indians 
against whom the combined attack had been directed probably retired 
up the James and were lost to history, but Mohawk Creek, on the 
right bank of the James a mile or more south of the present Gooch- 
land, is believed to perpetuate their name. 

Some 15 years after the disastrous encounter Lederer mentioned 
it and wrote in part: “a great Indian king called Tottopottoma was 
heretofore slain in battle, fighting for the Christians against the 
Mahocks and Nahyssana.” “ The latter were from far up the James, 
and it is now believed the Mohocks, who had come from a distance, 

” The road as it was used at the beginning of the last century was shown on 
the Bishop James Madison map, first issued in 1807 and again in 1818; also on 
the Nine Sheet Map, 1827. The road from Falmouth crossed the Rappahannock 
at Richards Ford, then continued to Stevensburg and beyond, as it does at the 
present time. 

“ Hening, William Waller, The statutes at large .... of all the laws of 
Virginia, vol. 1, New York, 1823. 

Âź The exact date of the engagement is not known, but it occurred subsequent 
to March 27, 1656, when it was enacted by the General Assembly “ That the 
two upper countyes, under the command of Coll. Edward Hill, do presently send 
forth a party of 100 men at least and that they shall first endeavour to remoove 
the said new come Indians without makeing warr if it may be, only in case 
of their own defence. .... ” (Hening, vol. 1, pp. 402-403). And it was probably 
between April 23 and June 4, 1656, as is suggested by brief references to early 
Council and General Court records. (Virginia Hist. Mag., Virginia Hist. Soc., 
vol. 8, no. 2, p. 164, Richmond, 1900.) 

* Lederer, op. cit. 


were a village or group of Manahoac who had been forced to abandon 
their country to the northward, along the Rappahannock and the 

The pressure exerted by enemy tribes from the north undoubtedly 
caused the dispersal of the Manahoac from the region they had oc- 
cupied in 1608. The movement may have begun soon after the middle 
of the century, at a time when the Iroquois were waging relentless 
war against the Erie, thus leaving the tribes to the south of them 
free to act on the offensive. 

The difficulties that were being experienced by the colony along the 
frontier at that time were expressed in several reports recorded by 
Hening,” one of which is quoted, and although this is dated March 
1661-2, it refers to events and happenings that had transpired some- 
time before. It reads in part: 

Upon the report of the committee appointed for the Indian affaires it ap- 
pearing that the Susquehannock and other northern Indians, in considerable 
numbers frequently come to the heads of our rivers, whereby plain paths will 
soone be made which may prove of dangerous consequence, and alsoe affront 
the English and destroy their stocks and gett the whole trade from our neigh- 
bouring and tributary Indians; it is ordered by this assembly that for prevention 
and of other injuries to the English from the Marylanders for the future, that the 
honourable governour cause by proclamation a prohibition of all Marylanders, 
English and Indians (which they have alreadie done to us) and of all other 
Indians to the Northward of Maryland from trucking, tradeing, bartering or 
dealing with any English or Indians to the southward of that place, and that 
by commission from the governour collonel Wood be impowered to manage 
the said businesse. 

The falls of the Rappahannock were at that time beyond the frontier 
of the colony, and it is easily conceived that ‘‘ the Susquehannock and 
other northern Indians” had, during their southern raids, traversed 
the region to the westward, entered the valley of the Rappahannock, 
and thus caused the native tribes to disperse and seek new homes 

The historic “ Carolina Road”, which may not have acquired its 
name until about the middle of the eighteenth century, followed the 
course of more ancient trails that led from north to south. It crossed 
the Potomac at the mouth of the Monocacy, reached the Rappahan- 
nock in the vicinity of the present Kellys Ford, thence to the left 
bank of the Rapidan which was probably crossed at or near Fox 
Neck.” The crossing may once have been at a very old, long-abandoned 

* Hening, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 153. 
* Harrison, Fairfax, Landmarks of Old Prince William. Privately printed. 
2 vols., Richmond, 1924. 


ford about 1 mile above Fox Neck, just below the mouth of a small 
stream now known as Sissens Run, but designated as Fleshman’s R. 
on the Nine Sheet Map, 1827. 

Leaving the Rapidan, the trail continued southward to the crossing 
of the James at the present town of Goochland. On the opposite or 
right bank of the James, above the ferry, is the mouth of Mohawk 
Creek. It is evident the Manahoac, or rather some part of them, 
moved southward from the valley of the Rapidan or the Rappahannock 
over the old route and arrived at the James, where they may have re- 
mained before continuing down the river to the falls. Their camp 
was probably at the mouth of the creek, to which their name was soon 

The name of another creek suggests the identity of the Manahoac 
tribe that had “ sett downe neer the falls of James river, to the num- 
ber of six or seaven hundred ”. 

On the 1624 map the village of Shackaconia is indicated on the right 
bank of the Rapidan a short distance above the mouth of the stream, 
and it is assumed to have occupied a site on or near Fox Neck, or 
possibly at the present Skinkers Ford, where traces of an extensive 
settlement have been discovered. No one of the sites would have been 
more than a few miles from the trail that led southward from the 
Rapidan to the James. 

The camping place of the Indians who had come from afar and had 
settled near the falls of the James was on, or in the vicinity of, 
the headwaters of Shaccoe Creek, which flows into the James within 
the City of Richmond. A manuscript map in the “ Byrd Title Book ”, 
in the collections of the Virginia Historical Society, dated early in 
the year 1663, shows the creek bearing the legend: “ Shaccoe Creek 
formerly Called Chyinak”’. It is now suggested that the new name 
Shaccoe was derived from that of the Indians who had a few years 
before settled nearby, believed to have been from the village of 
Shackaconia on the banks of the Rapidan. Until their coming the 
creek had evidently been known by the name Chyinak. If this belief 
is correct it was the Shackaconia tribe of the Manahoac confederacy, 
the Mahocks of Lederer, who defeated the colonists and their Pa- 
munkey allies in one of the most important encounters between the 
English and Indians recorded in the annals of the colonies. This 
was the last great fight in Virginia between Siouan and Algonquian 

After the defeat of the English the Mahocks may have returned 
to the vicinity of the mouth of Mohawk Creek. Although this is 
thought to have been the site of the Monacan village of Massinacack 


in 1607, the name of the ancient settlement was in no way associated 
with that of the stream. 

During the year 1676 a fort was erected “ at or neare the ffalls of 
Rapahanack river’, and soon the country that lay beyond the forks 
became better known to the colonists. In 1682 Cadwalader Jones, 
then commander of the Rappahannock Rangers, explored far west- 
ward, traversed the region previously mentioned by Lederer, where 
were to be found “ vast herds of red and fallow deer”, and may have 
crossed the Blue Ridge. Among his companions was John Taliaferro, 
who some years later testified that he had been with Jones in 1682 
and said in part: 


We traviled up the South river till we came to sev'' small mountains & so 
to the North River. In our travills we were sev'’ times on the North River 
and went up the South River to the great Mountains where we discovered 
the South River’s Springs to head into the Mountains. All our Judgm** 
was the South river to be the bigest and were inform’d so by all the Indians 
y* was our Pilotts; and saw an Indian y* made a periauger at the moun- 
tain and brought her down to the Garison with Skins and venison, where the 
said Jones Commanded.” 

In this statement South River referred to the present Rapidan, and 
North River was that part of the present Rappahannock above the 
mouth of the Rapidan. “ Periauger ” was the name then applied to 
a dugout canoe, made of a single log. 

The brief quotation from Taliaferro’s testimony proves of much 
interest, as it contains the only reference known to the writer of the 
actual use of a dugout canoe by Indians in piedmont Virginia. It 
also indicates that long journeys were made in such craft from the 
foothills of the Blue Ridge, down the Rapidan, and on to the fort 
near the falls of the Rappahannock, then on the frontier of the colony. 


As already stated, the region now being considered extends up the 
Rappahannock River from the falls just above Fredericksburg to 
Kellys Ford, and along the Rapidan from its junction with the Rappa- 
hannock to the vicinity of Mortons Ford. The supposed site of 
Stegara on the Rapidan, and of Tanxsnitania on the Rappahannock, 
are beyond these limits and consequently will not be included in the 
present narrative. 

It is interesting to discover traces of Indian occupancy on nearly 
every acre of cleared or cultivated land along the river banks, wher- 

* Harrison, op. cit. The quotation was made from the manuscript of Talia- 
ferro’s testimony, document 5: 1315, in the Colonial Office, London. 


ever it is possible to examine the surface carefully. Often it is liter- 
ally a trace—an arrowpoint, a bit of pottery, or a flake of stone. 
Again, the occurrence of a large accumulation of material within a 
rather restricted area will indicate the location of an extensive village, 
or of a site that had been frequented by small groups at intervals 
during a long period. But all the fragmentary pottery and objects of 
stone encountered in the region must not be attributed to the Siouan 
tribes who claimed the country at the beginning of the seventeenth 
century. They had been preceded by other groups, many of whose 
weapons and implements may now be intermingled with those of the 
later people. 

A large part of the land above the falls remains heavily timbered, 
and some interesting sites may be hidden beneath the tangled mass of 
vegetation bordering the streams. But some tracts that were once cul- 
tivated are now overgrown; some such areas may be distinguished in 
the photographs taken from the air. Springs of clear cold water 
occur throughout the region. Game was abundant, and much may 
still be found. 

The depth of water in the rivers varies greatly, and freshets and 
droughts often follow in quick succession, as during the summer and 
early autumn of 1934. In some places the banks of the rivers are 
of sufficient height to confine the streams at all times, but the flats 
are frequently overflowed. Strange as it may seem, the greater part 
of the material found has been recovered from land that has often 
been covered by water. . 

Many sites have been examined along both rivers and will be de- 
scribed separately, beginning at the falls and continuing up the Rappa- 
hannock to Kellys Ford, then along the Rapidan from its mouth 
to near Mortons Ford. The distances between the places mentioned 
are: From the falls to the junction of the two streams, in a direct 
line, about 8 miles, thence to Kellys Ford about 13 miles. From the 
mouth of the Rapidan in a direct line to Mortons Ford is approxi- 
mately 17 miles. The distances between the same points by the me- 
andering courses of the rivers would be at least twice as great. 

All sites mentioned in the text are indicated on the map of the 
region, figure 2. 


The waters flowing past the large island, and the rapids both above 
and below, appear to have been favorite fishing places for all who 
had occupied or frequented the region since it was first known to 


man. It was near the island that several hundred Manahoac Indians, 
the last of the native tribes to claim the country, had gathered early 
in August 1608, when some were met by the English who had ascended 
the Rappahannock, and it is easily conceived that it had served as a 
gathering place for others through centuries. As related by Amoro- 
leck, the Manahoac man who had been wounded and taken captive, 
the English were not discovered by the Indians until he and “ those 
with him came thither fishing ”’. 

Fish traps may have extended across the rocky bed of the river, 
below the island, in the year 1608 as some do at the present time. 
Those still existing have been used in recent years, but by whom they 
were originally constructed will never be ascertained. Traps similar 
to these, however, had undoubtedly been made by the Manahoac, as 
well as by others who had preceded them in the region. They resemble 
the traps in the James River at Richmond, described by Beverley more 
than two centuries ago. 

Fragments of pottery found a few years ago on the right bank of 
the Rappahannock opposite the middle of the large island are illus- 
trated in plate 3. The site, which was cultivated when the discoveries 
were made but is now in grass, is shown in plate 2, on the extreme left 
above and adjoining the circular track.” 

The 12 sherds belong to several types of ware that differ in texture 
and decoration. The nine pieces above are parts of rims of vessels. 
The three on the right, a, are of a light yellowish-gray color and are 
very hard. They were made of a fine, clean clay and contain no par- 
ticles of stone. Although very hard, they are extremely porous, owing 
to the disappearance of the tempering material. Evidently a vegetal 
substance had served as the tempering material; possibly stems of 
grass or bits of wood had been reduced to the proper size and mixed 
with the clay. A fresh fracture through the lowest of the three speci- 
mens revealed particles of carbon filling small cavities, but the greater 
part of the material, after having been carbonized, had leached away, 
leaving the many small cavities. The fragments are decorated with 
incised lines. 

The three specimens 0 are fragments of rims of large vessels. All 
are black, hard, and compact, and are tempered with finely pulverized 

The two pieces c may have belonged to the same vessel, and resemble 
in texture specimens a. The fracture at the bottom of the lower speci- 

* All specimens shown in plates 3 and 4 were collected by F. M. Aldridge, 

Fredericksburg, Va., by whom the pottery has been presented to the U. S. 
National Museum. 




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4 natural size. Pottery, U.S.N.M. no. 373778. 

VOL. 94, NO. 8, PL. 4 


Above, specimens from the vicinity of Motts Run. Below, two chalcedony 
scrapers, from right bank of the Rappahannock opposite the island at the falls. 

Upper figure 4 natural size; lower figure natural size. 

‘JUS UO OPIS [[L]] Jsot0y 

‘sdi09) ary Away 'S ‘f) ydvasojpoy.T 




4 natural size. Arrowpoints, U.S.N.M. no. 373780. Four implements, 
U.S.N.M. nos. 373787-90. 



! natural size. Pottery, U.S.N.M. no. 373779. Celts, axes, U.S.N.M. 
nos. 373781-6. 

‘puokaq ploy spseyory pue Ye] ey} UO uepidey oy} Jo Yo, 

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Photograph U. S. Army Air Corps. 


The cultivated land is on the right bank of the river. 


$5 natural size. U.S.N.M. no. 373701. 

men follows the line of contact of two strips or coils of clay used in 
the construction of the vessel but which had not been closely blended. 

Specimen d is yellowish brown in color, very hard and fine-grained. 
It does not show evidence of the use of tempering. The impression 
on the outer surface is the imprint of a rigid, coiled basket. This 
represents probably the oldest type of pottery found on the site. 

The polished grooved ax, plate 3, is a beautiful example, being 
very symmetrical and carefully finished. The material is a diabasic 

Two flakes of chalcedony, plate 4, found on the site, had served as 
scrapers or cutting instruments. The edges of both are very sharp 
and in places have been finely serrated through use. 

During a visit to the island in the spring of 1933 several small pieces 
of pottery, a few broken arrowpoints made of quartz and quartzite, 

Fic. 3.—Projectile point made of brown chert. Natural size. U.S.N.M. no. 373776. 

and a quantity of flakes of quartz, quartzite, chert, and diabase were 
found on the surface near the extreme western end of the cultivated 
fields on the upper part of the island. The area is shown in plate 2. 
This had probably been the site of a fishing camp, and as parts of 
the island rise high above the greatest freshets, it would have been 
a place well suited for a native settlement. 

When Captain Smith wrote regarding the fishing customs of the 
Virginia Indians, he said in part: “ They use also long arrowes tyed 
in a line wherewith they shoote at fish in the rivers.” Such a method 
may have been followed by some from the shores of the island, and 
one projectile point found on the surface may at one time have been 
attached to an arrow shaft used in shooting fish. The point is sketched 
in figure 3. It is made of brownish chert, a material seldom encoun- 
tered in the locality, and is of uniform width and thickness, which 


would have been about the same as the diameter of the shaft to which 
it was fastened. 

Many white quartz arrowpoints are found in the vicinity of the 
island. These will not be mentioned in detail, as they are similar to 
others found throughout the Rapidan-Rappahannock area, typical 
examples of which will later be described. 


A small stream bearing the name Embrey Run enters the right bank 
of the Rappahannock about 3 miles above the falls, a little west of 
north of old Salem Church. About half a mile beyond, also on the 
right bank of the river, is the mouth of Motts Run. Between Embrey 
Run and Motts Run there is a sandy flat several hundred feet in 
width extending from the river bank to the foot of the rising ground. 

Agee ice scupuareseee ae | as 

"A 8c er ecessesey 
Fee oS sroseugesre ~-1 4) etre 
tee eseeesese 

Fic, 4.—Perforated tablet found near Motts Run. 4 natural size. 

Although the area has been cultivated for many years and frequently 
has been covered by the waters of the Rappahannock, a vast amount 
of fragmentary pottery and many arrowpoints and other objects of 
stone are still to be found scattered over the surface. This may have 
been the site of Mahaskahod, the ‘ hunting Towne”, in August 1608. 

The pottery recovered from the area is similar to that occurring 
farther up the river at the Forest Hall site, examples of which are 
shown in plate 7. Only very small pieces were found, and in many 
instances the markings of the cords had been practically obliterated, 
worn away through exposure and contact with sand and water for 
three centuries or more. A single sherd was discovered that bore 
deeply incised lines and closely resembles specimens a, plate 3. The 
fragment is very porous but extremely hard. 

A piece of a perforated tablet, made of a dark talc schist, was found 
on the surface near Motts Run. It is a material thought to occur 
locally. The specimen is sketched in figure 4, one half natural size. 
On one side are various simple designs formed of straight, incised 


lines, but the reverse is smooth. Its maximum thickness is about 
3 inch. There are several specimens of like form in the collections of 
the National Museum, one having been discovered in a burial mound 
on the Kanawha River, near Charleston, W. Va., and others in the 
valley of the Miami, in Ohio. The latter pieces were made of slate. 
All, including the fragment from the site on the Rappahannock, may 
have been of Siouan origin. 

Several small flakes of jasper and chert were found that had served 
as scrapers or blades. 

As elsewhere, innumerable arrowpoints, most of them made of 
white quartz, have been collected from the surface of the low grounds 
extending up the river from Embrey Run. Some of these are assumed 
to represent the work of the Manahoac and different tribes who fre- 
quented the region in later times, but others are thought to have be- 
longed to a much earlier period. Some interesting examples are illus- 
trated in plate 4. The specimens a are made of a diabasic rock with 
the surfaces greatly weathered. A small chipped ax, made of the 
same material and with the surface equally weathered and worn, was 
found about midway between the two runs. This and the points just 
mentioned should undoubtedly be attributed to the same early period. 
Other pieces included in the plate are made of quartzite, argilite, and 
chert. ; 

Shallow sandstone mortars, hammerstones, and roughly flaked 
pieces that had probably served some purpose about the camp have 
been recovered from the surface. As the first extensive low ground 
above the falls begins at Embrey Run, it is readily conceived that it 
would have been an important and long frequented camping ground 
and as such was probably occupied the day the English reached the 
falls a few miles below. 

Large boulders, and pebbles of diabase and diabasic rocks, are found 
in and near the bed of Embrey Run, and these served the Indians as 
raw material for their stone implements. For a hundred yards or 
more from the left bank of the run, and some distance from the 
river, the surface is strewn with a vast quantity of fractured pebbles 
and flakes, and often a piece of more specialized form—evidence of 
the fact that this was a site where much work had been done and many 
objects made. With few exceptions the fractured surfaces are altered 
to the same degree as the ax and projectile points already mentioned, 
but others have changed little in appearance since they were struck 
from the mass. 




The aerial photograph of which a part is reproduced in plate 5 was 
made from high over the mouth of the Rapidan, with the camera 
pointing a little east of south. It is looking down the Rappahannock, 
as the stream bears to the left in the distance. On the right is the 
Synam farm—part of the old Forest Hall plantation—a mile or more 
below the junction of the two streams. The dwelling and barns, far 
to the right in the picture, stand on land some 40 or 50 feet higher 
than the Rappahannock. The flats bordering the river bank, where 
once stood a native village, are mostly cultivated and are very rich 
and productive. This is the first cleared ground on the Rappahannock 
below the mouth of the Rapidan, in the midst of a thickly timbered 
area that has changed little in appearance since the days when it was 
claimed by the Manahoac tribes. Here the river banks are rather high, 
with islands both above and below, and although when the photograph 
was made (Sept. 17, 1934) the river was unusually high, the waters 
had not spread over the bordering fields. This was a most desirable 
site for a native settlement, one which had evidently been occupied 
from the earliest times. 

The entire surrounding country is of much historical interest, and 
less than a mile west of the Synam house are the remains of the iron 
furnace constructed by Governor Alexander Spotswood in 1727, the 
first furnace erected in North America for the exclusive manufacture 
of pig iron. This became known as the “ Tubal Works ”. 

The large field on the right bank in the bend of the river proved 
to be of interest when visited late in the summer of 1934. Much of the 
surface was strewn with pottery, all small fragments, broken and 
ground by the plow during the many years the land has been cultivated. 
Some arrowpoints, a few entire but the majority fractured, were 
likewise found, together with innumerable flakes of quartz, quartzite, 
and diabasic rocks. In addition to the material discovered on the site 
at that time, other objects were obtained that had been collected during 
the past few years, all tending to indicate the location of an extensive 
native settlement. This may have been one of the Manahoac villages 
occupied in 1608, but some of the specimens appear to be much older 
than others, suggesting more than one period of occupancy by differ- 
ent tribes, the last of which ended about the middle of the seventeenth 
century. Material from the site is shown in plates 6 and 7. 

Many of the projectile points and other small chipped objects found 
on the site are made of white quartz, and for that reason there is no 
difference in the surface appearance of the specimens. although some 



may be centuries older than others. Typical examples are illustrated 
in plate 6. One triangular point with a concave base, made of black 
chert, was found near the river bank. It is known that quantities of 
points of many types and sizes have been found scattered over the 
surface during past years, and the same is true of larger objects. 
Undoubtedly one or more burial mounds once stood nearby. 

The four stone artifacts also illustrated in plate 6 are believed to 
have been made and used during an early period of occupancy. The 
surfaces of all are deeply weathered and have become so worn and 
smoothed that it is often difficult to distinguish where flakes had been 

Fic. 5.—Specimens from the Forest Hall site. } natural size. 

removed. Specimens of this class have been very numerous on the 
site, and the outlines of 11 examples are given in figure 5. These 
vary greatly in size and must necessarily have served different pur- 
poses—some as weapons, others as implements. Some larger and 
others smaller than any illustrated have been found. All are made of 
diabasic rocks. 

Examples of grooved axes and celts found on the site are shown in 
plate 7. These resemble more closely the artifacts found on sites 
along the Potomac than those usually encountered west of the falls 
of the Rappahannock. All are attributed to a later period, and the 
difference between these and the four specimens illustrated in plate 6 
is very apparent. 


A fragment of a thin ornament, possibly a perforated tablet, made 
of schist was found near the center of the field. The surface is smooth 
and has not become altered through exposure. 

The fragmentary pottery found on the site, characteristic examples 
of which are shown in plate 7, is very uniform in texture and decora- 
tion. Little if any tempering material had been added to the clay of 
which the vessels were made. Some sherds reveal a small amount of 
crushed quartz, but this may have been natural. The fragments on 
the top row are bits of rims of vessels. Some specimens were cord- 
marked, others appear to have been decorated by the use of a narrow 
roulette. As shown in the illustration, the cords that had been im- 
pressed upon the soft clay varied greatly in size ; some were no thicker 
than a heavy thread, others were very coarse. The impression on the 
small specimen a resembles that of a rigid coiled basket, closely woven 
and very regular. 

Only very small fragments of pottery were discovered on the sur- 
face; consequently, it is not possible to determine either the size or 
the form of the vessels. 


The junction of the two streams, however large or small they may 
have been, was always a desirable location for a native settlement. 
In a densely forested country, trails often followed the banks of 
streams, and where it was possible to use canoes, the streams them- 
selves served as lines of communication. Consequently, the junction 
of two water courses afforded three distinct routes that led away 
from the camp, or by which it could be approached. Fishing may also 
have been better at or near the mouth of a tributary stream. 

In plate 8 is reproduced an aerial photograph made from high over 
the Forest Hall site, looking up the Rappahannock, with the camera 
pointing about due north. The mouth of the Rapidan is on the left, 
and the farm on the right bank of the Rappahannock (on the left 
in the view, which is looking up the river) is at Richards Ford, about 
1 mile above the mouth of the Rapidan. The small, rocky, V-shaped 
island seen in the foreground may also be distinguished in plate 5, and 
had the water not been so very high, other islands and ledges would 
be visible in the channel of the river. It will be observed how great 
a part of the country remains heavily timbered, although a section of 
it now overgrown may, long ago, have been cleared and cultivated. 

A small clearing can be seen between the two rivers at the mouth 
of the Rapidan. This was cultivated a few years ago, but when visited 



during the autumn of 1934, it was overgrown, and the surface could 
not be examined. However, along the margin of the higher ground, 
facing the Rappahannock and less than 20 feet from it, fragments 
of pottery and several quartz points were discovered in a stratum about 
1 foot below the present surface. This indicates the exposed surface 
at one period of occupancy ; the superstratum of sand was deposited 
by the river during some great freshet..The level area is not more 
than 2 acres in extent, bounded by the rivers and a cliff, and this, 
when carefully examined, should prove of exceptional interest. 

Cliffs face the Rappahannock from Richards Ford and beyond to 
the mouth of the Rapidan. They reach the right bank of the river 
just above the ford, but a short distance below the crossing the low 
ground, between the foot of the cliff and the river bank, is about 250 
feet wide. Much of the low ground is not visible in the photograph, 
plate 8, as it is screened by a fringe of trees and brush along the bank, 
overhanging the water. 

A vertical aerial view of the river and adjacent land at the ford is 
reproduced in plate 9, figure 1. Several large islands in the river just 
above the ford are not included in the picture. The house near the 
upper left corner is on a plateau some 50 feet higher than the river, 
but the cultivated field, on the right bank of the Rappahannock and 
extending beyond the area shown in the photograph, rises only a few 
feet above the normal stage of the river and was under water during 
the flood of September 1934. The fragmentary pottery shown in 
plate 9 was found on the surface of the field a few days after the 
waters had receded, and may be briefly described: 

Specimen a appears not to be a fragment of a vessel, but suggests 
a piece of wet clay that had been accidentally pressed on a woven 
bag or a piece of matting. It is flat on both sides, very porous, and 
of a light reddish color. The textile, as restored, is shown natural 
size in figure 6. The long elements resemble a grass or some other 
vegetal fiber that had not been twisted, and these were held together 
by tightly twisted cords. 

Three specimens, b, bear the impression of nets. That on the largest 
fragment is clearly defined, and a double impression of the net appears 
on part of the surface. The meshes were about one quarter inch 
square, knotted at the crossing of the cords. The nets used on the 
other two specimens had much smaller meshes, and the impressions 
are less distinct. The two pieces c were probably similar to the three 
preceding, but the surfaces have become smoothed, either intentionally 
or as the result of use and wear. The color of all is brownish. The 
very small quantity of crushed quartz intermixed with the clay may 


have been added as tempering. The five fragments just mentioned 
have the appearance of greater age than the majority of specimens 
recovered from the site, and may have belonged to an early period of 

The decoration on the small fragment d is more difficult to under- 
stand. It appears as four parallel lines of cord marks, less than one- 
quarter inch apart. Of these the first and second, and the third 
and fourth, are joined by similar.impressions so placed as to form 
rows of squares, but no indications of knots are visible. It suggests 
the use of a net made of finely twisted cords, impressed upon the plastic 
clay, with the connecting lines between two rows of the mesh smoothed 

att mt 




Fic. 6.—Textile, restored, from Richards Ford. Natural size. 
U.S.N.M. no. 373701. 

Many of the fragments reveal the use of the roulette, and others 
are cord-marked. The impression on e was produced by either a textile 
or basketry, the surface is greatly worn. No examples of incised 
decorations were discovered on the site. The three specimens to the 
right in the top row are fragments of rims of vessels. 

A few arrowpoints made of white quartz were found scattered over 
the surface of the fields, and near the center of the plowed area shown 
in the vertical photograph were several diabase boulders from which 
pieces had been struck, with a quantity of small flakes nearby. The ~ 
surfaces of the flakes are only slightly altered, although they have 
been exposed to the action of the elements for three centuries or more. 
The finding of flakes in this condition indicates that some work had 
been done on the site at a comparatively late day. 


As mentioned when reference was made to the probable location 
of the five settlements indicated on the 1624 map, Hassuiuga is as- 
sumed to have stood on the banks of the Rappahannock in the vicinity 
of the present Richards Ford. Lederer undoubtedly followed an 
Indian trail when making his memorable journey in 1670. On August 
21, the day after leaving the falls, he and his party crossed the Rappa- 
hannock “‘ where it divided into two branches north and south, keep- 
ing the main branch north of us”’, obviously at the ford later to be 
known as Richards Ford. A very old road not more than 6 feet in 
width, and probably following the course of a still more ancient trail, 
ascends from the river bank to the plateau at the edge of the line 
of trees on the southern boundary of the clearing in which the house 
stands. This may be traced in the vertical view, and it was undoubtedly 
the trail over which Lederer passed ‘‘ due west to the top of the 
Apalataean Mountains.” 


Evidence of a quarry-workshop was discovered on the left bank 
of the Rappahannock just below a small branch known as Polecat 
Run, approximately midway between Ellis Ford and the mouth of 
Deep Run. The site proved to be of much interesi and may be rather 
extensive, but during our brief visit its extent could not be ascertained. 

The low ground continues for some distance along the stream and 
is here about 300 feet wide, from the river bank to the beginning of 
the rising ground. But it was probably too low ever to have been 
occupied by a permanent village, although it would have been a tem- 
porary camping ground for those seeking material at the quarry. A 
small ax of the early form, with its surface greatly altered through 
long exposure, was found on the surface near the foot of the cliff, and 
several quartz and quartzite points were discovered nearby. A few 
bits of pottery were recovered from the surface some distance from 
the river bank. 

During September 1934 the Rappahannock was unusually high, and 
the waters washed away the soil to a depth of several feet for a dis- 
tance of from 50 to 100 feet back from the normal bank of the river. 
The quarry-workshop was exposed along the face of the newly 
eroded surface, where boulders, and fractured pieces of diabasic rocks, 
quartz, and quartzite, had been uncovered by the flood. Intermingled 
in the mass of sand and rock were numerous flakes that had been re- 
moved during the process of shaping weapons and implements. 



Typical examples of the material from the site are illustrated in 
figure 7. Specimens a, b, and d are diabase; c is a flake of dark 
brownish shale. All are altered through exposure. 

Se, ee 

i Ei, ee 

Fic. 7—Workshop material from left bank of the Rappahannock about 1 mile 
above Deep Run. 4 natural size. U.S.N.M. no. 373777. 

oh CE 


Rogers Ford is a crossing of the Rappahannock just above a great 
bend of the river. In a direct line it is 24 miles north of Skinkers 
Ford on the Rapidan, where once stood a large native settlement. The 
sandy bottoms bordering the right bank of the river at Rogers Ford 
are extensive and become much wider above than below the ford, 
where the rising ground soon reaches to near the water. The entire 
area was inundated during the flood of September 1934, but the 
fields were not gullied, and the only erosion occurred for a space of 
not more than 50 feet back from the normal bank, where the surface 
was lowered 2 feet or more. The land on the opposite side of the 
stream appears to be somewhat higher but it could not be reached. 



- naturalesize, UeSuN Me no. 373702: 


‘sdio) ary Auity “Ss ‘Q ydessoj0yg 


VOENS 47 NOMS; (PEs d2 


Photograph U. S. Army Air Corps. 

Mouth of Marsh Run on left. 


natural size. U.S.N.M. no. 373793. 




} natural size. U.S.N.M. no. 373794. 



a, pentagonal point found north of Elys Ford. Two Folsom type points: 
b, from near Orange; c, found near bank of the Rappahannock about 15 miles 
below Fredericksburg. Natural size. 


_ A number of arrowpoints were found on the cultivated surface 
several hundred yards above the ford. Many were broken, but they 
proved to be of interest as the majority were triangular forms, some 
having very deep concave bases. Several were made of black flint, 
others of quartz and quartzite. No examples were discovered, how- 
ever, of the more common types made of white quartz, such as were 
found on the Forest Hall site and which occur throughout the pied- 
mont. It is difficult to believe they are not to be found on the site. 
One small flake of black flint that had served as a scraper or blade 
was found. Scattered over the same cultivated area were innumerable 
fractured pebbles, and quantities of flakes of diabase, some of which 
were greatly altered. Many small pieces of white quartz that showed 
evidence of working, were likewise found. It is evident that much 
work had been done here, and possibly some interesting specimens 
could be discovered beneath the surface. 

A large number of fragments of pottery were encountered on the 
surface near the river bank, a hundred yards or more above the ford. 
They had evidently been exposed when the soil washed away, probably 
during the freshet of last autumn, and all appear to be equally old. 
Examples are shown in plate 10. Three specimens, a, at the top of 
the plate, are fragments of rims of vessels, representing two forms of 
decoration, as will be mentioned later. Below are seven pieces, ), all 
of which are thought to bear the impression of basketry. The specimen 
on the extreme left is more than 2 inch in thickness and contains some 
very large pieces of crushed quartz, which had been added to the clay. 
Next below are seven fragments, c, some of which may have belonged 
to the same vessel. The impressions on the surfaces were made by 
a loosely woven, rather coarse textile, possibly similar to that later 
to be mentioned in connection with material found at Skinkers Ford. 
The rim fragment in the middle of the top row is an example of this 
ware. A small amount of crushed quartz, some being rather coarse, 
had been added as tempering material. 

The fragments included in b and Âą are bits of roughly made vessels, 
all of which must have been large. The pieces are now of a light 
brownish color and are very hard. All are examples of coiled ware 
as revealed by some fragments that have separated at the line of 
contact of the coils, a feature clearly illustrated by the specimen shown 
on the left, bottom row, in group c. 

Eleven examples of cord marked sherds are reproduced in d, some 
of which undoubtedly belonged to the same vessel. The two rim 
fragments at the ends of the top row are the same type of ware. This 
differs from that included in b and c; it is somewhat thinner, is of 

a reddish color, and the paste of which it was made was of a finer 
texture. A small amount of fine sand contained in the paste may have 
been added as a tempering material, although it could have occurred 
naturally in the clay. The walls of the vessels had been carefully 
made, and no indications of the coils remain. 

The conical bottom of a large coiled vessel is shown in the lower 
right corner of the plate, and is also sketched in figure 8. The frag- 
ment is more than 4 inch thick in the middle, and in color and tex- 
ture it resembles the cord-marked ware previously mentioned. It is 
broken at the line of contact of the coils; the end of one is clearly 
shown and reveals how they had been added, spirally, to form the wall 
of the vessel. This suggests an Algonquian type. The conical base 
was devised to hold the vessel in place when in use. 

One of the drawings made by John White in 1585 bears the legend: 
“Their seetheynge of their meate in earthen pottes”’, and although 

Asn CMe 

Fic. 8.—Conical base of a large vessel. Coiled ware, with the end of a coil 
exposed on the right. The edges of the fragment are smoothed and worn away. 
Natural size. U.S.N.M. no. 373792. 

this is intended to represent a group of Algonquian Indians living in 
northeastern North Carolina a generation before the settlement of 
Jamestown, the description would have applied equally well to people 
who occupied villages in the Rapidan-Rappahannock area early in the 
seventeenth century. It reads in part as follows: 

Their woemen know how to make earthen vessells with special Cunninge and 
that so large and fine..... After they have set them uppon an heape of erthe 
to stay them from fallinge, they putt wood under which being kyndled one of them 
taketh great care that the fyre burne equallye Rounde abowt. They or their 
woemen fill the vessel with water, and then putt they in fruite, flesh, and fish, 
and lett all boyle together.” 

This had been the custom through generations. 

The site at Rogers Ford is one of much interest, and the material, 
although not plentiful, indicates a connection between it and the village 
that stood so short a distance southward, on the left bank of the 
Rapidan at Skinkers Ford. Both may have been occupied long before 
the coming of the Manahoac. 

* Hariot’s Narrative. Quaritch reprint, 1893. 



Traces of an ancient native settlement were encountered on the 
right bank of the Rappahannock above the bridge at Kellys Ford. The 
site was probably one of importance, as this is believed to have been 
near the crossing place of the old Carolina Road, already mentioned 
in connection with the movement of the Manahoac southward. If 
this belief is correct, it is evident that the area had been visited by 
members of many tribes in addition to those of the historic Siouan 
group, whose camps may at different times have occupied both banks 
of the river, both above and below the ford. Fragmentary pottery with 
other evidence of occupancy was found scattered over the surface 
of the cleared and cultivated area reaching to the river bank and ex- 
tending to the foot of the rapids. This is shown on the left in the 
photograph reproduced in plate 11, a view up the valley, with the 
camera pointed about due north. 

A short distance below the bridge, on the left bank of the Rappa- 
hannock, is the mouth of Marsh Run, a small, sluggish stream that 
flows through a famed hunting ground of past generations. Beyond 
this are Elk Run and Elk Marsh, suggestive names that have come 
down from the days of the colonists. A view down the valley, show- 
ing the mouth of Marsh Run on the extreme ieft, is reproduced in 
plate 12, fore 1. 

Sand has been removed to a depth of 2 or 3 feet from an acre or 
more of the site; the excavation thus made can be seen just below 
the rapids, on the left, in the view looking up the river. 

The sherds illustrated in plate 12, figure 2, were discovered on the 
sandy surface adjoining the excavations, nearer the bridge. These 
may be described briefly : 

Specimens a are two pieces that evidently belonged to the same 
vessel, the specimen on the left being part of the rim. It is coiled ware, 
hard and black throughout, except where it is weathered to a light 
brownish on the exposed surfaces. A small amount of crushed quartz, 
some of which is very coarse, was used as tempering material. The 
fragment is ~ inch in thickness near the rim. The surface bears the 
impression of very coarse cords, but no indications of a woven fabric. 

Specimens b are the only fragments of this type of ware encountered 
on the site, and both may have belonged to the same vessel. The 
texture and color of the ware, as well as the impression on the sur- 
face, are the same as in specimen 0 discovered at Skinkers Ford on 
the Rapidan and figured in plate 17. 


Specimens c are fragments of a very heavy coiled vessel with coarse 
quartz tempering and bearing the impression of rather fine twisted 

Specimen d is a small fragment bearing the impression of what is 
believed to have been a rigid basket. Crushed rock, including a small 
amount of quartz, was added as tempering material. It is very hard, 
is reddish brown in color, and has an average thickness of 2 inch. 

Specimen e is a small sherd bearing the impression of a very coarse 
textile formed of twisted cords, evidently an example of wrapped 

No fragments with incised decorations were found on the site. 

Fic, 9 —Fragments of pottery revealing the use of coils in the construction of the 
vessels. Natural size. U.S.N.M. no. 373793. 

A large number of sherds from this interesting locality reveal clearly 
the method of using coils of clay in building up the walls of a vessel. 
Fragments have separated at the line of contact of two bands, thus 
showing not only the size of the coils so employed, but also the manner 
in which they had been placed in succession, horizontally, one upon 
another, after which they were worked together in the endeavor to 
make the mass compact and uniform. In many instances, however, as 
shown by these fragments, the two bands of clay did not become closely 
united although the newly applied coil had been rubbed down over 


the sides of the one below it. This process caused the bottom of a 
coil or band of clay to become concave in section, and the top of the 
one upon which it rested to remain convex. Sketches of specimens 
from the site illustrating this feature are shown in figure 9. 

Large numbers of arrowpoints, mostly made of white quartz and 
of the types found throughout the region, have been discovered on 
the site and in the nearby country. Several points made of black 
chert were likewise found on the site. Flakes of yellow jasper and of 
dark chert were encountered near the sand pits; one of the former 
had evidently been used as a scraper or blade, as the edges had 
become serrated from use. Chipped axes of the early form and other 
objects of stone are known to have been recovered from the surface 
of the site in past years, but little now remains to mark the position 
of the ancient settlement. 

A few bits of pottery, including one small fragment similar to 
plate 12, d, and several arrowpoints, were found near the right bank 
of the Rappahannock opposite and just below the mouth of Marsh 
Run. Traces of a camp were discovered a mile farther down the river 
at the mouth of Mountain Run. 

The flats in the vicinity of Kellys Ford, and especially those op- 
posite the mouth of Marsh Run, have frequently been flooded, and 
it is evident that the surface has been reduced since it was first cleared 
and cultivated ; consequently few traces of Indian occupancy can now 
be found. 


As already mentioned, Richards Ford is a crossing of the Rappa- 
hannock a mile or more due north of the mouth of the Rapidan. About 
the same distance from the ford, a little south of west, is a wide 
turn in the Rapidan some 2 miles above its junction with the Rappa- 
hannock. Here, on both sides of the Rapidan, are extensive low 
grounds known as Jerrys Flats, with a good ford across the river. 
A small stream enters the Rapidan on the left bank just above the 
ford, and this, according to local tradition, was the site of a large 
Indian village. 

Persons living in the vicinity relate that a burial mound formerly 
stood near the left bank of the small stream 100 feet or more from 
the Rapidan. This was destroyed some 40 years ago at the time of 
a great freshet, and it is also related that when the waters had receded, 
quantities of human remains were found exposed on the surface. 
Pottery vessels and other objects are remembered to have been found 
at that time near the skeletal remains, but everything discovered has 
been lost or scattered. 


The position of the mound, the existence of which is well authen- 
ticated, undoubtedly indicates the location of one of the Manahoac 
towns in 1608. The low grounds between the foot of the cliffs and 
the left bank of the Rapidan was probably occupied by part: of the 
village, which may have bordered both banks of the river. The low 
grounds have been cultivated for many years and have often been 
overflowed, as they were during the late summer of 1934. 

A slight rise is believed to indicate the former location of the 
mound, and possibly the lower part of it has never been disturbed. 
A large amount of fragmentary pottery was found scattered over the 
surface of the rise and on the adjacent ground. Some of the sherds 
appeared to have been only recently exposed, probably by the high 
water early in September, a few weeks before the site was visited. 

Examples of the pottery found in the vicinity of the mound are 
illustrated in plate 13, figure 1. The 15 sherds in the upper part of 

Fic. 10—Fragment of pottery with incised decoration. Found at Jerrys Ford. 
Natural size. U.S.N.M. no. 373704. 

the figure are fragments of rims of vessels showing the variety of 
cord markings and also how greatly the cords varied in size. Several 
of the pieces were decorated with the roulette. Many of the rims are 
smooth and flat, but others were decorated by pressing the plastic 
clay at intervals to form a fluted edge, as is clearly shown in the photo- 
graph. In some instances the depressions extended obliquely across 
the rim, and specimen a is a good example of this form of decoration. 
Thick twisted cords were impressed in the plastic clay before the 
vessel was fired. The greater part of the ware is very hard, well made, 
and contains a very small amount of tempering material. 

The two specimens b differ from the majority, being rather more 
porous and containing a greater amount of tempering material, either 
sand or crushed quartz. 

Among the numerous fragments of pottery found on the site were 
some that were exceptionally thin and of a very fine texture. Examples 
of the thin ware are shown in the lower part of the illustration. The 
three specimens c are not more than } inch in thickness, and some 


pieces are even thinner. All appear to have been parts of rather 
large vessels, possibly as much as 8 or 10 inches in diameter. No 
rim fragments of the thin ware were discovered. 

One small piece of earthenware (fig. 10) bearing an incised decora- 
tion was found near where the mound had stood. This is a fragment 
of a fluted rim, probably of a small vessel. 

A few arrowpoints made of white quartz, and many flakes of quartz 
and quartzite, were found on different parts of the low grounds, and 
these, together with the fragments of pottery already described, were 
all that could be discovered to indicate the position of a native village 
that was occupied three centuries or more ago. 


A bridge now spans the Rapidan at the old crossing place which 
still bears the name Elys Ford. This is about midway between the 
mouth of the river and Skinkers Ford and was evidently on the route 
of Indian trails long before the settlement of the colony. Although the 
flats on both sides of the river at the bridge have often been covered 
by water, sand has been deposited in some places, and on other sections 
the surface soil has been washed away, but nevertheless, traces of 
Indian occupancy are still to be found. Small fragments of pottery, 
arrowpoints made of white quartz and flakes and masses of the same 
material from which pieces had been struck, together with several 
chipped axes of diabase were found on the surface near the right 
bank of the river just above the bridge. The axes are of the early 
form, with surfaces greatly altered; the small bits of pottery are 
weathered and worn, but are unusually hard and compact and reveal 
the use of finely crushed quartz as tempering material. Although the 
evidence is scant, it suggests that this was the site of a very ancient 

Points of the recognized Folsom type (pl. 13, fig. 2, b and c) have 
been discovered just outside the area now being considered,” one in 
the vicinity of Orange, another a short distance below Fredericksburg 
in King George County, but none is known to have been found between 
these localities. However, a specimen of a different form (pl. 13, 
fig. 2, a), but which may be equally old, was discovered on the high 
land, east of the road, about a quarter of a mile north of Elys Ford. 
It is made of a dark, slightly mottled yellow jasper. Its dimensions 
are: length from tip of point to middle of base, 2§ inches; width, 
133; inches ; greatest thickness, 3’± inches. 

* Literary Digest, June 9, 1934. 


This must be accepted as a highly specialized form, and until a name 
is supplied, it may be referred to as a pentagonal type of point, or 
blade, attributed to an early culture. Very few examples have thus 
far been recorded. Like the Folsom points, however, they may be 
widely scattered east of the Mississippi, although not numerous in 
any one locality. Examples have been discovered in the northwestern 
part of Louisiana, in a region where many Folsom points have like- 
wise been found, but the relation of the two types, if any actually 
exists, has not been determined. To learn the distribution of the 
pentagonal type would be of interest in connection with the study of 
the Folsom points.” 


Skinkers Ford is an old crossing of the Rapidan between 2 and 
3 miles down the river from all that remains of Governor Spotswood’s 
settlement at Germanna, adjoining Fox Neck and Indian Town, which 
will later be described. The ford is near the middle of a great bend 
in the river, and immediately below it is an ancient fish trap that oc- 
cupies the entire stream bed from bank to bank. This will be termed 
the lower trap, to distinguish it from the upper trap, which extends 
across the river a little more than half a mile above. 

The site gives the impression of being very extensive and of having 
been occupied and reoccupied by different tribes through generations. 
When in its native state, with dense forests covering cliffs and ravines 
and reaching to the river banks, it would have been one of the most 
desirable locations for a native settlement in the entire valley of the 
Rapidan. Fish were undoubtedly plentiful, as suggested by the pres- 
ence of the traps, and wild game was always to have been encountered 
in the surrounding wilderness. Although an additional water supply 
was of no great importance, because of the proximity of the river, 
several springs of sufficient size to supply the wants of many people 
flow from beneath the cliffs that border the low ground. 

Both sides of the Rapidan had been occupied, but only that part of 
the site on the left bank of the river, extending between the two fish 
traps, will be described at this time. However, the entire area is 
worthy of careful examination, and possibly the right bank, being 
the higher, would prove to be the more interesting. 

The entire site is shown in plate 14. This is a view up the river, 
the camera being pointed about northwest. At the time the photo- 

*’ The specimen just described is in the private collection of F. M. Aldridge, 
Fredericksburg, Va. 

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Photograph U. S. Army Air Corps. 

Looking down the valley. 

Photograph U. S. Army Air Corps. 

Looking down the river and showing the position of the lower fish trap. 



Above, various small objects, 4 natural size. Below, eight jasper blades and 

scrapers, natural size. U.S.N.M. nos. 373795-6. 



Above, implement attributed to the early period. Below, fragments of pottery. 
4+ natural size. U.S.N.M. no. 373797. 


graph was made, the river was higher than it had been for years, and 
much of the low ground was flooded. A road can be distinguished 
running from a group of barns near the left center of the picture to 
the river on the right. This is lost in the fringe of timber, but leads 
down to the ford, which here crosses to the left bank of the river near 
the cluster of trees. This is just above the lower fish trap, which 
cannot be distinguished by reason of the depth of the water, which 
likewise covers much of the low ground on the left bank of the river 
between the two traps. The second or upper trap crosses the river at 
the far end of the low ground, just below the heavy mass of timber 
that reaches the bank of the river where it begins to bear to the right. 
Nothing of the history of the traps is known to the present occupants 
of the adjoining farms. The traps have existed in their present con- 
dition as long as can be remembered and have never been used. 

A view down the river over the ford, showing the position of the 
lower fish trap, is reproduced in plate 15, figure 2. 

A sketch of the lower trap is shown in figure 11. This was not made 
to scale, no actual measurements having been taken, but it is sufficiently 
accurate to reveal the several peculiar features. The river at this point 
is approximately 25 yards in width. The two lines of boulders touch 
the banks and extend down the stream approaching to within 6 or 7 
feet near the middle of the channel. The two walis then continue for 
about to feet, roughly parallel. Logs extending transversely are still 
remaining, both above and below the opening, under water and partly 
covered by sand and gravel. The ends of these are held in place on 
the right by a long log, extending with the current, and this in turn 
is held down by a large flat boulder. Probably a similar log, likewise 
held in place by a boulder, once stood on the opposite side. The 
upper trap is said to be of similar construction, but viewed from the 
left bank of the river, it appears to be rather more massive and to 
be better preserved. 

Although it is well known that traps of this general form were con- 
structed by Indians in. prehistoric times, it is difficult to accept these 
two examples as having existed in their present condition for more 
than a century. But their history is unknown and consequently nothing 
definite can be told of their origin—when and by whom they were 
constructed. As previously mentioned, traps similar to these occur 
in the Rappahannock just below the large island at the falls. 

Undoubtedly, innumerable objects of native origin were once scat- 
tered over the surface of the site or accumulated in refuse heaps, 
but little can now be found. However, considering the number of 
years the land has been cultivated and the frequent floods that have 


covered parts of the site, it is all the more interesting to find some 
traces of what may have been an extensive native village, possibly one 
of the Manahoac settlements mentioned in 1608. 

Many arrowpoints have been found on the site and on the adjacent 
lands. The great majority are made of white quartz and are of the 
forms so plentiful throughout piedmont Virginia, similar to those 

4 Fic. 11—Plan of the lower fish trap at Skinkers Ford. 

figured from the Forest Hall site and from the vicinity of Potato 
Run. Axes of the early form, roughly chipped and weathered, like- 
wise occur on the site, and a few fragments of cord-marked pottery 
have been found on both sides of the Rapidan, but other material 
has been recovered that is rather unusual. 

Small jasper scrapers and blades were found on the surface, within 
a very limited area, not far from the normal bank of the river, and 


although this spot was under water when the photograph shown in 
plate 14 was made, it is clearly defined in the view reproduced in 
plate 15, figure 1. It is the slight rise to the right and just beyond 
the sharp turn in the line of brush and trees that marks the course 
of a small stream that joins the Rappahannock far to the left in the 
picture. Eight specimens are shown natural size in plate 16. The 
one in the lower left is made of a mottled purplish jasper ; all others 
are of a brownish-yellow color. The material was probably found 
as pebbles or boulders in the stream bed. 

In addition to the great number of quartz arrowpoints that have 
been found scattered over the surface, some examples of triangular 
points made of black flint have been discovered. Three of the latter 
are illustrated in plate 16, together with various small flaked objects 
which, for want of better terms, may be called scrapers, knives, and 

Chips of different kinds of rock are scattered over the surface— 
evidence that implements and weapons were made on the site. These 
are numerous near the rise on which the jasper scrapers and blades 
were discovered, and at one place, within a space of a few feet, were 
many thin flakes of diabase from 2 to 3 inches in length. These are 
so greatly weathered and altered that it is often impossible to dis- 
tinguish the natural from the flaked surfaces. Nearby was found the 
specimen shown in the upper left corner of plate 16, probably a 
cutting implement, made of diabase, the surface being deeply 

Very little pottery was recovered from the site, but undoubtedly 
much remains to be discovered. However, fragments that had 
belonged to three different vessels were found on the left bank of 
the river, near the water, and these proved to be of much interest. 
The location is clearly shown in plate 15, figure 2, in the brush just 
beyond the edge of the cultivated ground. The area was under 
water during the September freshet. These specimens are illustrated 
in plate 17, and may be described briefly : 

The two fragments, a, belonged to a vessel that would have 
measured between 20 and 22 inches in diameter and probably about 
to inches in depth. Having a thickness of only + to 335 inch, it would 
necessarily have been rather fragile. The ware is porous in places, 
but hard. It is of a light reddish brown, and as a result of unequal 
firing is a more brilliant red in some places than in others. The 
unusual feature of the vessel is the mixture of large pieces of crushed 
quartz with the clay, some of the pieces being more than 2 inch 
in length. Several of the pieces extend through the wall of the 



vessel and are visible on both the inside and outside. The outer 
surface bears the impression of what appears to have been a textile, 
probably a material woven of cords of buffalo hair similar to that 
known to have been made in early historic times by tribes in the 
Mississippi Valley.’ Deep lines were incised on the surface before 
the vessel was fired, as a decoration, and are easily distinguished 
in the photographs. Narrow vertical impressions about 4 inch apart 
and the same in length appear on the inside of the rim at the top; 
otherwise the rim of the vessel is plain and straight. 

Specimen b was similar in many respects to the preceding. It is 
the same color and texture, and the textile impression on the outer 
surface is the same, but the incised lines were not added on either the 
outside of the vessel or the inside of the rim. The tempering is sand 
or small pieces of crushed quartz, differing in this respect from 
the very coarse material occurring in a. The second piece from the 
left is a fragment of the rim. The sherds are small, and consequently 
it is more difficult to estimate the diameter of the vessel, but it was 
probably smaller than a, although the thickness is about the same. 

Small fragments found on the site at Kellys Ford, already described, 
plate 12, figure 2, b, belonged to a vessel similar in texture, color, 
and decoration to the preceding. 

Many small fragments of vessel c were found close together near 
the fragments of a and b. In texture, color, and tempering it closely 
resembles b. The outer surface bears the impression of tightly twisted 
cords from ;/; to $ inch in diameter. Many of the cords are parallel 
and in some instances overlap, but there is no impression of a textile. 
Cords had probably been bound over a paddle, or some hard material, 
and then applied to the plastic surface. 

The three specimens a, b, and c are examples of coiled ware. 
The four specimens d were found in sand deposited on the river bank 
near the end of the lower fish trap. The surfaces of all are worn away 
through exposure to the elements. The remaining five pieces, e, 
came from the vicinity of the upper trap. These show clearly the 
impressions of cords, some of which were very coarse and appear 
to have been tightly twisted. 


Fox Neck is a narrow peninsula, bordered by the left bank of the 
Rapidan where the river makes a sharp bend. It is a high, rolling tract 
some I2 or 14 miles above the mouth of the river and was included 
in lands granted to Governor Alexander Spotswood early in the 

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‘sdioy any Awaty ‘SQ ydessojoyg 



8L “Id ‘8 "ON ‘+6 “10A 



ia © : oe 
Photograph U. S. Army Air Corps. 

Camera pointing about southeast. 


4 natural size. U.S.N.M. nos. 373798-9. 



5 natural size. Arrowpoints, U.S.N.M. no. 373800. Three implements, 

U.S.N.M. nos. 373801-3. 



Found on the supposed site of Stegara, Orange County. Natural size. 


Found in Orange County. Upper pipe, finished and much worn from use. 
Lower pipe, unfinished. Both 4 natural size. 


eighteenth century. Here, in April 1714, were seated the German 
colonists who had been induced by agents of Spotswood to come to 
Virginia, where they were to work the iron mines about to be de- 
veloped. The name Germanna, then applied to the settlement, has 
persisted, although the settlement itself has long since disappeared, 
and only scant traces of it remain. 

In the year 1730, as told in a County Court record: “ William 
Bohannon came into court and made oath that about twenty-six of 
the Sapony Indians that inhabit Colonel Spotswood’s land in Fox’s 
neck go about and do a great deal of mischief by firing the woods 

. and that he verily believes that one of the Indians shot at 

him the same day ... . that the Indian after firing his gun stood 
in a stooping manner very studdy so that he could hardly discern 
him from a stump..... Whether these Indians had formerly 

been at Fort Christanna or had always lived in the valley of the 
Rapidan is not known, but the presence of a native settlement on the 
neck in 1730 suggests that it was the site of one of the more ancient 
Manahoac towns occupied in 1608. Shackaconia may have stood 

When gathered at Fort Christanna, the groups of Indians were 
known to the English as the ‘‘ Sapponi nation”. This fact was men- 
tioned in 1728 by Col. William Byrd.” He wrote (p. 88): 

All the grandees of the Sapponi nation did us the honour to repair hither to 
mMeetMUuss. ..05 This people is now made up of the remnants of several other 
nations, of which the most considerable are the Sapponies, the Occaneches, and 
Stoukenhocks, who not finding themselves separately numerous enough for their 
defence, have agreed to unite into one body, and all of them now go under the 
name of the Sapponies. Each of these was formerly a distinct nation, or rather a 
several clan or canton of the same nation, speaking the same language, and using 
the same customs. But their perpetual wars against all other Indians, in time, 
reduced them so low as to make it necessary to join their forces together. 

Consequently, the term “ Sapony Indians ” would have been applied 
to the natives who occupied Fox Neck in 1730, even though they 
may not have descended from the Saponi group. Mount Pony, a 
few miles west of Stevensburg, probably derived its name from 
that of the “ Sapony Indians” who lived nearby. 

An aerial view of Fox Neck and surrounding country is. re- 
produced in plate 18. The camera was pointed about northwest 
and is looking up the valley of the Rapidan on the left. The road 

* Scott, W. W., A history of Orange County, Virginia, p. 56. Richmond, 1907. 
* Byrd, William, The Westover manuscripts: containing the history of the 
dividing line .... Petersburg, Va., 1841. 


on the right crosses the river over the recently completed Germanna 
bridge, and the ancient ford, one of the most historic spots in all 
Virginia, is less than 100 yards below. To the left of the bridge, on 
this side of the river, stand the chimneys that belonged to a house 
erected by Governor Spotswood, the site rising high above the water. 

As much of the surface of Fox Neck and of the low grounds on 
both sides of the Rapidan has been cultivated, worked over, and 
occupied for more than two centuries, and with rains and floods 
changing the land, scant traces of Indian occupancy can now be 
found. But it is not to be doubted that a native settlement once 
stood nearby. A few fragments of pottery and stone objects were 
recovered from the cultivated field on the right bank of the river 
(pl. 19, fig. 2). The site itself is shown in the lower right quarter, 
near the middle, of plate 19, figure 1. When making this photograph, 
the camera was pointed southeast. The site may also be distinguished 
on the extreme left, middle, in the view looking up the valley. 

The few fragments of pottery are of a reddish-brown color, hard, 
and all contain bits of crushed quartz that had been added for tem- 
pering. All are cord-marked. The ware resembles certain sherds 
discovered at Jerrys Flats some miles below. 

Projectile points made of white quartz, similar to those occurring 
throughout the valley, have been found here, but only a few ex- 
amples, some of superior workmanship and representing the rarer 
types, together with a blade made of yellow jasper, are shown in 
plate 19. Quartz is so easily fractured that perfect specimens are 
seldom found on land that has been cultivated for many years, 
and one prong is missing from the triangular point shown fourth 
from left, which had a deep concave base. The second from the 
left is a form seldom found in the Rapidan-Rappahannock area, 
but all that have been discovered are equally well made, symmetrical, 
and finely flaked on the edges. They may not have been arrowpoints, 
but may have served another purpose. The jasper blade is of par- 
ticular interest, as other objects made of the same material have 
been encountered on various sites throughout the area. 


Mortons Ford is an airline distance of between 6 and 7 miles up 
the Rapidan from Germanna. From the ford down to the great 
bend that forms Fox Neck the course of the river is comparatively 
straight. Extensive flats border the left bank with much higher 
ground on the opposite side. A great part of the surface that was 


exposed several centuries ago, and on which would have stood the 
native camps and villages, has now been covered with deep deposits 
of sand, and other sections have been washed away. As a result of 
these radical changes, traces of Indian occupancy are seldom en- 
countered, and no indications were discovered during two visits made 
to the section. The floods of September 1934 had left much of the 
low ground covered with a new deposit of sand, and the same con- 
dition is said to prevail throughout the region. 

Potato Run enters the left bank of the Rapidan about 1 mile below 
Mortons Ford, and about half a mile farther down, on the same 
side, is the mouth of Brooks Run. The G. G. Harris farm is between 
the two small runs. During an unusual freshet some years ago a 
number of axlike implements or weapons were exposed at the foot 
of the rising ground, on the edge of the flat, between the Harris 
house and the river. These may indicate the site of an ancient camp 
or village, or the specimens may have been part of a cache. Three 
of the pieces are illustrated in plate 20, together with examples of 
white quartz arrowpoints found on different parts of the farm. The 
three specimens are made of a diabasic rock, are greatly altered, and 
have changed to a light greenish color. The arrowpoints are the 
types so plentiful in the surrounding region.” 

Traces of many camps and villages, together with much material 
that belonged to different periods of occupancy, may remain hidden 
beneath the deposits of sand along the river banks, to be revealed 
from time to time as were the objects on the Harris farm. And it 
is believed that much of this material, should it be discovered, will 
prove to have belonged to a time long before the coming of the 
Manahoac and other historic tribes to the valleys of the Rapidan 
and Rappahannock. 

The paucity of objects makes it desirable to refer to three speci- 
mens from farther up the valley of the Rapidan, but still within the 
limits of Orange County. These are three tobacco pipes, shown in 
plate 21, and which might well have been found on any one of the 
sites previously mentioned.“ They may be briefly described: The 
small specimen, plate 21, figure I, was found on the supposed site 
of Stegara, on the bank of the Rapidan in the extreme western part 
of Orange County. It is made of a dark grayish steatite and shows 
the effect of long use. The entire surface is decorated with incised 

* All specimens illustrated in plate 20 have been presented by G. G. Harris 
to the U. S. National Museum. 
** The specimens are in the private collection of J. P. Thompson, Cedar Moun- 
tain, Rapidan Station, Va. 


lines, and the design suggests that appearing on several fragments 
of pottery illustrated in plate 3. The two pieces in the lower part of 
the plate are made of a greenish chloritic schist and were found 
near the Rapidan a short distance below Orange. The smaller is 
worn and smoothed from use. The perforation is very regular, as 
shown in the drawing of the section. The larger specimen was not 
completed, and although it had been carefully shaped and polished, 
the perforation had been made for less than $ inch in the bowl, 
and no start had been made in drilling the stem. A solid drill had 
been used. 

In August 1608, on the morning following the encounter between 
the English and the Indians near the falls of the Rappahannock, 
in Smith’s words: “foure Kings came and received Amoroleck: 
nothing they had but Bowes, Arrowes, Tobacco-bags, and Pipes.” 
And the same statement would undoubtedly have been applicable to a 
great majority of those who had gathered on the banks of the river. 
The pipes and such arrowpoints as were made of stone would have 
remained to the present time, but all else would have disappeared. 

Pipes were made of both stone and clay, and although they must 
have been numerous in all the camps and villages on the banks of 
the Rapidan and Rappahannock, no example was discovered on any 
of the sites examined. This suggests the probability that pipes were 
buried with their owners, but nothing is known of the burial customs 
of the ancient Manahoac tribes. 


In the year 1608 the native tribes whose settlements stood on 
the banks of the Rapidan and Rappahannock pursued the manners 
and customs and practiced the arts of the Stone Age, thus representing 
the last of the Stone Age in piedmont Virginia. It is readily agreed 
that other tribes or groups had preceded them, and that certain 
sites may have been occupied and reoccupied through many centuries. 

During the periods of occupancy many objects were lost or aban- 
doned, and these often accumulated with other material in heaps in the 
vicinity of the habitations. Once deserted, the site soon became 
covered with vegetation, which often served to protect the surface 
of stone or pottery from exposure to the elements. Later the land 
was cleared and cultivated, the heaps of refuse leveled, and the 
broken pottery and other traces of native occupancy scattered over 
the surface, where much remains to the present day. But to separate 


the material and determine the period to which the various specimens 
should be attributed proves to be difficult and in many instances 
impossible. Such are the conditions encountered in the valleys of 
the Rapidan and Rappahannock. 

Very few specimens of any sort are now found on the sites except 
axes, projectile points, and fragments of pottery vessels, although 
other objects, including shallow mortars, long cylindrical pestles, 
hammers, discoidal stones, and pipes, are frequently described as 
having been discovered in the past, only to be lost again or scattered. 


Axes, and axlike implements and weapons of two distinct types, 
have been discovered in the ancient Manahoac country and are 
thought to represent different periods of occupancy. The first, and 
undoubtedly the older, are the crudely flaked specimens of which 
the surfaces are weathered and worn away as a result of long ex- 
posure to the elements. Typical examples are shown in plates 6 and 
20. They are numerous in the valleys of the Rapidan and Rappa- 
hannock and represent forms encountered over a wide area north- 
ward to New England and southward through Virginia. Specimens 
from one site often vary greatly in size as is indicated by the outlines 
given in figure 5, and for that reason they are thought to have served 
various purposes as weapons and implements. Those discovered in 
the Rapidan-Rappahannock area appear to be very old; they are 
uniformly altered and must have belonged to an earlier culture than 
that represented by the historic Siouan tribes. This belief is sub- 
stantiated by a specimen discovered in the autumn of 1928 on the 
supposed site of Stegara, near part of a large burial mound on the 
right bank of the Rapidan in Orange County. Although the site is 
beyond the bounds of the region being considered in the present 
narrative, this single specimen must, nevertheless, be mentioned at 
this time. It is a flaked axlike object made of diabase. After it was 
used and later abandoned or lost, the surface became greatly weathered 
through exposure. Centuries elapsed before it was found, the edges 
rechipped, and it was again used. But the surface exposed by the 
removal of the flakes during the later process of reshaping has 
become only slightly altered, although the object in its present 
condition has been exposed to the elments for not less than two and 
one-half centuries. This is conclusive evidence of at least two dis- 
tinct, long-separated periods of occupancy in piedmont Virginia.” 

* Bushnell, David I., Jr., Evidence of Indian occupancy in Albemarle County. 
Virginia. Smithsonian Misc. Coll. vol. 89, no. 7, 1933. 


The crudely made objects found on the sites along the Rapidan and 
Rappahannock are assumed to have belonged to the earlier of the two 
periods indicated by the flaking on this interesting specimen. 

Polished grooved axes and celts are thought to have been of much 
later origin than the preceding. [Excellent specimens have been 
found on the Rappahannock sites below the mouth of the Rapidan, 
but no examples were encountered above the junction of the streams, 
although they doubtless occur in some localities. Several are illus- 
trated in plates 3 and 7. Similar forms are numerous on sites along 
the Potomac, within the territory occupied by the historic Algonquian 
tribes in 1608, by whom they had probably been made and used. 
The specimens discovered in the vicinity of the falls of the Rappa- 
hannock, and a short distance above, may have been of Algonquian 
rather than Siouan origin, and obviously should be attributed to the 
recent, or later, period. Many of the earlier, cruder forms previously 
mentioned also occur on the Potomac sites, the majority being made 
of quartzite, whereas a large proportion of those discovered in the 
Rapidan-Rappahannock area are made of diabase or related rocks. 

The collection from the Potomac sites were described and figured 
by Holmes ℱ some years ago, and much of the information presented 
at that time will apply equally well to the region now being con- 

If the crudely fashioned implements found on sites above the falls 
belonged to a time before the coming of the Siouan tribes, the 
interesting question is presented as to what type of axes, or of axlike 
implements or weapons, was used during the later period. Possibly 
the Manahoac tribes had not been in the country for many years 
before they were discovered in 1608, and if this is true, only a small 
part of the specimens now found would have been made and used 
by the last of the native tribes to claim the region. Bone, antler, and 
wood may have been used extensively, just as the same perishable 
materials were employed by other Siouan tribes at a much later day 
in the country beyond the Mississippi. All traces of objects made 
of any one of the three would long since have disappeared, and 
this may, in part, explain the small number of artifacts now en- 
countered on many sites. 

Innumerable projectile points, and many small flaked objects, the 
use of which is often difficult to determine, have been found on sites 
along the Rapidan and Rappahannock Rivers; others are frequently 

** Holmes, W. H., Stone implements of the Potomac-Chesapeake Tidewater 
Province. Jn 15th Ann. Rept. Bur. Ethnol., 1807. 


discovered away from the camp and village sites, among the hills 
and valleys where they had probably been lost by hunters when in 
quest of game. 

Arrowpoints found in the region now being studied vary greatly 
in age, and when attempting to ascertain the period to which a speci- 
men should be attributed and the tribe or group of tribes to which 
its maker may have belonged, three factors must be considered: the 
shape, the material of which it was made, and the condition of the 

As stated on a preceding page, the crudely flaked specimens made 
of a dark diabasic rock, now altered and changed to a brownish color 
through long exposure to the natural elements, are thought to be the 
earliest form of axlike implements or weapons encountered in the 
Rapidan-Rappahannock area. They have been discovered throughout 
the region, and without exception are so deeply weathered that it is 
often difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish the surface from which 
flakes had been removed. They are assumed to have belonged to a 
culture that preceded, possibly by centuries, the coming of the historic 
Siouan and Algonquian groups who claimed the country in 1608. 

Arrowheads and spearheads made of the same diabasic rock as the 
preceding, crudely flaked and equally weathered, have been found 
on sites with the axes, and it is reasonable to assign them to the same 
early period. The axes and points should be attributed to the same 
culture. Six examples of the points are illustrated (pl. 4, a), and 
other specimens in the same illustration, although made of chert, 
quartzite, and argilite, may likewise be of very early origin. Certain 
of these resemble in form and size pieces found by Harrington 
in the upper Tennessee valley “ and ascribed by him to the earliest of 
three distinct periods of occupancy, the last being that of the historic 
Cherokee. Some specimens were made of flint, others of quartz 
and quartzite, and typical examples were figured by Harrington, 
plate 48. 

Points are often discovered on the surface that differ in shape and 
material from the characteristic specimens of the region. They had 
probably been made in some distant locality, to be carried by hunters 
or warriors and lost near where they are now found. It is impossible 
to determine, even approximately, the place of origin of many 
specimens thus encountered, but later, when greater attention is 

* Harrington, M. R., Cherokee and earlier remains on Upper Tennessee River. 
Mus. Amer. Indian, New York, 1922. 


devoted to the small flaked objects, their value in tracing the move- 
ments of tribes will become more readily understood and appreciated. 

Triangular points—some of which are found in the Rapidan- 
Rappahannock area—are classed with those of indeterminable origin 
just mentioned. They are rather few in number, and the majority 
are made of a dark or black flint, others of a fine yellow, brown, or 
gray quartzite. On some the base is straight or only slightly concave, 
others are very deeply concave. Excellent specimens were found 
at Rogers Ford, some of which may have been made there. Examples 
from other sites are shown in plates 4, 16, and 19. 

Quantities of triangular points occur on the Potomac sites, and 
they are even more numerous in certain localities away from 
Virginia. Many have been discovered in Maryland and northward ; 
others found in the mountainous country of Tennessee and Carolina 
are considered by some to be the characteristic point of the ancient 
Cherokee. Many of the scattered specimens now encountered in the 
vicinity of the Rappahannock and Rapidan are thought to have been 
made far away from the country of the Manahoac. 

The great majority of points found scattered over the surface 
are made of white quartz, and are similar to others widely distributed 
throughout piedmont Virginia. The various forms, some of which 
are very distinctive, are illustrated in plates 6 and 20. As the 
material of which they are made is not affected by long exposure 
there is no change in the appearance of the surface that would 
suggest, or aid in determining, the relative age of the different 
specimens. Some were made and used by the Manahoac after the 
year 1608, others belonged to an earlier period, but all now appear 
equally old. 

Small blades and scrapers made of jasper and chalcedony were 
discovered on several sites and may be plentiful in the area. A 
greater number were found in the vicinity of Skinkers Ford than 
elsewhere, and here, as already mentioned in the description of the 
site, they occur only in a very limited space. Other examples were 
found on the surface near Motts Run, also at Rogers Ford, and 
larger specimens have been recovered from the site opposite the 
large island at the falls. All are very interesting, but it is not possible 
to determine to which period of occupancy they should be attributed. 

Part of what may have been a projectile point found at Skinkers 
Ford was made of the same yellow jasper, as was also the pentagonal 
point found north of Elys Ford. The latter specimen should, it is 
believed, be assigned to an early period, to which the small pieces 
from the vicinity of Skinkers Ford may likewise have belonged. 


The beautiful blade from opposite Fox Neck was made of the same 
light yellow jasper. 

Many flakes and small bits of the same material that do not 
reveal evidence of use have been discovered on various sites, as 
at Kellys Ford, Motts Run, and Skinkers Ford. 

The jasper had undoubtedly been obtained in the form of pebbles 
from the stream beds, but although large pieces of red jasper were 
encountered at several places, neither implements nor flakes of it 
were discovered. 


The fragmentary pottery, occurring on many sites along the banks 
of the Rapidan and the Rappahannock, differs greatly in texture, 
decoration, and apparent age. 

As yet no undisturbed refuse heap has been encountered in which 
it would be possible to discover successive strata that would repre- 
sent the several periods of occupancy of a site and thereby make 
it possible to determine the sequence of the various types of ware. 
Some such heaps may remain hidden beneath masses of vegetation, 
but others have been reduced by the plow and their contents scattered 
over the leveled surface, resulting in the intermingling on the same 
site of sherds representing more than one culture. Therefore, in the 
endeavor to determine the relative age of the fragments and the 
periods to which they may have belonged, they were compared with 
other pieces that had been discovered under more favorable conditions 
in.other localities. 

What is believed to be the earliest pottery found in the Middle 
Atlantic region will be considered first. Harrington,” when exploring 
in Loudon County, Tenn., discovered traces of very early occupancy 
of the upper valley of the Tennessee. He distinguished evidence of 
three distinct cultures that had followed in succession, the oldest of 
which was designated that of the “ Round Grave people,” because 
of their curious form of burial. The characteristic pottery associated 
with the burials—only sherds being discovered—was “ marked with 
parallel corrugated indentations quite different from anything seen 
in the Cherokee deposits.” The latter were more recent. Examples 
of the crude ware were figured (Harrington, pl. 47), and b in the 
illustration appears to be similar to a small fragment found on the 
site at Kellys Ford on the Rappahannock (pl. 12, d), as well as to 
another piece discovered a short distance down the river, about 

** Harrington, op. cit. 


opposite the mouth of Marsh Run. Crushed stone had served as 
tempering material in both specimens from the Rappahannock, which 
are very hard and of a reddish-brown color. The “ parallel corrugated 
indentations ” appear to have resulted from the use of a basket in 
forming the vessel, thus preserving on the outside of the pottery 
vessel the impression of the inside of the rigid basket. 

When the surface of a bit of pottery has become partly worn 
away, it is difficult to distinguish between the markings made by a 
roulette and the impressions caused by contact of the plastic clay 
with woven textiles or the surface of a basket. Coiled baskets are 
thought to have been unknown to the historic Siouan and Algonquian 
tribes of Virginia, but they had evidently been made and used by 
others who had preceded them, by whom the early earthenware vessels 
had likewise been fashioned. 

Two fragments of pottery found on the right bank of the Rappa- 
hannock below the mouth of the Rapidan bear the impressions of 
basketry, appearing to have been of the coiled variety. Of these, the 
specimen found opposite the falls, shown in plate 3, d, is the more 
interesting. Although the surface has become considerably worn and 
smoothed the impression left by the basketry in the plastic clay 
remains clearly defined. The second of the two examples (pl. 7, a) 
was found a few miles up the river on the Forest Hall site. This at 
first glance suggests the impression of a roulette, but it is believed 
to be that of a basket. Several very good examples of similar ware 
discovered farther up the Rappahannock at Rogers Ford are likewise 
believed to have belonged to a period that preceded the coming of the 
historic Siouan tribes to the Rapidan-Rappahannock area. 

Fragments of ware that bear on the surface clearly made im- 
pressions of coiled basketry have been discovered on the Anacostia 
site in the District of Columbia. Other examples have been found in 
North Carolina, in the vicinity of Albemarle Sound in the northeastern 
part of the State, in Carteret County (U.S.N.M. No. 140929) 
midway down the coast, in New Hanover County just north of the 
mouth of Cape Fear River,” and in Granville County near the 
Virginia line. Farther south, fragments of pottery bearing similar 
impressions have been reported from near the mouth of the Santee 
River, midway down the coast of South Carolina; in the vicinity of 
Montgomery, Ala.; and in Clarke County (U.S.N.M. 331027) and 
Oktibbeha County (U.S.N.M. 369327), Miss., both in the eastern 

* Bushnell, David I., Jr., Notes on the archaeology of New Hanover County. 
In Cape Fear Chronicles, by James Sprunt, Raleigh, N. C., 1914. 


part of the State, the former being bounded on the east by the 
Alabama line. 

Similar material must occur on many sites along the coast as well 
as in the interior, and its distinctive feature makes it easily recognized. 
As previously mentioned, this appears to be one of the earliest types 
of earthenware encountered in the Middle Atlantic and Southeastern 
areas, and the extreme limits of the region in which it is found 
should be determined. 

Parts of three vessels found on the left bank of the Rapidan at 
Skinkers Ford closely resemble material from southwest Virginia 
figured and described by Holmes.” Several specimens were illustrated 
(Holmes, pl. 133) and described as “ Potsherds with textile markings, 
New River Valley, Virginia.’’ The textile impression is exactly like 
that on plate 17, a and b, from Skinkers Ford on the Rapidan, and 
plate 12, b, from Kellys Ford on the Rappahannock. Examples were 
also found at Rogers Ford, also on the Rappahannock and less than 
24 miles from Skinkers Ford. It is interesting ware, and Holmes 
wrote regarding it (p. 150): “ The people concerned may have 
belonged to the Algonquian stock, for Algonquian features decidedly 
prevail, but there is a possibility that they were Siouan.”’ The same 
question of identity is presented by the pieces from the Rapidan- 
Rappahannock region, an area which, although claimed by the 
Manahoac in 1608, may earlier have been the home of Algonquian 
tribes. In this connection it is interesting to record that a conical 
base of a vessel was found in contact with the fragments at Rogers 
Ford, this form of base being suggestive of Algonquian pottery. 

A small fragment of similar ware, of a reddish color and bearing 
the same impressions as on specimens 0b, from the sites at Kellys 
Ford and Skinkers Ford (pl. 12, fig. 2; pl. 17), and also from Rogers 
Ford (pl. 10), was found at Anacostia, in the District of Columbia, 
some distance from the country occupied by Siouan tribes at the 
beginning of the seventeenth century. Other small sherds found at 
Anacostia show the same impression on the surface but contain 
rather large pieces of crushed quartz as tempering, in this respect 
again resembling certain pottery fragments from the site on the 

The impression of nets are more readily distinguished, and the 
meshes are often clearly defined. Several good examples of pottery 
so decorated were found at Richards Ford, on the Rappahannock, a 

” Holmes, W. H., Aboriginal pottery of the Eastern United States. In 20th 
Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethnol., 1903. 


mile above the mouth of the Rapidan, and are figured in plate g. It 
was to this type of ware that Holmes referred when he wrote (pp. 
154-155):° “ This pottery is found in more or less typical forms 
intermingled with the ordinary varieties of ware on sites extending 
from the Yadkin to the Delaware.”” He was then describing a sherd 
discovered in the great shell heap at the mouth of Popes Creek, on 
the left bank of the Potomac, some miles below Washington, D. C., 
and had previously written, when comparing the latter with fragments 
found near the Yadkin, in North Carolina: ‘‘ The materials are the 
same, the shape, size, degree of rudeness, treatment of surface, and 
decoration are the same, even the netting and the practice of partially 
obliterating the net impressions on the whole or a part of the vessels 
are the same.” It is interesting to find at Richards Ford specimens 
on which the net impressions had likewise been partially obliterated, 
but in some instances this may have been caused by the wearing 
away of the surface during long use of the vessel. 

Later discoveries seem to extend the net-marked ware still farther 
south. An illustration in the account of the partial examination of 
the great mound on Stalling’s Island, in the Savannah River near 
Augusta, Georgia,” shows one fragment of pottery that appears to 
bear the impression of a net (Claflin, pl. 27), but it is not described, 
nor are any dimensions given. 

As shown by comparison with material from other localities, the 
fragments of pottery from the Rapidan-Rappahannock area, which 
have already been mentioned, represent types of ware and forms of 
decoration that are widely distributed, though not very plentiful, 
and which have, in some instances, been discovered under conditions 
that prove their comparatively great age. It is now believed that 
all such ware encountered on sites along the Rapidan and Rappa- 
hannock should be attributed to a tribe, or tribes, who had inhabited 
the region before the coming of the historic Siouan and Algonquian 
groups, and who extended over a wide region both north and south 
from Virginia. Obviously, other pottery found on the same sites 
belonged to a much later period of occupancy. 

There is a remarkable similarity between certain sherds shown 
in plate 3, from the site on the right bank of the Rappahannock 
facing the falls, and many pieces found at Stalling’s Island. The 
same form of decoration was employed at both sites, and in some 
instances the roulette, punctate, and incised designs were used in 

“= Holmes, op. cit. 

“Claflin, William H., Jr., The Stalling’s Island Mound, Columbia County, 
Georgia. Papers Peabody Mus., Harvard Univ., vol. 14, no. 1, 1931. 


similar combinations on the surface of a vessel. It is also interesting 
to consider the similarity of the two sites, both being at the falls 
of large streams. All this suggests more than a mere coincidence. 

Many of the fragments that may be attributed to the later period 
are of rather heavy ware, cord-marked and with straight rims. But 
pieces of vessels of a superior quality were discovered on the site 
at Jerrys Ford, examples of which are illustrated in plate 13. Some 
of this is thought to have come from the burial mound that formerly 
stood near where the sherds were found. Among the pieces recovered 
were fragments of many very thin, fragile vessels, some being less 
than 4 inch in thickness, cord-marked, and beautifully made. Typical 
specimens are shown at the bottom of plate 13. The outer surface 
of the thin ware is a light brownish color, but the inner surfaces are a 
lustrous black, which undoubtedly resulted from a process employed 
in the endeavor to make the vessel impervious to water. 

Many customs were probably practiced in common by the potters 
of the different eastern tribes. Years ago, while among the Cherokee 
in the mountains of Carolina, Mooney met a woman who knew the 
art of pottery making. Later, during the summer of 1906, Harrington 
visited the Cherokee in North Carolina, and learned from the same 
old woman—Iwi Katalsta, by name—the secrets of her art.” It 
is an interesting narrative, from which the trollowing is quoted 

(Cp: 220): 

“Tn order to be good for cooking, these pots should be smoked,” she said. “ If 
this is not done the water will soak through.” So she dropped a handful of 
bran in each one while they were still almost red-hot, stirred it with her stick, 
tipped the pots this way and that, and finally, turning out the now blazing 
bran from each in turn, inverted the vessels upon it. In this way the inside 
was smoked black and rendered impervious and this without leaving any odor 
of smoke in the vessels when they became cold. Generally, Iwi told me, crushed 
corn-cobs were employed for this purpose, but she always used bran when cobs 
were not available. 

This may explain the cause of the black inner surface of the thin 
vessels from Jerrys Ford. Small fragments of similar ware were 
found on the nearby site at Richards Ford, and it is reasonable to 
believe the two settlements existed at the same time. 

The only example of incised decoration discovered above Motts 
Run was found at Jerrys Ford, a small piece sketched in figure ro. 
No evidence of a looped handle, nor of a projection of any sort on 
the outside of a vessel, was encountered on any site. 

* Harrington, M. R., The last of the Iroquois potters. New York State Mus. 
Bull. 133, 1900. 


Much of the later ware was undoubtedly the work of the Manahoac 
tribes, and some of the vessels may have been made and used after 
the year 1608. 


Many of the vessels thought to have been made during the recent, 
or later, period were decorated by pressing cords into the plastic clay. 
Simple designs were thus produced—always straight lines, which 
usually extended only a short distance below the rim. Specimens of 
pottery decorated in this manner were found on various sites, but 
the majority of the more interesting pieces were discovered on Jerrys 
Flats ; examples of these are shown in plate 13. The cords thus used 
varied greatly in size from that of a coarse thread to others more 
than } inch in diameter. 

It is evident that the Indians of Virginia, at the beginning of the 
seventeenth century, made a variety of cords to serve different 
purposes. This was referred to by Captain Smith” soon after the 
settlement of the colony when he wrote: 

Betwixt their hands and thighes, their women use to spin the barks of trees, 
deare sinews, or a kind of grasse they call Pemmenaw;* of these they make a 
thred very even and readily. This thred serveth for many uses, as about their 
housing, apparell; and also they make nets for fishing, for the quantity as 
formally braded as ours. They make also with it lines for angles. 

This readily explains the difference in size and appearance of the 
many impressions of cords that appear on the surface of the fragments 
of vessels. As to the materials used in making the cords, some were 
probably formed by twisting the bark of a milkweed as described by 
Colonel Byrd“ more than two centuries ago. The milkweed was 
the Indian hemp of the early settlers, and is thought to have been the 
plant mentioned by Byrd as “ silk grass”, known to many persons 
in Virginia at the present time as silk weed. On November 10, 1728, 
Colonel Byrd described certain customs of the Saponi, a Siouan 
tribe related to the Manahoac, and wrote in part (p. 81): “The 
Indians use it in all their little manufactures, twisting a thread of it 
that is prodigiously strong. Of this they make their baskets and the 

** Op. cit., Arber edition, p. 60. 

* Rather than being the name of “a kind of grasse” this may be an AI- 
gonquian word for some cord, rope, or thread. Strachey in “A Dictionarie of 
the Indian Language”, gave the following “ Penninaugh, a rope”, and “ Peym- 
mata, threed”’. 

* Byrd, William, The Westover manuscripts: containing the history of the 
dividing line . . . . Petersburg, Va., 1841. 




aprons which their women wear about their middles, for decency’s 
sake.” The plant mentioned by Colonel Byrd may have been the 
Asclepias pulchra. Undoubtedly, the Manahoac likewise made exten- 
sive use of the plant, which would have been found growing through- 
out their country. 

Finely twisted sinew was used, as related by Captain Smith, but 
the larger, coarser cords were probably formed of the wool or hair 
of wild animals. Buffalo must have been known to the people by 
whom the pottery was made, as it is evident they were to have been 
encountered within a few miles of the falls of the Rappahannock only 
6 years after the settlement of Jamestown. To quote from Purchas, 
when he wrote concerning conditions in Virginia (p. 759): 

Master ]Vhitaker in his letter and book from Henrico 1612, testifieth the 
health and welfare of the Colonie. Samuel Argall in the yeare 1613, affirmed 
likewise that he found the state of Virginia farre better then was reported. 
In one voyage they had gotten one thousand and one hundred bushells of corne: 
they found a slow kinde of Cattell, as bigge as Kine, which were good meate. 

Buffalo alone among the beasts encountered in Virginia could have 
been so described. But they may never have been very numerous, 
which would account for the lack of references by other writers of 
the period. 

Cords made of the wool and hair of the buffalo were undoubtedly 
woven into a textile such as was impressed on the surface of large 
vessels, fragments of some of which were discovered on the site 
at Skinkers Ford. Bags would have been made of the same mate- 
rial, similar to specimens collected in the Mississippi Valley in the 
eighteenth century and now preserved in European museums. 

The native tribes of the Rapidan-Rappahannock area may also 
have followed a custom practiced by the Indians of Carolina of 
using the hair or wool of the opossum as mentioned by Lawson“ 
who wrote, when referring to the opossum (p. 121): “ Their Fur 
is not esteem’d nor used, save that the Indians spin it into Girdles 
and Garters.” 


The material discovered during the recent examination of sites 
on the banks of the Rapidan and Rappahannock Rivers indicates two, 
and possibly more, distinct periods of occupation, which may have 
been separated by centuries. 

* Purchas, Samuel, Purchas his Pilgrimage... . . Second ed., London, 1614. 
*6 Lawson, John, History of Carolina, London, 1714. 


No stratified mass of camp refuse was encountered to reveal the 
sequence of the different types of pottery, and consequently it was 
necessary to compare the sherds with others of similar ware that 
had been discovered elsewhere under such conditions as would de- 
termine their relative age. Sherds bearing the impression of basketry 
are believed by the writer to be one of the earliest types of earthen- 
ware found in the Middle Atlantic and Southeastern areas and one 
which should be attributed to a very early culture. Fragments of this 
ware have been recovered from sites in the Rapidan-Rappahannock 
area, and other similar sherds occur far southward on the Atlantic 
Coast, thence westward to near the Mississippi, proving its widespread 
distribution. This early period of occupancy of the valleys of the 
Rapidan and Rappahannock is believed to have preceded by centuries 
the arrival of the historic Siouan groups, but the direction from which 
the ancient tribes first entered the region has not been determined, 
although it is the belief of the writer that it was from the north. 
Fragments of other vessels found on many sites undoubtedly represent 
the work of the historic Siouan and Algonquian tribes, and many of 
the vessels may have been made and used even after the settlement of 

Stone implements likewise suggest two clearly defined periods, 
the earlier being represented by the crudely flaked objects, altered 
through long exposure, the later by the polished celts and grooved 
axes, much fewer in number. 

The discovery of points of the recognized Folsom type, specimens 
of superior workmanship, presents a problem that may be difficult 
to solve. One example was found near the Rapidan a short distance 
west of the region now being considered, another was discovered near 
the banks of the Rappahannock some 15 miles below Fredericksburg. 
The Rapidan-Rappahannock area, therefore, must have been tra- 
versed, if not occupied, by the makers of this highly specialized form 
of point. Other objects of stone were necessarily made and used 
during the same period, and possibly some of the oldest of the num- 
erous flaked implements were the work of the makers of the Folsom 
points ; however, that is another question that remains to be answered. 

Thus it is evident that the country beyond the falls of the Rappa- 
hannock, the Rapidan-Rappahannock area, has been occupied or 
frequented by man through the centuries, but floods and other forces 
of nature have so changed the surface of the narrow valleys that 
scant traces of the native camps and villages remain. 


Chomas Lincoln Casey JFund 



Curator, Division of Insects, U. S. National Museum 

“PHOS, | 


SEPTEMBER 2351935 

THe Lord Baltimore Press 


Thomas Lincoln Casey Fund 



Curator, Division of Insects, U. S. National Museum 

The tribe Rhizotrogini of the scarabaeid subfamily Melolonthinae 
is represented in the New World by about 450 known species, dis- 
tributed among what are usually considered as five genera. Somewhat 
more than three-fourths of these species are assigned to Phyllophaga 
Harris (Lachnosterna Hope). One species is the sole member of the 
genus Chirodines Bates. Listrochelus Blanchard and Phytalus Erich- 
son together number about 100 species. Chlaenobia Blanchard, as 
defined in the present paper, contains 15 named forms, of which 2 
are given but subspecific rank. 

In describing Chlaenobia, Blanchard allied it to certain genera 
which are grouped about Macrodactylus Latreille. Lacordaire fol- 
lowed Blanchard’s suggestion in this matter. Bates, the first to have 
an adequate series of specimens for study, recognized the genus as 
Rhizotrogine and not Macrodactyline and so treated it in the Biologia 
Centrali-Americana. Dalla Torre returned to the views of Blanchard 
and Lacordaire in the Junk Catalog, but there is ample evidence to 
show that this work is not at all critical. The present treatment of 
the genus follows Bates. 

Arrow, in 1920, suggested that the American genus Phytalus 
Erichson and the Asiatic genera Brahmina Blanchard and Holotrichia 
Hope should be abandoned and their species placed in Lachnosterna 
Hope (Phyllophaga Harris). If this is necessary, it is also necessary 
to add those species now contained in Chlaenobia, for that genus is 
certainly intimately connected with Phytalus. Chirodines is also very 
close to Phytalus, and when its female is known, it may seem best to 
add this gents to Phyllophaga also. On the other hand, a study of 
the Rhizotrogini may show that an entirely new grouping of the 

* This is the second contribution to be published by the Smithsonian Institu- 
tion under the Thomas Lincoln Casey Fund. 




species along lines other than those at present used will result in more 
clean-cut genera. There is a greater diversity of structure displayed 
among the species of Phyllophaga than between those of Phytalus and 

Pending a reinvestigation of the whole complex, the five genera 

of Rhizotrogini known to occur in the New World may be separated 
as follows: 



Claws of front and middle legs simple, those of hind legs cleft 
Chirodines Bates. 

All tarsal claws toothed, cleft, pectinate or serrate..-:..2.:...-...4--9---5- 2, 
Tatsaliiclaws. cletts 5c snsd csc oscrde com cio Ghteness leak sforello slovoy atesotep oie eeleweeerroretoere 3: 
Marsal claws toothed, spectinate (orSerrateryearsrreicy-tetee ctor) -i-t-1rsi= eral ienereteeenere 4. 

Prothorax somewhat narrowed at base; female pygidium usually profoundly 
modified ; tarsi usually with dense pubescence on plantar surfaces 
Chlaenobia Blanchard. 
Prothorax wider across basal angles than across anterior angles; female 
pygidium not modified; tarsi without dense pubescence on plantar surfaces 
Phytalus Erichson. 
Tarsal claws strongly bipectinate or feebly serrate, sometimes with a more 
or less well developed subapical tooth on one or both of the claws of 
ih els ue eh Oe nS RT Lac oi mermaid aoe ae Listrochelus Blanchard. 
Tarsal claws neither pectinate nor serrate, with a more or less strongly 
developed tooth which may be subbasal, median, or subapical in position 
Phyllophaga Harris. 


Blanchard, 1850, Cat. Coll. Ent. Paris, Coleopt., vol. 1, p. 116; Lacordaire, 1856, 

Gen. Coleopt., vol. 3, p. 265; Bates, 1888, Biol. CĂ©ntr.-Amer., Coleopt., 
vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 166; Arrow, 1933, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 10, vol. 11, 
p. 146. 

Type species——Chlaenobia ciliatipes Blanchard 1850 (monobasic ; 

also by subsequent designation of Arrow 1933). 



Antenna, mime=Seomented: sever sia echo seis aie ecw ledehe tole bey steloketencieF adele) mete ie Retetens 2). 
Attennasten=seo mented secs crcrs 2p creteicusie oer te tetenebaveieaNakel Acleret ok or oe teer Rerek ene 3: 
Spurs of posterior tibia short, straight, and tapering......... aegrota Bates. 

Spurs of posterior tibia somewhat spatulate and twisted, the spur more re- 
mote from the insertion of tarsus ‘strongly hooked at apex...arrowt n. sp. 
Metasternum sparsely set with bristles, the portion adjacent to the median 
lineselabrous! or nearly, SO:)...)0s 21. 2 sate oer eet eee eee ee 4. 
Metasternum moderately hairy to very densely pilose, with never more than 
a small spot on median line glabrous; plantar surface of second segment of 
anterior tarsus pilose; pronotum unicolorous........0.--6 ese nee eee 5. 


4. Plantar surface of second segment of anterior tarsus bare, its margins fim- 
briate with long hairs; pronotum bicolored (not always distinctly so in 
greasy specimens), disk castaneous and flanks testaceous; body form un- 

(EEGEVING DIROEVG! siOVe XANES pode anoaouuboooddersbnancenohacc panamana n. sp. 
Plantar surface of second segment pilose; pronotum unicolorous; body form 
mormealliistendets imtrmnc tea, .telsisrlnssta cae) a cieine cite Ssh seatatmecine vexata Horn. 

5. Clypeus deeply concave, the anterior third or more strongly reflexed; second 
segment of anterior tarsus about twice as long as broad..... latipes Bates. 
Clypeus shallowly concave, only the marginal fifth reflexed; second segment 

of anterior tarsus at least three times as long as wide.................. 6. 

6. Hind tibia gradually but distinctly widened from base to apex; lower half 
of inner face finely engraved and bounded beneath by a_ knife-edge 

ANTAL AS eerepatebons A week patie terete i Shas ee RRA CHR Ciciae actrentcloty ce Smee ree eters he 
Hind tibia not evenly expanded from base to apex; lower half of inner face 
without fine engraving, not bounded beneath by a knife-edge margin... .8. 

7. Outer apical angle of middle tibia produced outward; inner acute margin 
Obshindmtibiamstantimesneatbase seein aiieisiene colimana Arrow. 
Outer apical angle of middle tibia not outwardly produced; inner margin 
onhindstibiasacutesmn-"apicalahalironlycece sce eeee ee dissimilis n. sp. 

8. Spurs of hind tibia dissimilar in shape, the inner broader than the outer and 
EWS Le Clmeetaeeetep en re dey ee tate lier rs eee ace ans a, ees peter cts Mere aequata Bates. 
SPULsrotmindettotaislendermrstraichta aticdesiinll ats sr sereiteeiete eeelscteeree iiss 9. 

9g. Pronotum less densely punctured on disk than on flanks; fifth visible abdomi- 
nal sternite without median patch of asperities.......... scabripyga Bates. 

Pronotum less densely punctured on flanks than on disk; fifth visible sternite 
with median patch of asperities from which long hairs arise 
tumulosa Bates. 

Note: The males of the following species are unknown to the writer: cilia- 
tipes Blanchard, rodriguesi Bates, personata n. sp. 


ify HeNiahdsannelhonboro-eVa saan Solneel coma mr erarreac Genre n SCE eo OC OO De CeIn Oo HOC oRICn 2: 

Aritennamten=seomiented! we rea.remiackort ete chico ctioncioo a siete ioiainne oe sees Gy. 

2. Pygidium with a deep, subconical excavation on apical half which is con- 
nected with the basal margin by a broad and rather deep groove 

arrow n. sp. 

Pygidium without a deep, subconical excavation near apex.............. a 

3. Pygidium with a median longitudinal groove; third and fourth segments 

OsRCebal iS thay Gro ( bE le pees Aen arent ra, Cre, Sy or Min a en CR Ae cihatipes Bl. 

Pygidium without a median longitudinal groove; fourth segment longer 

tlvetrateytlatr UW eps econ taeysecesiaicre toner vere epee IH TC aie chnae eta akats leven abe, akortes 4. 

4. Clypeus deeply concave, the anterior third strongly reflexed; lateral mar- 

ginal bead of pronotum wider near anterior and posterior angles than 

at middle; apical portion of pygidium with shallow, vaguely defined 

GEPLeSSion y= wee ee cee ee EIS ie ee rodriguezi Bates. 

Clypeus not deeply concave, anterior fifth reflexed; lateral marginal bead 

of pronotum uniformly narrow throughout length; apical portion of pygi- 

dium with deep, well-defined depression................... aegrota Bates. 


5. Apical margin of sixth visible abdominal sternite more or less produced at 
middle, the projection usually seated in a broad and very shallow 

EMALRMALIOM: \Saiq cere clo nie ee Mavatey ators here dnan) oroltaio Sota eal elope abel vara cewenaeee 6. 
Apical margin of sixth sternite broadly, deeply and evenly emarginate, not 
atrallsproducediionimedianylines: cesar eeer aio eerie oe tit. 

6. Pygidium bicallose, the callosities separated more or less completely by a 
median. Longitudinal \oroOvesc..120 ockeiec seine scrote oie deraeeieereeercrte Oe 
Pyeidium: mot) bicallosecci<s.c acted cir aera cucieie ere Glee eeterorde ele ieee senate 8. 

7. Callosities of pygidium well separated, the median longitudinal groove pass- 
ing between them and very nearly attaining the basal margin 

latipes Bates. 

Callosities approximate, coalescing above, the median longitudinal groove 

short, not passing completely between them............... dissimilis n. sp. 

8. Pygidium with a single median callosity near base, the remaining portion 

shallowly concave, floor of the concavity with a pronounced median groove 

colimana Arrow. 

Pygidium broadly, shallowly, and transversely excavate in apical half, the 

floor Oh theexcayation not: eroovedsaaasttnacerrel ee aecn cree eeoeeore QO. 

9. Pygidium subacutely angulate at apex, with a single low median callosity 

on une upper margin of the subapical excavation; pronotum unicolorous 

vexata Horn. 

Pygidium broadly rounded at apex, without a callosity on the basal portion 

above the excavation; pronotum bicolored as in the male sex......... 10. 

10. Pronotum strongly narrowed basally, as wide across anterior angles as 

across base; pygidium moderately coarsely and very sparsely punctured 

panamana n. sp. 

Pronotum not strongly narrowed basally, width across anterior angles much 
less than across base; pygidium coarsely and rather densely punctured 

personata n. sp. 

II. Pygidium subapically with a large hemispherical cavity which is bounded 

laterobasally by two low and poorly defined callosities and apically by a 

SharpepLrotmudineamancinee wecmeeeerterien ceeiee ee twmulosa Bates. 
Pygidium virtually simple, without modification other than a shallow and 
inconspicuous median impression near apexX.............. aequata Bates. 

Note: The female of ciliatipes Blanchard is known to the writer only by 
description. The female of scabripyga Bates is unknown to him. 


Chlaenobia ciliatipes Blanchard, 1850, Cat. Coll. Ent. Paris Coleopt., vol. 1, 
p. 116; Lacordaire, 1856, Gen. Coleopt., vol. 3, p. 266. 

Head black, punctate, clypeus rufotestaceous, margin reflexed and 
feebly emarginate. Body entirely testaceous, upper parts glabrous 
and somewhat shining, underparts sericeous. Antenna nine-segmented, 
with the third and fourth segments elongate and equal. Pronotum 
transverse, widest anteriorly, sides obtusely angulate, uniformly and 


densely punctured. Elytra with discal costae hardly perceptible. 
Propygidium very large and only partly covered by elytra, pygidium 
moderately convex, with a median longitudinal groove (female?). 
Anterior tibia obtusely bidentate. 

Length—13 to 14 mm. 

Type locality—Not stated in original description; by Lacordaire 
as Brazil. 

Type.—tIn the Paris Museum. 

This species is known to me only from the descriptions of Blanchard 
and Lacordaire. The above diagnosis is made up from the statements 
of these authors. Following Lacordaire’s suggestion that the speci- 
mens available to him are females, the species has been inserted in 
that part of my key. 


Chlaenobia aegrota Bates, 1888, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Coleopt., vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 167, 
Pl tOs tien Te 

Head moderately coarsely and most densely punctured on upper 
portion of frons, vertex and lower portion of frons sparsely punc- 
tured, frons slightly concave, clypeofrontal suture moderately im- 
pressed and bisinuate, clypeus more coarsely and sparsely punctured, 
deeply concave, the outer third strongly reflexed, margin feebly 
sinuate at middle. Antenna nine-segmented. Pronotum transverse, 
side margins obtusely angulate just before the middle, lateral margin 
feebly sinuate near posterior angle as viewed from side, viewed from 
above anterior and posterior angles narrowly rounded; punctures 
coarse, very sparsely placed on disk, more densely on flanks. Scutellum 
equilateral, side margins curved, with a few punctures along sides. 
Elytra with sutural margins broadly tumid, each with two faintly 
indicated costae, the one nearer the suture a little better defined; 
punctures a little less coarse but more densely placed than on pronotum, 
epipleura narrow, disappearing before the extreme apex. Metasternum 
moderately coarsely and most densely punctured, rather densely 
clothed on median portion with moderately long erect hairs. 

Male.—Antennal club one-fifth longer than second to sixth seg- 
ments combined. Fifth sternite without special hair tuft, sixth sternite 
with a shallow median longitudinal groove, its free margin transverse, 
very feebly produced at middle. Pygidium strongly convex, coarsely, 
sparsely and irregularly punctured, sparsely set with erect hairs, 
transversely grooved just before apex, floor of this groove impunctate, 
apical margin strongly reflexed. Anterior tibia bidentate with a trace 


Fics. 1-12.—En face and lateral views of aedeagus. 

. Chlaenobia aegrota Bates. Mexico? British Museum. 

. Chlaenobia arrowi, n. sp. Venodio, Sinaloa, Mexico. Paratype. 

. Chlaenobia latipes Bates. Cordoba, Vera Cruz, Mexico. 

. Chlaenobia panamana, n. sp. Cano Saddle, Gatun Lake, Canal Zone. Type. 
. Chlaenobia vexata (Horn). Brownsville, Texas. 

. Chlaenobia unituberculata Bates. North Yucatan, Gaumer. ‘British Museum. 
. Chlaenobia colimana Arr. Colima Volcano, Mexico. 

. Chlaenobia dissimilis, n. sp. Venodio, Sinaloa, Mexico. Type. 

. Chlaenobia aequata Bates. Costa Rica. British Museum. 

10. Chlaenobia chiapensis, n. subsp. Chiapas, Mexico. Type. 

11. Chlaenobia scabripyga Bates. Juquila, Mexico. British Museum. 

12. Chlaenobia tumulosa Bates. Palin, Guatemala. 




of a third tooth. Second segment of anterior tarsus narrow with 
parallel sides, about four times as long as broad. Aedeagus, figure I. 

Female.—Antennal club as long as second to sixth segments com- 
bined. Sternites not modified, free margin of sixth rather strongly 
produced. Pygidium somewhat as in male but with all characteristics 
greatly accentuated, the punctures coarser and more densely placed, 
the transverse groove enlarged and deepened and with apical margin 
produced into a liplike structure. Anterior tibia tridentate with upper 
tooth small. 

Length—14 mm. 

Type locality—Jalapa, Mexico (as here restricted). 

Type.—tn the British Museum. 

Material examined.—Three males and one female from Jalapa, 
Mexico, Hoege, probably paratypes; one male and four females from 
Cordoba, V. C., Mexico, F. Knab; one male from Mexico, D. F., 
J. R. Inda. Three of the Jalapa specimens were loaned for study by 
the British Museum, the fourth was received some years ago as a 
gift from the same source. 


Chlaenobia rodriguezi Bates, 1889, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Coleopt., vol. 2, pt. 2, 
supplement, p. 390. 

Head very coarsely and closely punctured except just above the 
impressed bisinuate clypeofrontal suture, outer or marginal third of 
clypeus gradually reflexed, the central portion tumid, the anterior 
margin broadly and shallowly notched at middle. Antennae nine- 
segmented. Pronotum transversely oblong, side margins obtusely 
angulate before the middle, lateral margin strongly bisinuate as 
viewed from side, viewed from above the anterior and posterior 
angles are obtuse and rounded ; punctures coarse, sparsely and irregu- 
larly distributed. Scutellum equilateral, lateral margins curved, surface 
with a few punctures near margins. Elytra with sutural margins tumid 
to apices, where the extreme margins are sharply carinate, discal 
costae not evident, punctures coarse and more densely placed than 
on pronotum, epipleura very narrow and failing to reach sutural 
angle. Metasternum coarsely and rather densely punctured at sides, 
with a few scattered punctures in median portion. 

Male—Unknown to the writer. 

Female.—Antennal club as long as second to sixth segments com- 
bined. Sternites not modified, finely punctured and sparsely set with 
short hairs. Pygidium broadly triangular, convex basally from side 


to side, apical portion flattened and set off from basal portion by two 
very faintly indicated callosities. Anterior tibia tridentate with basal 
tooth poorly developed. Anterior tarsus with slender, parallel-sided 

Length—14 mm. 

Type locality —Capetillo, Guatemala. 

Type.—tIn the British Museum. 

Material examined.—A female from the type locality, collected by 
Rodriguez and apparently a paratype, loaned for study by the British 


Head coarsely and moderately densely punctured on frons, vertex 
virtually impunctate, clypeofrontal suture sharply impressed and bi- 
sinuate, clypeus concave, the marginal fifth sharply reflexed, coarsely 
and very sparsely punctured, margin feebly sinuate at middle. An- 
tenna nine-segmented. Pronotum transverse, side margins obtusely 
angulate just before the middle, lateral margin straight near posterior 
angle as viewed from side, viewed from above anterior and posterior 
angles obtuse, bluntly rounded, equal; punctures more coarse than 
those of head, sparsely and irregularly placed. Scutellum with base 
longer than a side, sides evenly curved, with a few scattered punctures. 
Elytra with sutural margin broadly tumid and each with a single, 
faintly indicated discal costa, punctures less coarse but more densely 
placed than on pronotum, epipleura very narrow, terminating just 
before extreme apex. Metasternum finely and densely punctured on 
median area, coarsely and more sparsely punctured laterally, clothed 
with rather short erect hairs. Sternites, especially first and second, 
with short, fine bristlelike setae on median portion. 

Male—Antennal club one-fourth longer than second to sixth seg- 
ments combined, fourth segment much longer than third. Sixth 
sternite with a median longitudinal depression, its free margin trans- 
verse. Pygidium strongly and evenly convex, sparsely and moderately 
coarsely punctured and sparsely hairy, the extreme apical margin 
sharply reflexed and produced at middle. Anterior tibia bidentate. 
Second segment of anterior tarsus narrow with parallel sides, about 
four times as long as broad. Aedeagus, figure 2. 

Female——Antennal club as long as second to sixth segments 
combined. Sixth sternite without depression, its free margin moder- 
ately strongly produced at middle. Pygidium very sparsely punctured, 
with a deep, nearly hemispherical depression at middle, which is 
connected with the basal margin by a deep groove, half as wide as the 


pit itself. Apical margin strongly produced in an acute, reflexed lip. 
Anterior tibia tridentate. 

Length.—13 to 14.5 mm. 

Type locality—V enodio, Sinaloa, Mexico. 

Type.—vU.S.N.M. no. 51041. 

Material examined.—Type (male) and 35 paratypes of both sexes 
collected at the type locality June 10-15, 1918, Kusche, donated to the 
National Museum by B. P. Clark; one male paratype from Sinaloa, 
Mexico, without further data. 

In the 37 specimens before me, 3 show a partial division of the 
fourth antennal Segment into two segments on one or both sides of the 
insect. In no case is the division complete on both sides of the same 
specimen and in the other specimens both antennae are without doubt 


Chlaenobia latipes Bates, 1888, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Coleopt., vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 167. 
Chlaenobia bicallosa Bates, 1888, loc. cit., p. 168. 

Head rather densely and moderately coarsely punctured on frons, 
region adjacent to the feebly impressed but strongly bisinuate clypeo- 
frontal suture more sparsely punctured. Frons slightly convex. An- 
tenna ten-segmented. Pronotum transverse, side margins obtusely 
angulate well before the middle, lateral margin sinuate just before 
posterior angle as viewed from side, viewed from above anterior 
angles narrowly rounded, posterior angles acute and slightly produced ; 
punctures a little coarser than those of head, rather sparsely and ir- 
regularly distributed. Scutellum equilateral, sides curved, with a few 
scattered punctures. Elytra with sutural margins strongly tumid, 
discal costae feebly indicated; punctures finer and more densely 
placed than on pronotum, epipleura very narrow, obsolete toward 
apex. Metasternum moderately coarsely and densely punctured, vesti- 
ture moderately long and suberect. 

Male.—Clypeus deeply concave, rather coarsely and densely punc- 
tured, subtrapezoidal, anterior margin feebly emarginate. Antennal 
club half again as long as second to seventh segments combined. Sixth 
sternite broadly and shallowly impressed, its free margin broadly 
rounded and slightly produced. Pygidium transverse, slightly convex, 
median area slightly impressed, apex transverse, slightly lipped. An- 
terior tibia slender, bidentate, second segment of anterior tarsus 
broadly oval, less than twice as long as wide. Aedeagus, figure 3. 

Female—Clypeus feebly concave, coarsely, densely and somewhat 
confluently punctured, biarcuate with median indentation shallow. 


Antennal club a little shorter than second to seventh segments com- 
bined. Sixth sternite with its free margin rather strongly produced 
in a broad lobe. Pygidium transverse, median line sharply impressed, 
with a conical boss on either side of median line at middle of length, 
apical third shallowly excavate, apical margin subtransverse and 
sharply reflexed. Anterior tibia tridentate. 

Length.—13.5 to 15 mm. ji 

Type locality—Teapa, Mexico (latipes) ; Tomatlan and Tuxtla, 
Mexico (bicallosa). 

Types.—In the British Museum. 

Material examined—Two males from Cordoba, determined as this 
species by Arrow but previously determined by Bates as aegrota; one 
female, apparently a paratype of bicallosa, from Tomatlan; seven 
males and nine females from Cordoba, V. C., Mex., May 12-June 9, 
Fred. Knab; one male and one female from Chiapas, Mexico, in 
collection of L. W. Saylor. 

Two males and a female were taken by Knab on May 12 and 
again on May 16. It seems unlikely that these sexes are not of the 
same species. The males compare favorably with the two specimens 
determined by Arrow, and one of the females has been compared by 
Arrow with the type of bicallosa. The original description of the 
female of latipes is not materially different from that of bicallosa. 


Head densely and moderately coarsely punctured on frons, vertex 
and region adjacent to clypeofrontal suture, which is deeply impressed 
and strongly biarcuate, very sparsely punctured. Frons evenly and 
slightly convex. Clypeus shallowly concave, its outer portion not 
sharply reflexed, margin distinctly indented at middle. Antenna ten- 
segmented. Pronotum transverse, side margin obtusely angulate just 
before the middle, lateral margin strongly sinuate just before the 
posterior angle as viewed from the side, viewed from above anterior 
angle subacute, posterior angle acute and slightly produced ; punctures 
coarse, densely placed on disk, more sparsely so on flanks. Scutellum 
equilateral, rather sparsely punctured. Elytra with sutural margins 
narrowly tumid, each with two feebly indicated discal costae, of 
which the first (from suture) is more developed than the second ; 
punctures as coarse and a little more densely placed than on disk 
of pronotum, epipleura very narrow, not well defined beyond middle 
of the length. Metasternum moderately coarsely and very sparsely 


punctured, the median area puncture-free ; vestiture moderately long 
but sparse. 

Male——Antennal club about one-fifth longer than second to seventh 
segments combined. Abdominal sternites not noticeably modified, 
sixth with the free margin slightly produced at middle. Pygidium 
moderately strongly convex in basal half, which is rather coarsely 
but not densely punctured, apical half less convex, shining, nearly 
puncture-free, the extreme apex not strongly reflexed. Anterior 
tibia long and slender, bidentate with a feeble indication of a third 
tooth, second segment of anterior tarsus narrow, about four times 
as long as wide. Aedeagus, figure 4. 

Female—Antennal club as long as second to seventh segments 
combined. Abdominal sternites convex, not modified, the sixth with 
its free margin produced at middle in a small triangular process. 
Pygidium with a moderately deep, transversely oval depression cover- 
ing almost the entire apical three-fifths, the apical margin slightly 
produced, basal portion sparsely and moderately coarsely punctured. 
Anterior tibia short and broad, distinctly tridentate. 

Length.—13.5 to 15 mm. 

Type locality—Cano Saddle, Gatun Lake, Canal Zone. 

Type.—U.S.N.M. no. 51042. 

Material examined—Type (male) and three paratypes (males 
and females) from the above locality, collected May 8-12, 1923, R. C. 
Shannon; one paratype (female) from Barro Colorado Island, 
Panama, June 25, 1933, J. D. Hood. 

This broad species, when fresh and without grease, has a very 
distinctive appearance due to the bicolored pronotum. In greasy 
specimens the disk of the pronotum appears nearly black, while the 
flanks and elytra are moderately dark brown. 


Head coarsely and densely punctured except on vertex, clypeo- 
frontal suture deeply impressed, bisinuate, frons with a short median 
impressed groove extending backward a short distance from the 
clypeofrontal suture, outer third of clypeus gradually reflexed, an- 
terior margin broadly and shallowly emarginate at middle. Antenna 
ten-segmented. Pronotum transverse, side margin obtusely angulate 
just before the middle, lateral margin feebly sinuate near posterior 
angle as viewed from side, viewed from above the anterior angles 
are obtuse and rounded, the posterior angles subacute, surface mod- 
erately coarsely and rather irregularly punctured. Scutellum equi- 
lateral, side margin curved, surface sparsely and rather coarsely 


punctured. Elytra with sutural margins tumid to apices, discal 
costae not evident, punctation similar to that of pronotum, epipleurae 
very narrow but complete. Metasternum coarsely punctured, very 
densely at sides and less densely at middle. 

Male.—Unknown to the writer. 

Female—Antennal club as long as the second to seventh segments 
combined. Sternites moderately coarsely and densely punctured, 
sparsely hairy. Sixth sternite very coarsely punctured. Pygidium 
broad, not angulate, convex basally from side to side; apical portion 
with a shallow excavation, the floor of which is virtually devoid of 
punctures, rest of surface coarsely and rather densely punctured. 
Anterior tibia tridentate, basal tooth well defined. Anterior tarsus 
with slender, parallel-sided segments. 

Length—15.5 mm. 

Type locality —Mexico. 

Type.—In the British Museum. 

Material examined.—A single specimen, number 21975, from the 
Frye Collection. The specimen bears the pin label “ Liogenys per- 
sonata Reiche—Mexico ”. 


Phytalus vexatus Horn, 1885, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., vol. 12, p. 120. 
Phytalus cavifrons Linell, 1896, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 18, p. 720. 

Head moderately coarsely and densely punctured on frons. Clypeo- 
frontal suture deeply impressed, biarcuate. Clypeus coarsely but 
less distinctly punctured than frons, very slightly elevated at middle, 
the outer third abruptly reflexed, anterior margin feebly indented. 
Antenna ten-segmented. Pronotum transverse, broadest across middle, 
side margins very broadly angulate, lateral marginal carina slightly 
sinuate near posterior angle as viewed from side, viewed from above 
anterior and posterior angles subacute; punctures slightly less coarse 
and much less densely placed than those on frons, irregularly dis- 
tributed. Elytra with sutural margins tumid, discal costae faintly 
indicated ; punctures slightly finer but about as densely placed as 
those on pronotum; epipleura narrow. Metasternum polished and 
sparsely punctured at middle, coarsely and more densely punctured 
at sides, vestiture short and sparse. 

Male—Antennal club a little longer than second to seventh seg- 
ments combined. Second to fifth sternites polished at middle with a 
very few scattered punctures. Sixth sternite feebly depressed at 
middle. Pygidium convex, moderately coarsely and very sparsely 


punctured, apex rounded and lipped. Anterior tibia with three teeth, 
the upper not strongly developed. Second segment of anterior tarsus 
elongate with parallel sides, about four times as long as wide. Aedea- 
gus, figure 5. 

Female——Antennal club a little shorter than second to seventh 
segments combined. First to fifth sternites unmodified, sixth sternite 
convex, with a broad shallow emargination behind. Pygidium strongly 
convex in basal half, shallowly and transversely excavated apically, 
with a single, low, median callosity. Anterior tibia strongly tridentate. 
Second segment of anterior tarsus elongate, parallel-sided, about three 
times as long as wide. 

Length.—11 to 13.8 mm. 

Type locality —Texas. 

Types.—In the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia (vexatus 
Horn) ; in the United States National Museum, no. 574 (cavifrons 

Material examined—One female from Texas in the Philadelphia 
Academy (type of vexatus Horn) ; two males and one female from 
Brownsville, Tex., May 24-June 11, C. H. T. Townsend (type and 
paratypes of cavifrons Linell) ; five males and one female from same 
locality, May 15-Aug. 17, C. Schaeffer (Brooklyn Museum Collection, 
U.S.Nat.Mus.); one male from Texas, Fry Collection 1905-100 
(British Museum). 

This species is unusual in the genus in having a moderately well 
defined third tooth on the anterior tibia of the male. 


Chlaenobia unituberculata Bates, 1889, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Coleopt., vol. 2, pt. 2. 
supplement, p. 390. 

Very similar to the typical form of the species. The punctation of 
the head and pronotum is a little coarser in unituberculata than in 
cavifrons. The aedeagus offers the only sure means of identification. 
In the present subspecies (fig. 6) the apical portion of the organ 
narrows sharply from a point at about the level of the terminus of 
the median fissure. 

Type locality——Temax, N. Yucatan (Gaumer). 

Type.—tn the British Museum. 

Material examined—A pair, probably paratypes, from the type 
locality, loaned for study by the British Museum and a pair from 
Rin Antonio, Oaxaca, Mexico, F. Knab, collector. 


Chlaenobia colimana Arrow, 1933, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 10, vol. 11, p. 145. 

Head rather sparsely and moderately densely punctured on frons, 
median line, vertex and along the lightly impressed and feebly sinuate 
clypeofrontal suture almost free of punctures. Frons almost plane. 
Clypeus not concave, its outer margin. slightly reflexed and very 
feebly indented at middle. Antenna ten-segmented. Pronotum trans- 
verse, side margins very obtusely angulate before the middle, lateral 
margin strongly sinuate just before the posterior angle as viewed 
from side, viewed from above anterior and posterior angles acute; 
punctures coarse and rather sparse on disk, finer and sparser on 
flanks. Scutellum equilateral, with a few coarse punctures along side. 
Elytra with sutural margin broadly tumid at middle of length, nar- 
rowed basally and apically, discal costae almost completely effaced ; 
punctures a little finer and as densely placed as those on pronotal disk, 
epipleura very narrow, disappearing just before the extreme apex. 
Metasternum very finely and densely punctured on median portion, 
more coarsely and sparsely at sides, vestiture short and erect, absent 
from a minute spot at center. 

Male—Antennal club half again as long as second to seventh 
segments combined. Abdominal sternites short and crowded along 
median line, sixth sternite as long, along median line, as fourth and 
fifth combined, its median portion flattened and with a poorly defined 
longitudinal groove. Pygidium strongly convex, apical half sparsely 
hairy, apical margins transverse and slightly lipped. Anterior tibia 
slender, bidentate with a trace of a third tooth, second segment of 
anterior tarsus elongate oval, about three times as long as wide. 
Aedeagus, figure 7. 

Female.—Antennal club very slightly longer than second to seventh 
segments combined. Abdominal sternites somewhat flattened along 
median line but not concave, sixth sternite long, with its free margin 
bisinuate. Pygidium with a single well-developed median tubercle 
on basal half, apical two-thirds cut away and with a deep, narrow 
median groove extending from below the tubercle toward apex. 
Apical margin with two small processes which fit into the sinuations 
at apex of sixth sternite; concave portion sparsely hairy. Anterior 
tibia slender, tridentate. 

Length.—13.5 to 16.5 mm. 

Type locality—Colima, Mexico. 

Type.—tIn the British Museum. 


Material examined—Six males and three females from Colima 
Volcano, Jalisco, L. Conradt. Specimens from this lot have been 
compared with the type by Arrow. 


Head moderately coarsely and densely punctured near eyes, rest 
of frons, vertex and clypeus sparsely punctured. Clypeofrontal 
suture feebly impressed and biarcuate. Clypeus flat with outer fourth 
gradually reflexed, its anterior margin feebly and broadly indented. 
Antenna ten-segmented. Pronotum transverse, side margins obtusely 
angulate well before the middle, lateral marginal carina weakly 
sinuate just before the posterior angle as viewed from the side, 
viewed from above anterior and posterior angles acute, not produced ; 
punctures a little more coarse than those of head, sparsely placed 
on disk, very sparsely on flanks. Elytra with sutural margins strongly 
tumid, discal costae obsolete ; punctures almost as coarse as those on 
pronotum and a little more densely placed; epipleura very narrow, 
obsolete toward apex. Metasternum coarsely and densely punctured 
at sides, very finely and very densely at middle except for the small 
median area, which is puncture-free; vestiture sparse at sides, very 
dense at middle. 

Male.—Antennal club about one-third longer than second to seventh 
segments combined. Abdominal sternites each with a median patch 
of short, fine and dense hairs, sixth with a shallow median longitudinal 
impression, its free margin transverse, not noticeably produced. 
Pygidium strongly convex, rather sparsely punctured, apex sub- 
transverse and slightly lipped. Anterior tibia moderately stout, bi- 
dentate. Second segment of anterior tarsus oval, about two and one- 
half times as long as wide. Aedeagus, figure 8. 

Female——Antennal club a little shorter than second to seventh 
segments combined. First and fifth abdominal sternites convex, not 
modified, sixth sternite with a broad and rather deep pit on either 
side of the median line, its free margin strongly tumid and sinuous. 
Pygidium with a pair of strong, conical bosses on basal half which 
are confluent basally, apical half excavate, apex transverse. Punctures 
sparse on basal half, almost wanting on apical half. Anterior tibia 
short, distinctly tridentate. 

Length.—14.5 to 16 mm. 

Type locality—Venodio, Sinaloa, Mexico. 

Type—uvU.S.N.M. no. 51043. 


Material examined.—Type (male) and three paratypes (males 
and females) from above locality, collected from June 10-July 30, 

The extremities of this species are unusually pilose in the male, 
the posterior femora at base and posterior tibia at apex bear dense 
brushes of long hair on their inner margins. All tarsi are also ex- 
ceedingly pilose. 

Chlaenobia aequata Bates, 1888, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Coleopt., vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 168. 

Head coarsely punctured, densely so on vertex and upper portion 
of frons, moderately densely so on clypeus and very sparsely so on 
lower part of frons in the region of the clypeofrontal suture which is 
strongly impressed and bisinuate; clypeus with marginal fourth re- 
flexed, the central portion nearly flat, the margin slightly notched at 
middle. Antenna ten-segmented. Pronotum transverse, side margins 
strongly angulate at middle, lateral margin strongly sinuate near pos- 
terior angle as viewed from side, viewed from above, the anterior 
angles are obtuse and rounded, basal angles prominent and subacute ; 
punctures coarse, more sparsely placed on disk than on flanks where 
their density is similar to those on clypeus. Scutellum equilateral, the 
side margin curved, surface sparsely and rather finely punctured near 
margins. Elytra with sutural margins broadly tumid except at apex 
where the extreme margins are sharply carinate, discal costae not 
evident, punctures less coarse but as densely placed as on flanks of 
pronotum, epipleura very narrow. Metasternum moderately coarsely 
and very densely punctured at sides, a little more sparsely so in median 

Male.—Antennal club almost as long as all the remaining segments 
combined. Fifth sternite with a sparse patch of hair at middle, arising 
from a patch of asperities, sixth sternite tumid with a central de- 
pression ‘surrounded by a few very coarse punctures or pits, free 
margin with a broad and not very prominent process. Pygidium 
uniformly and strongly convex, coarsely and sparsely punctured, a 
little more densely so toward base ; apical margin sharply and narrowly 
reflexed. Anterior tibia bidentate with a faint indication of a third 
tooth. Second segment of anterior tarsus narrow with parallel sides, 
about four times as long as broad. Aedeagus, figure 9. 

Female—Antennal club as long as second to seventh segments 
combined. Sternites not noticeably modified. Pygidium elongate 
triangular, basal half evenly convex from side to side, apically 


flattened with indications of two broad callosities just above the 
flattened portion. Anterior tibia tridentate. 

Length.—12 mm. 

Type locality—Chontales, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. 

Type.—In the British Museum. 

Material examined.—A pair (of which the female is probably a 
paratype) from Costa Rica, loaned for study by the British Museum ; 
one female from Tuis, C. R., 2,400 feet, C. H. Lankester. 


Similar in most respects to the typical subspecies but differing 
in the slightly coarser punctures of the head and pronotum and in the 
conformation of the aedeagus. The lateral appendages of the aedeagus 
in the typical subspecies are short and extend about half-way from 
their insertion to the apex of the conjoined lateral lobes. In the 
subspecies chiapensis (fig. 10) these appendages are considerably 
longer, almost reaching the level of the apex of the lobes. 

Type locality.—Chiapas, Mexico. 

Type.—vU.S.N.M. no. 51044. 

Material examined.—Type (male), three paratypes (males) and 
two paratypes (females) from the Pacific slope of the Cordilleras, 
altitude 800 to 1000 meters, state of Chiapas, L. Hotzen, 1919. 


Chlaenobia scabripyga Bates, 1888, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Coleopt., vol. 2, pt. 2, 
p. 167. 

Head coarsely punctured, moderately densely so on clypeus and 
frons, sparsely so on median portion of vertex, clypeofrontal suture 
deeply impressed and strongly biarcuate, with the median cusp 
prolonged a short distance onto the frons as a median impressed line, 
clypeus with margin more or less following the curvature of the 
clypeofrontal suture, feebly reflexed, central portion nearly flat. 
Antenna ten-segmented. Pronotum transversely oblong, sides obtusely 
angulate at middle, lateral margin nearly straight throughout its 
length as viewed from side, viewed from above both anterior and 
posterior angles are obtuse and rounded; punctures similar in size to 
those on frons, moderately densely placed except along the lateral 
margins and on median portion of disk, where they are slightly 
less dense. Scutellum equilateral with side margins curved, surface 
moderately coarsely and densely punctured. Elytra with sutural 
margins broadly and strongly tumid, discal costae not well defined, 


punctures about as coarse and as densely placed as on disk of pro- 
notum, epipleura very narrow. Metasternum moderately coarsely 
and rather evenly punctured, median portion set with rather long 
erect hairs. 

Male.—Second to fourth sternites each with a dense median patch 
of short erect hairs, fifth sternite with surface generally uneven but 
without asperities or hair patch at middle. Sixth sternite with median 
area slightly depressed, its posterior margin not noticeably sinuate. 
Pygidium strongly convex in its upper (basal) half, which is coarsely 
and densely punctured, the lower half is more flattened, coarsely 
wrinkled and convoluted, apical margin sharply and narrowly reflexed. 
Anterior tibia feebly tridentate, the upper tooth at some distance from 
the middle tooth. Second segment of anterior tarsus narrow with 
parallel sides, about four times as long as broad. Aedeagus, figure IT. 

Female-——Unknown to the writer. 

Length.—12 mm. 

Type locality—Juquila, Mexico. 

Type.—lIn the British Museum. 

Material examined.—A male, probably a paratype, from the type 
locality, loaned for study by the British Museum. Unfortunately, 
both of the antennal clubs are missing. 


Chlaenobia tumulosa Bates, 1888, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Coleopt., vol. 2, pt. 2, 
p. 168. 

Head rather densely and moderately coarsely punctured except 
for a small area on vertex which is free of punctures. Clypeofrontal 
suture moderately sharply impressed and not strongly sinuate. Clypeus 
evenly, densely, and moderately coarsely punctured, slightly convex 
at middle, and with outer third gradually reflexed, anterior margin 
moderately strongly indented at middle. Antenna ten-segmented. 
Pronotum transverse, broadest across middle, side margins broadly 
rounded, lateral marginal carina rather strongly sinuate near posterior 
angle as viewed from side, viewed from above anterior and posterior 
angles subacute, the latter slightly produced ; punctures as coarse but 
less dense than those on frons, irregularly distributed. Elytra with 
sutural margins tumid, discal costae faintly indicated; punctures 
about as dense and coarse as those on pronotum; epipleura very 
narrow. Metasternum very finely and densely punctured at middle, 
more coarsely and sparsely at sides, vestiture fine and dense at middle. 

Male—Antennal club one-fifth longer than second to seventh seg- 
ments combined. Second to fourth abdominal sternites each with a 


median patch of fine, short hair. Fifth sternite with a transverse 
patch of asperities along the posterior margin from which arise mod- 
erately long, fine hair. Sixth sternite with a median longitudinal 
groove. Pygidium convex, coarsely and rather densely punctured on 
basal half, very sparsely punctured on apical half, apex subtransverse 
and slightly lipped. Anterior tibia slender, bidentate, second segment 
of anterior tarsus elongate oval, about three times as long as wide. 
Aedeagus, figure 12. 

Female.—Antennal club a little shorter than second to seventh 
segments combined. First to fifth sternites unmodified, sixth sternite 
with a broad semicircular emargination on free margin. Pygidium 
conical with apex replaced by a deep hemispherical cavity bounded 
at sides by blunt crests, below by an acute and somewhat produced 
margin. Anterior tibia stout, tridentate. 

Length—14 to 15 mm. 

Type localities —British Honduras, R. Sarstoon; Guatemala, near 
city, Duenas, Capitillo. 

Type.—tIn the British Museum. 

Material examined.—Two specimens, male and female, from Gua- 
temala (Sallé), apparently paratypes, loaned for study by the British 
Museum; three males and four females from Palin, Guatemala, 
May 1924, W. M. Mann; three males and one female from Teguci- 
galpa, Honduras, May—June, 1917, F. J. Dyer; one male from Finca 
Gibraltar, Mexico, September 1910, in collection of L. W. Saylor. 

In the Honduras specimens noted above, the aedeagus differs from 
the Guatemala type in that the triangular tooth at the middle of the 
outer margin of each lateral lobe is somewhat accentuated. A separate 
name for each race does not seem necessary. 

I also refer to this species a single female from Cacos, Trece 
Aguas, Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala. The specimen is evidently ab- 
normal, as the head is very asymmetrical, the clypeus projecting 
forward nearly twice as far on the right side of the head as on the 
left. The pygidial characters are like those of the other female speci- 
mens but are less accentuated. 




Roebling Fund 

Ve lal ie Sl WDE S 


Secretary, Smithsonian Institution 


AUGUST 15, 1935 

The Lord Wattimore Press 


ee 2 



Tier od uctlOnimeeiree ieee ele ioe ales SoA a Se plolata COMA ere orale Rejects wieieiels I 
[ee Solar radiationmmeastnementSsn 10-2 secre ine cic wie nic ciel ucre ociiels clerieeieys sista 3 
Ie Obyectsmancdestationsmaer.tae wets ccc eien on tl ciere lh ees eee ae ce 3 

25) UNStiMmentsmandemnethod Saya ajc ces cvetee's wie tercvons, ove elecseve sie eels reretas sveoue 3 

Be bhenvatiation Otethessuts radiatiOfiess ete ece ce elie siecle etter ee 6 

APP LeniodicitiesminesolatevatiatiOman aaa neieieiienielseceieeieiieie iaieiete 10 

5. Analysis of the solar variation....... ER Ae ER ehnd 1 Se Pon II 

Gy, SyaTMee wil Sollee Wemyss ooqccenscaacocuvcdohonscaccunanooe 14 
FeO Tans enpredicHonsnolsOlatvaliationim-)eie eae 14 

Tie Weather responsive to periodic solar changes... 5... . 4.0. .se4ee es see 15 
SUE Sun=spote utluenCe smi si se criasecrte occ ae evae saison meetin 15 

Ole Preparationvor weathermdatass smc eras sisilere cite saeco oletolsveroiersrers 17 

10. Amplitudes of periodicities diminished by smoothing............. 18 

TiTeree sD 1101S [) OL CATE me ay avege orate sfare tefe 1s PCO fa tedeseiareten etal cena: axt ar lecepe ois euetnoucrerees 19 

125 COGLECHONSHOLSOlata Mell OUSmermracinen rit iene oremicinierericicieietereinrcracrar 21 

13. Full lines required in the statistical tabulations.................. 21 

14. Berlin, Germany. Departures from normal temperatures......... 22 

A. Segregated with reference to sun-spot numbers............. 22 

as hhesrr-monthiperiodicityan.cseieceeecaes seater eit 22 

bathe S=monthepertodicityaennn- veer erence 26 

Chex 7=monthe pertodiciivencre.aceeee saaeeeaseee acer 28 

d. Dependence of phase on sun-spot activity............ 20 

e. Dependence of phase on epoch counted from 1819..... 2 





B. Analyses grouped in periods of 114 years and 23 years, based 
on January 1819 as date of departure, and including 
ell cheatin boats cee sicsarevoter-cyele heres et cyst onsicionedetacar suetsnouere a cher ons 

hem iri Ont perl Odicitysrtiemelese aereicietele ieee eilals 

Mher2r-monthy perlodicityac..a-see recta emeem cece e 

Progressive removal of determined periodicities...... 

Criterion for true and false periodicities and limit to 
the number OF pewlodicities: ee .tsamoeeeecle ce ae eee 
C. Residuals after removal of evaluated periodicities.......... 
D. Analyses by intervals not integrally related to 23 years..... 

Others analyses emcee eee eee eae ear be ec ee een ale 

Conclusions derived from analyses of Berlin and other temperatures 
andmprecipitatl ON Stepan cherocts a ence ee oes ee SE eee ene 


Summary of preceding studies and their guidance toward those 

NuhiclamtollOowitaa cattee eve eave cha) ask te cua te ee neeayctenadant teen o oepe avionics 
A test of the 23-year hypothesis in the precipitation of southern 

Newari lands vaso cues ti itary aa tis atv io,s Son tora ane ons Bleraalerolonsl etre 
A lake level test of the 23-year hypothesis.............00.000000 
Acfishery test of thes23-year hypothesis... .. 0.6 sie s.c0mse 40 ss 88s 
A test of the 23-year hypothesis in the flow of the River Nile.... 
A test of the 23-year cycle in the widths of tree rings.......... 
A test of the 23-year cycle in Pleistocene varves................- 
A test of the 23-year cycle in Eocene varves and tree rings....... 
A weather testof the 2s-vearily pothesis... 15.5 6saciisine aie wees 2 
(CATISCSME RE era cine wee Te Either ere oe isla cos a eyes canoe 



Smithsonian solar radiation station, Montezuma, Chile................ 3 
2) Whe periodometer: si. caters siske cyavete cw cveewee erotars wererelociei ail srousracovorelete oe wrote 2 
Bolographs of theysolan energy, Spectutmieens ssc 2 a6 oer terrae tee 6 

{, Diagram of silver-disk pyrieliometer i. aces ciclo) 2\ joie evel /oielleateyet yet) eralcuale 4 
2. Diagram’ of water-flow pyriieliometer. 22. sis es oe see ete eile oe 5 
Bu Diaeram om spectnobolometetacmenriie crate acitr cles it rncir net tairre i 
4. Solar-constant values, three stations, 1625-10304... =. some cim sien 8 
nee Marchiotesolat variations 10201034 retttioeletriy tiie siot felt ies etree 9 
6: ) Lhe er-month periodicityeinlsolatm vatiatione rere ticeier iit eee ieee II 
7, Analysis and synthesis of solar variation, 1920-1934................-- 12 
8) Predicted and observed) solar vaniatione see eee reece eens 15 

9. Sun-spot numbers and phase changes. The 11-month periodicity in 
temperature departures at Bismarck; N; Dak: .....2.....-.2scescees 16 
TOM VVOLESun-sSpot ntmbeEsy TOlO=163S eam daiieeceeiciseicmieiree meee rte 20 
11. Eleven-month periodicity in Berlin temperatures....................- 23 
12. Eight-month periodicity in Berlin temperatures...................00- 27 

13. Sun-spot numbers and phase changes. Eleven-month temperature 
periodicity at Berlin for low, medium, and high sun-spot numbers... 30 

14. Dependence of phase in periodicities of Berlin temperatures on epoch 
Measured HOM HL GUO. coc wvsrcfors oiieyere s erase he aves rayerere sieiere eieha eter 2 
15. The 23-year influence on periodicities of 93 and 12 months............. 34 
16. The 11- and 21-month periodicities in Berlin temperatures............ 36 
17. Details of the 11- and 21-month periodicities in Berlin temperatures.... 39 
18. The 68-month periodicity in Berlin temperatures..................... 45 
NO), IEC eolabe Chiaas als WEIMObE SEWOUG. pos ooddcnodoodnantoosouGnbeocnouse 47 
20. Periodicities of 92 and 138 months, Berlin temperatures............... 50 
21. Residuals after removing periodicities, Berlin temperatures............ 51 
22: Trials of periodicities not related to:23 yeats....../-.-0-s222 20s enn 52 
23. Cape Town periodicities in temperature departures.................00 53 
24. Cycles in the precipitation of southern New England.................. 59 
25. Levels of Wake Ontario, 23-year icycless coon ee eee eee «.. 60-61 
26. avand b; Levels of Great Lakes; 23-year‘eycless.... 5.50: 6- 6400 vee 62, 63 

27. Catch of mackerel and cod in the North Atlantic, 23-year cycles from 
TOTS CO TOS Tes. .o ele cere oe aa ee eos ee 65 

28. Low-level stages of the River Nile, showing 23-year periodicity, 735 to 
L424, satid “L830; tOs TASH 3s had oc chi eres eee eee Oe ee eee 68 

29. Cycles of 23 years in tree-ring widths. Average results of 115-year 
IMEEM VAISS 4.orey aporars cial etwas cheleiarae ease eae Re ee 70 


Cycles of 23 years in tree-ring widths. Individual cycles of 23 years.... 72 




Cycles of 23 years in Pleistocene varves. Average results of I15-year 
AA ATAIIG + bo GA SoA SOs an co eRO On eco sa oanenooeracmo condo pogbarags 74 
Cycles disclosed in varves and tree-rings of Eocene age........-.... 76 
The 23-year cycle in the precipitation of Peoria, Ill..........+.......- 78 
The 23-year cycle in the temperature departures of New York City.... 79 
Sample, forecasts: and: wWeriliCatvOns <6 oie oes 12 ose nein in « ors al cbeiinis = ea 8I 

Eleven-year forecast for Bismarck, N. Dak., with verification. Fore- 
CASES TICE 2S, Glin GIN 5 oo coccndocucueu das seougnnoocusaodD OO OnddNS 82 

Eleven-year forecasts for Vienna, Austria, and North Platte, Nebr., with 
VELificationss Monrecastsy made step) DyaSlepsicecrsiscicieieieie aereis eielalsleieteier 83 
Comparison of stations with respect to phase-change of periodicities.... 85 



Ph ny 

AL i 


Ne tae 

Roebling Fund 

Secretary, Smithsonian Institution 

Many years ago the late Secretary Langley expressed the hope that 
the studies of the Astrophysical Observatory on the intensity of the 
sun’s radiation would lead to long-range weather forecasting. His 
hopes were encouraged when in 1903 our studies seemed to indicate 
a considerable change in the sun’s output of radiation * associated with 
a marked drop of temperature over the Northern Hemisphere. This, 
which now seems to have been a chance coincidence, led to a cam- 
paign of “solar constant’’ determination which is still in progress. 
It has involved the establishment of observing stations at high alti- 
tudes in 1o different localities, 5 in the United States, 2 in Chile, 1 
each in South-West Africa, Algeria, and Egypt. Three of these 
are now in occupation. Part of the expense of these observing sta- 
tions was borne by the Government, but a considerable fraction was 
defrayed by grants from Mr. John A. Roebling and from the Hodg- 
kins Fund of the Smithsonian Institution. The National Geographic 
Society also made a large grant which supported the establishment and 
continuation of 5 years of the station in South-West Africa. 

After an excellent series of nearly daily solar-constant observations 
of 12 years length became available, analysis showed that what at first 
sight seemed chance variations of the sun’s output really comprised 
a summation of at least seven” regular periodicities. Although these 
were of the order of only 1 percent or less, it seemed advisable to 
see if they appeared to be associated with weather changes of signifi- 
cance. A study of this question was made by the aid of the long- 
term records of temperature and precipitation contained in “‘ World 
Weather Records,” published recently by the Smithsonian Institution 
with the assistance of Mr. John A. Roebling. 

*See Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Inst. 1903, pp. 81-84, 1904; and Astrophys. Journ., 
vol. 19, pp. 305-321, 1904. 

* In the latest analysis, given below, covering the years 1920-1934, 12 periodici- 
ties are found in solar variation. 




Analysis of weather records appears to show that each of the various 
solar periodicities above referred to influences both temperature and 
precipitation to a significant degree. At least five (perhaps six) other 
periodicities in weather elements, closely associated in length with 
the original seven, are also significant. Inasmuch as all of these 12 
or 13 periodicities are very nearly aliquot parts of 23 years, it follows 
that their combined effect produces in the weather a large number of 
features more or less pronounced during a period of 23 years. Suc- 
ceeding intervals of 23 years tend to bring repetitions of these features. 
For some of these periodicities, however, 46 years appears to be the 
critical interval. Hence there is a somewhat closer correspondence 
at some times and some stations between weather features 46 years 
apart. Owing to certain modifying influences in the sun itself, to 
which reference will be made below, and to the complexity of the 
terrestrial agencies through which the solar influences act, these 
repetitions of weather features are subject to moderate displacements 
in time, and to modifications in amplitude. Actual reversals of phase, 
as will be shown, sometimes occur after 23-year intervals. Never- 
theless, special weather features remain recognizable in many in- 
stances by comparison of successive 23-year curves. 

Based on these grounds it becomes possible to make forecasts of 
weather conditions for years in advance which appear to be sig- 
nificantly more representative than normal values. The modifying 
factors referred to above detract as yet greatly from the accuracy of 
such forecasts, but further study may lead to greater perfection. 
The following paper gives the evidences for these statements. 

The evidence to be presented being extensive and complex, and 
certain parts of it—as, for instance, the studies of periodicities in the 
temperature of Berlin—being apt to prove tiresome to some and con- 
troversial to others, it is suggested that high spots of the demonstra- 
tion may be picked out as follows: 

1. Turn to captions 3 and 4, pages 6 and 10, and note the results 
expressed by figures 4, 6, 7, and 8. 

2. Turn to captions 14-Ba, 14-Bb, and 15, pages 35, 38 and 53, and 
note the results expressed by figures 15, 16, 17, 19, and 23. 

3. Turn to captions 17 to 25, pages 56 to 75, and note at least a 
part of the results expressed in figures 24 to 37, inclusive. 

4. Finally, with these results in mind, read the Summary, pages 88 
and 89. 

In this way it is hoped that the reader will obtain briefly such a 
view of the more remarkable parts of the investigation as will arouse 
his curiosity to pursue the entire course of the demonstration. 

*poyed0] ST UOT}E}S SUT 
Je[OS dy} JOF eUIE;eD) WOA, s[eisoyelU SuTpNeY ‘yYSTI doddn ‘snyeredde drajyowiorpaysdd pure yeysopoo0o ‘yoy todd, 



VOL. 94, NO. 10, PL. 2 


“ps | 




We measure at the earth’s surface the total intensity of solar radia- 
tion, its spectral distribution, the losses its various rays meet in travers- 
ing the atmosphere; and we compute its intensity and spectral dis- 
tribution outside the atmosphere, and the variations of its intensity 
from day to day as they occur in the sun itself before the rays enter 
the atmosphere. At present, the Smithsonian Institution carries on 
these measurements at three high-altitude desert stations chosen for 
their cloudlessness and other favorable conditions. They are Table 
Mountain, Calif.; Montezuma, Chile; and Mount St. Katherine, 
Egypt. Their respective altitudes are 7,500, 9,000, and 8,500 feet, 
approximately. Other Smithsonian stations formerly occupied have 
included Washington, D. C.; Hump Mountain, N. C.; Mount Wilson 
and Mount Whitney, Calif.; Mount Harqua Hala, Ariz.; Bassour, 
Algeria; and Mount Brukkaros, South-West Africa. Plate 1 shows 
the station at Mount Montezuma. Besides these terrestrial stations, 
a self-recording instrument for measuring total solar radiation was 
raised by sounding balloons from Omaha, Nebr., July 1914, to a 
level of over 15 miles. It made good records of the intensity of solar 
radiation at that high level where only 1/25 of the atmospheric pres- 
sure remained above. The mean value of the solar constant of radia- 
tion as computed from mountain stations is 1.94 calories per square 
centimeter per minute. Balloon pyrheliometry indicated 1.84 calories 
at 15 miles elevation. Correction of balloon pyrheliometry for loss 
in the highest atmosphere gives 1.88 calories, which agrees with moun- 
tain solar-constant results within the experimental error of the balloon 


For measuring total solar radiation at the earth’s mountain surface 
we have hitherto depended * on the silver-disk pyrheliometer and the 
water-flow pyrheliometer. The former is a secondary instrument 
whose readings are converted into absolute units (calories per square 
centimeter per minute) by comparisons with the water-flow pyr- 
heliometer.’ These instruments are shown diagrammatically in figures 

* This section is for the most part abbreviated from vols. 1-5, Annals of the 
Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution. 

*We are now (1935) introducing the Angstrom electrical compensation pyr- 
heliometer as a cooperating instrument. 

°See improved water-flow pyrheliometer as described in Smithsonian Misc. 
Coll., vol. 87, no. 15, 1932, and vol. 92, no. 13, 1934. 


Fic. 1.—-Diagram of silver-disk pyrheliometer. 


I and 2. Their sources of error, corrections to their direct readings, 
and other details regarding them are published in volumes 2, 4, and 5 
of the Annals of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and in 
papers nos. 3182 and 3288 of the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collec- 
tions. Intercomparisons of silver-disk pyrheliometers made at inter- 
vals over a period of about 20 years indicate that the scale of ob- 
serving has not changed appreciably. These intercomparisons are 


—— F 
Y i 4 
t i} dg 

= = 

Fic. 2.—Diagram of water-flow pyrheliometer. 

Solar rays are mainly absorbed on the cone in A, but some are scattered about 
the walls of AA. Their heat is given up to water which flows in a spiral channel 
about the cone and tube AA. The rise of temperature of the water due to solar 
heating is measured by the electrical thermometer D:D2. Test quantities of 
electrical heat introduced at G or H may be measured as a check. 

published extensively in the Annals, volume 4, pages 94-97, and vol- 
ume 5, pages 139-145. Table 1 gives one typical example. 

TABLE 1.—Long-continued Series of eee eS of Pyrhehometers 
Sak Ti qith A EXO). Shis 
Mean stactadeous IQII IQII IgI2 1913 1915 1916 @ 1917 1917 1920 
Ratio: chssneee 1.0357 1.0246 1.0268 1.0324 1.0343 1.0119 1.0360 1.0330 1.0352 

*Tt is believed that owing to maladjustment S.I. 1 was not properly exposed on this 

The distribution of energy in the solar spectrum before it enters 
the atmosphere approximates roughly that of the perfect radiator at 
6,000° K. Hence, nearly all of its energy is contained between wave 
lengths 0.3 and 3.0 microns. Rays beyond 0.3 micron in the ultraviolet 
are almost wholly cut off by ozone in the higher atmosphere, and those 
beyond 3.0 microns in the infrared by water vapor in the lower at- 
mosphere. Between these limits not only these and other atmospheric 
vapors, but also dust and even the permanent gaseous molecules of 
the air, absorb or scatter the sun’s rays both selectively and generally, 
so that the solar beam is both changed in spectral distribution and 
generally weakened during its passage through the atmosphere. In 
order to evaluate these losses, energy spectral measurements are re- 


quired. These are made at our stations several times on each obsery- 
ing day by means of the spectrobolometer. This instrument, shown 
diagrammatically in figure 3, is explained in the Annals. Plate 3 
shows a group of successive solar spectrobolometric observations made 
at Montezuma, Chile, July 7, 1924. The relative losses of radiation 
suffered at different wave lengths in transmission through the spec- 
trobolometer are measured and allowed for as described in the Annals, 
volume 2, pages 50-52, and volume 3, pages 27-20. 

Knowing the sun’s altitude, and thereby the length of path of the 
sun rays in the atmosphere compared to the length of a vertical path 
therein, taken as unity, these several curves may fix the atmospheric 
transmission coefficients at all wave lengths. Thereby the spectral 
energy curves can be reduced in form and height to what they would 
have been if observed outside the atmosphere. This reduction is ex- 
plained in the Annals, volume 2, page 56, and volume 3, page 28. The 
total area included under such a spectral energy curve is proportional 
to the total energy of the solar beam as it would be observed with the 
pyrheliometer. Hence, the ratio of areas included under two spectral 
energy curves, one computed as of outside the atmosphere, and the 
other observed as at the earth’s surface, is the factor by which the 
pyrheliometer measurement is to be multiplied to yield the intensity 
of the sun’s radiant energy outside the atmosphere. Including also, 
as a factor, the square of the ratio of the earth’s actual solar dis- 
tance to its mean value, we arrive at the “‘ solar constant of radiation.” 

In the year 1919 it was discovered that a mere measurement of 
the brightness of the sky surrounding the sun could be made to yield 
closely enough the coefficients of atmospheric transmission at all wave 
lengths. This measurement is made with the instrument called the 
pyranometer. It thus becomes possible to make five solar-constant 
determinations in one morning and reduce them within the time 
formerly occupied with one determination. The method as now de- 
veloped is explained in the Annals, volume 5, pages I10-120. 


Figure 4 shows superposed in the form of 10-day means the 
solar-constant results obtained at Montezuma, Table Mountain, and 
Mount Brukkaros from 1925 to 1930. The order of excellence of 
the stations is the order just given. This is indeed plain from the 
relative smoothness of the three curves of figure 4. But though differ- 
ing in details, the three stations agree in showing in common certain 
principal trends, and thereby indicate a real variation of the sun. 


quired. These are made at our stations several times on each observ- 
ing day by means of the spectrobolometer. This instrument, shown 
diagrammatically in figure 3, is explained in the Annals. Plate 3 
shows a group of successive solar spectrobolometric observations made 
at Montezuma, Chile, July 7, 1924. The relative losses of radiation 
suffered at different wave lengths in transmission through the spec- 
trobolometer are measured and allowed for as described in the Annals, 
volume 2, pages 50-52, and volume 3, pages 27-20. 

Knowing the sun’s altitude, and thereby the length of path of the 
sun rays in the atmosphere compared to the length of a vertical path 
therein, taken as unity, these several curves may fix the atmospheric 
transmission coefficients at all wave lengths. Thereby the spectral 
energy curves can be reduced in form and height to what they would 
have been if observed outside the atmosphere. This reduction is ex- 
plained in the Annals, volume 2, page 56, and volume 3, page 28. The 
total area included under such a spectral energy curve is proportional 
to the total energy of the solar beam as it would be observed with the 
pyrheliometer. Hence, the ratio of areas included under two spectral 
energy curves, one computed as of outside the atmosphere, and the 
other observed as at the earth’s surface, is the factor by which the 
pyrheliometer measurement is to be multiplied to yield the intensity 
of the sun’s radiant energy outside the atmosphere. Including also, 
as a factor, the square of the ratio of the earth’s actual solar dis- 
tance to its mean value, we arrive at the “ solar constant of radiation.” 

In the year 1919 it was discovered that a mere measurement of 
the brightness of the sky surrounding the sun could be made to yield 
closely enough the coefficients of atmospheric transmission at all wave 
lengths. This measurement is made with the instrument called the 
pyranometer. It thus becomes possible to make five solar-constant 
determinations in one morning and reduce them within the time 
formerly occupied with one determination. The method as now de- 
veloped is explained in the Annals, volume 5, pages 110-120. 


Figure 4 shows superposed in the form of 10-day means the 
solar-constant results obtained at Montezuma, Table Mountain, and 
Mount Brukkaros from 1925 to 1930. The order of excellence of 
the stations is the order just given. This is indeed plain from the 
relative smoothness of the three curves of figure 4. But though differ- 
ing in details, the three stations agree in showing in common certain 
principal trends, and thereby indicate a real variation of the sun. 

—y.olet ———> 

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Dos ial 

los. ne ... ae a —— 7 q oe - 7 7 A te oS nn i “Th = = 
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| em, 

S ules} [eodo 
9} JO UOISSIWIsURI} a4} IINseauU OJ A][BUOTSeID0 pasn st ‘uMOUs se ‘adooso.1}o0ds 2[4hop ey, “FL Joyourojoq sinuone: Aes nanos 

B pur “Ay 3 wWnszads 94} oJUT pazAyeue si ‘> BYs oYI YSNosy, gq Wosy A]JeIIP pajayer st Avi uns ay} ‘SurAsasqo Ayiep uy 
‘Tayouojogosjsads jo weiseiq—f ‘oI 


VOL. 94 


‘OL61-SzOI ‘suoljye}s 9914} ‘sonfeA jJUue}sUOD-I1e]OS—P “oI 

ETAL pee AP 

CT (CA: 

ore! 6z61 e261 4261 9261 




tĂ©l €cĂ©l ze! 1€6} Otel 6z6! 826! L261 926l Sz6l reel 26! tz6! 1261 Oz6Ă©! 
OVARY OVE OAR Ww 0) Al Vi VG OAL WV OP AG NY Oi GAR NW) Wt (0) AG OW, Vi OAR Wi vG 10) AC WN) WO OM Al Ave Wi OAT WONG Ol AG WW) VG FO) AR Wi On AG vt On Al Wr 

: | PAH 


Figure 5 illustrates the mean result of all the evidence from 1920 
to 1934, inclusive. It depends on observations at Calama and Monte- 
zuma, Chile; Mount Harqua Hala and Table Mountain in the United 
States, and Mount Brukkaros, Africa." 

The range of variation of solar radiation as indicated by the 10-day 
mean values of the solar constant is given by table 2. 


To casual inspection the solar variation is irregular. More careful 
inspection discloses an 8-month periodicity. Eleven other periodicities 
have also been found and evaluated. As successively discovered, they 
have been removed by subtraction, one by one, from the numerical 
record so as to simplify the search for other solar periodicities. The 
process of evaluating and removing periodicities is illustrated for an 
I1-month period by table 3 and figure 6. Plate 2 shows a machine 
capable of doing the same thing.” * 

The reader will note that this computation of the 11-month solar 
period is separated into several parts nearly similar to each other whose 
mean result is to be repeated consecutively and added to consecutive 
repetitions of other periodicities to produce the second curve in fig- 
ure 7. The partial mean curves computed in table 3 are seen to differ 
somewhat in form and amplitude, but to agree fairly closely as to the 
phases of maximum and minimum values of solar radiation. These 
independent determinations at different epochs, all yielding 11-month 
periodicities in nearly the same phase, seem to strongly support the 
veridity of the 11-month solar period. The third group, indeed (1930- 
1934) shows about 3 months lag in phase. As will be shown in sections 
14B and 25 below, there is some reason to anticipate a change of phase 
of some of the periodicities about January 1934. Possibly this is the 
cause of the observed phase-shift. Later observations will settle it. 

* The values given in fig. 5 and table 2 are provisional for the years 1931-1934 
and may be altered in revision. 

“See The Periodometer, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 87, no. 4, 1932. 

* In the analysis of curves, most investigators employ developments of Fourier’s 
methods. That is, they represent the observed curve as a summation of a number 
of arbitrary harmonic curves of integral periodic relationships. These constituent 
harmonic curves have the periods 4, 4, {,... 1/n of the entire unit length of the 
curve analyzed. In such a case as that of a harmonic analysis of the sun-spot 
numbers, none of the constituent harmonics have any independent physical 
significance whatever. Nor is it to be supposed that the harmonic form itself 
represents at all closely the march of any physical quantity connected with the 
phenomenon. It has seemed to me preferable to discard this tedious and arbitrary 
procedure, and to compute the actual mean forms of the solar periodicities as 
illustrated by table 3 and fig. 6. 



The curve of solar variation contains, however, not only a number 
of regular periodic constituents, but also accidental errors of nearly 
as great amplitudes as the periodic terms themselves. These various 
constituents, accidental and periodic, are confused together, and mutu- 

U 8 9 10 N 12 



1.950 J Jl | 

„ / a 

[1924 19301, N lee 

1.940 — 


1950 | — =i = sha ax u 

1.940 +1930-1934 —+ 


1920 -1934 * 
1.940 ales . Hee 

Fic. 6.—The 11-month periodicity in solar variation. 

ally influence the graphic expressions of each other in the observed 
curve. For the purpose of simplification it has seemed best to remove 
the several periodic terms one by one, beginning with those of shortest 
period. In the presence of confusing variations from other causes, 
these short-period curves may be the most accurately investigated of 
any because they present the largest numbers of cases which may 


VOL. 94 








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SUOIIDIG [V4AILIS JD SUOYDALASYC Worf pajsnlppy puv pajIajj0) ‘sanjvA uvapy Avp-uay ‘sjupjsuoy Anjos pasdafa4g—z AAV], 

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Ba Me eee ma, a 

be Renate) FA 

“ | 






kaa done t 















Fadobe t 







I ‘09q 




I ‘700 


I ‘ydag 


I ‘sny 


1 Ane 


I ounf 




I ‘ady 


I ‘Ie 


1 “qed 


I ‘uel 

SUOYD]S 1[D4I2IS JD SuOYDAdISQC Worl pajsnlppy pun pajIa]]0D ‘sanjvA unapy Avp-uay “syupjsuoy ADJOS patsafa4g—z ATAV I, 

1920 2) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1930 3) 32 33 34 35 36 37 1938 

PLP a 
nn eee 
11), OPA Vee Aa 
A aa a AI 
mh ae Pe ee 

2 RC gn 

fe ees | A AL | Lee 
a Pv AE | SY ORE 

Fic. 7.—Analysis and synthesis of solar variation 1920-1934. The synthetic curve B is drawn below the observed curve A to avoid confusion. Successive derivations of the shorter periodicities precede their general mean. The 23-year periodicity 
presents as yet only 15 years of its course and is partly estimated. 



1.950 1.940 

1,940 1.930 

1.930 1.920 


0.00.04 .08 .J2 .16 .20 CAL. 





4 | Me me vl Bis 


be combined to determine their mean forms. Interferences from other 
periodicities and from accidental errors are largely eliminated when 
occurring in different phases in so many independent cases. 

As stated above, an 8-month periodicity in solar variation was seen 
by the first inspection, and this was first determined. Then the original 
curve was modified by subtracting from its ordinates a sufficient num- 

TABLE 3.—The r1-month Periodicity in Solar Variation" 

Jan. 1920—-July 1924 Mean Aug. 1924—-Jan. 1930 Mean Feb. 1930—-Aug. 1934 Mean Mean ? 
wre ee, ee ee, eo 
68 59 58 28 43 51 47 52 37 44 45 30 43 36 44 54 33 42 42 1.9421 
67 57 5I 24 40 48 38 54 43 41 42 30 41 43 43 50 28 44 42 1.9431 
60 48 53 16 40 43 29 48 41 44 44 31 40 46 42 44 29 43 41 1.9437 
60 62 50 29 41 48 39 5I 42 50 43 30 43 43 40 59 37 41 44 1.9441 
57 53 48 26 41 45 49 44 44 45 49 38 45 39 44 53 41 48 45 1.9445 
58 48 47 22 39 43 45 44 41 46 45 35 43 39 41 55 41 39 43 1.9446 
60 41 38 27 34 40 50 57 41 48 44 36 46 42 32 55 46 49 45 1.9447 
49 53 45 22 42 42 51 46 30 45 49 33 44 40 45 65 41 46 47 1.0447 
34 54 49 29 39 41 50 49 40 47 45 34 44 41 47 55 34 48 45 1.0443 
50 54 46 32 39 44 47 40 39 45 44 35 42 42 46 47 50 55 48 1.9441 
56 38 52 21 38 41 49 47 37 43 39 33 41 41 45 56 45 srt 48 1.9435 
51 40 50 16 21 36 45 46 42 44 40 33 42 41 37 53 46 51 46 1.9431 
48 46 46 24 36 40 44 45 36 42 39 33 40 43 36 60 47 62 50 1.9424 
58 43 42 33 40 43 50 48 38 41 32 32 40 43 49 62 40 46 48 1.9418 
48 45 34 I5 42 31 41 44 32 47 36 35 39 40 48 56 37 46 45 1.9407 
42 50 32 25 38 37 46 42 32 43 39 33 30 44 45 52 37 47 45 1.9404 
33 49 30 29 38 36 39 43 30 41 34 35 34 50 51 47 46 45 48 1.9306 
38 51 24 28 39 36 46 44 33 41 22 32 36 45 49 41 32 51 44 1.9389 
45 29 21 30 45 34 39 37 37 44 29 29 36 42 57 33 37 60 46 1.9384 
39 42 29 23 42 35 47 39 37 43 33 28 38 41 5I 35 35 45 41 1.9376 
49 38 22 30 41 36 40 33 37 43 28 31 35 39 43 42 39 40 41 1.9371 
27/9 53) 010) 27840033 42 35 41 42 25 29 36 39 49 43 39 42 42 1.9365 
25 54 14 30 43 33 36 42 39 36 29 31 36 35 51 32 39 41 40 1.9362 
31 50 12 35 43 34 41 31 36 36 31 30 34 42 45 36 35 37 37 1.0359 
5t 46 00 20 41 32 4335-37 85) BL, 3h) 36 39 46 31 36 46 40 1.9361 
44 57 12 35 43 36 48 39 42 31 29 35 37 40 47 20 39 44 40 1.9366 
45 36 21 34 45 36 44 35 42 36 34 40 39 41 44 26 35 38 37 1.0374 
44 58 14 35 50 40 44 32 37 44 30 39 34 4 49 30 28 48 39 1.9385 
54 54 17 29 52 4I 49 38 43 41 33 37 39 41 44 36 34 42 39 1.9392 
4o 48 20 46 53 41 53 42 43 42 31 37 41 35 51 30 38 41 39 1.9398 
53 54 21 44 46 44 43 39 42 47 31 35 40 41 47 23 38 44 39 1.9401 
49 60 15 40 49 43 44. 38 45 46 25 39 40 45 46 18 40 43 38 1.9406 
45 53 20 40 41 40 49 42 43 46 30 37 40 41 40 32 42 45 40 1.9410 

Âź The figures in the table are to be understood as subjoined to 1.900. Thus, for 68 read 
1.968 calories, etc. 
> Computed from smooth curves representing the three groups. 

ber of successive repetitions of the mean form of the 8-month peri- 
odicity. Thereupon inspection seemed to indicate an 11-month peri- 
odicity. With this also removed, a 7-month periodicity showed itself. 
Proceeding in this way, periodicities of 7, 8, 11, 21, 25, and 45 months 
were successively removed.’ The residual curve remaining after their 
removal showed very plainly as its major feature a periodicity of 68 
months. It has the largest amplitude of any of the solar periodicities. 

*In our latest analysis, extending from 1920 to 1934, additional solar periodici- 
ties of 9%, 34, 393, 92 months, and one of 23 years were added to the above list. 


Unfortunately, accurate solar-constant determinations have not been 
available long enough to fix the lengths of these periods very ac- 
curately. In the discussion of weather periodicities below, evidence 
is presented indicating corrections of plus 1 day, minus 3 days, and 

plus 1 month, respectively, to the periodicities stated above as 8, I1, 
and 45 months. 


Having resolved the curve of observation of solar variation into 
12 periodicities of approximately determined lengths and amplitudes, 
the next step was to synthesize these constituents and see how well 
their summation represents the original curve of observation. This 
operation is shown graphically in its details and completion in figure 7. 
The average of residuals between the original curve A and the syn- 
thetic curve B is only 0.0036 calories, or 0.19 percent. It appears that 
the whole solar variation displayed by the observed monthly means is 
comprised in these 12 periodicities. The small average deviation may 
reasonably be ascribed to experimental error. 


The curves in figure 7 represent the third analysis and synthesis of 
solar variation. A 3-year forecast of solar variation is given there. 
This analysis is based on so much longer a period of observation than 
the first and second analyses that several new long periodicities are 
disclosed which add decidedly to the accuracy of the representation. 
The first and second analyses were published each with a 2-year fore- 
cast attached. (See Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 85, no. 1, 1931; 
vol. 89, no. 5, 1933.) These predictions and the events are shown 
in figure 8. The average of residuals for the first prediction is 0.0079 
calorie, or 0.41 percent. The reader will observe that the first pre- 
diction indicated an expectation of values all above normal, although 
at the time the prediction was made the solar radiation had been almost 
continuously below normal for many months. The event generally 
confirmed this expectation. 

Unfortunately, a volcanic eruption in Chile interrupted the con- 
tinuity of the solar-constant observations at Montezuma, so that this 
series of 2-years’ observations is at a disadvantage. It is probable 
that part of the discrepancy, May to November, 1932, is caused by 
the volcano. Only Montezuma values are used in preparing the figure. 
The second prediction was made from .data closing in September 
1932, and again a prediction of solar variation for 2 years in advance 


was ventured. The average of residuals between predicted and ob- 
served values is 0.0071 calorie, or 0.37 percent. Although maxima 
and minima are well placed, there is a decided separation of the curves 
near the end in figure 8. This is cured in figure 7, and in that figure 
the average deviation for the curves thus far observed is reduced to 

1.960 =e oma 
pal | 
aa cs 
1.950 H \ Y \ a [\ 
\ | aes 
| \ A 
ae TN A 
I. + \f NS 
fe t A “\ 
\ fe 

1.920 | 1 | 
a SS SS ie ow > rE Ge 5 29) Is a 7 & 
Feet ay ed eG ae ee 8 6 8 Se 2 Se Soe 
=) 5) 22 Si My =e Sy 22 PIS) Mire Se pe ow eS Fe Sees Fe oe) Ore) 
193) 1932 1933, 1934 1935 

Fic. 8.—Predicted and observed solar variation. The maxima and minima 
occur in the two curves at nearly identical phases. The observed curve may be 
faulty in 1932 owing to the Chilean volcanic eruption. The separation of the 
curves toward the end is due to a 23-year periodicity not taken account of. 

0.0036 calories, or 0.19 percent. As explained in caption 26, on 
page 86, there may possibly be a change of phase in solar variation 
about 1934, tending to modify the 3-year forecast given in figure 7. 

8. Sun-Spot INFLUENCE 
Having strong indications of 12 long-continued periodic fluctua- 

tions in solar radiation, statistical studies were made to seek for their 
effects on temperature and precipitation. First taking the departures 






MAR.1875 — 
SEPT. 1879 

FEB.1887/~ SEPT. 1890 

Oye | 
FEB.1899/— SEPT. 1902 
FEB. 1911 - SEPT. 1914 
Do . 

1) FEB,1922 — 

OCT. 1924 

fais ES 

ic ° F Fe 


I. 09, 


"| JUNE 1919 - MAR. NI920 

VOL. 94 

~" AUG.I880 - MAR. 1885 

JUNE 1895 \ MAR.1897 

AUG.1904 - FEB. 1909 


O 1. 

10.9 40 




1875 -1925 

9.—Sun-spot numbers and phase changes. 

08 09} A, 

OCT. 1891 \= MAY 1895 

SEPT. 1915 - 

The 11-month periodicity in 

temperature departures at Bismarck, N. Dak. 


from normal temperature at Bismarck, N. Dak., from 1875 to 1925 
as computed from “ World Weather Records,’ computations similar 
to those illustrated in connection with table 3 were made. It was soon 
found that evidences of terrestrial counterparts of each of the seven 
solar periodicities then known were apparent for short intervals, but 
changes of phase occurred, showing that continuity is lacking. Further 
studies seemed to show that these puzzling changes of phase were 
absent if the computations were restricted to intervals when the sun- 
spot activity as measured by Wolf’s numbers is nearly constant. Later, 
when longer series of weather records were studied, another phase 
relationship of much more importance was disclosed. But of this we 
shall write later. 

Figure 9 shows the results of analyses of Bismarck temperatures 
aimed to disclose and evaluate the 11-month periodicity during the 
interval 1875-1925. The data are segregated into four groups in which 
low, medium low, medium high, and high sun-spot numbers prevailed. 
The dates included in this classification are indicated on the curves. 
It will be seen that a gradual shift of the maxima of the 11-month 
periodicity amounting in total to fully half a period is disclosed by 
the mean values. 

Here, as in what follows, the reader is reminded that owing to the 
presence of other periodicities, and of accidental fluctuations besides, 
it is not fair to expect perfect correspondence between periodic curves 
of a given length of period, when these are determined from rather 
brief intervals containing but a few repetitions of the periodicity in 
question. Specifically, for instance, the curve D; of low sun-spot 
number statistics in figure 9 differs at months I, 2, 3 in its trend 
from the other four. Also the four curves B, to By corresponding to 
medium high sun-spot numbers, show considerable disagreement, 
although each of them has its maximum in the first half of the period. 
But when it is recalled that curves D;, Bo, and By, in figure 9, which 
are the most unsatisfactory of those shown, represent, respectively, 
only two, two, and one recurrences of the 11-month periodicity, it 
does not seem surprising that they deviate as much as they do from 
the better determined mean forms with which they are associated. 
Naturally, the effects produced by the influences which determine all 
other periodic and accidental changes of temperature departures can- 
not be eliminated by taking the mean of only one or two recurrences 
of the 11-month periodicity. 


When a large program of computation of periodicities in weather 
departures was undertaken, it was soon found that the monthly fluc- 


tuations from normal values of temperature and rainfall, as derived 
from the tables of “ World Weather Records ” were so large that they 
obscured the principal trends which might reveal periodicities cor- 
eresponding to those found in solar radiation already mentioned. As 
the computations proposed were very laborious and the available com- 
puters inexperienced, it seemed necessary to restrict the smoothing 
process to be employed to one of great simplicity. Hence the traveling 
mean of 5 months was chosen. For instance, the values employed for 
March and April of any year would be represented as follows: 

Jan. + Feb. + Mar.+ Apr.+ May 
_ Feb.+Mar.+Apr.+May + June 

In computing the monthly departures themselves, the mean values 
used throughout were those found in the first volume of ‘* World 
Weather Records,” neglecting those found in the second volume. It 
was desirable to use the same normals at all times because we wished 
the departures used to be homogeneous throughout the entire interval 
of years examined. Departures from these normal values were com- 
puted for the monthly mean temperatures of a great many stations in 
all parts of the world, and the 5-month traveling means were computed 
from these departures as described above. 

With regard to precipitation a modified course was pursued. It 
is well known that the precipitation at most stations is seasonal, and 
at many stations the seasons present extreme variations in normal 
values. Hence a departure from the normal value, expressed in inches 
or centimeters, which would be moderate if it occurred in the rainy 
season, would be immense and perhaps unheard of if it occurred in 
the dry season. But it was indispensable for our purpose that the 
departures from normal should be comparable whether occurring in 
the wet or the dry season. Hence the monthly mean precipitations 
were first expressed in percentages of the normal values, and then 
smoothed by taking 5-month traveling means. It would perhaps have 
been preferable to smooth the percentage values by taking the fifth 
root of the product of five values, but for simplicity the monthly mean 
percentage values of the normal were smoothed in exactly the same 
way as the departures from normal temperatures. 




It was appreciated that the 5-month traveling means of weather 
data could not yield the full amplitudes of periodicities as short as 


7 or 8 months. The fractional diminution produced thereby on the 
amplitude of the 7-month periodicity is estimated to exceed one-half. 
For the 8-month and 92-month periodicities the effect is still con- 
siderable, though smaller. For periodicities of 11 months or more it 
is believed to be inconsiderable. No corresponding effects of diminu- 
tion occur in the analysis of the solar-constant variation itself because 
the solar data are not smoothed by 5-month traveling means as are 
the weather data. 


As indicated under caption 8, there was evidence to indicate that 
changes of phase in weather periodicities occur when the activity of 
the sun alters as measured by the Wolf sun-spot numbers. Therefore, 
before entering upon statistical computations from weather data ex- 
tending over the past century, the first step was to assign the be- 
ginnings and ends of intervals throughout which sun-spot numbers 
were approximately equal. To this end the monthly mean sun-spot 
numbers given in “World Weather Records” were plotted as in 
figure 10. In preparing figure 10, a 23-year arrangement of the sun- 
spot data has been adopted. It will be noticed that, excepting the first 
of the 23-year cycles shown, there is a very fair constancy of positions 
of maxima and minima in the successive 23-year intervals. From this 
plot the following intervals were selected as of comparable sun-spot 
activity : 

(a) Sun-spot numbers generally below 4o. 

Jan. 1811—-Aug. 1815 ; Aug. 1818-Feb. 1826; Jan. 1832—Nov. 1834; 
May 1841—Oct. 1844; Aug. 1853-Aug. 1857; Apr. 1865-Sept. 1868 ; 
Aug. 1874—May 1880; Nov. 1889—June 1891 ; Dec. 1897-Sept. 1903; 
Mar. 1g10—-Oct. 1914; June 1922-Apr. 1925. 

(b) Sun-spot numbers generally above 40 but below So. 

(b,) Ascending values (or ascending and descending values con- 
tiguous). Sept. 1815-July 1818; Mar. 1826—Dec. 1831; Dec. 1834- 
July 1835; Nov. 1844-July 1846; Sept. 1857—Mar. 1865 ; Oct. 1868- 
Apr. 1869; June 1880—Oct. 1886; July 1891—Jan. 1892; Oct. 1903- 
Feb. 1910; Nov. 1914-Feb. 1917; May 1925—Dec. 1929. 

(bz) Descending values. Aug. 1839-Apr. 1841; July 1849-July 
1853; Jan. 1873-July 1874; June 1894—Nov. 1897; July 1919-May 

(c) Sun-spot numbers generally above 8o. 
Aug. 1835-Aug. 1839; Aug. 1846-June 1849; May 1869-May 
1873; Feb. 1892-May 1894; Mar. 1917-June 1919. 








Fic. 10—Wolf sun-spot numbers, 1810-1933. 

VOL. 94 


It was recognized that this arrangement was very imperfect because 
of the irregular wide fluctuations of sun-spot numbers. Hence, if, as 
seemed indicated, the phases of weather periodicities actually alter 
with sun-spot activity, it could not be hoped that any such arrangement 
would eliminate altogether these phase changes. Therefore, some 
dissimilarity between the periodic curves computed for the different 
intervals of time given above must certainly be expected. All that 
could be hoped for would be that periodicities in weather of the 
lengths found in the solar variation would seem to persist without 
more than a few months of shifting backward or forward, as between 
the individual intervals stated above, while during the century there 
would be so persistent and obvious a tendency for maxima and minima 
to recur in a certain unchanged phase as to justify a belief in the 
veridical existence of the periodicity in question. 


It was apparent that since the interval during which daily solar- 
constant work has been carried on continually is only a little over a 
decade of years, it is unlikely that the supposed solar periods are de- 
termined in length to within several percent of probable error. It 
was hoped that if these periodicities were really reflected in the 
weather, the records of such stations as Berlin, Helsingfors, Copen- 
hagen, and others which are published for over a century, might enable 
the lengths of the solar periodicities to be determined to very high 
percentage accuracy. A change of periodic length shows itself if the 
successively determined forms of any assumed period, as for example 
II months, are plotted successively vertically over one another. The 
maxima and minima will be found to shift steadily to the left or the 
right according as the true period is less or greater than 11 months. 
The first station records worked upon were those of Berlin. 


It is well known that the temperatures and precipitations frequently 
tend to depart from normal values continually in a given sense during 
considerable intervals of time. This must be so if the assumption 
of a plurality of regular periodicities in weather is a true one, for 
the combination of several periodicities must lead to prevailingly high 
values at some times and prevailingly low values at other times. Hence, 
if a table for computing a periodicity is arranged as indicated above 
in caption 4, it is improper and leads to error if the first and last lines 


of the table are left incompletely filled.” Owing to influences aside 
from the periodicity in progress of being computed, the variable under 
investigation may be particularly high or particularly low throughout 
the intervals of the time represented by the first line or the last of 
the table. To use a part but not the whole of such a line in a short 
table must produce distortion of the averages. Yet the total intervals 
given under caption II are so short that one can ill spare any part of 
them. The best course seems to be to fill the first and last lines of the 
tables by extending the table a little past the limits set by equality of 
sun-spot activity as represented in the caption 11. Yet this may also 
lead to a distortion of the curve of averages owing to changes of phase 
produced by changes of solar activity. Perfection under these cir- 
cumstances is unattainable, and some indulgence to irregularities 1s 
to be given on these accounts in criticizing the results. 


It will be difficult, within the allowable limits of tabular and graph- 
ical illustration, to demonstrate the findings of this research so thor- 
oughly as to lead the minds of readers to conclusions such as im- 
pressed themselves on those of us who followed all the computations 
from day to day. 


Recalling that, owing to the smoothing by 5-month traveling means, 
the 7-month and 8-month results must necessarily be unrepresentative, 
let us take up first of all the 11-month analyses. In figure 11 are 
given all of the 11-month mean curves for Berlin temperature de- 
partures obtained by the process outlined above in captions 4, 5, 9, 
ro, and 11. In order that the reader may more vividly grasp the 
nature of this work the periodicity computation for low sun-spots 
for the interval January 1811 to July 1815 is given in table 4. To 
avoid printing numerous decimal points, the values as given are the 5- 
month smoothed departures from normal monthly temperatures ex- 
pressed in tenths of degrees Centigrade. 

TABLE 4.—Sample Computation of 11-month Periodicity 

— 6 —5 I 16 21 16 15 12 7 7 3 
3 — 6 —I7 —2I —18 —22 —20 —I4 —1I10 —13 —23 
—27 —18 —20 —14 I 3 —5 —8 —I3 —16 —I4 
—I0 —I3 —25 —29 —24 —32 —30 —I3 — 8 —I7 —I4 
8 9 16 8 2 2 3 6 =F —9 —I3 
Mean —o9.6 —10.2 —I5.4 —I11.2 — 4.4 —7.4 — 8.6 — 3.4 —5.4 —9.6 —12.2 

°** In table 3, what is here called a line is there a column. 




cde Ame a 

Fic. 11.—Eleven-month periodicity in Berlin temperatures. Low, medium, and 
high sun-spot numbers. A broken line connecting curves indicates a slight defect 
from full 11 months in the periodicity. Alternate full and dotted pairs “of curves 
cover 23-year cycles measured from 1810. 



In this sample the table contains five lines. Of 11 such tables il- 
lustrated in figure 11 by plots depicting the 11-month periodicity from 
low sun-spot temperature departures, there are four tables of four 
lines, four tables of five lines, one of six lines, and two of seven lines. 
It is clear enough that the mean values from columns as short as 
these are subject to a large fractional error. As remarked above, 
the presence in the data of other periodicities than that sought, and 
of accidental departures, cannot but distort mean curves depending on- 
so few values per point. 

If, now, the general mean value is taken at all times of low sun- 
spot numbers through more than a century, it results as follows. The 
unit is still the tenth of 1 degree Centigrade. An arbitrary zero is 
chosen to give positive and negative values about equally. 

0.4 r.2 0.8 wer 1.3 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.7 

But if it is assumed that the true period is 11 months minus 3 days, 
then the corresponding general mean is as follows: 

—I.5 —0.5 —O0.I 0.7 reer 2.0 0.9 —0.3 0.0 —0.6 —0.3 

The latter periodicity has an amplitude of 0.°35 C., about twice the 
amplitude of the former. It results from 56 lines of smoothed values 
of temperature departures covering all periods of low sun-spot num- 
bers from 1811 to 1925. The method of allowing for the 3-day de- 
crease of period is partially indicated by the broken inclined line of 
figure 11. In detail the method is as follows: In the computation of 
the general mean, the 11 means which represent individual periods of 
few sun-spots were arranged in a table in such a manner that the 
values connected by the broken inclined line in figure 11 composed 
together one vertical column. The mean form, with phase chosen 
to agree with that expected of the top curve, a, of the figure, is 
given in curve 1, at the bottom of figure 11.” It is obvious that 
curve a, just singled out for numerical illustration is not in the 
expected phase, but is 3 months out of phase with the best periodicity. 
This selection for illustration was, indeed, made to draw attention 
to occasional irregularities of phase, to which we shall recur. Had 
I permitted myself to alter arbitrarily the phases of two or three of 
the mean curves by 2 months each, on the plea of accidental displace- 
ment by terrestrial influences, then the general mean would have had 
an amplitude of a full half degree Centigrade. 

It seems difficult to avoid the conclusion that a periodicity lacking 
3 days of 11 months in length, and with an average amplitude of 
0.°35 C., persists in the temperature of Berlin during times of low 
sun-spot activity for the interval of 114 years covered. 

°% The mean for 11 m. 0 d. is given by curve li’. 


But the amplitudes alter widely from time to time among the I1 
curves shown. Not only do they thus vary, but the forms of the curves 
differ widely also. When these features are carefully scanned, there 
seems to be disclosed an interesting regularity. Beginning with the 
year 1819, the forms and amplitudes may be arranged im pairs with 
very good effect. The only deviation from noticeable similarity among 
these pairs occurs for the pair covering the interval March 1886 to 
July 1903. Of this pair of curves the first covers that period when 
the sky was still filled with dust from the tremendous volcanic eruption 
of Krakatoa. Dr. W. J. Humphreys has called attention to the dis- 
turbance of weather which volcanic dust produces.” We shall recur 
frequently to the similarity of such pairs when considering other data. 

Curves a, to ks, figure 11, similarly deduced, cover the intervals of 
time in caption 11 when the Wolf monthly mean sun-spot numbers 
lay generally between 40 and 80. In part of the data the sun-spot 
activity was increasing, and in the other part it was decreasing. But 
no appreciable difference in the data seems to arise thereby. It appears 
that neither 11 months o days nor 11 months minus 3 days gives 
the maximum amplitude of the periodicity in this case. The best 
period is 11 months minus 14 days. The following mean values show 

: M 1 
Assumed period a eae 

aie Str Gh GKGaadaoeoodde —0.9 0.0 —I.I 0.0 0.8 GOLF 0.3 O.1 1.8 0.4 —0.5 
Il mM, Minus 3) ds... 0.2 1.4 1.0 1.4 0.9 0.3 —0.3 —I.2 —0.6 —0.4 0.4 
II m. minus 14 d..... Tes; rae} 0.3 —0.9 —I.9 —2.2 —2.8 —1.2 —0.2 1.5 2.0 

The relative amplitudes as just given are 2.9, 2.6, and 4.8, respectively, 
which show a decided preference for 11 months minus 14 days. In 
each case the phase given is the same as that expected for the interval 
1815-1819. Here, as before, it is noted that the curves show decided 
similarity when grouped in pairs beginning with the second curve. 
The only exception is the last pair which presents dissimilarity. Curve 
1, gives the mean result, assuming a period of 11 months minus 14 
days." It depends on 58 lines of temperature departures, and shows 
a range of 0.°48C., and therefore, like the case already discussed, 
may fairly be regarded as demonstrative. 

Turning now to the temperature data corresponding to Wolf sun- 
spot numbers exceeding 80, these are graphically expressed in curves 
ag to es of figure 11. These curves rest on few data, only 4, 3, 4, 3, 
and 2 lines, respectively. Excepting a;, they are closely similar. The 
curve a; is in fact displaced 5 months in phase from all the others. 

” Journ. Franklin Inst., vol. 176, pp. 131-172, 1913. 
± The mean for 11 m. 0 d. is given by curve l,’. 


No explanation for this displacement is offered. The mean curve, 1; 
is computed by transposing the phase of a; by 5 months and taking a 
straight mean as of period 11 months o days. The result is as follows, 
still in units of one-tenth degree Centigrade: 

0.7 —0.4 I. —3.6 —3.8 —o.9 —0.1 2.6 4.0 Bee 1.0 

The range is nearly 0.°8 Centigrade. 

The skew relationship of period between the best 11-month periodi- 
cities as determined for the low, medium, and high sun-spot activities 
is puzzling, but perhaps not impossible to account for. It will be re- 
called that the periods found were 11 months minus 3 days, 11 months 
minus 14 days, and 11 months o days, respectively. What this implies, 
as far as the 11-month periodicity goes, is the advance of the tempera- 
ture influence associated with high sun spots over that associated with 
low sun spots by 14 months in 130 periods. As the 11-month peri- 
odicity is only one of many, and produces less than a tenth of the 
total influence which, as we shall see, is exerted by those periodicities 
which are nearly aliquot parts of 23 years, the effect is not conspicuous. 


Figure 12 shows, in curves a, to k,, the mean 8-month periodicity 
results derived from the intervals of low sun-spot activity. As shown 
by the inclined lines there seems to be an advance of 5 months in 110 
years, corresponding to a corrected period of 8 months plus 1 day. 
Taking account of this modification, but preserving the same phase 
expected as of 1811-1815, the mean results are as follows: 

—o.6 0.4 1.6 Be 2a O.I —2.4 —2.5 

The range is almost 0.°5 Centigrade, which owing to the modifying 
influence of the 5-month smoothing, already referred to, must be less 
than the real average range of this periodicity. The mean curve, h, 
figure 12, is based on 75 lines covering the intervals of low sun-spot 
numbers from 1811 to 1925. Scanning the curves a, to k, on figure 12, 
the pairing tendency, already referred to in discussing the 11-month 
analysis, is recognizable. The only marked inconsistency of the pairs, 
as arranged with a beginning in 1819, occurs for curves d; and e;. 
It will be noted that for 8-month periodicities, as with the 11-month 
results, the pairs palpably begin with the second curve, about 1819. 
Turning to the intervals when the Wolf sun-spot numbers lay 
between 40 and 80, we again find the greatest amplitude by assuming 
a period of 8 months plus 1 day. Choosing the phase to agree with 





y) NJ 

Fic. oe periodicity in Berlin temperatures. Low, medium, and 
high sun-spot numbers. A broken line connecting curves indicates a slight excess 
over 8 months in the periodicity. Alternate full and dotted pairs of curves cover 
23-year cycles measured from 18109. 



that expected for the first interval, the mean values as thus reduced 
run as follows: 

Mean form 

Assumed period A Range 
ih fry On GheanadannndooosonoodoonsoGes 0.1 —o.6 —I.I —1I.0 0.3 0.4 0.6 —0.3 7 
ine DER Choc andeoAaceoouoDNoCOM se, 1.0 —0.I —0.6 —I.g9 —0.3 TAL 1.4 3.8 

The average range of the 8 months minus 1 day periodicity is almost 
0.°4 Centigrade (see fig. 12, 1,). This range is more than twice as 
great as for the periodicity 8 months o days. 

Pairing is not so well marked in these curves as appears in figure 12, 
a, tok,. It, indeed, shows strongly as between curves ho, 12, and Jo, ke, 
but the curves a, to g» seem inclined to change form at every sun-spot 
period of 11+ years instead of every second period, as in former 
cases. We shall note this tendency frequently in other connections. 

Curves a; to e; of figure 12 relate to intervals when the Wolf 
numbers generally exceeded 80. As in the corresponding case of the 
I1-month periodicity, they show no definite deviation from the origin- 
ally assumed period, 8 months o days. There is on the whole a good 
agreement between the curves. Only the curve d; runs counter to 
all of the others, but it is at the same time one of the weakest, repre- 
senting the mean of but four lines. The general mean is represented 
in the curve, l; and runs as follows: 

2.2 —I.0 —2.6 —1.7 0.0 Leap 2.6 2.9 

Its range is over 0.°5 Centigrade. 


The 7-month periodicity, as already stated is much modified by 
the 5-month smoothing. However, in the curves representing intervals 
with sun-spot numbers between 40 and 8o there is such an excellent 
case of the pairing which starts with the year 1819 that these curves 
are given, a, to k, annexed to figure 12. There is no exception to the 
similarity of the pairs from curve bz to curve kz. Two excellent pairs 
are found corresponding to low sun spots, but generally these forms 
change with each new sun-spot period. 

There is no indication in any of the analyses of the 7-month peri- 
odicity of a departure in length from the period assumed. The fol- 
lowing are the mean forms and ranges. The ranges may be assumed 
to be only about half as great as would be found without 5-month 

Sun-spot Seven m. od. mean periodic forms 

numbers f Range 
Bel owaraOtaerreeteeree -teltaisiereiioleiels oe eioreissaicierelsts 0.7 1.8 0.0 —O.I 0.4 —0.6 —I.4 023) 1C. 
AO! CO m BO sre craps leletonesarever clove a(eieiss4 iaieeisrerstere e erescte 0.8 0.3 —0.4 —0.9 —0.9 0.1 0.7 OsziG: 

7 Noxtelutsey idocaconnpoonbeNdoic doshas dogade 1.2 0.8 —1.2 —I.9 —o.6 0.6 Te7, orc: 



In caption 8, evidence was presented showing that the phases of 
the 11-month and other periodicities observed in temperature de- 
partures of Bismarck, N. Dak., altered as a function of the sun-spot 
activity. Referring now to figure 13, the data for Berlin are not wholly 
consistent with that conclusion. As not all of the 11-year sun-spot 
periods show high Wolf numbers, let us restrict our inquiry to the 
periods culminating about 1837, 1847, 1871, 1893, and 1918. Con- 
sider first the 11-month periodicity. In table 5 are given the months 
within the 11-month period when maxima prevail. The results cover 
times of low, medium, and high Wolf numbers. The shift of maxima 
for medium and high Wolf numbers is indicated in the fourth column. 
In the last column are given without details the corresponding shifts 
found for the 8-month periodicity data. 

TABLE 5.—Shift of Phase, Berlin Temperatures, Attending Sun-spot Activity 

Years Wolf Months 11-month 8-month 
covered numbers of maxima shifts shifts 
IsEWENCKY “GboodoosedsnoaondcooOO} Below 40 Ir to 4 0.0 0.0 
1834-35 and 1839-41.............. 40 to 80 © tos +1.0 —1I.0 
IPG PUCK),  SaoamnocaacooaqadasDO0G Above 80 2to 4 +1.0 —4.0 
TRAT=ISAAY s/a\cisrerererersiseverevs a ateretsieteisis Below 40 9g to 2 0.0 0.0 
1844-46) cand 1849-53 ccs teres eleisle 40 to 80 6 to II —2.5 —2.0 
TBAO*1B49) aie oxo cya ca sneraare 01s caleyavere%e Above 80 8 to 9 —3.0 —1.5 
TBG5*1868). Seresieisiconrelsaicremieℱ Sersiats « Below 40 10 to II 0.0 0.0 
1868-69 and) 1873-752. .<.<0ocnees 4o to 80 5 to 8 —4.0 +2.0 
T8GQ*I SII) A ieereisicciny ieee weteiatovloronser Above 80 8 to 10 —1.5 0.0 
TSBO=ITSGO! | s.wrsyaistslaieretelere eieveeheine.vcier Below 40 rm) toyz 0.0 0.0 
E890-92) ‘anid! 1895-072 .« «ccleic wee elec 4o to 80 10 to 2 —0.5 —o.I 
TSQ2-TOOS a aistelevalesinietelciniewiieieieisiorse Above 80 9 to II —2.0 —1.0 
TOLO-LOUA)Âź Paisaieinsisisioie hoes siete eee Below 40 3 to 5 0.0 0.0 
TOU4-17 ANd) IOl9=20se..eo0e cee «oe 4o to 80 Ito 5 —1.0 —3.0 
LOU =LOTO). | yeiaysisieleisiciaie re aresie Sines Seer Above 40 8 to 11 } —2.0 
or +5.5 

There appears a prevailing tendency for the phase to be earlier with 
higher sun-spot activity, but it is not as conspicuous or regularly 
progressive a tendency as appeared in the Bismarck data. In fact 
the evidence seems to show that though there is a small change of 
phase toward earlier dates within the cycles, when Wolf numbers 
increase, yet this effect is small compared with changes of phase which, 
as we are about to point out, occur at integral multiples of 114 or of 23 
years, counted from January 1819. Such changes of phase will next 
be demonstrated. 


It was desired to present this phenomenon apart from changes of 
phase accompanying variations of sun-spot activity. Hence the data 


y (love. 

° ° 

0.0 0.2 O04 06 0. 



5 7 ©) I 

Frc. 13.—Sun-spot numbers and phase changes. Eleven-month 
temperature periodicity at Berlin for low, medium, and high sun- 
spot numbers. 


were limited to times of low Wolf numbers. Smoothed departures 
from normal temperatures at Berlin were arranged in periodicity tables 
each of which fell entirely within a period of 23 years, and the be- 
ginnings and ends of such 23-year periods fell always at an integral 
multiple of 23 years counting from January 1819. Periodicities of 
7, 8, 92, II, 12, 13.6, 21, 25, 34, and 46 months were investigated in 
this manner. Owing to the moderating influence of the 5-month 
smoothing, already referred to, the 7-month periodicity was indecisive 
and is omitted here. Of the 12-month periodicity I shall treat sepa- 
rately. Figure 14 shows the results of all others. In the figure the 
8-month curves are corrected in phase to the more exact period 8 
months plus 1 day, and the 11-month curves are corrected in phase 
to the more exact period 11 months minus 3 days. The scales of 
abscissae and ordinates are altered in the 21-, 25-, 34-, and 46-month 
plots for greater convenience. 

In table 6 the Roman numerals I to V refer to 23-year intervals 
ending respectively at one, two, three, four, and five times 23 years 
after January 1, 1819. 

TABLE 6.—Comparison of Phases and Amplitudes. Berlin Temperature 

Periodicity Phase Amplitude 
8-month Vii its and Vi similar: I and II moderate; III and V 
IV opposed. large; IV small. 
of-month I and V similar; 11, ID, I, III, and V_ moderate; IV 
and IV opposed. large; II small. 
1I-month I, II, and V similar; III II, III, and IV moderate; I 
and IV opposed. and V large. 
13.6-month Lelie and) SLL sumilar: IV and V moderate; I and III 
IV and V opposed. large; II small. 
21-month iPand Wiesimilars i Thr. Amplitudes nearly equal. 
and IV opposed. 
25-month I, III, and V similar; II III, IV, and V moderate; I and 
and IV opposed. II large. 
34-month TeeliVeeand Ve simulans) Tl II, III, and V large; I and IV 
and III opposed. very large. 
46-month I and V similar; II, III, All large, II, IV, and V very 

and IV opposed. large. 

Notes.—As all the tables were prepared from the same original smoothed departures, the 
influence of the unremoved shorter periodicities is very pronounced in causing irregularities 
in the curves representing longer periodicities. This must obviously occur because only a few 
repetitions (in the 46-month tables sometimes only two, sometimes three) were available for 
the longer periodicities. Sometimes the longer periodicities display periodic submultiples 
conspicuously. For instance in 46-I there is obviously a periodicity of 9.2 months superposed, 
while in 46-II there is obviously a periodicity of 11.5 months superposed. These two unusual 
periodicities correspond, respectively, to 1/30 and 1/24 of 23 years. 

Referring to the table, let us now tentatively suppose that the 
smoothed temperature departures of Berlin were plotted in 23-year 
cycles for the 115 years, 1819 to 1923. Considering figure 14 and 

table 6, it would almost certainly be found that many features of simi- 
larity would appear in the successive plots. For so many periodic 


do 2 


8 MO. +1D. 9} mo. 1 MO-3D. 136 MO. 21 MO. 
| EN [ 
| ’ 
nana | 
av de ie 46| MO. & 
| | [| 
fz | 
& i ia | 
Se aeeaaanee 
WY | 
can arene 
| | 4 
1 fale ies Fe 
Care este 

Fic. 14.—Dependence of phase in periodicities of Berlin temperatures on epoch 
measured from 1819. Each curve given is the mean form for 23 years. In each 
group the top curve starts from January 1819. Note prevailing similarity of 
curves I, III, V and again of curves II, 1V. Exceptions noted in text. 


features would recur in successive 23-year intervals in nearly the 
same phases that the successive complex curves formed by their 
summation must themselves show features of some similarity, though 
a little altered in phase and amplitude from one 23-year interval to 
another. It is clear that, of the various intervals, V would be most 
similar to I, because its phase is found similar to I for all periodicities 
given except 13.6. Interval III is next most similar to I, but IV, and 
next to that II, would be most dissimilar to I. On the other hand, 
II and LV would be found to present many features of similarity each 
to each. We shall recur to this when we consider the possible applica- 
tion of periodicities to long-range forecasting. Here I content myself 
with hinting that three most similar intervals, I, III, and V, and two 
opposed similar intervals, II and IV, have separations of 46 years. 

The 12-month periodicity is particularly instructive. Meteorologists 
have long known that a very long interval of years does not suffice 
to yield monthly means of temperatures which will be closely followed 
in the mean during a succeeding equally long interval of years. Hence 
it was expected that a 12-month periodicity would be found in the de- 
partures from normal temperatures at Berlin. But it would be natural 
to suppose that its cause is purely terrestrial and that it would show 
no relation to solar periodicities. The contrary is certainly the case. 
Figure 15 shows clearly that the 23-year interval is of decisive in- 
fluence in changing the phase and amplitude of the 12-month peri- 
odicity. This is true not only at Berlin but at all other stations which 
we have investigated, including Helsingfors, Copenhagen, Greenwich, 
Cape Town, Adelaide, and others. 

In preparing figure 15, the 12-month data were not restricted to 
times of low sun spots as were the data for figure 14. For it was 
not to be presumed at first that this 12-month periodicity was due 
to changes originating in the sun, but rather on the earth. These more 
numerous data gave two tables of about a dozen lines each for each 
23 years. In this way abundant evidence proves the critical importance 
of January 1819 and multiples of 23 years thereafter as determining 
points in the pairing of the curves, such as has already been referred 
to. Another interesting reference to these curves in figure 15 will be 
found below under caption 14-B. 

From the studies rehearsed above under the various captions of 
14-A, we conclude: 

1. Certain periodicities found in solar variation are found persisting 
throughout more than a century in Berlin temperature departures. 

2. Small corrections to the supposed lengths of two of these solar 
periods are indicated by these long ranges of data. 






‘ol G19) Fue LO 

15.—The 23-year influence on periodicities of 9} and 12 
Each bracketed pair covers 23 years. Full curves are from 

original data, dotted curves from residuals after removing many 



3. The 23-year period, which is the approximate least common 
multiple of the observed solar periodicities, and is also the approximate 
length of Hale’s solar magnetic cycle, is of dominating importance in 
the terrestrial weather-responses to solar influences. 

4. While the intensity of sun-spot activity has some influence on the 
phases of the temperature periodicities, it is by no means as important 
as the arrival of integral multiples of the 23-year interval measured 
from January 1819. These define large modifications both of phases 
and amplitudes. 

5. The 23-year period governs not only periodicities which seem 
to be of purely solar causation, but also the phases and amplitudes of 
the 12-month periodicity in departures from normal temperature. This 
periodicity might otherwise have been regarded as purely of accidental 
terrestrial origin. 

6. It is not possible to arrive at definite conclusions as to the veridity 
of periodicities of long duration from data restricted to 23-year in- 
tervals, and further restricted to intervals of comparable sun-spot 
activity. Another attack on this part of the subject follows. 



The preceding discussion of Berlin temperatures was restricted to 
intervals of comparable sun-spot activity. But though this is desirable 
it is not vital, and restrictions relating to 23-year intervals having 
been proved to be more essential, it becomes necessary to merge all 
data, whatever the prevailing sun-spot activity, in order to study fairly 
the longer periodicities. It has been proved advantageous to base 
our studies on the zero date January 1819. 


As before, we begin with the 11-month period. As there is here 
no intention of making a century-long comparison, no account need 
be made of the correction (minus 3 days), nor when we deal with 
the 8-month periodicity of its correction (plus 1 day). Table 7 
gives, for illustration, a complete tabular determination of the mean 
I1-month periodicity curves from January 1819 to October 1864. 
The similarity of the two halves of each of the two 23-year periods 
covered, and the complete opposition of these two 23-year periods, 
each to each, are clearly shown in figure 16. It is instructive to note 
how abruptly the transition occurs from one type to the other just 
at the turn of 23 years after January 1819. The two types differ 


00 02040608 1.0° C 


—T | = 
aautzax Y | | | | | NS 

Fic. 16.—The 11- and 21-month periodicities in Berlin tempera- 
tures. Phase dominated by the 23-year cycle from 1819. Full and 
dotted pairs of curves each cover a cycle of 23 years. 

Under A, wording should read “ Mean I, III, IV, VI, VIII, IX.” 




in much the same way as the right and left hands. In what follows 
we may sometimes speak of them as the right and left types. 

TABLE 7.—Berlin 

Jan. 1819—Dec. 1829 

Temperature Departures 1t1-month 

8 9 16 16 17 

—24 —24 —I7 —5 —I 

—I10 —I0 —T2 2 8 

19 26 29 34 31 

5 — 3 —23 —23 —26 

—2 a 10 14 20 

—'5 —t1 6 16 25 

=2 =A = % 3 II 

13 T7. 18 20 16 

3 19 16 12 10 

Si 3 9 6 2 

—18 —20 —9 o I 

Mean —22 +13 +33 +79 +82 
Jan, 1830-Nov. 1841 

—44 —34 —I5 —2 7 

=f =F =O Sh 4 

I 5 3 6 fo) 

=f =§ 4 att 

—I15 —4 13 16 20 

20 17 10 8 II 

2 2 —6 —I10 —I0 

—I2 —I4 —5 —8 = 3 

—I7 — 8 —7 —2 I 

—16 — 6 II —5 — 6 

vs == "7 aad: eat 5 

—2 —2 —2 —2 (0) 

—13 —16 to) —I 6 

Mean 85 61 22 6 +24 
Dec. 1841—Nov. 1852 

8 5) o —4 fo) 

=f =5 =4 3. =F 

10 10 8 5 3 

Sas —I5 — 8 S10) —34 

— 3 oO I 6 14 

8 15 12 I — 8 

3 4 —2 I — 6 

7 2 = =2 =C 

A SS = BO ae 

= 18, =f =a = 5 

II 2 — 6 —I0 —Il 

7 4 2) 16) 4 

Mean +29 +18  —14 —3I —63 
Dec. 1852-Oct. 1864 

16 6 —4 —16 —23 

=f =7 =O = 5 3 

—I —I1 —16 —2I —22 

—I —9 — 6 —I10 —4 

—5 —10 —3 —2 (o) 

II 18 14 20 13 

2 6 Il 13 14 

12 9 II II 10 

Ae 141 Al 30 

— 6 8 4 —I 2 

7 10 10 8 3 

18 20 19 II I 

5 2 —4 —18 —II 

Mean +35 +37 +20 —IO0 —I5 



bon OWW 




bk OW 


19 14 6 —7 

o —S5 — 8 — 6 
cae ae aah ar i4 
22 17 8 I 

2 7 Gf 6 
14 8 fo) —6 
15 12 4 —6 

2 4 I — 6 

3 —I2 —Il —5 

3 o = 3 =F 

(3) () —7 —16 
—6 —13 —32 —42 
tp370 | aE) ae dO S02 
=) =—38 Ai 
3 = =i o 

— FG — 8 —I2 —7 
10 I —5 — 3 
16 10 19 23 

9 5 20 
=i 5 3 4 
5 ce aaa, —ti2 
—18 —27 —28 —33 
— 6 I —iI —4 
7 3 5 2 
—5 (0) —10 —9Q 
I —I 4 13 
+10 —I19 ——21 —22 
—4 —I —5 —II 
10 6 10 & 
—8 —10 —I2 —I5 
18 12 13 10 
—16 —2I —9 —6 
—14 —8 —7 —5 
to) 9 7 5 
—I4 —2I —I2 —I4 
— 6 —' 3 2 8 
—3 —4 2 II 
7 5 9 14 
—66 —65 —31 —9 
aS) —4 o ear Tf 
2 —I1 —I —I 
—27 —I2 —9 —7 
I —I — 8 —6 

2 —-—!1 I 2 
— 8 —7 —I17 —II 
21 26 16 16 

3 I =a 2 — 4 
—I13 —I19 —1I2 —S5 
7 7 5 4 

I ut 5 13 
25 3 5 15 
—22 —I19 —13 —I5 
—35 —20 —23 —2 


The little double table (table 8) extracted from table 7 emphasizes 
this behavior. The 11-month periodicity as computed from January 
1819 to December 1829, and from January 1830 to November 1841, 
shows high maxima at the fifth month. From December 1841 to 
November 1852 and from December 1852 to October 1864, on the 
contrary, deep minima are found at the sixth month. The transition 
from the first of these types to the second is abrupt. To show its 
abruptness the last 22 months ending with November 1841 may be 
contrasted with the first 22 months beginning with December 1841. 

Tasie 8.—Abrupt Phase-change. Berlin 11-month Temperature Periodicity 

2 2 2 2 o —4 —§5 o -—I0 —= 9 —iI9 
—1I3. —16 o —I 6 2 I —I 4 13 9g: Nov. 1841 
Mean Hols 8.0 1.0 5 3.0 1.0 2.0 —0.5 3-0 2.0 —5.0 
Dec. 1841: 8 7 o —4 o 3 4 I 5 II —4 
—1I —5 —4 3 7 14 10 6 10 —5 2 
Mean 3-5 1.0 2.0° —0.5 35 8.5 —y.0 —3.5 —2.5 —8.0 —1.0 

Obscured as they are by the influences of other periodicities and 
accidental effects, yet in the mean of the first two lines of table 8 
the maximum occurs on the fifth month, and in the mean of the last 
two lines the minimum occurs on the sixth month, just as happens with 
the general means found in table 7. Even in details the two mean 
curves representing 22 months each are opposite, as shown by figure 17. 


Take as an example of another type the 21-month periodicity shown 
in figure 16. In this instance the transition from left to right in type 
usually occurs at each 114 years, though not invariably. One type 
holds for instance through the two periods of 114 years each from 
October 1841 to June 1864. But then, note the abrupt transition 
between the 42 months preceding and the 42 months following July 
1864. The mean of the first pair of lines is almost precisely opposite 
to the mean of the last pair, as is shown in figure 17 and table 9. 

Of the to curves illustrating the 21-month periodicity, numbers 1, 
3, 4, 6, 8, and 9, beginning 1819, 1841, 1852, 1875, 1897, and 1910, 
respectively, are generally similar in phase, and not greatly different 
in amplitude. Opposed in phase are curves 2, 5, 7, and 10, but they are 
not quite so similar each to each. From this we see that during about 
70 years out of 110, the 21-month periodicity, whether we regard it 
as true or spurious, would have produced nearly identical effects upon 
the temperature of Berlin. The general mean effect over 70 years, as 




6 . 


2 ~ 




Fic. 17,—Details of the 11- and 21-month periodicities in Berlin tempera- 
tures. Showing abrupt reversal of phase. 

VOL. 94 



Seon ean Seer 

Z I— I— 
FI bz gz 

S-o1— o'9— o'S— 
z— fI—- WI— 
I I I 





Sz S:z G-S— Gb OAS og oz SS S-€— o'g— o'or— S'b— 

o-oI—  S*6— o'*g— 

l— 6— FI— 9 z— fo) 6 ZI ZI 6 Ss z— I z— b— 

ZI FI £ II II Z 3— I— gI— I1z— gI— oI— gI— si— 
o'9 S°Z o'9 omr Sih ‘oP o'z oe o's S-9 0°6 Oven One1 o'9 

z Ss s SI S$ £ e— I— I II 61 oz gi gI 

OI oI Z Z P $ Z £ 6 z I— 4 8 g— 

Kpspordag aanosaqua[ yyuowm-re uysag ‘abuvys-asoyg ignaqp—'6 aay J, 




computed from curves 1, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 9, is as follows and is illustrated 
at A of figure 16. The mean values which follow are expressed as 
usual in units of o.°1 Centigrade.” 

Te 2.3 2.8 5-4 52 4.6 3-4 2.3 0.6 —0.3 —1.8 
—2.8 —1.9 —0.2 a 3-4 ait 3-8 2.1 Ta2 0.4 

The range of the general mean is 0.°8 Centigrade. This mean curve 
represents the tabulation of 39 lines in each of its 21 columns or 819 
months in all. The contradictory results found in the remaining 24 
lines, representing 504 months, themselves somewhat approach a 
common type. Its mean form, shown at B of figure 16 is as follows: 

—4.4 —4.2 —4.4 —5.1 —5.0 oie —z2.8 —0.7 0.6 0.2 0.9 
0.8 S55 watG 2.3 1.9 2.6 0.5 Tig 2.9 4.3 

Being plainly associated with periodic changes in the sun, as the dates 
of the appearance and disappearance of contrasting phases in these 
curves 2, 5, 7, and 10 appear to be, the existence of these curves of 
a contradictory type does not, in my judgment, reasonably require 
us to doubt the evidence of the other 70 years or of their own 40 years 
that 21 months is a veridical period in terrestrial temperature, pro- 
duced by a periodic solar variation. 


Acting on the conclusion just expressed, I have felt it justifiable 
to remove, one after another, the mean evaluations of the various peri- 
odicities, and to remove them in parcels of 114 or 23 years at a time, 
so as to eliminate them to the highest degree possible despite changes 
of both phase and amplitude. As I am aware that this course will 
be criticized and perhaps disowned by meteorologists and statisticians, 
I pause at this point to refer to the 12-month periodicity, as computed 
from the residuals of the 5-month smoothed Berlin temperatures, 
after removing in the way just indicated, and in the following order, 
the 7, 8, 11, 13.6, 21, 25, 34, 46, 68, and 9? month periodicities. Mean 
values for each 114 years from 1819 to 1929 are given by the dotted 
lines in figure 15. These results may be compared with the closely 
juxtaposed curves for the 12-month periodicity, as previously com- 
puted directly from the original data, and already referred to under 
14-A. The very great similarity in general between the two sets of 
curves indicates that the removal of all of those many periodicities in 
114-year or 23-year parcels has not ruined the residuals for the purpose 
of the 12-month analysis. Figure 15 also includes a similar pair ‘of 
juxtaposed analyses of 12-month periodicities for Copenhagen, and 

*> The lines of these two tables (too long for page width) are to be read 
consecutively like two lines of text, not staggered as might be thought. 


also the 9-month mean curves for Berlin and Copenhagen as com- 
puted from the original data and again from the residuals after re- 
moval of many other periodicities. I hope that this may be a step 
toward promoting greater confidence in the procedure. But the curves 
about to be referred to, representing other periodicities, will furnish 
other grounds for confidence in these methods. 

It has already been pointed out in the analysis of the original data 
that the expiration of an integral multiple of 23 years from January 
1819 is often the signal which warns us of a reversal of phase im- 
pending in the temperature periodicities. As this also occurs fre- 
quently in periodicities which are computed from the residuals which 
remain after removal of many determined periodicities by 114-year 
and 23-year steps, it would seem to indicate that the data were not 
harmed by such removal. For it is to be recalled that the effect of such 
removal, applying as it does the actual mean values over each 114- 
or 23-year period to correct all monthly values within that very period, 
must tend in the strongest way to smooth the residual curve which 
remains after such removal. If then such a smoothed residual curve 
shows plainly the newly sought periodicity, and not only shows it in 
approximately the same phase at many intervals during a century, 
but also shows the reversal of its phase at the critical dates, after the 
manner often noted in earlier analyses—the combination of these 
regularities of behavior seems to strongly support the hypothesis that 
the computed periods are veridical, and cumulatively defends the 
method used in their removal. 

But still another type of confirmation of veridity is available. It 
will be noted that in the list of Io periodicities which were said to 
have been removed before seeking the 12-month periodicity, one of 
9? months was mentioned last. This periodicity was not noticed in 
the original data, nor was it suspected until after the 68-month curve 
was determined. Then seven waves appeared so definitely in the mean 
curves for 68 months, as shown in figure 18, that no question of the 
reality of the 9%-month periodicity could be entertained. Yet the 68- 
month curves themselves were not computed until after the entire 
previous list of eight periodicities had been removed in 113- or 23- 
year parcels. That the 9?-month curve should have survived so much 
modification of the data seems to indicate that real and not spurious 
periodicities had been found and removed. In order further to demon- 
strate this argument more conclusively, I show in figure 15 the 9#- 
month curves for Berlin and Copenhagen, both as computed from the 
original data and as computed after nine periodicities had been re- 
moved therefrom. 



If it were the case that in long intervals of time only very small 
changes in phase and amplitude took place in the forms of the peri- 
odicity curves, it would be simple as well as obviously indicated to 
pick out, evaluate, and remove periodicity after periodicity until no 
more of them could be discerned in the residual temperature depar- 
tures. In fact it would have been done by meteorologists long ago. 
But as we have now shown, this simplicity does not obtain. Although, 
for instance, the 11-month less 3 days periodicity may be traced at 
Berlin during times of low sun-spot numbers for r1o years, with an 
average amplitude of about 0.°4 Centigrade, there are wide fluctua- 
tions of phase and amplitude during that long interval. So the ques- 
tion arises, if we are to admit that obscure causes produce reversals 
of phase and wide fluctuations in amplitude, how shall we know if a 
supposed periodicity is real or arbitrary? 

The quandary is much more serious for long periods than for short 
ones. During 114 years there are, for instance, twelve r1-month 
periods and still more of 7, 8, and 9% months. If so many repetitions 
yield, as we have seen that they do, definite smooth mean curves of 
considerable amplitude representing the periodicity throughout these 
abundant repetitions, and there follows an abrupt change to another 
type which continues equally well verified through a second interval 
of 113 years, the mere change of type, associated as Hale has shown 
it to be with a reversal of the magnetic status of the sun, is not a valid 
argument for the rejection of this otherwise excellent periodicity. 

When, however, the longer periods of 21 to 68 months are in ques- 
tion, the number of repetitions of them in 114 or even in 23 years 
is not enough to eliminate irregular fluctuations, or to inspire much 
confidence. For the mean curves are left very ragged. If no sup- 
porting evidences were available, they would sometimes seem probably 

But let us take as a specific example the 68-month curve at Berlin, 
as shown in figure 18, I to V. The following observations may be 

1. Each curve shows seven waves, indicating a periodicity of 93 

2. Removing, in imagination, the waves due to the 9?-month peri- 
odicity, each subfigure shows a smooth curve of 68 months’ period, 
roughly similar in form to a sine curve. 



3. Each of the subfigures is the result obtained from 23 years of 
observation, including four repetitions of the periodicity. Although 
not a century, 23 years is, after all, a long time. 

4. The ranges of the smoothed 68-month curves are substantial. 
For curves I, II, III, IV, and V, the ranges are 0.°4, 1.°1, 1.°1, 0.°5, 
and 1.°o Centigrade, respectively. The extreme range of the original 
data before any periodicities at all were removed, but smoothed by 
5-month traveling means, seldom exceeds 5.°0 Centigrade. This in- 
cludes, as we have seen, several short interval periodicities of a range 
of 0.°5 Centigrade or more, which when combined in common phase 
may produce a range of at least 2.°o Centigrade. Hence much of the 
original range disappears with their removal. This makes it apparent 
that the 68-month curves contain a very considerable part of the 
residual range remaining available to disclose long periods. 

5. Each 68-month curve is the mean of four mutually supporting 
constituents. As an example, comparing the constituents of curves 
II and III, each of the four individual constituents in group II shows 
positive departures at the two ends and negative departures at the 
middle. Each of the four individual constituents in group III, on the 
contrary, shows negative departures at the two ends and positive de- 
partures in the middle. This behavior of reversal in phase, exactly 
at 46 years after January 1819, is precisely similar to that which we 
have many times referred to, relating to the short periodicities, whose 
validity seems unquestionable because of the great numbers of repeti- 
tions on which they depend. Thus the behavior of the 68-month curves 
is exactly in line with reasonable expectation. 

6. Corroboratively, the curves I, III, and V, covering (with two 
intermissions of 23 years each) I10 years, are so nearly similar in 
phase as to yield the mean form VI, figure 18. It has a range of 0.°6 

But why, the reader may ask, have so many periodicities additional 
to those heretofore recognized in the variability of the sun been added 
in the list of terrestrial periodicities, and why are they chosen as 
integral submultiples of 23 years? The answer is that they are forced 
upon our attention by the progress of the computations. One illustra- 
tion has been given. As stated above, the periodicity of 9% months 
was discovered because the curves for 68 months showed seven waves. 
Similarly the periodicity of 34 months was discovered because pre- 
liminary computations of the periodicity of 68 months (not here re- 
produced) showed the half-period curves of 34 months too plainly to 


|; un 


e r 

S i “a 
2 A\- 

mm [VV 
Nal _| Z| 

uy 5 /| 


ihe coon 
Fema cae 
ppl YE wt 

Fic. 18.—The 68-month periodicity in Berlin temperatu 

0° .2 .4 6 8 OF. 

eS eee 


0°.2 .4 .6 .8 I°0C. 


IN wae 

ee Ze 

‘0 C. 

Onze A6 oul 



We IAS ‘ i 
NSB S6 ra ea | 
1842 - 1798 - 1930 ke 
. ' a 
Has Talal fon 290 er 

WA 1798-1930 4 



\ = U4 
1830 -1930 1793 - 1930 1853 - 1930 1842 - 1930 
eae Ss 3R2, 57H AND 7 CURVES an Bah: 1s, a AND 81 C 

Ere: | cur 












7 1 




= 4 == 
h a7, 
uw if ‘ ‘\ 
° 4 x 
a a eS —_ 
Âą Pa \. 
4 aS ra See 
SN Ds 1842 - 1930 x 

nN 7 = fe 
; Fa s : ie 
+ = 

: COPENHAGEN TEMP. 1799-1930 



y bd So 


8 OF 


pial 4 


; 1865 - 1930 




1819 -1922 

pees es ee SS ae ee 



‘various stations. 


1842 - 1930 



ce eo t x 
ot RMA 2 F Re 
. .! Lie ee A tL ‘ o 
ee ae, ee ees Merge Dene hon ne ey tO ahin Soh TREO A N ; 
Ay CREEL Da i \ <. 

we Wl Ad 




NS Eo ea | 
pee uel Mead Ji a: ““92:mo.PeRIopIcy”~ 
aod YR KZ > as TEMP, 
















Os aS i 
H Se 7 
Gp Mo,} PERIODICITY = aos 








Ao 1 
1842 - 1798-1930 a 2 IN 1819 -1922 

oo) (2a 
| SZ seca 
“eae ae 
Napabescant eee 
~ ps2 | Seen a Se 

ieee ia 


S, '798-1930 4 
A. | ee SS 
4) a r s 









R! \ 



O72 44: 26:..6: Jor, 

eK Ay 

—| | e >| 4 
= ri 
== V ry 
2 ‘ c aa 
5 an 
tale “_% 





t < 

i ! | 
NS 4 4 +—— 7.0. Fe pit 

1830 - 1930 1793 - 1930 1853 - 1930 

ee eee i 


ad 1842 - 1930 




be ignored." Similarly the periodicity of 13.6 months was disclosed 
by five waves in the preliminary curves computed for 68 months. 

But it is freely admitted that if only one station had been investigated, 
some of the periodicities, especially those of 46 and 55 months might 
have been regarded as doubtful. Much support for the veridity of all 
of the longer periodicities is found by comparing results at several sta- 
tions. In order to help the reader to appreciate the value of this sup- 
port, I give in figure 19 some of the more convincing examples of 
each of the 14 different periodicities which are accepted as caused in 
terrestrial temperatures and precipitations by the solar influences 
integrally related to 23 years. To save space in depicting so many 
curves, certain special arrangements are made in figure 19, as follows: 
In the periodicities of 21, 34, 46, and 68 months, certain curves are 
inverted, as described in the legend. In the 25-month periodicity, odd- 
numbered curves are given separately from even-numbered curves. 
All of these arrangements emphasize the phase reversals already noted. 
As amplitudes are large in the longer periodicities, the scales of ordi- 
nates are diminished for them. 

It is believed that if the reader bears in mind the abundant evidence 
already presented, which shows that periodicities of 8, 93, 11, 12, and 
21 months change phases and forms radically at the expiration of 
integral multiples of 114 years after January 1819, he will be prepared 
to accept as veridical all of the periodicities shown in figure 19. 

Accepting this evidence as proving in general the veridity of all 
of these periodicities because they are all so well marked at some 
stations, and almost without exception in solar radiation, as shown in 
figure 7, it seemed but a matter of course to compute them for each 
and all stations, and for departures of both temperature and precipita- 
tion from normal. All such computations gave more or less favorable 
curves. Some curves covering short time intervals, had they stood 
alone, might not have been regarded indeed as expressing a veridical 
periodicity. But reinforced by the better curves representing that same 
periodicity for the same station at other intervals within the century, 
and by such evidence as is given in figure 19, even these less satis- 
factory curves were acceptable. 

If I am so fortunate as to have carried the conviction of the reader 
thus far, he will perhaps still ask, why I have stopped with 14 of the 
23 periodicities which are integral submultiples of 23 years, and 

11 These two periodicities, 93 and 34 months, and also the 92-month periodicity, 
were later discovered in solar radiation. (See fig. 7.) 


whether there are not other periodicities not integrally related to 23 
years. The answers to these questions will be found in sections 14-C 
and 14-D. 


Having evaluated and removed, in Berlin temperature departures, 
after the manner discussed in caption 14-B, periodicities of 7, 8, 9%, 
II, I2, 13.6, 21, 25, 34, 46, 55, and 68 months, mean values for 
each 6 months were computed from the residuals. From these 6-month 
mean values, periodicities of 92 and 138 months were sought. These 
computations were segregated into groups covering 23-year intervals. 
In both instances, groups I, III, and V showed considerable and 
nearly similar ranges of the periodicity, while groups II and IV 
showed slight ranges in opposite phase. These results are indicated 
in figure 20. The respective ranges are as follows: 

Ranges of Mean Values, Berlin 

92-month period 138-month period 
Eniemeatino hs lens tdlslewariclin acy cterlesiaicrresieleterciare Tec. 0:71; 
lhny several Ge JOR Epal INVsossannoaacusooonpes o.40G: OnsGs 

After removing all of the periodicities, including the two last men- 
tioned, the residuals remaining were compared with the original 
5-month smoothed temperature departures of Berlin as shown in 
figure 21. 

It is apparent that the range of the residuals shown in curve B of 
the figure is very much less than the range of the original data shown 
in curve A. The average amplitudes are in fact 0.°60 and 0.°90 C. 
Careful scrutiny has not suggested to us any other periodicities exist- 
ing in the residuals except perhaps the Bruckner period of 344 years. 
This seems to show an average amplitude of 0.°6 Centigrade in the 
residuals. For reasons explained at much length above, but by no 
means exhaustive of all the evidence in our hands, I believe that all 
of the many periodicities named above have real veridity, and that 
the processes described in their evaluation and removal are defensible. 
Further evidence, however, will follow. 

Nevertheless, I am sure that statisticians, if they take a snap judg- 
ment, will make the obvious remark that complex curves may be repre- 
sented with much accuracy by a Fourier analysis of 14 terms, though 
these terms have no physical significance whatever. For an example, 
Dr. D. C. Miller has represented almost perfectly the profile of a 
girl’s face by Fourier analysis in 30 terms. But I think great diffi- 

| | 


is ee RRL 






r <a 
rt ‘ 


on =< 

Âź > i> 
: i 


. Sans 

| | fad 
ave '@ SEs 


culty would be found in making a satisfactory Fourier analysis in 
14 terms of the temperature departures of Berlin from 1819 to 1929 
or in discovering by that method the remarkable reversals of phase 
which occur at intervals which are integral multiples of 114 years 
after 1819. Furthermore, I hope statisticians will be fair enough to 
weigh carefully the arguments I have presented, and having done so 
will suspend adverse judgment until they have examined what is yet 
to follow. 

Oo 1 2 3 4 5% 

Fic. 21.—Residuals after removing periodicities, Berlin temperatures. Heavy 
curves, original data, light curves, residuals. 


The periodicities employed in the preceding discussion were selected 
partly because they had been found in solar variation, partly because 
they seemed to appear in Berlin and other temperatures and precipita- 
tions. But it will be objected by some who ignore the fact that we re- 
peatedly scanned the curves, and sought all periodicities existing 
therein, that there was no reason for selecting integral submultiples 


of 23 years as the assumed periodicities whose validity was to be 
tested, or any particular time as better than another for departure, 
or any preferable time interval for delimiting the tables. Such hasty 
critics may suppose that any other periods or lengths of tables would 
probably have been equally successful. 

To test this objection, computations were carried through to test 
for the existence of periodicities of 7$, 10, 12, 12}, 15%, 19, and 29 

73 mo. 10 MO. 12 MO. 123 Mo. 152. MO. 19 MO. 29 MO. 
DSS iS) SAC USS Tan he 

S579NB13 579013513579 BI 7191 35 7 9 W 13 1517 19 2 2325 2798 
7 = eee = 





(eee BIN 

Fic. 22—Trials of periodicities not related to 23 years. Compare with figures 
19 and 23. 

months in the temperature of Berlin. These tabulations, like the 
others, commenced with January 1819, but were arranged in tables of 
10 lines. Thus they covered intervals of time having no particular 
relation to the 23 years which previous computations proved to be 
so important. The results are shown in figure 22. 

With regard to the 12-month periodicity, this analysis differs but 
little from that shown in figure 15. The first and second 12-month 
curves in figure 22 cover about the same intervals of time as in figure 
15. Also other pairs in figure 22, as the sixth and seventh, the eighth 



ese 50a ey Eze Se !3 5 79 il 13 15 17192! 1 S 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 
aS Ee EES 


-~— + 


Fic. 23——Cape Town periodicities in temperature departures. Bracketed 
pairs of curves each cover 23 years. For periodicities of 34 months or over 
only one curve is computed for each 23 years. 


and ninth, and the tenth with the eleventh correspond, respectively, 
closely to V-VI, VII-VIII, and IX-X of figure 15 in time intervals. 
Hence, results were to be expected in these cases nearly parallel to 
those previously obtained. 

But as to the other six sets of curves in figure 22, there is hardly a 
vestige of indication supporting the periods chosen, excepting for the 
last three curves among the 29-month group. The similarity of these 
three curves is indeed curious. In the 1o-month group there is the 
nearest semblance to continued periodicity. Here it may be that a 
case could be argued for a periodicity of 10 months plus 3 days. But 
this would be 1/27 of 273 months, and would but add one more to 
the group of nearly integral submultiples of 23 years, already discussed. 


Besides the temperature of Berlin, both temperature and generally 
precipitation also have been analyzed with equal thoroughness at 
Helsingfors, Copenhagen, Greenwich, Cape Town, and Adelaide. The 
results were very similar to those already discussed for Berlin. The 
dominating importance of the 23-year period displays itself quite as 
conspicuously in these other analyses as in the case of Berlin tempera- 
tures. That is to say, all the periodicities which seemed to be indicated 
were nearly integral submultiples of 23 years. Also if the date Janu- 
ary I, 1819, was selected as a point of departure, changes of phase and 
amplitude occurred abruptly at multiples of 114 or of 23 years 

As it is felt that the united evidence from these widely separated 
stations is of great importance, excerpts from the results from various 
stations are given in graphic form in figure 19. In addition, the com- 
plete analysis of the temperature of Cape Town is shown in figure 23. 


a. It is shown that 14 apparent periodicities may be found in the 
smoothed temperature departures of Berlin and other stations since 

b. Summing these periodicities and subtracting their sum from the 
original smoothed departures, the residual departures at Berlin have 
an average range of two-thirds of the originals. Similar results occur 
in the other analyses. 

c. Thirteen of the supposed periods are primarily attributed to solar 
changes, and are approximately aliquot parts of 23 years, being, re- 


spectively, some interval between 272 and 276 months divided by the 
following numbers: 
BOms45) 2659 255) 20 135) LL, 55) 055,45) sean: 

d. The fourteenth period is the terrestrial period, 12 months, which 
would certainly exist because no single expression of the march of 
the monthly mean temperature or precipitation fits satisfactorily over 
an interval of a century or more. 

e. The amplitudes of the 14 periodicities vary with respect to each 
other and also from time to time. 

f. The phases of the 14 periodicities vary from time to time. 

g. In a majority of cases the periodicities retain approximately the 
same phases, and to a less degree approximately the same amplitudes, 
through either 23 or 46 years, and then abruptly alter. 

h. In a minority of cases abrupt changes in phase and amplitude 
occur after a lapse of 114 years. 

i. The 12-month periodicity is no exception to the general rules laid 
down under g and h. 

j. Almost without exception, when phases remain unchanged 
through 23 years, such a 23-year interval begins an integral number 
of times 23 years after January 1819. 

k. The amplitudes of the periodicities disclosed in the temperature 
at Berlin range from 0.°2 to 1.°5 Centigrade. As stated in another 
form under b, these 14 periodicities combined account for about one- 
third of the whole range of 5-month smoothed departures from the 
normal in the temperature of Berlin. The amplitudes of temperature 
departure periodicities at other stations are of comparable magnitudes. 
In precipitation the amplitudes range from 20 to 300 percent. Here 
also the synthesis of the 14 periodicities found accounts for a sub- 
stantial part of the entire departures from normal in the 5-month 
smoothed values. These are by no means as striking results as were 
found in respect to the periodic features in the solar variation reported 
in caption 6. But it must be remembered that the terrestrial effects 
are subject to various disturbing intermediate influences, besides the 
original solar causes. 

]. Attempts to substitute some other set of periodicities, not related 
to the 23-year interval, are conspicuously less successful either to 
display continued periodic fluctuations or to bring to light any con- 
spicuous regularities of behavior such as those stated under g and h 

m. Other stations as widely separated from Berlin as Cape Town 
and Adelaide show similar results in temperature and rainfall with 
regard to numerous periodicities approximately integrally related to 
23 years, and governed in phase and amplitude by the lapse of integral 


multiples of 114 or 23 years from January 1819. It is therefore hard 
to attribute these similarities of behavior to causes not extra-terrestrial. 

Towarp THOsE WuIcH FOoOLLow 

It has been shown that the sun is variable. Its variations comprise 
numerous periodicities. These periodicities are so definite as to justify 
synthetic forecasts of solar variation. Apparently, all the periodicities 
in solar variation are integral subdivisions of 23 years. 

With this background it seemed reasonable to attempt to trace the 
effects of solar periodicities in weather. Analyses have been presented 
of temperatures and precipitation at several stations widely separated. 
The 23-year period is thereby found to exercise a dominating influence 
in weather. Numerous periodicities which are integral submultiples 
of 23 years seem to exist in weather. Nevertheless, changes of phase 
and amplitude complicate these relations. But it has been shown that 
these changes of phase and amplitude are apt to occur abruptly at 
times which are integral multiples of 114 or of 23 years after Janu- 
ary I, 1819. 

These studies lead us to expect that many of the features in weather 
which occur apparently unordered are really produced by the summa- 
tion of periodic changes integrally related to 23 years. Hence they 
will be apt to be found, though doubtless with considerable modifica- 
tion, in successive 23-year cycles. There is ground to expect that 
the similarity of such features will be greater after 46 than after 23 
years. As these periodic changes seem to be of solar origin they should 
be observable throughout the world. 

We may also expect that phenomena which depend intimately on 
the sunshine or the weather, such as the growth of vegetation, the 
numbers of creatures that feed on vegetation, the flow of rivers, the 
level of lakes, the thickness of varves, whether produced by the flow 
of glacial rivers or by the summer dessication of lakes, all such phe- 
nomena may display the influence of the 23-year cycle. In the re- 
mainder of this paper it will be shown in how far it has been found 
that these expectations are realized. 


In 1934, C. M. Saville” published a table of annual precipitation 
over southern New England given as percentages of base values from 
1750 to 1932. The values depend on reports from I to Io stations. 

“ Quart. Journ. Roy. Meteor. Soc., vol. 60, p. 324, 1934. 


In the same journal” I have used Saville’s data to indicate evidence 
for a periodicity of 22% years. I now incline to prefer 23 years, and 
have some reason to trace a periodicity of 46 years as well as one 
of 23 years. Accordingly, I have rearranged the data, omitting deci- 
mals of percentages, as given in table ro. 

These data are also shown graphically in figure 24. The first cycle 
of 23 years is discordant. It is, indeed, almost the exact inversion 
of cycle II. The latter is shown inverted by the dotted line on cycle I. 
A similar, though less complete inversion occurs with cycle VII. For- 
tunately, the cycles are in almost exact step with the important date, 
January 1819. This adds interest to these inversions, which, as we 
have seen, are apt to occur at integralmultiples of 11} years measured 
from 1819. Noting the considerable similarity of cycles III, V, VII 
as forming one group, and cycles II, IV, VI, VIII as forming another, 
I have plotted in curve IX the mean of groups III, V, VII, omitting I. 
In curve X, I have plotted the mean of groups II, IV, VI, VIII. Al- 
though both curves IX and X agree in many particulars, and both 
show a marked maximum at about the thirteenth year, they also tend 
to show opposition in some minor features, of the type which I have 
hitherto called, to give it a name, “‘ right- and left-handedness.” This 
tendency is apparent even in the individual 23-year cycles, for they 
show alternately the “left”? and “right ’’ tendency, corresponding to 
a 46-year period superposed on one of 23 years. The range from the 
first to the thirteenth year in the mean of group II, IV, VI, VIII is 
+18 percent, and in group III, V, VII, +9 percent. Having com- 
pleted cycle VII in the year 1933, and assuming that the average 
march shown by group III, V, VII will now take place, we may expect 
nearly Io percent more annual precipitation in Southern New England 
about 1945-1946 than in 1934. Should group II, IV, VI, VIII prove 
the more representative, then the precipitation about 1945-1946 would 
be nearly 20 percent above that of 1934. 


By courtesy of the United States War Department, Corps of Engi- 
neers, a set of charts of the levels of the Great Lakes was obtained. 
These charts were cut and pasted by the present author so as to present 
23-year intervals superposed. These charts all began with the year 
1860. R. E. Horton, hydraulic engineer, was good enough to send 
me additional data covering nearly completely the 23-year period 1835 
to 1859. This furnished valuable additional evidence. 

Figures 25 and 26 show these data on lake levels. Figure 25 gives 
original data for Lake Ontario. Figure 26 gives the march of yearly 

7 Quart. Journ. Roy. Meteor. Soc., vol. 61, pp. 90-92, 1935. 

o'r — 0°g — zziI— Sg — oS — Sr — S*ziI— o£ — zz OFST gest mene o'r gr I'zc —z'€ — Sb — zg oy — 21 ONE — I Ger — fei<ieiareiarejeroleinlersidiecsials IIIA 

‘IA ‘AI ‘II jo Ure 
‘z— “4 fp Zor ÂŁ:0—6°6 o'o ÂŁ6 OenT EZ o'9 «COT! £°S ov — ÂŁ3 — Lz 43— “4 —o'l ty 4 E°Z— "ITA SA ‘III JO ueayy 

“S$ — 6:2 — bb — Sr ve — Fg — Zi — 1h £-9 gZ ats Lz g:Z of—oL—S:'z— oz L£:0—v'0 — I1'h — 6:4 —°**""" ‘++ URaU [e1auar 
$— €— g— s$— or Ce == fr) SSeS zI— ZI z j= w= Oo [eae en Pee? = DoESoDeoboubSosodaa: IIIA 
II— z I oI— I— # /4 gI Z va Sz ZI == Zo) 11 9 T=" 46 oz 61 Ps IIA 
z— 6 oc — - ‘Oro £z ± 8 S I Z Z ZI 9 gi gI rat ± + alalales ofevevareretersierererctetereveloverr IA 
6 z p— ZI Po iT I 9 ol oz z z bz Pt wipe 2 ae Ges. tia Em ett e tee cece ence eee ees a 
g— 6— 41I- g— S$iI— zI—~ L£— 9 FI Il £ cS— te b vis = —_—s FU gI— oO £ Grr wohele te pietenereiers es sseretoiansieisie AI 
r-— ÂŁ gI Sz v ZI g— s§ gl 9 i— Cis Pe z i ÂŁ= © (Re Fe es) Oz GOOOODE DOS PObaUS ob oGe Ill 
4i— gz— PF L£— S = Se—. ir — Ib ZI rP— vi— bp— I oro Cy ttt tte ete eee e ees Il 
€— Sz— ti— o zI— €z— 1 S$— t— &&— 6— &r gz €&— “Z1— oi— 6 zz 11— Sz Tiva—s sais elshsssteleiassiefeielatetere(ersuiokceke I 

JDUAON Worf abvjuar4ag ui SaanjangaqE “PE6I-OSLI ‘punjbugy many usayynos fo uoyppidrraa4g ay} ui Sajmwv\j—Ol AAV], 



| = 7/ 9 iT 13 1S 17 19 2! 23 
pia i | 
A A [\ ean hin ff. 
\ ' ww 
Pica S 4 \ ' 
‘ a ry ' 1 
Ave \ | fl ep A 
IE \] 5 7 Ie ‘ 
‘ y 
\ ' 
‘ f) 
‘ ry 
: x \H V len y, 


1842 - 1864 /\ 
= NM | A 

1888-1910 ie 

Ee 1911-1933 J al 
is ee 
+5 —/\ MEAN oF II,V, Vi S 





. 24.—Cycles in the precipitation of southern New England. 
Dotted curve is cycle II inverted. 



HH tt bau egal sopguel 
aati EREbEe eat HA Htutesstss 

Sa a eassezeeeey (UgUEpE az 

Eres ee 



A ea 

ne ae | 



88] 1889, _is90_| taal | iso2 
gapanseaibicpasdeaasss a SESE RGzUG TECH ESEGRERE SEERESEUESES TpEzeg ozs aA 
a a A ‘ee SE 

Hina hide 

a 45 a 

i He a 


aid iH a 
ota ale tet Hi H 

ae i 


a ennentit 
He a 

1929 193 

From Official Records, 1910 to date. 


Fic. 25.—Levels of Lake Ontario, 23-year cycles. Note general s 











1878 1879 1880 


1874 (875 






sk "ONY 


=f AY 


=] AV 


=H “aad 


=} “ONv 


Li} “AON 








“335 | 

1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 



{ features a, b,c, d. 

te repetition o 

e about the sixth year, also approxima 



a a ie 

EE EEE ce See erienest} aESEaE| Sepsteneee nee TEE 

| 1876 _| wa [ 1878 | 
H Ha HEE ar rann: ry 
i He Hey 



BEE i 



ii i 

H 1044 i ie ia 1 4 eee ~ 
; ae a iii RAE ba SHE ae | i ee 1 

_ Rett iacetetan eh iE 

Hie iat 


1929 1930 | 1931 | 193 1933 | 1935 | 

From Official Records, 1910 to date. 

idence g - ve 
Note genet! bout the sixth year, also approximate repetition of features a, b, c, d. 

Fic. 25—Levels of Lake Ontario, 23-year cycles. 



means computed from the original data for four lakes. It is unneces- 
sary to include Lake Michigan, for its level practically duplicates that 
of Lake Huron. Some features, as the low levels of the intervals from 

( 3 5 7-9" ik N38. Seize NOMA 23) nS) See Oa las eS IO Alea 
1860 -1882 

{ E 

fh 1 iV ' 
Qo els, 
= 0 fe i 
Tee) ein n 
re} (nad) ion 
© ae fea) 
fo) i} 1 i \ 
x a 
a | 
: | \, i} aad 
co} a) „ Sei ' 
(o} t—H 
wa ' ! ' 
Ae eel 
"A Vall Lt 
(] / ! aN iV 
: ! WW) 
: i) 
uf Ă© 
! ! Hi 
' i! 
: i 
1 | ia 
1 Y 
| : i : f\ 
1929 - : 
© | ht Ries 
i) | 
wy raat | 

Fic. 26A.—Levels of Great Lakes, 23-year cycles. 

about the fourth to the tenth year, are so conspicuous as to be striking. 
This shows distinctly in all of the Lakes, but least so in Lake Superior. 
It may be remembered in this connection that much of the drainage 
into Lake Superior comes from far to the north and west in Canada, 


O 0.2 04 06 08 1.0 FT. 


S38 7S) I Ie (iS iy bales Ds 7 © 0 ie 0S ee) ae es) 

1837-1859 He 

ima | 







Fic. 26B.—Levels of Great Lakes, 23-year cycles. Note the marked 
subsidence culminating after 11 years in the full curves. 



where, at least in the last few years, the severe drought which affected 
our Northwestern Central States was less severe, or even absent. In 
the levels of Lake Ontario several minor features by which the yearly 
ranges have been decidedly modified seem to be repeated each 23 years. 
These features have been marked in figure 25 with letters. 

It is especially interesting, in view of caption 14-g, that the additional 
cycle for Lakes Huron and Erie furnished by Mr. Horton seems, 
when studied in connection with those commencing in 1883 and in 
1929, to indicate a 46-year cycle. The first and third, and so much as 
has elapsed hitherto of the fifth 23-year cycle in the levels of these two 
lakes since 1837 iridicate a much more conspicuous and long-continued 
low after about the fourth year than do the second and fourth cycles. 

It is not necessary to dwell upon the association which these figures 
seem to bear to the drought in Northwest Central United States in 
recent years. The inference, if the 46-year hypothesis is sound, is ob- 
vious, and disquieting for the immediate future. 

20. A FisHery TEST OF THE 23-YEAR HyporueEsis 

Dr. Paul Bartsch, of the United States National Museum, suggested 
to me that since ocean fishes live upon plankton, largely a vegetable 
product, then if the weather is governed by 23-year cycles, the fish 
food would probably be subject to related changes in its abundance. 
Hence the fish population, as reflected by the annual catch, might 
vary by 23-year cycles. On my application through the Bureau of 
Fisheries, Dr. O. E. Sette was good enough to supply Fishery Circular 
14, issued in 1933, and Bureau of Fisheries Document No. 1034, is- 
sued in 1928, which give, respectively, the catches of mackerel and 
cod taken since 1804. The catch of mackerel I read off from figure 1 
of the first cited document. The catch of cod is taken from table 2 
of the other. 

Very great changes of scale in the mackerel catch occurred after 
1816 and after 1885. In order to make the data fairly comparable, I 
omitted values of the mackerel catch 1804 to 1816, inclusive, and I 
multiplied the values recorded from 1886 to 1931, inclusive, by the 
factor 3. Five 23-year cycles remained for examination. No distortion 
of the 23-year cycles is produced by the alteration of scale at the date 
just noted, because it occurs at the beginning of a cycle. 

As for the cod, the catch reported was considerably smaller during 
the first half of the nineteenth century than since. In order to make 
my data more comparable, I omitted the years 1804 to 1811, inclusive, 
and multiplied the values from 1812 to 1857, inclusive, by the factor 
5/3 (again making the change of scale at the beginning of a cycle). 


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 

, ~ | 


' / HNN 
550 = (i SS 
4 i] Y N soll 
Hy) ' | i x 

500 aa 

ea aT 



Fic. 27.—Catch of mackerel and cod in the North Atlantic, 23-year 
cycles from 1812 to 1931. Curve for cod shifted in phase 2 years. Dotted 
curves and dashed curves are means of cycles I, III, V and II, IV 
respectively. Full curves are general means of all five cycles. 


Five 23-year cycles remained for examination, but they were based on 
the year 1812 for the cod instead of 1817, which latter was the basal 
year for the mackerel data. 

The results are given in tables 11 and 12 and in figure 27. Asa 
46-year cycle had frequently been encountered in weather data, I took 
a mean of the first, third, and fifth 23-year cycles separately from the 
mean of the second and fourth for both mackerel and cod fisheries. 
As there is little definite support for a 46-year cycle in these curves, 
I also took the general mean in each case. Thus three curves for each 
fishery are given in figure 27. 

The general mean range during the 23-year cycle for the mackerel 
fishery is astonishingly large, from 16 to 40 millions of pounds. For 
the cod fishery it is from 460 to 570 millions of pounds. The constitu- 
ent cycles, as indicated by the curves of partial means, support the 
general mean very well. Also when a difference of phase of 2 years 
and a difference of percentage amplitude of variation are both allowed 
for, as shown in figure 27, the two general mean curves are sur- 
prisingly similar. As noted above, it will be observed that neither the 
mackerel nor the cod curves show sufficient dissimilarity as between 
the partial mean curves to prove definitely that a 46-year period is 
superposed upon the 23-year period. Yet there are some indications 
of it, as seen in the tendency to opposition at certain years of the cycle, 
contrasted with the general fair agreement between the partial means. 

TABLE I1.—23-Year Cycles in North Atlantic Mackerel Fisheries, 1817-1931. 

Values Given in Millions of Pounds 

Cycle Mean Mean General 

— a — of cycles. of cycles mean 
I 2 3 4% 52 15-355 2A, all cycles 
6 Fi 41 33 18 22 20 21 
i} 8 37 36 6 17 22 19 
14 10 42 18 9 22 14 19 
16 9 38 12 9 21 II 17 
15 II 33 9 12 20 10 16 
24 28 29 21 24 24 24 24 
20 25 36 24 24 2 25 26 
26 34 51 27 30 36 30 34 
35 41 39 24 39 38 32 36 
22 29 28 12 18 23 21 22 
26 32 29 36 15 23 34 28 
32 45 42 9 18 31 27 29 
31 25 20 9 9 20 17 19 
43 18 35 12 12 30 15 24 
53 18 18 48 33 35 33 34 
30 29 27 33 27 28 31 29 
30 29 30 21 48 36 25 32 
35 24 47 24 72 51 24 40 
26 19 53 21 60 46 20 36 
22 14 52 24 48 41 19 32 
18 32 31 12 72 40 22 33 
14 26 65 27 66 48 26 40 
10 33 38 24 69 39 28 35 

@ These two columns are three times their originals, as stated in the text. 


TABLE 12.—23-Year Cycles in North Atlantic Cod Fisheries, 1812-1927. 
Values Given in Millions of Pounds 

’ Cycle Mean Mean General 
-o—_—_—_—-—-- of cycles of cycles mean 
1@ 24 3 4 5 T5355 2,4 all cycles 
414 434 385 568 469 423 501 454 
516 514 448 520 565 510 517 513 
548 479 488 568 546 527 523 526 
626 444 455 544 576 552 494 52 
604 524 466 486 652 574 505 546 
503 554 376 507 575 515 530 521 
584 608 382 419 468 478 514 492 
554 608 365 452 538 486 530 503 
526 569 340 419 546 471 494 480 
524 523 381 408 492 466 466 466 
516 608 342 477 441 433 542 477 
508 541 415 412 552 492 476 486 
513 519 438 416 602 518 467 498 
569 566 438 432 687 565 499 538 
564 710 421 502 641 542 606 568 
529 665 489 444 677 565 554 561 
531 625 583 448 536 550 536 545 
544 601 432 475 613 530 538 533 
559 573 408 504 578 515 538 524 
453 491 397 479 508 516 485 506 
376 680 308 408 472 415 589 485 
414 768 517 546 496 476 657 548 
484 842 516 524 564 521 683 586 

«@ These two columns are 13 times their originals, as stated in the text. 

River NILE 

C. F. Talman, librarian of the United States Weather Bureau, was 
good enough to draw to my attention to, and lend me, Prince Omar 
Toussoun’s “ Memoire sur histoire du Nil,’ Cairo, 1925. Volume 2 
of this publication gives an extended table of annual high- and low- 
water stages of the Nile beginning with A. D. 622. A short com- 
parison indicated to me that the low-water stage was preferable for 
my purpose. It showed much smaller apparently accidental fluctua- 
tions than the high-water stage. The earliest low-water records seemed 
probably less accurate, for they too showed wide irregular fluctuations. 
After about 1430 until 1839, the low-water stage records were unfor- 
tunately fragmentary, so that these four centuries had to be omitted. 
After 1884 the work of British engineers so greatly modified the 
natural flow of the river that the records cease to be useful for my 
purpose. Because of these several considerations, I limited my re- 
search to a study of low stages of the Nile for 690 years from 735 to 
1424, and 46 years from 1839 to 1884. 

Figure 28 gives a number of individual 23-year cycles in the level 
of the Nile at low water. It will be seen that the early cycles of the 
eighth century differ from the two cycles of the nineteenth century 
in phase, indicating either that there is a slight deviation from exactly 






5 10 15 20 5 10 iS 20 

W5 ln 


12.0 10.5 bs 



Ue 873-1010 


781- 803 

12.0 aT 

804-826 BS | 

=| 12.0 







Fic. 28—Low-level stages of the Nile River. Showing 23-year periodicity, 

A. D. 725-1424, and A. D. 1839-1885. See description in text. 


23 years, or a mutation of phase due to unknown causes. But the in- 
dividual 23-year cycles in both the eighth century and the nineteenth 
century show much similarity. Fortunately, they differ but little from 
being in step with the important date 1819. This adds interest to the 
apparent inversion of phase shown by cycles 1, 2; 4, 5; and 5, 6 of 
the early period. Figure 28 also includes five mean curves, each one 
the mean of 138 years or six successive 23-year cycles. Finally curves 
are given to represent the general mean forms of the 23-year cycle for 
542 years and 690 years of observation, respectively. These latter 
means are taken separately, because the 138-year period ending in 1424 
seems to show a change of phase tending to approach the form of 
cycles which prevailed from 1839 to 1884. 

The general result seems to be that the Nile, before its regulation 
by British engineering works, showed plainly the influence of the 23- 
year cycle. During the 690 years preceding 1424, the average range 
of the low level during the 23-year cycle was about 1 meter. The 
extreme range of the original values during any of those centuries 
seldom exceeded 2} meters, so that a very large part of it was due 
to the 23-year cycle. Maxima and minima repeated themselves so 
nearly in phase throughout the interval of 552 years from 735 to 1286 
that the cycle can hardly differ by as much as I month from 23 years. 


In the appendices to his “ Climatic Cycles and Tree Growth,” Vol- 
umes I and 2, A. E. Douglass gives many tables of measurements of the 
widths of tree rings from many localities. In volume 1, pp. 117-123, 
we find two records of Sequoia trees, the first of I to 4 trees extending 
from 1306 B. C. to 251 B. C., the second of 11 trees extending from 
274 8. C. to Ac De 1910; 

I have arranged most of these data in tables of 23 columns ad 
5 lines, each table covering I15 consecutive years. Each group of 
trees just referred to gave the same general type of result, namely: 
At the first part of each Douglass table, where the rings are wide, 
there is a well-marked indication of a periodicity of 23 years, as de- 
termined from my tables of 115 years’ duration. But the amplitudes 
of the curves diminish as time goes on. After two or three centuries, 
when the rings become much narrower, the 23-year periodicity prac- 
tically disappears. The same thing is also observed with the long 
Flagstaff table, 1390-1911, found in volume I on page 113. 

Figure 29, which contains but a few examples of my results, illus- 
trates the preceding statements. It seems but a reasonable considera- 


FLAGSTAFF 1392-1506, 


VOL. 94 





43 | 







aA_| LN 
| ONE i974 4 



-TREES 39,40, Ne 

DALLES 1765-1879 

i =| 

BOISE \ 1768-1882 











my aa 

Fic. 29—Cycles of 23 years in tree-ring widths. Average results of 115- 
year intervals. Numbers indicate percentage ranges of mean values representing 

I15 years. Note successive curves at Meadow Valley, Modern H, Pikes Peak, 
and Windsor. 


tion that while a tree is young, with its roots shallow and but little 
extended, the water supply on which growth so largely depends would 
respond more directly to periodic changes in precipitation than when 
the tree becomes very old, with a widely extended root system, possibly 
tapping never failing sources of water supply at a considerable dis- 
tance from its trunk. 

With this view in mind, I have for the most part restricted this in- 
vestigation of 23-year periodicity, and the illustrative curves to which 
I shall refer, so as merely to present periodic changes in the widths of 
tree rings from about 20 selected localities from which wide rings 
at the top of a Douglass table led down in a century or two to much 
narrower rings. In these cases it seemed most probable that his 
measurements had to do with young trees. 

Figures 29 and 30 give the results of these investigations. It appears 
that in all of these cases, tabulations extending over 115 years indi- 
cated changes of tree-ring width during 23-year cycles ranging be- 
tween 40 and 120 percent, and with such definiteness of gradation, 
from low to high and return, as seems in harmony with the idea of 
periodicities of 23 years in the water supply on which the tree growth 

In another investigation of this subject I have kept each 23-year 
cycle by itself, but have combined the results from five localities in 
southern California and Nevada. In that way I have determined indi- 
vidually the march of four successive 23-year cycles from 1829 to 
1920 as represented by the average thickness of the rings of about 40 
trees from five separate localities. Figure 30 shows these results. 
Not only is a 23-year cycle apparent, but many details are reproduced 
with such moderate alterations of phase and amplitude as to give 
reasonable certainty of the veridity of these minor features in all four 
cycles. As remarked above, the amplitudes of these features which 
compose the cycles tend to diminish as the trees grow older. 


In a paper by C. A. Reeds,” he gives many pages of illustrations 
representing the march of the thickness of glacial varves near the 
Connecticut and Hackensack Rivers. Independent measurements by 
Antevs and Reeds are shown. Continuous series represent the present 
thicknesses of these varves resulting, it is believed, from annual 
weather-reactions extending in unbroken sequence for nearly 1,000 

* Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Inst. 1930, pp. 295-326, 1931. 






1852 -18 


ge a) 

a (a 


: fees 

YEARS 5 fe) 15 20 

Fic. 30.—Cycles of 23 years in tree-ring widths. Individual cycles of 
23 years show features which are found preserved in the mean of four 
cycles, or 92 years. 


The varves are supposed to have been formed as follows: During 
Pleistocene glaciation considerable melting of the surface of the ice, 
as well as copious rainfall, took place during the summer of each year. 
This produced glacial torrents which scoured the sides of the glacial 
valleys and carried down sediment. Settling occurred in the quiet 
lakes which at the foot of the glacier intercepted the torrential flow. 
In such settling the coarser particles reached bottom first, and the 
finer particles were superposed thereon. The settling took place mainly 
in the colder months after the melting had greatly diminished and 
snow rather than rain fell, so that the turbulent streams nearly ceased. 
In this way each year a layer of sediment was deposited, coarser at 
bottom, finer above, and layer after layer formed as the years succeeded 
each other. 

Many thousand years have since passed. Many variations of pres- 
sure, of hardness, of exposure, and of still other factors must be 
supposed to have affected the thickness of varves, besides the warmth 
and the rainfall, of which we are now to invoke them as the witnesses. 
Hence we can not hope to find the 23-year cycle very sharply defined 
in varve thicknesses. But it may be that by taking the mean values 
over intervals of 115 years, covering five cycles each, as was done with 
the tree-ring measurements, interesting results will appear. 

With this anticipation I read off from Reeds’ plots the thickness 
of varves for a continuous interval of 575 years, and arranged the 
values in five tables of 23 columns and 5 lines each. In figure 31, I 
give the results of that investigation. It seems to show that in Pleisto- 
cene time, as now, a 23-year cycle in temperature and rainfall resulted 
from the summations of the effects of periodic variations of the sun. 
Eight crests which appear in the general mean seem to be present 
almost without exception in very nearly the same phase in the five 
constituent curves. The range of values plotted in the general mean 
curve, F, is from 1.44 to 2.00, a range of 4o percent. The range in 
curve A is from 1.02 to 2.22, a range of 120 percent. 


Dr. Wilmot H. Bradley, United States Geological Survey, was 
so good as to furnish me with several sets of measures of varves 
and tree rings relating to Eocene times. These data included a con- 
tinuous series of varves from the Green River formation, Parachute 
Creek, Colo. They appear to have been formed by the annual ex- 
pansion and drying up of a lake bed. These varves each presented 





YEARS 5_| 10 15 20 


Fic. 31—Cycles of 23 years in Pleistocene varves. 
Average results of 115-year intervals. 

VOL. 94 

two fairly well differentiated layers, one rich in organic material, the 
other in mineral substance. The measurements give the thickness 
of each part, and I have also added them to give the total thickness. 

Dr. Bradley remarks that “the organic-rich portion of each varve 
represents the material derived from the plankton produced in the 
lake each summer, and as the volume of the plankton varies directly 
with the amount of sunlight and the temperature (assuming an ade- 
quate food supply) it seems reasonable to expect a correlation with 
variations in solar energy..... The mineral-rich layers consist 
largely of carbonate, and therefore may also be expected to vary in 
thickness with the temperature of the lake water.” 

Figure 32 gives a 23-year analysis of these data. Five successive 
cycles of the march of the total thickness of the varves are given, 
and the general mean of them all, covering 115 years. In addition, 
I give the general mean for the 115 years of the thicknesses of the 
organic and inorganic parts separately. All three mean curves show 
a similar march, including certain details. All appear to show not 
only the 23-year cycle, but the approximately 114 year cycle as well, 
though with alternately slightly longer and shorter intervals. The 
ranges of the mean curves are about 100 percent. 

Dr. Bradley also furnished measurements of the widths of the 
annual rings extending from the center to the bark in a fossil conifer- 
ous tree of late Green River Eocene age. There were 107 successive 
rings measured. On arranging the data in 23-year cycles, they proved 
inharmonious to this arrangement. On rearranging them in five cycles 
of 214 years, the result shown in figure 32 was found. In this ar- 
rangement the first two cycles are discordant, but the last three, cover- 
ing over 60 years show a beautiful accord. May it not be that during 
some part of the Eocene, lasting millions of years, the unknown forces 
which govern the periodicities in solar variation acted more vigorously 
than in other parts of the Eocene, the Pleistocene, or the Recent ? 


As stated under caption 9 departures from normal monthly tempera- 
ture and rainfall and 5-month traveling means therefrom have been 
computed from “ World Weather Records.” These relate to more 
than 100 stations in many parts of the world. The departures were 
smoothed by 5-month traveling means in order to eliminate such rapid 
and abrupt fluctuations as would obscure principal trends. Lack of 
funds prevents the publication of these valuable data. 

It follows that should the working hypothesis outlined in caption 17 
be a true one, then such a series of departures from normal tempera- 


LS Sy pe SI Tee ee aie za ce ey ee te). ai (ep WS Tile fs: i) 2) 




1 inf 5 AA AA 

oe | 







Fic. 32—Cycles disclosed in varves and tree rings of Eocene age. 


ture or from normal rainfall as just described must show numerous 
features during any 23-year cycle which would tend more or less 
strongly to be reproduced in each succeeding 23-year cycle. To test 
this probability, the data on departures from normals of temperature 
and precipitation for all available stations were plotted on sheets of 
specially prepared plotting paper. These sheets were ruled in abscis- 
sae to represent 276 months or 23 complete years, and in ordinates to 
present 300 millimeters, or 30 centimeters. 

As an illustration, figures 33 and 34 present the percentage precipita- 
tion of Peoria, Ill., and the temperature departures of New York 
City. Features thought to be common in successive 23-year periods 
are indicated on the curves by letters. Principal trends are also to 
be observed. A dotted continuation of the last line of the plot covers 
the years 1934, 1935, and 1936. This continuation represents the 
mean expectation as based on former cycles. As the features in 
former cycles show considerable differences, such a mean can only 
roughly indicate their future forms. The method of drawing the mean 
which is the most probable expectancy may be clearly understood by 
observing the faint construction lines above and below the dotted con- 
tinuation. Similar continuations for 1934, 1935, and 1936 were drawn 
before the events occurred, and may be regarded as forecasts for both 
precipitation and temperature for over 30 stations in the United States. 

A year having elapsed, the actual departures of temperature and 
precipitation for all of these stations just mentioned were computed 
and smoothed by 5-month traveling means. These observed results 
for 1934 were plotted alongside of the predicted values for 1934. By 
inspection the agreement was then classified as “ Excellent,” “ Fair,” 
“ Half and half,” or ‘‘ Bad.’’ Under this classification the cities were 
grouped as follows: 

A. Temperature. ; 
Excellent, 7: Eastport, Key West, Detroit, Salt Lake, Helena, Port- 
land, San Diego. 
Fair, 17: Albany, New York, Washington, Hatteras, Mobile, Nash- 
ville, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Omaha, 
Bismarck, Cheyenne, Denver, Santa Fe, Red Bluff, 
Half and half, 3: New Haven, Galveston, North Platte. 
Bad, 4: Charleston, Little Rock, Abilene, San Francisco. 
B. Precipitation. 
Excellent, 11: Eastport, Burlington, New York, Detroit, Chicago, 
Duluth, St. Paul, St. Louis, Little Rock, North 
Platte, Bismarck. 



‘si9}}9] Surpuodsa1109 Aq payszeUl JIB S9AIND [BIOAIS 94} UI SoINyeady Surpuodsasi0y ‘aaind po}jop ay} Aq passosdxa 

pue ‘ejyep snorAsid wo. payoipoid gf61 ‘S61 ‘“PE61 sreax 

(SS i” A 


TIT “ett0og Jo uorjezdiso1d 94} ul afoAo aAeah-fz sy T—EE ‘oI 

a RNs 
wi Smeeieitvtras Serimat yee 

ool oy 

Ai ES ea 

we WA 




O00) 2 8| 4) SOF. 


Piaf af re 


! ) 

! ! TNA | iY 9344 

ireie Ht TA Acaalauies 

A\ ion (a a Aa amc 

Vell IP \y ee 

a] es fo 
W i aa eae 

\f — | SSeS oe 

eas | ee a | 

Fic. 34.—The 23-year cycle in the temperature departures of New York City. 

Years 1934, 1935, 1936 predicted from previous data and expressed by the dotted 

curve. Corresponding features in the several curves are marked by corresponding 


Fair, 11: New Haven, Albany, Philadelphia, Washington, Charles- 
ton, Peoria, Galveston, Santa Fe, Denver, San Fran- 
cisco, Spokane. 

Half and Half,8: Key West, Cincinnati, Omaha, Helena, Salt Lake, 

San Diego, Red Bluff, Portland. 

Bad, 5: Hatteras, Mobile, Nashville, Abilene, Cheyenne. 

In order to give the reader a fair idea of this system of ranking 
these forecasts, I present in figure 35 a sample prediction and verifica- 
tion during 1934 from each group named above. 

As a further comment on the basis on which these predictions rest, 
I refer again to figures 33 and 34 which show precipitation and tem- 
perature departures arranged in 23-year cycles. It is observed, as 
illustrated in figure 34 and as might be expected in view of caption 
14-g, above, that frequently the resemblance is closer between cycles 
separated by 46 years, than by those separated by 23 years.” Changes 
of phase and of amplitude certainly exist between repetitions of the 
characteristic features which comprise a 23-year cycle. These must 
indeed have been expected in view of the discussion given above of 
the periodicities in the departures at Berlin and other stations. Never- 
theless, in the preparation of nearly 70 three-year predictions, above 
mentioned, the conviction was steadily deepened that many features 
may nearly always be recognized in successive 23-year cycles. 

Owing to the great financial importance which these predictions 
would assume if they could be regarded as trustworthy, it has seemed 
improper to publish them until the lapse of another year, or even 2 
years, shall have proved to what extent they may be relied upon. 

Employing only weather data previous to and including 1921, fore- 
casts have been made, first for Bismarck, N. Dak., in one continuous 
interval from 1922 to 1932, and then by successive steps for Vienna, 
Austria, and North Platte, Nebr., in 11 intervals of 1 year each from 
1922 to 1932. These forecasts and their verifications are shown in 
figures 36 and 37. 


Evidence has been presented which seems to show that the radiation 
of the sun varies in a complex mode comprised of the summation of 
I2 or more periodicities, all of which are integral submultiples of 
23 years. Corresponding periodicities have been traced in weather, and 
several other weather periodicities have been found which are also 
integral submultiples of 23 years. Inversions, or at least major changes 
in form, phase, or amplitude, have been disclosed in the periodicities 

© Compare the general swing of curves 2 and 4 in figure 34. 







[pa ae Ree a eS 



Fic. 35.—Sample forecasts and verifications. Dotted curves are forecasts. 
Grades of results: A, excellent; B, fair; C, half and half; D, bad. Left, tem- 
perature; right, precipitation. 

VOL. 94 


UORIYLIOA YIM “YRC “N ‘YeUlstq JOT JsedaI10} Jea{-udAI]y—OE “OT 

G3aANKaSsO-Q = 1sv9340s-> 

wry ff 


Bz 6 61 



om Wr 


BALYWd30} IUNivyadW3aL 3 
° e.° 


FROM Rae AL=0.9°C. iN SIGN SAME, 72 

ix, . : Âą 

* | FROM PREDICT. A Sen OPPS'0,48 

: inary UES 


FROM NORMAL=24 0% * SIGN SAME, 80 + 
FROM PREDICT.=230% ; i a. i 

ee ees 
TRG cote 
a | es hee 

Fic. 37.—Eleven-year forecasts for Vienna, Austria, and North Platte, Nebr., 
with verifications. Forecasts made step by step. 


of weather. These are found to occur at integral multiples of 114 years 
measured from January 1819. 

These phenomena, if accepted as facts of Nature, propounded to us 
several problems: 

A. Why should the sun, a gaseous body, emit complex pulsations 
of radiation which are of the nature of a fundamental and 11 or more 
overtones? A violin string may do this, but why should a gaseous 

B. Why should the terrestrial responses to these pulsations show 
changes of phase, form, and amplitude at intervals intimately related 
to the fundamental period of 23 years? 

C. Are the terrestrial responses of an order of magnitude reason- 
ably corresponding to the solar impulses? 

For question A, I confess that I have no suggestion to offer. I must 
leave its solution to those theorists who may be convinced by section I 
of this paper that there is a real body of facts which prove the existence 
of complex solar variation. 

As for question B, the most natural hypothesis is to assume that the 
phases and amplitudes of the solar periodicities themselves change 
from time to time at intervals related to 115 years. Solar-constant 
observations are not yet of long enough standing to verify this. I have 
therefore sought to find some helping clue in a regularity of behavior 
regarding changes of phase among the different stations. In this in- 
quiry I have compared the changes shown by the 8-, II-, 2I-, 25-, 
and 68-month periodicities in temperature as presented by the various 
stations Berlin, Copenhagen, Helsingfors, Greenwich, Cape Town, 
and Adelaide. It seemed superfluous to examine the precipitation which, 
as meteorologists are aware, is loosely dependent on temperature. 

I have devised a sort of shorthand adapted to exhibit the results of 
this comparison. It is shown in figure 38. At the left of each sub- 
figure will be found the approximate dates of beginning and end of 
each 114-year interval for which tabular computations of periodicities 
were made. Under the names of the stations appear symbols which 
are designed to represent the types of curves found during the 
various intervals of 114 years. These symbols are five in number, 
but may be combined to indicate that the first half of a curve is of 
one type, and the second half of another. The symbols are as follows: 
Numbers I and 2 are vertical and horizontal lines. They represent 
inverted phases of curves of approximately the same form. Numbers 
3 and 4 are lines inclined at 45° respectively to the left and the right. 
They also represent inverted phases of curves of approximately the 
same form, but of a form essentially differing from that represented 








al we 



Fic. 38.—Comparison of stations 

|e ie eee 1) 








ie lr) 





with respect to phase-change of periodicities. 

Pika la 
ES oe | 

ogee tos 


by symbols 1 and 2. Number 5 is a zigzag line. It represents an inde- 
terminate form of curve not similar to those represented by 1, 2, 3, 
and 4. It is not intended to imply that curves 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 are 
always similar in form as between representations of periodicities of 
different stations or periodicities of different lengths. It is only im- 
plied that all curves I and 2 within a single vertical column of the 
same subfigure are approximately similar though inverted, and all 
those represented as 3 and 4 within a single vertical column of the 
same subfigure are approximately similar though inverted. 

Owing to local influences, it was not to be expected that complete 
harmony would prevail throughout all the subfigures. But if the 
changes of phase and form in terrestrial periodicities to which ex- 
tended references have been made, are due to radical changes in the 
solar radiation, it would naturally be expected that similar mutations 
of phase and form would tend to occur in all terrestrial periodicities 
and all stations at about the same time. 

Figure 38 seems to show that on the whole this expectation is fairly 
supported by the facts. Though exceptions occur, there is a prevailing 
tendency for inversions to occur in all periodicities and all stations 
simultaneously. Thus, for illustration, at the years 1841, 1864, and 
1910, reversals or at least major modifications of form occurred in 
nearly all cases, and this also frequently happened at the year 1887. 
It is believed that the exceptions are neither more numerous nor more 
radical than might fairly be attributed to local terrestrial influences 
affecting conditions differently at these widely separated stations. 

If this conclusion is sound, modifications may well be expected from 
the prediction I have ventured of solar variation for the years 1935, 
1936, and 1937 as given in figure 7. For on that basis it is very 
probable that a radical change in the phases or amplitudes of solar 
variation, or in both, will have occurred about 1934, being 115 years 
after 1819, and will greatly modify solar variation in subsequent years. 
But yet this result might not occur, for at several epochs the terrestrial 
periodicities appear to have continued stability for 23 years or even 
longer, which might call for a similarly long-lived stability in the solar 
variation, and no mutation of it in 1934. 

As for the third query, C, let us restrict our investigation to the in- 
terval 1920-1930, for it is only then that we have actual observations 
of the amplitudes of the periodicities, both of the solar radiation and 
the terrestrial temperature. In table 13 I give the amplitudes of the 
periodicities expressed in percentages of the solar constant (1.94 
calories per square centimeter per minute) and in percentages of 
the absolute temperature of the earth, which I take as 290° Centigrade. 








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The result of this investigation indicates that the percentage change 
of terrestrial temperatures is from 33 to 96 percent of the percentage 
change of solar radiation involved in corresponding periodicities. 

It might have been supposed that since the earth radiates approxi- 
mately as a “black body,” the relationship would be governed by 
ae ae 

Stefan’s law, R=o T*. In that case = r 

the percentage temperature ranges to be only 25 percent of the per- 
centage solar ranges. The actual figures deviate from this in the sense 
of showing larger temperature ranges than would be expected. Yet 
the discrepancy is not so great that one cannot entertain as an explana- 
tion the contributing influence of indirect causes, such as cloudiness, 
which might produce changes quite as great as the primary direct 
cause, variation in solar radiation. 

, and we should expect 


In the foregoing paper I have tried to present within moderate com- 
pass a general view of an investigation started by Dr. Langley more 
than half a century ago, carried on in recent years with the indis- 
pensable financial, intellectual, and moral assistance of Mr. John A. 
Roebling, the National Geographic Society, and others, and now ap- 
parently reaching definite conclusions as to the dependence of weather 
on the variation of the sun. 

I am painfully aware that the limitations of space and funds, the 
extensive mass of evidence on which I base conclusions, my own inept- 
ness in its presentation, and the preoccupation of readers with other 
concerns must all combine to prevent even the most interested of 
readers from deriving that vivid conviction of the truth and importance 
of these conclusions which is shared with me by those of my colleagues 
and friends who are most conversant with the evidence. Nevertheless, 
I hope I shall not have failed to convince the reader of the following 

1. The output of radiation of the sun varies, as proved by simul- 
taneous observations at three stations remote from each other. 

2. The solar variation, seemingly irregular, really comprises 12 or 
more regular periodicities, which support successful predictions of 
solar changes for years in advance. 

3. The periodicities in solar variation are integral submultiples of 23 

4. These same and other periodicities which are all integral sub- 
multiples of 23 years occur in departures from normal temperatures 


and precipitations at numerous terrestrial localities. The inference is 
that solar changes influence weather. 

5. Changes of phases and amplitudes occur in these terrestrial 

6. The changes of phases and amplitudes in these terrestrial peri- 
odicities occur at integral multiples of 113 years measured from 
January 18109. 

7. On account of the integral relationships of the terrestrial peri- 
odicities to 23 years, the weather at all stations contains features which 
tend to repeat themselves at intervals of 23 years. 

8. On account of reversals of phase of some of the periodicities at 
23-year intervals rather than at 114-year intervals, some of these 
features are more accurately reproduced at intervals of 46 years than 
at those of 23 years. 

9. Various phenomena depending on weather show the influence of 
the 23-year cycle. Among those examined are the level of the Nile 
River, the levels of the Great Lakes, the rainfall of Southern New 
England, the widths of tree rings, the abundance of cod and mackerel, 
the thickness of varves of Pleistocene and Eocene ages. 

10. From tabular and graphic representations of departures from 
the normal in both temperature and precipitation for more than 100 
stations, the weather’ itself has disclosed many features which repeat 
themselves in cycles of 23 years, and which though obscured by modi- 
fications of phase and amplitude may support predictions of future 
weather conditions. 

11. Forecasts based on these relations having been made to cover 
the years 1934, 1935, and 1936 for more than 30 stations in the United 
States, these forecasts are fairly well verified both as to temperature 
and precipitation in 1934. 





Curator, Division of Physical Anthropology, 
U. S. National Museum 


OCTOBER 18, 1935 

The Lord Baltimore Press 



Curator, Division of Physical Anthropology, U. S. National Museum 


IER OMIT CtION Me teem eT arr ae ke beater etahide wie A Re ee aie 2 
Paes PeCul ations mane ee tenes aie Ware oe siavefene bors Sassi eee Se 2 
Watermtheoriesm meres tere ae i cork ee fee eeiewiee ee ee a ene 5 
Documentary and material evidences ccs. en sa. . <0 ocle oe ve antec sees 6 
(hee Negroes, OruManien and (Pert. : o<'0 a oo a oceoleneeesee 6 
hes acoamSam tans kirlllisepremeyscrsy tere succes auc sronsl Stores neo sxc ee 9 
dihesskeletal@remainsson lower Calitorniaes 5+ soccer eeceeeeaneneene II 
‘(hhesbuningandedunehbouskullshaascemeeee eee oeea ee cee oe reee ener 19 
Other g-find Swans tect eee ae che cases hee Sane ee 20 
IEATES tenth eC OLieS me tery aera eat aka rte ait eres ec ae 22 
UC EAT Sc uea yep are sae eae MA cc cent AE CNS cot eaustas nic ids au eS 26 
Mae “IWidkimesigme ” Gi IBolliiah, 6s4ccauaccaucaoccugsuseasr suena 27. 

SET UERC UC Sameer ota Pet tener ane <rSueets cco iunk i slo Sucheeuataes ichawe alenenaae ee 30 
DISCUSSION Pee PMR Aree eet pew tne lee bk oc Nn ee ee 33 
MN UETLES area ete Rete RUE RI CUAL tis SN Eic Seen Nic abseil Gaaltabe, Gites ate iS utes Eee 33 
EESSEETISTON MM PRT CTE Ie ee er ace Ce Saris Si ae Ob Wate ge gees 35 
Culturaleremainsh eee ccicctte cooks sis eee aoe eee ea ese 35 

ae Melanesians cine onthe Americas. ene sae cn ae na nemereeeeee fee 36 
Skincare nosewanduothetercattines semen aie meena nnae inane 39 
Mhesckulleandsthecskeleton meen .sttc-saee cis row sstle ne cee tac ne soe 40 
Wdditional notes) cower | Califoriiiaies 4s o)1../20 4 aot va aes eee 4t 
Physical characters of the Lower California aborigines............... 43 
INCI Carell CEIO TIS re tars cae NEA Gertie erate cate ron tin Shiau hae ee faite Suh iowa 44 
Moademimexnlorationtt sists wae suo se eae teach ei ee ee 44 
Skeletalisremainsm eowenCalitornia) sensei eee nena iene ne 45 
IRGESIBTODYS” hacks eatd cla ca SR at One ens uP Ne tC Com ora ENR rr et pee eo Sans 47 
PAD O STA phiGmNOteST weve me serous ik ree ete ihe Sse re ee Ee tere 49 
RIS ASCLLA MEE va TAC eas Cee Toone Sette] Ser IS aE en eneaas 49 

(Gri iresn ta bis) ol bist cece chee eRe eRe Se ECR ERC aC eget Pea vr ae 49 

WAZ CANTON Rope teil eee oraie ao AS Sade Bens Mio ea EN A he IR Fc cveraii isn a 49 

Dixon) eae. APSO OR ORR NEE RCO MTEC TTT To Ne eee 50 
LEBER ED ALENT Les cr cpa ACTOR PRET ER CDEC OCR era eae ot Ma 51 

IN Ord OriSlc1@ Leleess cai ce ctians Se esas tenet Taye ee ee cr ee 51 

ING CO! eater ere ye ere tear at er RR a ee td 51 

TODAS Ee epee openssh eves claws homate A wrayaee uel See eee aioe ae ares es 51 

IN Val TTC rammes Rpa ee ees cas ete cay etary Seep NARA SENT At Se, et oN Bie 51 
Mettekeim emia sre tic toh ony he ti iata dele tepeieeetat eine ea een sate eee ei tangle 52 
Piteratinem Citedemepn erie crt cra nar otic Ne crSate re ak Re eA hoops as oe sdats 52 




Speculation as to the origin of the American Indians dates from 
almost the moment of their discovery. It dates more particularly from 
the voyages of Vespucci, Balboa, and Magellan, which showed that 
America was a new world with new people. These people, as is well 
known, were taken by Columbus for the inhabitants of “ the Indies ”, 
whence their collective name of “Indians”. When this notion was 
shown to have been erroneous, there was a general effort to find their 
derivation; and as there were neither traditions nor any other data 
on the subject, a mass of opinions gradually accumulated. 

The derivation of the American natives came to be attributed by 
different writers, in the course of time, to one or another of practically 
all the peoples of the Old World who knew navigation. Gradually, 
however, most of the initial theories came to be dropped, leaving a 
small but tenacious residue. Three main hypotheses remained. The 
first was that the Indians were the descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes 
of Israel. Lord Kingsborough, as late as the earlier half of the last 
century, bankrupted himself trying to prove this contention; and 
there are some who incline to believe thus to this moment. The second 
opinion, fathered by many, was that America had been reached and 
populated by various Old World peoples, of different racial origins, 
such as the Carthaginians, the Norsemen, other Europeans, and the 
Asiatics. This view gradually changed, on supposed cultural, mor- 
phological, and especially linguistic grounds, to a form which will be 
discussed later. The third hypothesis, upheld as early as 1635 by 
Brerewood, was that the Indians as a whole were of Asiatic ancestry 
and related to the Tartars and Mongolians. 

It is the second theory, or that of multiple origins, in its present 
aspects which is to be discussed more especially in this paper. It 
postulates that more than one race contributed to the original peopling 
of the American continent, and while conceding the main element 
to have been northern Asiatic, would bring here contingents of ab- 
original man from as far as Polynesia, Melanesia, and Australia. The 
principal exponent of this thesis at the present time is Rivet, the 
well-known and able French Americanist. 

A brief historical review of the field will be useful. 


A remarkably sensible opinion on the subject of the origin of the 
American Indians is met with as early as 1590 in the book of Padre 


Acosta, one of the best informed of the earlier authorities on America. 
He says: 

It seems to me very probable that there came in times past to the West Indies, 
overcome by strong winds, men who had no thoughts of such a voyage..... 
We may thus assume that the New World commenced to be inhabited by men 
who had been driven there by contrary winds, as in the end happened with the 
discoveries in our own times.’ 

But the presence of various animals on the continent that are also 
known in the Old World indicated, Acosta believed, that the land 
somewhere in the as yet unexplored far north joined or closely ap- 
proached that of the Old World. If this were so, then it would be 
easy to resolve the problem of the coming of man. He came not only 
over the sea but also traveling by land. This journey, too, was made 
without planning, little by little; and thus in the course of time were 
filled the lands of the West Indies by so many nations, peoples, and 

His conclusion is that man of the Old World gradually extended 
his domain until he reached the New, aided in this by the continuity 
or vicinity of land; and that, while there may have been different 
ways of peopling the very extensive American territories, the princi- 
pal and truest cause of the peopling of the New World was this con- 
tinuity or nearness of its land with that of some part of the Old 


*“Assi’que me parece cosa muy verisimil, que ayan en tiempos passados venido 
a Indias hombres vencidos de la furia de el viento, sin tener ellos tal pensa- 
mento. . 2. . Assi qu podriamos pensar, que se commenco a habitar el nuevo 
orbe de hombres, a quien la contrariedad del tiempo, y la fuerga del Nortes, 
echo alla, como al fino vino descubrirse en nuestros tiempos..... Concluye 
pues con dezir, que es bien probable de pensar, que los primeros aportaron a 
Indias por naufragio y tempestad de mar.” (Pp. 67-68.) 

*Los primeros pobladores de las Indias “passaron no tanto nauegando por 
mar, como cammado por tierra. Y esse camino lo hizieron muy sin pensar, 
mudando sitios y tierras su poco a poco. Y unos poblando las ya halladas, otros 
buscando otras de nuevo, vinieron por discurso de tiempo a henchir las tierras de 
Indias, de tantas naciones, y gentes, y lenguas..... El lineage de los hombres 
se vino passando poco a poco, hasta llegar al nuevo orbe, ayudando a esto 
la continuidad o vezindad de las tierras y a tiempos alguna nauegacion; y que 
este fue el orden de venir, y no hazer armada de proposito, ni suceder algun 
grande naufragio. Aunque tambien pudo auer en parte algo desto: porque siendo 
aquestas regiones larguisimas, y auiendo en ellas inumerables naciones, bien 
podemos creer, que unos de una suerte, y otros de otra, se vinieron en fin a 
poblar. Mas al fin en lo que me resumo es, que el continurase la tierra de 
Indias con essotras de el mundo, alomenos estar muy cercanas, ha sido la mas 
principal, y mas verdadera razon de poblarse las Indias.”’ (P. 81.) 


By 1607, the time of Padre Garcia, another of the older authorities 
on the Indians, the opinions as to the origin of the latter are already 
legion. He summarizes them under Io headings as follows (p. 12) : 

Over the seas (Ophir, Tarsis, and others). 

Over the seas, accidental (storms, winds). 

Over the land, or where the New World closely approached the Old, 
in the far north. 


The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. 

Other Semites. 


Europe: Old Spanish, Romans, Greeks, Phoenicians, Canaanites. 

Chinese (especially in Peru), Japanese, Coreans, Tartars. 

Autochthone; Egyptians, Moors, and other north Africans; Canary Is- 
landers; Ethiopians (Yucatan); old French, Celts; English and Irish; 
Courlanders; Troyans; Norwegians, Danes, Germans, Frisians; etc. 




Garcia’s own opinion is a sort of compound of all the above. He 

The Indians proceed neither from one nation or people, nor have they come 
from one part alone of the Old World, or by the same road, or at the same 
time, in the same way, or for the same reasons; some have probably descended 
from the Carthaginians, others from the Ten Lost Tribes and other Israelites, 
others from the lost Atlantis, from the Greeks, the Phoenicians, and still others 
from the Chinese, Tartars, and other groups.” * 

Others of the more noteworthy earlier authors who have ranged 
themselves more or less on the side of multiple origins of the Ameri- 

*“ los Indios que oi ai en las Indias Occidentales, i Nuevo Mundo, ni proceden 
de una nacion, i Gente, ni a aquellas Partes fueron de sola una de las del 
Mundo Viejo, ni tampoco caminaron, 0 navegaron para alla los primeros Pob- 
ladores por el mismo camino, i viage, ni en un mismo tiempo, ni de una misma 
manera, sino que realmente proceden de diversas Naciones, de las quales unos 
fueron por Mar, forcados, i hechados de Tormenta, otros sin ella, i con Nave- 
gacion, i Arte particular, buscando aquellas Tierras, de que tenian alguna 
noticia. Unos caminaron por tierra, buscando aquella, de la qual hallaron hecha 
mencion en Autores graves: otros aportando a ella, acaso, 6 compelidos de 
hambre, 6 de Enemigos circumvencinos, 0 idendo cagando para comer, como 
Gente falvagina: . . . . Lo que siento acerca de esto, es, que unos Indios pro- 
ceden de Cartaginenses, que... . poblaron la Espanola, Cuba, &c. Otros 
proceden de quellos diez Tribus, que se perdieron, . . . . Otros proceden de la 
Gente, que poblo, 6 mando poblar, Ophir en la Nueva-Espafa, i Pert. .... 
Otros proceden de Gente que viva en la Isla Atlantica de Platon. Otros de 
algunos que partieron de las partes proximas i mas cercanas a la sobredicha Isla, 
pasaron por ella a las de Barlovento, que estan bien cerca de donde ella estaba, 
i de aquellas a la Tierra firme..... Otros proceden de Griegos. Otros de 
Fenicianos. Otros de Chinos, i Tartaros, i otras Naciones..... 2 (2, Busy), 

*Shows Latin-like words in Peru (p. 174 et seq.), Greek (pp. 191-192), 
Phoenician (p. 253 et seq.). 


cans include Milius (1607), Grotius (1642), De Laet (1643), Horn 
(1652), Holm (1702), Charlevoix (1744), and Clavigero (1807). 
They collectively add little if anything original. But the two last 
mentioned, unquestionably the best instructed, though adhering to 
American polygeny, each expressed independently a view on the 
problem which deserves to be quoted. 

Charlevoix (1744) regards the majority of the theories hitherto 
advanced as “ purely chimerical ” and is of the opinion that 
nearly all the writers on the subject have based their conjectures on such 
ruinous foundations, or had recourse to such frivolous deductions from names, 

customs, religion, and languages, that it appears quite as useless to try to refute 
the same as to conciliate them with each other. (Vol. 5, p. 2.) 

And a similar sentiment is voiced by Clavigero, who says (vol. 2, 
ps 205): 

There are authors who, in order to do wrong to no people, believe the 
Americans the descendants of all the nations of the world. So great a variety 
and extravagance of opinion is owing to a persuasion that, to make one nation 
be believed to have sprung from another, no more is necessary than to find 
some affinity in the words of their languages, and some similarity in their 
rites, customs, and manners. 


Scientific work proper on the American Indian commences with 
Linné, Buffon, and Blumenbach abroad, and with Jefferson and 
Barton in this country. All these write on the subject toward the 
end of the eighteenth or beginning of the nineteenth century; and 
since then there is a long list of students of man who occupy them- 
selves with the problem of American origins. A majority of all these. 
particularly those of this continent and who had the broadest experi 
ence with the Indian, although well aware of the multiplicity of types 
and tribal variation, incline strongly toward the idea of his general 
north- and east-Asiatic affinities. Yet there were and are also other 
notions, particularly among European anthropologists, who have had 
less extensive direct contact with the Indian. 

During the nineteenth and the present centuries polyracial theories 
of the origin of the American Indians are advanced not only by 
writers such as Coates and Baldwin, but also by a number of pro- 
fessional scientific men, among them Quatrefages, Rudolph Virchow, 
Rivet, and Correa. But the theories change and crystallize in new 
directions. The hypotheses of European, north-African and western 
Asiatic origins have practically been given up, but new ideas arise and 
are strongly supported. Basing their beliefs on apparent linguistic, 


cultural, and even some physical resemblances, the later advocates of 
multiple American origins urge the acceptance of the theory that the 
Polynesians and Melanesians, and even the Australians, participated 
in the peopling of North and especially South America. 


The theories that will receive attention in this paper are only those 
that relate to the presence on the American continent, aside from the 
introductions through the white man’s agencies, of African or Mela- 
nesian blacks, and of the Australians. 



The beginnings of the theory of Melanesian migrations into 
America date far back. According to Pereira (1648), the first opin- 
ions to that effect were to be found in Martinez, Ortelio, and other 
early writers. He says (p. 21): 

The extension, on the south or toward the Antarctic pole and beyond the Straits 
of Magellan of the land of Patagones, is unknown; but it is held as certain 
that, cold as these regions must be, they will be found peopled and continuous 
below the frigid zone. And, we are told by Martinez, Ortelio, and others, they 
join New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, the outskirts of Peru and the kingdom 
of Chile. Facilitating thus a transit, the population of and propagation in 
America were not difficult. 

With these old opinions regarding the Melanesians, there are also 
some early references to “ Negroes” on the American continent. 

The first to refer to this subject is Peter Martyr, who, writing 
within 3 years after the discovery of the Pacific by Balboa and using 
information from letters received from the Isthmus, includes the 
following unaccredited passage in his Thyrde Decade: 

There is a region not past two dayes iourney distant from Quarequa, in which 
they founde only blacke Moores [in the original Latin text ‘“ Nigritos”]; and 
those excedynge fierce and cruell. They suppose that in tyme paste certeyne 
blacke mores sayled thether owt of Aethiopia to robbe: and that by shippewracke 

or sume other chaunce, they were dryuen to those mountaynes. The inhabitantes 
of Quarequa lyue in continuall warre and debate with these blacke men. (Dec. 3, 


¼ According to Lehmann the Latin text reads: “ Mancipia ibi negra repererunt, 
ex regione distante i Quaréqua dierum spatio tantum duorum, quae solos gignit 
Nigritos, et eos feroces atque admodum truces. Ex Aethiopia putant traiecisse 
quondam latrocinii causa Nigritos, inque illis montibus naufregatos fixisse 
pedem.” (P. 330.) 


The same “ blacks” are later (1552) referred to by Gomara, who 

In Cuareca Balboa found neither bread nor gold..... Instead he found 
some Negro slaves of the lord. He asked whence they had them but they 
could not tell him or understand more than that there were men of that color 

nearby with whom they carried on regular war. These were the first Negroes 
seen in the Indies and I believe there were seen no more.° 

Apparently the same “ blacks” are also referred to by GutiĂ©rrez, 
who, however, gives this version: 
In the pueblo Quareta were found two fine Negroes, slaves of sefior Thoreca, 

who were said to have come here in balsas from the west from the south sea 
that at present is known as New Guinea.’ 

Oviedo, the first official historian of the newly discovered parts of 
America, who wrote earlier (1535-) than Gomara and who reached 
Darien personally within less than a year of Balboa’s journey across 
the isthmus, spent a large part of his life in those regions and had 
direct contacts there with the Indians. He used what Balboa himself 
had written, consulted with him, and was intimately acquainted with 
the experiences of the other Spaniards who during his sojourn at 
Darien overran and exploited the territory. He gives much more 
numerous details about the natives than does Gomara, but in his 
account of the events at Darien (Lib. 29) has nothing whatever to 
say about any Negroes. There is no allusion to such people in the 
published accounts of any of the other Spanish officials and priests 
who were then or later in that region. 

There is no doubt, of course, that the Darien Indians had slaves 
or serfs. Oviedo gives interesting and possibly significant information 
on this point. Speaking of the chiefs of some of the Darien tribes he 
tells us that: 

And the same caciques gave the Spaniards some Indians whom they hold 
among themselves as slaves, who serve them, and whom they have captured 

in war that is never wanting among the Indians. They call these slaves paco, 
and each cacique has his slaves branded by a different sign on the arm or face, 

ÂźIn Cuareca (Isthmus of Panama) Balboa “no hallĂ© pan ni oro, que lo habian 
alzado antes de pelear. Empero hallé algunos negros esclavos del sefior. Pre- 
gunté de donde los habian, y no le supieron decir o entender mas de que habia 
hombres de aquel color cerca de alli, con quien tenian guerra muy ordinaria. 
Estos fueron los primeros negros que se vieron en Indias, y aun pienso que no 
se han visto mas.” (Vol. 1, chap. 62, p. 143.) 

7“En el pueblo de Quareta se hallaron dos negros finos, esclauos del sefior 
Thoreca, que sefialaron auer venido alli en balsas de hazia el poniente por esta 
mar del Sur que oy dia se llama la Nueua Guinea.” (Vol. 4, chap. 66, p. 573, 
quoted by Lehmann, p. 331.) 


while some mark them by extracting one of their front teeth. Also, the caciques 
and their subjects paint themselves, and their devices and inventions in this 
respect are much different from those that they use for their slaves.* 


The reports of “blacks” in the Panama territory fail also of any 
corroboration by later writers. In 1901 Vergara y Velasco states that, 
according to a report of a subchief, there existed in the Cuna district 
of Darien, until 10 years before, “ remnants of an aboriginal popu- 
lation of reduced height, black skin, not exceeding 100 or 200 indi- 
viduals and entirely savage ”’;* but as this applies to something existing 
(if such was the case) nearly four centuries after the introduction of 
the Negro into the Spanish American possessions, it can at best have 
but little bearing on the subject under discussion. 

Nevertheless, the reports.on the Darien “blacks ”’ are evidently 
taken for facts by De Quatrefages, one of the foremost European 
anthropologists of his time. As early as 1861, in his “ UnitĂ© de l’espece 
humaine”, Quatrefages says (p. 405) : 

Study of the physical characters leads, hence, to the admission that America 

has been peopled by emigrants from the Old World and belonging more or 

less to the three principal races of the same, namely, the white, the yellow, and 
the black. 

On page 413 he refers to the “ Negroes ” spoken of by Martyr and 
Gomara. The above thought involves only the African Negro, but 
in time Quatrefages’ view extends. One of the main though not 
immediate causes of this is the discovery of the Lagoa Santa type of 
skulls in South America. 

Lehmann adds to the above one or two references (p. 331) from 
hazy legends of pre-Columbian Peru on black-skinned prisoners or 
slaves; he mentions further the paintings on two pieces of pottery 
found in the vicinity of Trujillo and pictured by Wiener, which show 
“ dark-colored people who are driven by light-colored ones ”’ building 

8“ VY los mismos caciques daban a los espafioles algunos indios que entre ellos 
tienen por esclavos, y se sirven dellos, que los han avido en la guerra, la qual 
nunca falta entre los indios unos con otros y al ques esclava llamanle paco, y 
cada cacique tiene sus esclavos herrados con su sefial diferengiada en el braco 
6 en la cara, y algunos tienen por sefial sacarle al esclavo un diente de los 
delanteros de la boca. Tambien los caciques se pintan a si y a sus indios y gente, 
y tienen sus divisas Ă© invenciones de pinturas para esto de otra manera, muy 
diferenciadas de las que usan poner a los esclavos.” (Vol. 3, lib. 29, cap. 2, p. 8.) 

*“ Seetin informes de uno de sus prinzipales jefes, en esas montafias existian 
hace diez afios restos de una poblacion aborigen, de reducida talla, negra la piel, 
muy escasa en numero (100 a 200) y enteramente salvaje; referia que los Cuna- 
cunas quitaron a ese pueblo el terreno que hoy ocupan despues de una gran 
matanza y temen encontrar a alguno dellos que quedaron por creerlos hechiceros 
y hasta demonios.” (Vol. 1, p. 878; quoted by W. Lehmann, p. 331.) 


in one case a wall of stones, in the other a wall of bricks. All this, 
as well as what will follow on the subject of “blacks” in North 
America, will receive consideration in the critical part of this paper. 


In 1835-44, in certain caves of the state of Minas Geraes, Brazil, 
and in association with the bones of extinct as well as still living 
animals, P. W. Lund, a noted Danish naturalist, found a series of 
remains of human skeletons.” 

These remains included 17 or 18 more or less imperfect skulls, one 
of which came to be preserved in the Historical and Geographical 
Institute of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, one—of a child—in the British 
Museum, and the rest in Copenhagen. They are commented upon, as 
far as their racial features are concerned, thus by Lund himself 

(1844) :” 

If we consider these remains of man from the standpoint of the ethnographic 
traits which they present, we shall see that all the skulls bear the distinctive 
features of the American race..... The race which occupied this part of 
the world in remote antiquity was in its general type the same as that which 
inhabited the country at the time of the discovery by the Europeans. 

In 1876 the skull preserved in Rio de Janeiro is described by 
Lacerda and Peixoto. Their main conclusion is (pp. 72-73), that 
the fossil cranium of Lagoa Santa “ closely approaches in its charac- 
teristics the crania of the Botocudos.” 

In 1879, on the occasion of the Anthropological Congress in Mos- 
cow, Quatrefages presents a communication dealing with the Lagoa 
Santa discoveries and the Lacerda and Peixoto report on one of the 
skulls from the cave of Sumidouro. In discussing the characteristics 
of this skull * he calls especial attention to its height. His statements 
in this connection could not be more explicit, yet in course of time 
they have been so abused that they deserve to be quoted in full. They 
are as follows: 

By the union of dolichocephaly and hypsistenocephaly the skull of Lagoa 
Santa approaches in a very unexpected way the skulls of divers other races, 
and particularly those of the Papuans. The two characteristics are even more 

accentuated in it than in the average of the Melanesians so well studied by 
Wile dalevooie go 6 In calling attention to these resemblances I intend in no 

” For a detailed account of these remains see Hrdlicka (1912). 

“Tn his important communication to C. C. Rafn, Secretary of the SociĂ©tĂ© 
Royal des Antiquaires du Nord. See Lund in Literature Cited. 

2 The principal measurements of the specimen, which belonged to a male of 
about 30 years of age, are given thus: Capacity, 1388 cc; diam. ant.-poster., 
18.5 cm; transverse max., 12.9 cm; “ vertical”, 14.5 cm; C. I., 69.7. 


way to draw a conclusion as to identity, nor even to a closeness of the races. 
Their dimensions in the skulls which I compare do not approach each other ex- 
cept in result of the reached compensations. Thus in the Papuans a plane pass- 
ing from the anterior alveolar border and external occipital protuberance leaves 
beneath it only a very small portion of the occipital bone. This is different in 
the skull of Lagoa Santa, in which the inferior occipital region bulges con- 
siderably. It is the exceptional development of this portion which compensates 
for the lowering of the vault and gives to the skull its great height.” 

To which Quatrefages adds: 

In taking here ‘the Papuan head for comparison, I do not intend to establish 
any ethnological relation between the man of Sumidouro and the inhabitants 
of New Guinea. Hypsistenocephaly is found also in the African Negroes and 
among the Malaysian populations, but at the moment when I wrote the present 
memoir, the Papuans were the only ones whose craniological study had been 
finished. This is why I believed it interesting to point out the characteristics 
possessed in common by these two human groups so distant in space and in 

Notwithstanding Quatrefages’ clear and most sensible statements, 
a “ Melanesian” suggestion has been made and will insistently be 
used by later authors in support of their theories. 

The next to discuss the Lagoa Santa crania is the anatomist and 
anthropologist Kollmann (1884). After a study of 11 of the speci- 
mens at Copenhagen, his conclusions, so far as the characteristics of 
the skulls are concerned, are that— 
howsoever valuable all these individual features established by means of crani- 
ology are, much more significant still is the fact, which must impress itself 

%“ Dar la rĂ©union de la dolichocĂ©phalie et de l’hypsistĂ©nocĂ©phalie, la tete 
de Lagoa-Santa se rapproche d’une maniĂ©re assez inattendue des tĂ©tes de divers 
autres races et en particulier des tétes papouas. Les deux caractéres sont 
méme plus accusés chez elle, que chez la moyenne des Mélanésiens si bien 
Ă©tudiĂ©s par M-r Hamy..... En signalant ces ressemblances, je n’entends 
nullement conclure a une identité, ni méme a un voisinage des races. Les chiffres 
précédents ne se rapprochent que par suite des compensations établies dans 
les tétes que je compare. Ainsi chez les Papouas un plan passant par le 
bord alvéolaire antérieur et la protuberence occipitale externe, ne laisse au 
dessous de lui qu’ une trĂ©s faible portion de l’occipital. Il en est autrement dans 
le crane de Lagoa-Santa, ot! la région occipitale inférieure se renfle consider- 
ablement. C’est le dĂ©velopement exceptionnel de cette partie qui compense le 
surbaissement de la voute et donne au crane sa grande hauteur.” (Pp. 329-330.) 

“En prenant ici la tĂ©te papouas pour terme de comparaison, je n’entends 
Ă©tablir d’ailleurs aucun rapport ethnologique entre l’homme du Sumidouro et 
les habitants de la Nouvelle GuinĂ©e. L’hypsistenocĂ©phalie se retrouve chez les 
négres africains, chez les populations malaisiennes, mais au moment, ot je 
redigeais le mémoire actuel, les papouas étaient les seuls dont l'étude crani- 
ologique fut terminĂ©e. Voila pourquoi j’ai cru interessant de signaler la com- 
munauté de caractéres existant entre ces groupes humains si distant dans 
l’espace et dans le temps.” (Footnote 2, p. 320.) 


upon everyone, that the skulls from Lagoa Santa have the character of Ameri- 
can crania, the racial features of the still-living Indians. (Pp. 198-1909.) 

In 1885 a succinct report on his study of the whole collection of 
the Lagoa Santa crania preserved at Copenhagen is published by 
Ten Kate. After showing that these skulls are not as uniform as 
has been represented by Kollmann, who did not study quite all the 
specimens, the author says: 

I accept willingly the view that the skulls of Lagoa Santa offer close analogies 
with other American series, notably with the Botocudos and natives of Lower 
Calitormay (CR 2135) 

The year 1888 sees the publication by the Lund Museum of a 
volume of the Danish studies on the Lagoa Santa remains, and this 
includes communications on the human bones by Ltitken and Hansen. 

Lutken, in an excellent exposition of the subject, is justly skeptical 
as to the great antiquity of the remains and avoids all speculation 
as to their racial affinities. In the same volume, however, Hansen 
publishes an exhaustive study of the Lagoa Santa human skeletal 
remains that are preserved in Copenhagen, and though he has no 
Melanesian materials for comparison, he accentuates Quatrefages’ 
suggestion as to the resemblance of the Lagoa Santa skulls and bones 
to those of the Papuans. He says: The type of the skulls “ corre- 
sponds perfectly to the Papuan type, a fact already announced by 
M. de Quatrefages in connection with the skull of Rio, but still more 
pronounced when one considers the whole series ”; and, “ The bones 
of the limbs indicate a small or medium stature but robust [body], a 
new resemblance with the Papuans.” ” 

Meanwhile, some especially interesting discoveries, which eventually 
give the theory of Oceanic blacks in America a certain standing, 
are reported from Lower California. 


The finds in Lower California were initiated in 1883 by the visit 
to that region of one of the foremost students of the American natives 
of the latter part of the past century, Dr. Ten Kate. Part of the 
results of this trip was the collection, from caves on the island of 
Espiritu Santo and the neighboring coast, of seven skulls and a small 
series of other parts of the skeleton. In the caves the bones lay 

¼“ Ce type correspond parfaitement au type Papou, fait dĂ©ja signalĂ© par 
M. de ‘Quatrefages pour le crane de Rio, mais encore plus prononcĂ© si l’on 
regarde toute la série au lieu de la seule piéce qu'il conntt..... Les os des 
membres indiquent une stature petite ou moyenne mais trés forte, ressemblance 
nouvelle avec les Papous.” (P. 36.) 


either free and mixed on the floor or were inhumed at but a slight 
depth from the surface. These remains were reported upon in 1884. 

The main feature of the skulls is the exceptionally narrow and high 
vault. In various respects they resemble the skulls of the Melanesians, 
though they are even more dolichocephalic, but in others they resemble 
those of some American Indians. Ten Kate says further: “I have 
nothing in my collection of Lower California that would remind me 
of more or less Melanesian types in the living. All the individuals I 
saw had the characteristics of the various mixbloods and Indians that 
are found in Mexico in general.” * To which he adds: The old 
authors, speaking of the Indians of the Peninsula, say that “ these 
much resembled other ‘ Mexicans’, and that there were large differ- 
ences in stature and skin color. . . . . I have seen but two individuals 
reputedly legitimate Indians, an old lady who was of a noted Indian 
type such as may be found in almost any part of Mexico”’, and a man, 
of uncertain derivation. And if these two were Indians, “ then surely 
there are still to the south of La Paz many Indians, such as those 
I met on the road and who call themselves ‘ gente de razon’ and con- 
sequently Catholics, who presented Indian types much more marked 
than those of the above two individuals.” 

The main conclusions of Ten Kate in this article (1884) have been 
so misrepresented that they must here be quoted in the original. 
They are: 

1. Il existait, dans la partie australe de la presqu’ile californienne et les iles 
de la cOte avoisinante, une race indigéne dont le cractére le plus frappant est 
la rĂ©union de la dolichocĂ©phalie et I’hypsistĂ©nocĂ©phalie ; 

2. Cette race se rapproche d’une cotĂ© des MĂ©lanĂ©siens; d’un autre cotĂ©, 
des races américaines se rapprochant le plus de la race dolichocéphale dont 
le type de Lagoa Santa est le représentant le plus ancien; 

3. La race de la presqu’ile de la dite morphologie cĂ©phalique Ă©tait d’une 
taille un peu au-dessus de la moyenne (1ℱ, 65 environ). (Pp. 568-569). 

In 1887 Ten Kate published in Mexico a second and similar paper 
on the anthropology of Lower California. After giving the measure- 
ments of the seven skulls dealt with in his earlier report, and of some 

**“ Je n’ai rien dans mes souvenirs de la basse Californie qui me rappelle des 

types plus ou moins mélanésiens observés sur le vivant. Tous les indivdus 
que j’ai vus avaient les traits de mĂ©tis et d’Indiens si variĂ©s que l’on trouve 
au Mexique en gĂ©nĂ©ral.” 

*““ Plusieurs de ces caractĂ©res se trouvent plus ou moins prononcĂ©s sur des 
cranes mĂ©lanĂ©siens et a en juger d’aprĂ©s l’impression gĂ©nĂ©rale de notre sĂ©rie, 
on croirait avoir affaire a des Mélanésiens. .... Les auteurs anciens ne nous 
décrivent pas le type des Péricués en particulier, mais bien celui des Indiens 
de la pĂ©ninsule en gĂ©nĂ©ral. Ils disent qu’ils ressemblent beaucoup aux autres 
“Mexicains’ et qu'il y avait de grandes diffĂ©rences de taille et de couleur de 
la peau. Baegert a observĂ© Ă©videmment l’oeil bridĂ© chez les Guaycuri.” 


bones, he says once more: “‘ Many of these characters of the skulls 
are encountered, more or less marked, in Melanesian skulls, and to 
judge from the general impression of our series it might be believed 
that we were dealing with Melanesians.”’ However, (p. 14) “if on 
one hand our Californian skulls offer similarities with the Melanesians, 
on the other they possess similar characters with those of certain 
American series”, especially such as those of the Botocudo, the 
Patagonians, and the ancient Lagoa Santa group. 

In 1888 Ten Kate publishes in Science an excellent critique of 
the paper in which Dr. Brinton attempted to deny the Mongoloid 
affinity of the American Indians. In this critique, based on extensive 
personal observations among both the North and the South American 
tribes, he unequivocally asserts his conviction of such an affinity, 
and has no word to say about the possibility of any other racial con- 
stituents on the continent. 

In 1887 and 1889 the field is entered, once more, by Quatrefages. 
In these years he publishes two volumes on the “ Histoire gĂ©nĂ©rale 
des races humaines’’. In the first volume (1887) he makes no refer- 
ence to any Melanesian element in the region of Lagoa Santa or 
anywhere else in South America, but believes (pp. 145-146) that 
the Melanesian Negroes ‘‘ have reached on one side Easter Island 
and on the other even California”. His map of human migrations in 
the Pacific (opp. p. 144) fails also to show any oceanic human stream 
advancing beyond Easter Island toward South America. In the 
second volume, however, published in 1889, there are a number of 
references to Melanesian elements in the New World. So far as 
South America is concerned, but little is said in this connection, and 
that little is very vague or even negative ; but there are some positive 
statements as to California. 

On page 308 of this volume we read: The characteristics of the 
Lagoa Santa skulls “might make us think that the fossil race of 
Brazil belonged to the Negro type. But in the special memoir which 
I have devoted to the subject I have already stated that such an ap- 
proach should be discarded.” “ He adds in the next paragraph: 

In reality, among the present populations there are those that have preserved 
in a remarkable manner the craniological type of Lagoa Santa and are evidently 

18“ Tes recherches encore inĂ©dits, que M. Hansen a bien voulu me com- 
muniquer, il résulte que la race américaine de Lagoa-Santa est bien décidément 
a la fois dolichocéphale et hypsisténocephale. En outre, la phototype que nous 
devons a MM. Lacerda et Peixoto nous la montre comme presentant un 
prognathisme trés accusé. Au premier abord, la réunion de ces trois caractéres 
pourrait faire penser que la race fossile du brésil se rattachait au type negre. 
Mais dans le mĂ©moire spĂ©cial que je lui ai consacrĂ©, j’ai dĂ©ja signalĂ© ce rap- 
prochement comme devant Ă©tre Ă©cartĂ©.” 


representatives, at times but very little admixed, of this race. But none of these 
resemble the Negro in the general aspect, in color, in the hair, etc., while a 
large quantity of evidence shows them by all the external characteristics to be 
very close to certain of the yellow races.” 

Struck by the resemblance of the dolicho-hypsistenocephalic skull 
type to that of the Eskimo, Quatrefages suggests that “the race of 
Lagoa Santa, as far as can be judged from the data we possess, might 
be considered as a simple group of the Eskimoid family.” ” 

Other references to the Oceanic blacks in this volume are as follows: 

The blacks played but a small role in the constitution of the American 

The arrival of the Papuans in New Zealand and especially in Cali- 
fornia was incidental and 

due, very probably, to some accident on the seas, to the carrying away of some 
canoes by the currents of New-Holland or the Kouro Sivo.” 

In Malaysia, the black element, so easy of recognition when pure, shows 
its intervention even after much crossing. In America, this element has dis- 
appeared everywhere, except in a very few and circumscribed localities.” 

The three fundamental types of humanity [white, yellow, black] are en- 
countered therefore in America, as in Malaysia.” 

«En effet, parmi les populations actuelles, il en est qui ont conserve d'une 
maniére remarquable le type craniologique de Lagoa-Santa et sont évidemment 
les reprĂ©sentants parfois assez peu mĂ©tissĂ©s de cette race. Or, aucune d’elles ne 
ressemble au Neégre par le facies général, par le teint, par la chevelure, etc.; 
tandis qu’une foule de documents nous les montre comme Ă©tant trĂ©s voisines 
de certaines races jaunes par tour leurs caractĂ©res extĂ©rieurs. C’est donc parmi 
les reprĂ©sentants de ce type qu’il faut chercher des affinitĂ©s ethniques reliant 
les tribus fossiles a4 leurs descendants.” (Pp. 308-300.) 

»“Ta race de Lagoa Santa, a en juger par les documents dont nous dis- 
posons, pourrait étre considérée comme un simple groupe de la famille esqui- 
male.’ (P. 310.) 

2“Tes Noirs n’ont Ă©tĂ© que pour trĂ©s peu de chose dans la constitution des 
races amĂ©ricaines.” (P. 335.) 

“On ne saurait, je pense, attribuer en entier l’expansion des Papouas a 
linitiative et a l’activitĂ© volontaire de ces insulaires. Leur arrivĂ©e a la Nouvelle- 
ZĂ©lande et surtout en Californie est due, bien probablement, a quelque accident 
de mer, a l’entraintement de quelques canots par le courant de la Nouvelle- 
Hollande et par le Kouro-Sivo.” (P. 360.) 

“F'n Malaisie, l’élĂ©ment noir, si facile A reconnaitre lorsqu’il est pur, accuse 
son intervention méme aprés de nombreux croisements. En Amérique, cet 
élément disparait de partout, sauf sur un trés petit nombre de points extrémement 
circonscrits.” (P. 550.) 

*“Tes trois types fondamentaux de l’humanitĂ© se sont donc rencontrĂ©s en 
AmĂ©rique comme en Malaisie.” (P. 551.) 


On pages 550-552 Quatrefages, now seriously influenced by the 
Ten Kate finds in Lower California, thus summarizes his views on 
the subject: 

On the whole, America appears to have been peopled, for the larger part, 
by immigrants connected more or less with the yellow stem. Relations of all 
kinds existing between American aborigines and different Asiatic groups 
have been noted many times by a multitude of travelers who have seen and 
compared the two races. The European anthropologists have been able on 
different occasions to recognize the exactness of these relations. 

Notwithstanding this he believes that there also came to the 

American coasts, through accidents of the sea, some blacks from the 
South Seas. And these blacks 

have not all remained on the coasts. Some of their tribes have penetrated 
considerably into the interior of the continent. The ethnological map of M. 
Powers shows that the tribe of the Achomawis, among others, reached the 
Sierra Nevada and confines of the Shoshones. Judging from the following 
statement, which I take from Schoolcraft, they reached much beyond this and 
farther to the south. In 1775 the Padre Francisco Garcés visited Zufii, one of 
the southernmost pueblos, and found there two races of men and two languages. 
One part of the inhabitants showed a clear red color and handsome features; 
the others were black and ugly. An instructed native, interrogated on the 
subject, replied that the red people had come from one of the pueblos that 
became ruined, while the blacks were the ancient inhabitants of the country. 
Thus at least at this point the Papuas, represented doubtless by mixbloods, have 
preceded the Pueblos, as they have preceded the Maoris in New Zealand. ... . 

I have mentioned before the little that one can attribute to the African 
Negroes, and I do not return to that part. As to the Melanesian blacks, 
their role, although circumscribed, has been much more considerable. Already, 
the details given by La PĂ©rouse on the natives in the environs of Monterey 
authorize plainly the admission that a black element had at least modified at 
that point the color of the local races. The information which we owe to 
Stephen Powers on several other Californian tribes should not leave place 
for the slightest doubt. It results from his descriptions that the color is, as 
was said by La PĂ©rouse, perfectly or nearly perfectly black among the Yuroks, 
Karoks, Chillalas, Gallinomeros, Achomawis, etc. This author speaks, among 
other things, of the shiny and supple skin of some of these tribes, and compares 
them in this regard to the Ethiopian Negroes; and this character is in com- 
plete discord with what one observes in the yellow races. Unfortunately, 
Mr. Powers says nothing about the hair, nor about the form of the skull. But 
this last deficiency is filled by the discovery of M. Ten Kate..... 

The California family is far from being homogeneous and should later on 
be divided. The three fundamental types of humanity, the black, the yellow, and 
the white, here encounter each other. We know that the representatives of 
the first have arrived by the sea from the Melanesian islands. As to the two 
others, at least on the whole, they came from the north. Possibly linguistics, 
interrogated on the point of the mixture of the black race with the yellow and 
white, will also give indications on the subject. 



In addition to the above, Quatrefages came to believe in the presence 
and rather wide dispersion in pre-Columbian America of the early 
Norsemen, the Canary Islanders, and perhaps other contingents of the 
white race; in smaller accidental accretions of the African Negroes ; 
in the presence of small elements of the Polynesians and Indonesians, 
and of larger numbers of the Chinese and Japanese. 

In 1890, before the VIII International Congress of Americanists 
at Paris, Ten Kate (1892) returns once more to the question of the 
racial affinity of the American natives. In speaking on the “ Question 
of Plurality and Parentage of the American Races”, he expresses 
himself thus: 

I maintain that the Americans, by the assemblage of their characters, belong 
to the yellow races and that they are, as the Malay and the Polynesians, con- 
geners of the so-called Mongolic peoples of Asia. Moreover, T believe this to 
be the opinion of the majority of anthropologists, French as well as others. 
.... I have not arrived at this conclusion until after I have seen and ex- 
amined a great number. (P. 293.) 

In 1917 Ten Kate still holds that “the somatic characteristics of 
the American Indians, taken as a whole, are those of the yellow races 
in general”; also that “ one finds Americanoid types almost every- 
where: in Siberia, in the Himalayas and the neighboring regions, in 
China, Japan, Indonesia, and Polynesia.” He believes he can dis- 
tinguish in America at least six principal or “ primordial” and per- 
haps as many secondary “ races ” ; some of which races, both principal 
and secondary, inhabit also certain parts of eastern Asia and Oceania. 
He makes no point of the occurrence of the seemingly Melanesian- 
like skulls about La Paz in Lower California, and there is no refer- 
ence in the paper to Melanesian or other blacks. 

In 1894 approximately 100 additional skeletal parts, including one 
skull, are brought from the east coast of Lower California by LĂ©on 
Diguet and are shortly after that briefly reported upon by Deniker 
(1895). The skull resembles in the essentials those reported by Ten 
Kate: the bones indicate a stature, in the men, of about 162 cm. 

These remains, together with nine other skulls and some bones 
from the same region brought by Diguet as a result of his second trip 
to Lower California in 1898, became the property of the Muséum 
d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, and came to be studied, together with the 
Ten Kate material which is in the collections of the SociĂ©tĂ© d’An- 
thropologie in the same city, by Paul Rivet. Utilizing also data on 
the small collection of Lower California remains preserved in the 
United States National Museum at Washington, furnished by 
Hrdliéka, Rivet in 1909 published a handsome report on the materials. 


He has obtained from the long bones the stature, for the males, of; and the characteristics of the 18 available skulls, together 
with those of the other parts of the skeleton, lead him to the follow- 
ing deductions: 

The Pericues [Lower Californians] differ from the American races in 
general and especially from the neighboring Indian populations in the pro- 
portions of their body and in a certain number of the characteristics of their 
skeleton, which appear to approximate them to Negritic peoples, without 
however showing a perfect identity with the latter.” 

The main features that present similarities with the blacks, in 
Rivet’s opinion, are the lack of platycnemy in the tibia and the high 
pilasteric index of the femur, together with the relative shortness of 
the neck and the torsion of this bone. As to the skulls, there is no 
line of demarcation between those of the Pericues and those of the 
Indians farther north, the characteristics of the one group passing 
gradually into those of the others;* but he regards this as evidence 
of an infiltration of the southern type into the more northern.” 

Following Quatrefages, Rivet calls attention to the resemblance of 
the South California cranial type to that of the northern Eskimo on 
one hand, and to the Lagoa Santa skulls on the other, and then con- 
cludes that, 

* “Tis diffĂ©raient des races amĂ©ricaines en gĂ©nĂ©ral et surtout des populations 
avoisinantes par les proportions du corps et par un certain nombre de caractéres 
squelettiques, qui semblent les rapprocher des populations nigritiques, sans qu'il 
y ait toutefois identitĂ© parfaite avec celles-ci.’ (P. 212.) 

7°“ On constate Ă©galement de la facon la plus Ă©vidente que plus on s’éloigne 
de la Basse-Californie en allant vers le nord, plus l’indice cephalique tend a 
augmenter, et ce phénoméne apparait avec une netteté vraiment frappante. Ce 
fait, quia Ă©tĂ© dĂ©ja signalĂ© par Boas puis par Matiegka, ne laisse pas d’etre assez 
embarrassant. En effet, étant donnée la continuité des termes de passage qui 
existent entre la forme hypsisténocéphale typique de Basse-Californie et les formes 
plus ou moins platymĂ©sati- ou platybrachycĂ©phales de l’archipel septentrional, 
il est extrémement difficile de faire des coupures dans un groupement en ap- 
parence aussi homogĂ©ne, ou, en d’autres termes, d’indiquer une limite entre les 
variations extrémes de deux ou plusieurs types humains réunis les uns aux 
autres, comme dans le cas précédent, par des formes de transition aussi nom- 
breuses que possible. En rĂ©alitĂ©, le problĂ©me est insoluble si l’on s’en tient aux 
rapports mĂ©triques, c’est-a-dire aux indices, et pour le rĂ©soudre, il faut faire 
appel a la morphologie.” (Pp. 239-240.) 

7“ Une infiltration du type hypsidolichocĂ©phale s’est donc certainement pro- 
duite vers le continent, plus accentuée, semble-t-il, que vers les iles, mais elle a 
Ă©tĂ© arretĂ©e et submergĂ©e par les flots d’une autre race a caractĂ©res tout a fait 
diffĂ©rents, et parait de ce fait avoir Ă©tĂ© assez limitĂ©e.” (P. 242.) 


the Pericues of Lower California and the race of Lagoa Santa, with their 
multiple representations, belong to one and the same ethnic type, which is none 
other than the dolicho-acrocephalic Oceanic type of Biasutti and Mochi.* 

In the following pages (244-248) Rivet inclines gradually more 
and more to the conclusion that the Lower Californian and related 
types of man in the two Americas are of Melanesian origin, owing to 
ancient immigration from the Pacific; and that the differences they 
present from the parent stock and among themselves are due to local 
differentiations. He summarizes his views thus: 

[The Lower Californians] connect closely with the South American race of 
Lagoa Santa. They present no less evident affinities with the hypsi-stenocephalic 
race spread over Melanesia and Australia. The differences which exist between 
the three varieties of the same race, both as to skull and as to skeleton, are 
explainable by the different conditions of life and different environment to which 
they have been subjected. The double hypothesis advanced by Ten Kate in 1884 
finds therefore in all points a confirmation. (P. 248.) 

This adds a strange and unexpected chapter to the whole subject. 
From this it would seem to be but a short step toward the conclusion 
that the Australians have actually reached pre-Columbian America, 
and this step, it will be seen, is not long in being taken. 

Meanwhile, in 1877 and again in 1888, Rudolf Virchow, seeing the 
variety of American-Indian crania, reaches the belief that this indi- 
cates a heterogeneity of origin ; but we find here, as so often before as 
well as Jater, an evident confusion of the concepts of “race” and 
“type”. He says, in his earlier communication (p. 155): 

The general craniological classification does not accordingly exclude the 
possibility that, at very different times, dolichocephalic as well as brachycephalic 
immigration into America took place..... The most dangerous of all is the 
acceptance of a uniform old American stock..... The “red race” is probably 
just as little u